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    • #7240
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Salaam peeps!

      I liked this thread when we had it in the old forum, so I decided to make it here as well! Big Smile

      Hey Forum, if anyone has a problem:
      You shud come here to talk about it:
      If you're feeling depressed,its okay to talk it out
      N you'll feel better.

      We can address some questions as suicide divorce depression and thing like those
      Feel FREE To TALK and let your feelings OUT

    • #58088
      jeez…typical females…whenever they have to let “feelings out” its always something bad isnt it ??! cant you kids ever have any NICE feelings ?!
    • #58089
      that sounded weird….i take it back….be miserable and share it to the world !! say it alll on an open / public forum !! its free to post and you all have the freedom of speech !! so please…go ahead !
    • #58090
      that sounded weird….i take it back….be miserable and share it to the world !! say it alll on an open / public forum !! its free to post and you all have the freedom of speech !! so please…go ahead !

      Lmao..Nitzkar saying Please..Huh? lmao…okies seeing as u r errr complaining that we galz only let out bad feelings….

      “”Damn, and here I was, getting ready to share all my feelings about my LOVE problems

      my depression and suicidal thoughts….Sad “”

      Oh well, lemme share some of my good feelings with everyone….

      Firstly, have a feeling, a GOOD oneWink, that I will get married this year and I am going to make sumone totally

      miserable for the rest of his life Big Smile ….dnt worrie, will get him to become a forum member sooo HE can share all his feelings of despair with u guys

      2ndly – I've another good feeling that I am going to win the lotto sooooon….;-)…..yeah….

      but on a seeeeeeerious seeeeeerious note,

      I actually do have tonza great feelings where 2007 is concerned, not just for myself, but for everyone

      Am sure it is going to be a fab year…

      ps: This doesnt stop anyone from sharing all their BAD feelings with us… ….

    • #58091

      I have no feelings at the moment Big Smile

    • #58092
      I have no feelings at the moment Big Smile

      Huh? Yumini, lmao

      pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez explain watye mean by, U have no feelings??

    • #58093

      ehhh, nvm i take that feelings are all jumbled up, I can't really let em out. do u know what I mean? Tongue Tied

    • #58094
      ehhh, nvm i take that feelings are all jumbled up, I can't really let em out. do u know what I mean? Tongue Tied

      hehehehe, off coz I do hun 😉

      everything ok on yr side sweety??

      didye get my recipe???

    • #58095

      hehe Wink

      Everything is alright hunz, how about there?

      yeah i got it. thanksss soo much yaar, I love u! Right Hug

    • #58096

      hmmmm lekker then…Big Smile Right Hug

      Here?? Beautiful day, beautiful mood, everything going accordingy

      to schedule 😉 well almost hehehehe

      getting all butterflies feeling in my tummy ….

      okies, soooooo telll me didye make the soji????

      am waiting soooo impatiently…???

    • #58097
      ehhh, nvm i take that feelings are all jumbled up, I can't really let em out. do u know what I mean? Tongue Tied

      u are one messed up gal!! i think its abt time u check-in to the asylum. ive got a room with a view. take it before somebody else grab it!

    • #58098

      “messed up” is kinda an understatement here dude !

    • #58099
      ehhh, nvm i take that feelings are all jumbled up, I can't really let em out. do u know what I mean? Tongue Tied

      u are one messed up gal!! i think its abt time u check-in to the asylum. ive got a room with a view. take it before somebody else grab it!

      bahaha, how am i a messed up gal? uhhh im not in the mood at all =|

    • #58100

      thats coz your seriously overly messed up !

    • #58101

      Nope that's not why!

    • #58102

      its either that or you juss stupid…:)

    • #58103

      not that either Big Smile

    • #58104
      ehhh, nvm i take that feelings are all jumbled up, I can't really let em out. do u know what I mean? Tongue Tied

      u are one messed up gal!! i think its abt time u check-in to the asylum. ive got a room with a view. take it before somebody else grab it!

