Hi Rani,
I posted this on the main site.
Thanks for translating. Happy Holidays!
No problem. Sorry about the spam. I’m looking to adding something to the forum that will help with identifying spam. Will keep you guys posted!
I have enabled registration approval. Which means I get all the new accounts and have to approve them. I’m using my discretion at the moment in approving. I’ll see what works and change the method. I would like to see if anyone with experience with PHPBB forum can help with add-ons or plug-ins that can help with spammers or slow them down. Some spammers are not even bots, they are actual humans with bad intentions. Hopefully the extra step of approval will prevent them from getting in.
Also I deleted a bunch of spam accounts just now so hopefully that cleaned up most of them, there could be more left and I’ll try to delete them.
I tried various things. Even added a CAPTCHA to stop bots from registering. Now I’ve turned on moderation of registrations, all new registrations have to be approved by me. Hopefully that will slow it down. I’m open on taking suggestions to improve the PHPBB forum software if anyone has experience with it to stop spammers. Any Add-Ons or Plug-ins?
I’m also trying to clean up old registrations that spammed before but that process is going slowly. If you want to become a moderator and help let me know. Few of us doing this may be faster.
I’ve tried to stop the spamming issues. Now I moderate all new registrations, and I’m cleaning up old stuff as I get time.
I’ll try to increase the signature size. This forum board doesn’t have the ability to mark questions answered but I can see if they have add-ons that let us do that easily. Will keep you posted.
@RaNi iS ThE BeS wrote:
Mukesh, the signature sizes are still small. There is a limit on how big our signature’s are. Anyway, I don’t mind it anymore. You can keep it the way it is. =)
But is there any way to bring back the old format of the Translations section? When a song was translated, you could put some sort of check mark on it, claiming it already translated. It was just a very simple and fast way to check through the songs, see which ones were already done and which ones still needed translating. It’s not a big deal, I don’t want you to go out of your way to bring it back, but if it’s possible and not too much trouble, it’d be nice to have for any future updates. =)
Video is great and the song just sets the scene perfectly. Well shot! 🙂
Glad to know you’re fine. Hope everyone out there is doing alright and their loved ones are doing alright after this tragic event
Hello, is this still an issue for the signature size?
@RaNi iS ThE BeS wrote:
Hello Admin ji, you’ve actually decreased the siggy size, not increased it. I used to be able to put up bigger pictures, up to 640X480, but I can’t do that anymore. Also, the avatar size is now perfect, thank you. =)
Please let me know what I can do to help bring back the old “charm”. Typically a forum board or message board is only as popular as the users make it, and you probably already know this, and that is what made the this forum what it is in your mind. But I do know that there are some things that the Administrator can do and I’ll try to do so. Let me know.
p.s. I’ve tried to tighten down the security and I hope it has made a difference. Let me know if the spam has gone done in the past few days!
@Bolly_Lover wrote:
Yeah it sucks that the forum has died-down now.. don’t see a lot of regulars here. I still like coming here and checking things out every once in a while :). All the spam is getting pretty annoying though!
I will see about adding rules and regulations. Perhaps copying them from the old site.
@boo wrote:
Hi Mukesh (and mods.. and members..),
Where are the rules and regulations for using this forum?
Is it possible to automatically ban any users who advertise for commercial purposes (i.e. not their own personal blogs/webpages/whatever) in their signatures? Some of the posts I look at seem really monotonous (yet relevant!) in style and they always have advertising in their signatures. I’m worried it is some form of intelligent spamming/advertising or something… what should I do?
Many thanks,
Hi I also have noticed a lot of spam. I’m looking into ways to improve security. As it stands, new members have to confirm they have a valid email address. This would at least get rid of those who are registering with bad emails. I think it may be needed to have a admin approve each registration. I can enable that and see if that works. But it will be difficult to tell just from registration if a person has intentions to spam. I will tighten the security code for registration and look at other spam blocking methods. Will keep you posted.
@boo wrote:
Hi Mukesh,
There is really a LOT of spam coming to the site, is there any way to further tighten the entry points into the forum? I know some forums that make you e-mail the admin to say you want to be a member of the site, so that it blocks out spammers, etc. … is it possible to do any such thing for BWL?
Or perhaps just better word verification at the front?
Also, Ninjalicious (Or Yemenilicious, she keeps changing her name!) has tried contacting you re. her password for the forum, and she has had no response and no automated e-mail response either — could you please assist? I will forward to you the e-mail that she sent me, but it is from a different e-mail address so please check your junk mail and spam mail as well, etc.
Many thanks,
I’ve increased the file size (that is what I was misunderstanding) to 11KB see if that helps. The signature is also increased.
So, show me the avatars you are talking about. I guess I’m not following you so let me know what avatars you are trying to use and we can then fix the issue.
Also I will increase the signature a bit as well…
I’ve increased the size of the avatars to be 100×100 see if that is good otherwise let me know
Hi boo,
You probably already noticed the bulletin on top. We are just about there with the new Forum. It took a little longer that our original date of early April. My computer crashed and so I had to wait till it was fixed.
I definately will welcome suggestions, but I would hold off on sending them until you have had a chance to see the new Forum. It’s completely new software and has most of the features you guys have requested. It also has Blogging software which I want to introduce for all of us eventually too. Go check out the Software vendor at http://www.communityserver.com.
Originally posted by boo
hey mukesh ji!
i was wondering how ur forum-changes are going? im not really sure whether i should suggest any changes yet? since u might be changing the layout, etc. of the forum soon… what kind of time scale are we talking? (like in months, or weeks or yr?) well if u want me to, ill post some of the suggestions i had in mind, but if u wanna tell us what you had in mind, that would be better (if its poss. for you)…
thanks, boo.
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
I deleted it, on the users request.
Originally posted by boo
not to be too nosey or anything… and you dont have to answer if you dont want to… but why has n/a been deleted?? and who was it?? :S
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
You are correct Madhuji. I intend for us to review the content before actually posting on the website. If it has been copied then we can either leave it in the forums or copy it and provide credit (via link) to the original website. We can work out the process.
Originally posted by Madhu
If I remember correctly you had also expressed concern that not all translations were original. You said some thing like if we were to copy from other sites then there might be copyright issues. For example all the translations that are cut and pasted from http://www.bollywhat.com. I could be mistaken but I seem to remember some thing of the sort. However, many of our translations are originals and could easily be taken from the forum and added to the website.
Finding the song information, such as name of movie, singer and music director etc. is time consuming but can be done. Actually if people were to provide more information when they put in their request it might make it easier for everyone. I know it certainly makes it easier for me to find the song when people provide detailed information because some times the search engines will not find it by the lyrics but the name of the movie will pull it up. Sometimes I have been succesful in finding a song because I knew who the singer was.
Sorry not responding earlier. Been busy with other stuff and finally got hands on the new Forum software we’ll be using! Looking to change this forum with the new one probably end of this month or first part of April.
I’m also working on creating a form where you and other contributors can copy the lyrics from the forum and post them in the main site, but that project is kind of going slow right now.
I am also re-designing the main website as well. I’ll post updates on that later.
Originally posted by boo
Mukesh ji: I’d love to give something back to this forum…
ill try my best… which films are you looking for? and where should i put the details? in the threads where the lyrics and translations were requested? or are they better off being sent to you?
If you want me to fall for you, you’ve got to give me something worth tripping over
Already on the site. No need to request.