      Last Ive seen, Kush is interested, but I dnt see u giving her an open invitation to yr assylum….

      seee Ive done my bit offf good for today 😉

    • #58105
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      lol! Ninja, ur crajee! Stick out tongue

      My feelings…let's see…What do you do when the people that can make you laugh, are the ones that make you cry? lol. messed up people we have in this crajee world. Tongue Tied

    • #58106
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      lol! Ninja, ur crajee! Stick out tongue

      My feelings…let's see…What do you do when the people that can make you laugh, are the ones that make you cry? lol. messed up people we have in this crajee world. Tongue Tied

      I'll tell u what i do, I laugh and cry at the same time Big Smile. No no, u ask what's wrong and give them a big fat “aunty stylle” hugg!

    • #58107
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      It's crajee, but I laugh and cry at the same time too! Especially since I can forgive so easily, it's a quality I'm kind of begining to hate. Tongue Tied I didn't ask what was wrong, but I did tell…nothing. *shrugs*

    • #58108


      Am not sure u can do anything, its just part of life…sumtimes u cry and sumtimes u laugh

    • #58109
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      I guess you're right Scar Face…but it sux to let go of relationships that gave you so many great memories…

    • #58110

      Rani jee and scarry jee, u both are right. *sigh*

    • #58111

      When you need to laugh, laugh! When you need to cry, cry! Let it out or you will become an emotional cripple!

      Others have their opinion, but who cares!

      Today I feel like screaming my head off, instead, I'll hit the heavybag. Different route, same destinaton! Smile

    • #58112


      I feel like running to a yellow field somewhere, early in the morning, and crying… just sobbing away…

      the tears may not be coming out, but i HATE it when it feels as though someoneis literally pulling at my heart…. LITERALLY… sigh.

    • #58113


      I feel like running to a yellow field somewhere, early in the morning, and crying… just sobbing away…

      the tears may not be coming out, but i HATE it when it feels as though someoneis literally pulling at my heart…. LITERALLY… sigh.

      Ditto Sad

    • #58114

      I dont know whats going on but my feelings? why thanks for asking.

      I'm feeeling grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat

      I dont know why, I have tons of homework that should be completed by sometime. . .soon, and my back hurts from this damn chair, and I'm awfully bored. But still I'm feeling pretty damn good.

    • #58115

      I KNOW WHY! duhhh, cuz we're partners in crime =] and cuz ur talking to me. baha

      I stand in haylies position..History book open in front of me, same case with the chair, tonsss of hw to be done, ohhh big fat cup of coffee too which ill leave alone. BUT I FEEL greattt!

    • #58116


      (something kinda mean was here, Ninja made me change it)

      man do i love the secrective names, running incognito

      put a smile on your face and make the world a better place

    • #58117

      yes yes..thats better. no need to be mean haylie baylie bobblehead ji!

      A Smile is charity so shmilllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeee Smile SmileBig Smile

      I have officially gone insaneeeeeeee!

    • #58118

      lmao its ok its the coffee

    • #58119

      thats what i thought too =]

      its strong too..blekh..I need to do this essay =/

    • #58120

      Right now, 😉

      with a mixture of emotions flowing through me

      never …honestly never realised I am sooooo well loved by soooo

      many reallly nice peopleBig Smile

      Im all nostalgic and extremely emotional but somehow

      strong enuf for theres no tears Huh?Tongue Tied


      I LOVE this place, Broken Heart

      I LOVE my Durban, Broken Heart

      I LOVE my friends,Broken Heart

      I LOVE my familyBroken Heart

      I LOVE life…..Broken Heart

      aaaand mostly,

      I LLUUURRRVVVVEEEE god Broken HeartBroken Heart

      Everything is just beautiful, the way I want it to be

      at this moment in time, if I had to die…

      I'd die a realllly blissfullly, ecstatically happy Person

      ( oye, Vash, Me miss u hun )

      Sometimes we truly do forget that breathing itself is a gift…a precious, priceless gift

      With all the traumas, problems, worries etc that u have, just take a second of

      your time…and be thankful for just being here, for everything u have, for who you are ….

      back to me and my feelingz:

      I am grateful and happppppppy ( with a major headache, wont go away )

      and I want to share my hapiness with everyone sooooo watever it is u are going thru

      know that I , Scarry, aka, Aliea, Aka Al, Mka Lyn 😉

      share with u my luv + lotza hugz to keep help ease the pain, hurt or to add more warmth ..

      U all are in my prayer soooooo yeah ,

      take it easy, know that Life is tooo short …soooo make the most of it in any/every way u can

      thats my thoughts and feelings for the day

      if it sounds a bit offbeat…. blame it on everyone who loves me soooooooooo

      damn much, I feel soooo soooooooo undeservingHuh?


      love u guyz and galz a lot WinkRight HugRight Hug


      sCaRrY 😉

    • #58121
      RaNi iS ThE BeS


      I feel like running to a yellow field somewhere, early in the morning, and crying… just sobbing away…

      the tears may not be coming out, but i HATE it when it feels as though someoneis literally pulling at my heart…. LITERALLY… sigh.

      Left Hug *sigh* It's weird, but I wanna do the same thing, cuz I feel the same way…

      lol. I'll race you there. what say? Wink

      Hayaaaaatiiiii! You make me laugh like an idiot! Big Smile

    • #58122


      I feel like running to a yellow field somewhere, early in the morning, and crying… just sobbing away…

      the tears may not be coming out, but i HATE it when it feels as though someoneis literally pulling at my heart…. LITERALLY… sigh.


    • #58123

      Raniiiii… Big Smile sureness!!! Big Smile

      Khushi…. I know… DDLJ and all that jazz… Confused

    • #58124
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      *does the victory dance* I win! Big Smile

    • #58125

      Something my friend said on msn touched me.. felt like sharing it here..

      me: feel like flying somewhere warm and bright and forgetting everything

      my friend: there's this place in rome that we'll go to when we both are able to, its got these caves that you go thru and at the other end is this place (really quiet place!) with waterfalls and a rock pool, we could chill out and watch for fish and stuff! ermmm but right now it sounds like a romantic hide out.., well you better take me there before your husband! Angry lol, remember, we always put each other first Big Smile

      lol, we sound crazy, I know. but that's just the way we've always been.

      Its funny how friends can say the most simple things sometimes and give you hope and strength.. Sigh.. I wish I was at that waterfall place with my homie now.. Smile

    • #58126

      Something my friend said on msn touched me.. felt like sharing it here..

      me: feel like flying somewhere warm and bright and forgetting everything

      my friend: there's this place in rome that we'll go to when we both are able to, its got these caves that you go thru and at the other end is this place (really quiet place!) with waterfalls and a rock pool, we could chill out and watch for fish and stuff! ermmm but right now it sounds like a romantic hide out.., well you better take me there before your husband! Angry lol, remember, we always put each other first Big Smile

      lol, we sound crazy, I know. but that's just the way we've always been.

      Its funny how friends can say the most simple things sometimes and give you hope and strength.. Sigh.. I wish I was at that waterfall place with my homie now.. Smile

      awww! I know… it's ALWAYS the simple things isn't it? Smile

      Something my friend said to me:

      “remember tho that u rock and that despite all ur hardships life will favour u because u deserve it Big Smile


    • #58127

      thats so sweet! ur friend sounds lovely! Simplicity is something wonderful in friendship.. xx

    • #58128
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      You guys! I'm going pagal!

      I have tonz of work to do by Tuesday! I have to read a 300 and something page book for my English class, I have to organize my Spanish binder, I have TONZ of questions to answer and take notes on freaking chapters for my stupid history class, and I also have to write an essay for history! Plus, I have to study for a Math test!!! And I still need to design my mask for Ceramics class! OhmyAllah! HELP! I'm gonna go pagal!

      I need to get into the CSF Club! If I don't get in….Imma…Imma…what am I gonna do? I'm gonna cry! oh nooo….! Inshallah Inshallah Inshallah I'm gonna get in! Ameen!

      What the heck am i doing?!!? I should go start now!!! okay okay okay, I'm going!

    • #58129

      GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right Hug

    • #58130
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Acha acha! I'm going!

      I read your pm. Smile Will reply to it once i get this stupid stuff done!

      Please make dua for me peeps!


    • #58131
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Acha acha! I'm going!

      I read your pm. Smile Will reply to it once i get this stupid stuff done!

      Please make dua for me peeps!


      Rani, you're always in my duas hunz. Right Hug

    • #58132

      MY HANDS ARE ICE COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #58133
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Hayati, mine toooooo! It's too cold today. Sad I'm freeezing!

      *sigh* I feel insane. Nothing is going right and my feelings are all jumbled up.

      I feel so selfish(fish fish) sometimes.

      I try not to let people get to me, but it doesn't work.

      The people that I thought would always be by my side, are not. They're just a bunch of beezees saying things they never meant.
      Or maybe I'm just expecting too much from them? I don't know.

      I try to keep quiet about everything that's going, but it all just comes out cuz I can't hold it inside for some stupid annoying reason.

      And all this is really funny because everything is going good, Alhumdulillah, it's just me with the weird feelings. grrr

      whatever, I'm going back to Spanish.


    • #58134

      Ranz hon, Right Hug Right Hug

      Doesn’t sound very good, hey if u need to talk …

      Am here okies..just holler 😉

      Hope u feel better sooooooon swcheety

    • #58135

      You said..

      U said I’d never grow up

      U said u’ve had enuf

      U said that I was clueless

      U said my life was worthless

      U said I wudnt understand

      U said You’d never lend a hand

      U said tooooo much for me to forget

      U said everything, yet nothing that was worth hearing

      U said things that hurt the most

      U said things that may have affected my growth

      U said you’d always be there for me

      How am I suppose to go on having faith an trust

      When u lied to me, U lied to me ??

      U said u’d never stay

      U said u’d mess up my life


      <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin:0i

    • #58136

      I'm oh so cool.. and…yeah tired. =D

    • #58137
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Scar Face ji, Thank you. Left Hug and I'm here for you as well. Smile

      ninja, go get some rest! Stick out tongue

    • #58138
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      ninja, go get some rest! Stick out tongue

      ha..i shud. I'm planning on doing homework tonight Insha'Allah. =/

    • #58139
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      err. please don't remind me about homework. I have tonz to do. Sad

      But u know me, I neeeeeed to procrastinate. lol. That's like my middle name. haha.

    • #58140

      hahaha. good, now all u gotta do is go write it on ur birth certificate or something.

      we all procrastinate. =] maybe not as much as u Rani, but im sure we all do. psychological studies proved that too Big Smile

    • #58141
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I try not to let people get to me, but it doesn't work.

      The people that I thought would always be by my side, are not. They're just a bunch of beezees saying things they never meant.
      Or maybe I'm just expecting too much from them? I don't know.

      I try to keep quiet about everything that's going, but it all just comes out cuz I can't hold it inside for some stupid annoying reason.

      How can feelings that came from the heart ever be anything BUT heartfelt?

      There's no reason for heartfelt feelings to be permanent, na ji? The only requirement is that they came out of Frove Wink and were truly meant when being said.

      No one is ever by your side – always. Life is like a path. People will join your path at times, and they will leave your path at times… the important thing is to cherish those memories, and know that the memories can never, ever be taken away from you… that's all that matters…

      Well, to me anyway… if you're looking for something different from your life, then that is your choice… *shrugs*… won't stop me from loving you! (Nor telling you what matters to me… Wink)

      Expecting too much? I have given up trying to expect ANYTHING from ANY relationship… and instead, just… giving. It hurts. A lot. But, one sweet, sweet day, I may reach this… sort of, well, nirvana (for want of a better word) that I am aiming for – where I can give, give, give all the Love that I have inside me, and expect nothing in return.

      One sweet day, I'll be able to Love freely.

      One sweet day, I'll be able to say “B o l l o c k s!” to the statement, “The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to Love and be Loved in return.” Right now, I pretty much worship that statement, but, you know… maybe one day…

      Time will tell… along with my strength…

    • #58142

      No one is ever by your side – always. Life is like a path. People will join your path at times, and they will leave your path at times… the important thing is to cherish those memories, and know that the memories can never, ever be taken away from you… that's all that matters…

      So true, Boo.. 🙂

      Expecting too much? I have given up trying to expect ANYTHING from ANY relationship… and instead, just… giving. It hurts. A lot.

      Again very true…hurts lots.

      But, one sweet, sweet day, I may reach this… sort of, well, nirvana (for want of a better word) that I am aiming for – where I can give, give, give all the Love that I have inside me, and expect nothing in return.

      Although I would like to feel that way someday too, I don't think I ever can..

      One sweet day, I'll be able to Love freely. I dont know, the love we give is our love, no one can take that away from us.. even if the other person doesnt feel the same way, we still felt certain feelings which were ours, our own.. I may be rambling at this point.. lol.

      One sweet day, I'll be able to say “B o l l o c k s!” to the statement, “The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to Love and be Loved in return.” Right now, I pretty much worship that statement, but, you know… maybe one day… Hope I can do the same too…

      Time will tell… along with my strength… wish u all the best huni x

    • #58143
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      How can feelings that came from the heart ever be anything BUT heartfelt?

      There's no reason for heartfelt feelings to be permanent, na ji? The only requirement is that they came out of Frove Wink and were truly meant when being said.

      No one is ever by your side – always. Life is like a path. People will join your path at times, and they will leave your path at times… the important thing is to cherish those memories, and know that the memories can never, ever be taken away from you… that's all that matters…

      Smile Sometimes…memories hurt…Right Hug

      Well, to me anyway… if you're looking for something different from your life, then that is your choice… *shrugs*… won't stop me from loving you! (Nor telling you what matters to me… Wink)

      I'm glad. If I can't stop loving you and telling you what matters to me, why should I expect any different from you? Right Hug

      Expecting too much? I have given up trying to expect ANYTHING from ANY relationship… and instead, just… giving. It hurts. A lot. But, one sweet, sweet day, I may reach this… sort of, well, nirvana (for want of a better word) that I am aiming for – where I can give, give, give all the Love that I have inside me, and expect nothing in return.

      One sweet day, I'll be able to Love freely.

      One sweet day, I'll be able to say “B o l l o c k s!” to the statement, “The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to Love and be Loved in return.” Right now, I pretty much worship that statement, but, you know… maybe one day…

      Time will tell… along with my strength…

      Boo…Right Hug

      It's really very hard to love someone who doesn't love you in return. I'm not saying it's impossible. But it just hurts, no matter how much love you have inside of you. Someone I love very much is going through something like that…she says she loves him, but he doesn't care. It's not very easy…I see a bit of her dying each day…the only thing that holds her together is her faith in Allah. If she didn't have that…I don't know what would have happened to her.

      I hope that the person you give all the love you have inside of you to…loves you back.

      One time, I heard this quote that went something like, “You will never feel the true beauty of love unless it shines from both ends.” That's not the exact quote, but something like that. Yes, one person can love, truly love someone, but he/she won't feel the true beauty of love until it is felt from both sides….when it is both, given and received…other than that, love will just hurt you…

      at least, that's how I see it. But like you, I also hope that one day I'll be able to love without expecting anything in return, if that's possible.

    • #58144

      How can feelings that came from the heart ever be anything BUT heartfelt?

      There's no reason for heartfelt feelings to be permanent, na ji? The only requirement is that they came out of Frove and were truly meant when being said.

      No one is ever by your side – always. Life is like a path. People will join your path at times, and they will leave your path at times… the important thing is to cherish those memories, and know that the memories can never, ever be taken away from you… that's all that matters…

      This is something I really needed to read this morning, Thanks Missy, like I said, CAN ALWAYZ count on you to be there J Right Hug


      One sweet day, I'll be able to Love freely.

      ****sigh*****…am not sure about LOVE anymore…

      It's really very hard to love someone who doesn't love you in return. I'm not saying it's impossible. But it just hurts, no matter how much love you have inside of you. Someone I love very much is going through something like that…she says she loves him, but he doesn't care. It's not very easy…I see a bit of her dying each day…the only thing that holds her together is her faith in Allah. If she didn't have that…I don't know what would have happened to her.

      Nothing would have happened to her coz she truly believes in this love she feels for her **guy**

      I do hope that idiot realizes that having someone weho loves u sooo unconditionally

      I hope that the person you give all the love you have inside of you to…loves you back.

      One time, I heard this quote that went something like, “You will never feel the true beauty of love unless it shines from both ends.” That's not the exact quote, but something like that. Yes, one person can love, truly love someone, but he/she won't feel the true beauty of love until it is felt from both sides….when it is both, given and received…other than that, love will just hurt you…

      That’s what I have begun feeling lately…too much giving, how about some receiving.Wink</

    • #58145
      Scar face:

      How can feelings that came from the heart ever be anything BUT heartfelt?

      There's no reason for heartfelt feelings to be permanent, na ji? The only requirement is that they came out of Frove and were truly meant when being said.

      No one is ever by your side – always. Life is like a path. People will join your path at times, and they will leave your path at times… the important thing is to cherish those memories, and know that the memories can never, ever be taken away from you… that's all that matters…

      This is something I really needed to read this morning, Thanks Missy, like I said, CAN ALWAYZ count on you to be there J Right Hug

      no probs dear…………….

      Belief in Love can only come from within…

      Whatever happens, Scar Face… as long as your mind, your heart, your conscience feels free… that is all that matters. the rest is secondary.

      I know someone who is such a darn cynic when it comes to Love… doesn't believe it exists, thinks it is fake, blah blah… he is married and has kids and he is perfectly content (touchwood) with his Life…

      read the quote in my signature ji… as long as YOU feel your soul is being kept alive, who cares whether you Love or not?! it doesn't matter!! Big Smile you don't HAVE to find/believe in Love because everyone else around you is telling you so… make your own kinda music, sing your own special song… even if nobody else sings along… Wink

      Just…. be happy. Be content and free. Whatever that means to you, be that. The rest doesn't matter.


    • #58146
      Scar face:

      How can feelings that came from the heart ever be anything BUT heartfelt?

      There's no reason for heartfelt feelings to be permanent, na ji? The only requirement is that they came out of Frove and were truly meant when being said.

      No one is ever by your side – always. Life is like a path. People will join your path at times, and they will leave your path at times… the important thing is to cherish those memories, and know that the memories can never, ever be taken away from you… that's all that matters…

      This is something I really needed to read this morning, Thanks Missy, like I said, CAN ALWAYZ count on you to be there J Right Hug

      no probs dear…………….

      Belief in Love can only come from within…

      ooohhhhhh no …its both internal an external sweety…cant explain in detail at the moment but its wat I believe…an overall feeling/experience..

      Whatever happens, Scar Face… as long as your mind, your heart, your conscience feels free… that is all that matters. the rest is secondary.

      I knw dat… a good fwend of mine keeps repeating this to me over an over an over …she is such a Swcheeeeethart Right Hug

      … doesn't believe it exists, thinks it is fake, blah blah… he is married and has kids and he is perfectly content (touchwood) with his Life…

      Wow, must meet the dude, lessons to be learnt here…hahahahahaa…

      read the quote in my signature ji… as long as YOU feel your soul is being kept alive, who cares whether you Love or not?! it doesn't matter!! Big Smile you don't HAVE to find/believe in Love because everyone else around you is telling you so… make your own kinda music, sing your own special song… even if nobody else sings along… Wink

      sooo I keep saying errr singing Big Smile lol…..Yeah exactly wat I am doing…….making my own kinda music, singing my own song…dancing to these special tunes that only I can hear hahahahaha…Now I sound like a looney lmao …

      Just…. be happy. Be content and free. Whatever that means to you, be that. The rest doesn't matter.Smile

      I am …aaand say the same to u too Right Hug

    • #58147
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Scarrry…Is it really possible? Loving a guy unconditionally when they don't give a damn about you? And they show it too? I don't know…I guess I'll have to take your word for it, because like I said before, I have never been in love…but, I'll let you know my thoughts on love when it happens to me. Big Smile

    • #58148

      Rani . . . I miss you

    • #58149
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      Scarrry…Is it really possible? Loving a guy unconditionally when they don't give a damn about you? And they show it too? I don't know…I guess I'll have to take your word for it, because like I said before, I have never been in love…but, I'll let you know my thoughts on love when it happens to me. Big Smile

      Heya RanzRight Hug

      Yes sweety, it is possible to love someone unconditionally, unreservedly-completely..without them loving u back..

      Im not sure about that person **NOT GIVING A DAMN*** coz in my case he did…

      Now where a guy is forceful in showing u he doesnt give a damn about u….errrr a bit tough coz guys are really difficult

      **creaturez** to understand

      am note sure cud mean many things, he cud actually be interested but wants to see how far U wud go…OR

      he may not be interested at all..Huh?

      in my **experience*** Men are truly Idiots…

      they play around with women and their feelings, and think women are mere numbers to add to their collection

      u knw like art collectors or sums..

      Sure I am being negative especially since theres that rare MAN out there who are true in every way. …where love and feelings and woman

      are concerned…no games, no conquests..etc…

      In yr case, am assuming this has to do with yr fwend r8….well I suggest someone Accidently

      knocks sum sense into the guy,if it doesnt work, then she truly must move on …LOVE neva stops

      ie.she cant force herself to stop loving him, but she will get stronger in accepting that a relationship

      with him may never transpire…Its DIFFICULT but not unachievable….

      Well whatever happens I do hope that Allah plays his hand and that she does receive the love she pines for

      aaand u know what for all the lost luvs…maybe just maybe all our Dua's will convince him Big Smile

      U neva been in luw?? Ok ..U must give me yr thoughts on it when u do love ok…Right Hug

      I knw I am no help at the moment as I am still trying to come to terms with a lot of things soooo maybe in the near future

      I will start being more positive towards LOVE an MEN…

    • #58150
      Scar face:

      Yes sweety, it is possible to love someone unconditionally, unreservedly-completely..without them loving u back..

      they play around with women and their feelings, and think women are mere numbers to add to their collection

      u knw like art collectors or sums..

      Of course it is possible. ANYTHING is possible… why doubt? Smile I really don't get why you doubt, Rani… explain? Embarrassed

      Art collectors? Wahahahaha…. what say Rani? Us gals ARE, after all, works of art… as they say… God created women second because He likes to make a rough draft before creating the masterpiece! Big Smile Big Smile

    • #58151


      mizzy I cudnt have said that better yaar…

      one for the road for me 😉

      ranz doubts because she hasnt loved..remember….

      oh well u galz really are works of art…Wink


    • #58152
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      Scar face:
      Well whatever happens I do hope that Allah plays his hand and that she does receive the love she pines for

      aaand u know what for all the lost luvs…maybe just maybe all our Dua's will convince him Big Smile

      I have no doubt in Allah when it comes to giving his believers happiness. I know she'll find what she's seeking. It's just hard to see her go through it…

      lol. art collections? I don't believe all men are the same. I hate thinking anything about the whole population/race, etc. I just like to think about that one individual…

      Actually, this love stuff gets me confused, I think it's better that I talk about it when I actually love a guy to that extent…

      NINJAAAAA! awww! Right Hug I'm so glad I got to see you yesterday! Smile It was a crazy day, na? lol. Actually, this whole week was crazy, especially cuz of Hayati. Stick out tongue Didn't get to see her ALL week! Sad and u too! What is wrong with u two?!!? lol. I only got to see u(ninja) on thursday. Sad and monday? oh yeah! Monday too!

      gosh. I can't wait for…something? I don't know what…I can't wait till everything falls into place. lol.

    • #58153
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      gosh. I can't wait for…something? I don't know what…I can't wait till everything falls into place. lol.

      whatever that means…

    • #58154
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      NINJAAAAA! awww! Right Hug I'm so glad I got to see you yesterday! Smile It was a crazy day, na? lol. Actually, this whole week was crazy, especially cuz of Hayati.

      Glad I got to see ju too hunz. =]

    • #58155
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      gosh. I can't wait for…something? I don't know what…I can't wait till everything falls into place. lol.

      whatever that means…

      It means that I can't wait to see you! Gosh. I've been wanting to see you ever since Monday. I hekka miss you.

      Ninja ji, Smile we need to get back into the hafitha system, I miss it. Sad

    • #58156

      Back to the topic. Well i feal like crap its like 1:30am i have to wrok very early have illion things to do and my brother is in Jail so i can't sleep cause i feal guilty that his siting in jail waiting to see what will hapened and i'm home.

      Boy i hate the law of America well most of hte law.

      I friken am the Law and i can't do anything about except sit and wait to talk to the jugde tomorrow.

      Well i just wanted to get this out you guys can egnore this.

    • #58157

      Wat the heck are u talking about????????Pls tell me this is a huge joke sweety ?

      Damn, left my fone home today….hmmm ok will send u mail

      hugz and luv Right Hug


    • #58158

      Back to the topic. Well i feal like crap its like 1:30am i have to wrok very early have illion things to do and my brother is in Jail so i can't sleep cause i feal guilty that his siting in jail waiting to see what will hapened and i'm home.

      Boy i hate the law of America well most of hte law.

      I friken am the Law and i can't do anything about except sit and wait to talk to the jugde tomorrow.

      Well i just wanted to get this out you guys can egnore this.

      ouchhh… Right Hug Have you talked to the judge? Hope everything is going OK for you now… *touchwood*….

    • #58159

      Hey didi no its not a joke its a new that came out it was all over the paper and there are over 30 Armenians and god knows how many others in Immigrationg jail. I don't know i'm gonna meet someone well can't say who but its a way of braking my brother out. ALl thought that *** cost like an arm and a leg.

      Boo jaanu no the judge doesn't want to talk to anyone so i'm taking the law into my own hands. Lets just say I have been serving the law for the past 5 years well now its time for the law to serve me with help of my god saab teek ho jayena.

    • #58160

      Hey didi no its not a joke its a new that came out it was all over the paper and there are over 30 Armenians and god knows how many others in Immigrationg jail. I don't know i'm gonna meet someone well can't say who but its a way of braking my brother out. ALl thought that *** cost like an arm and a leg.

      Hey hun

      I knwSadSad, was actually hoping it was a joke…Embarrassed better than u guys having to face this reality….

      u got my mail sooo just think before u do anything irrational, I knw u are emotional at the moment Right Hug

      I send u more luv, will speak to u later hon..Right Hug


    • #58161

      hmmm my feelings? are…blah!! I feel sick! I need coffeee!! Big Smile

    • #58162

      I have a terrible cold.

      My sandcastle has been stomped upon… and I feel so, so lonely.

    • #58163
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      I have a terrible cold.

      My sandcastle has been stomped upon… and I feel so, so lonely.

      *hugs boo* There. Now I have your cold!

      *runs to help boo make another sandcastle* There. Isn't it pretty? Big Smile

      *sits by boo and holds her hand as they watch the sunrise over boo's sandcastle* Main hoon na. Smile

    • #58164

      Sweety… I was just thinking of you…. Right Hug I love you so much.

    • #58165
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Left Hug I love you too ur lovelyness!

      boo…come a lil closer, baby. baby, baby, baby wanna steal your heart away! Wink lol. Big Smile

    • #58166

      Hey u two galz… dont make my imaginations go wild… and b clear in ur replies…. dosti tak theek hai… ye sab kya hai haaaaaaaaan…..

      Kanta bahen….

    • #58167

      dude..they are both sick and disgusting!! stay faaaaar away from them.

    • #58168

      I have a terrible cold.

      My sandcastle has been stomped upon… and I feel so, so lonely.

      Don't you even dare think that….

      Dont build castles, Don't use sand- let your love be so that every heart within which you reside, is like a palace.

      Main aur Rani hai na! Right Hug Smile

    • #58169

      I have a terrible cold.

      My sandcastle has been stomped upon… and I feel so, so lonely.

      Don't you even dare think that….

      Dont build castles, Don't use sand– let your love be so that every heart within which you reside, is like a palace.

      Main aur Rani hai na! Right Hug Smile

      castles and sand are all this helpless little girl has… for each heart in which i find a palace, for my love… that is all i have.

    • #58170

      You are not helpless, because Love isn't. We are helpless as people, Love in itself is not helpless at all. Infact, its the very thing people rely when helpless. A flower blooms everyday in love, the sun rises and sets in love. Its your vision and your belief in it makes it so. Boo, no – you're strong, you have love- and i know that you do, so don't deny.

    • #58171
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Hey u two galz… dont make my imaginations go wild… and b clear in ur replies…. dosti tak theek hai… ye sab kya hai haaaaaaaaan…..

      Kanta bahen….

      dude..they are both sick and disgusting!! stay faaaaar away from them.

      lol! take ur minds outta the gutter, misters. Stick out tongue

      Boo, no – you're strong, you have love- and i know that you do, so don't deny.

      Boo, she's right. Right Hug Keep ur head high, boo-mburo. and remember your faith in love and that dii and I are hamesha tumhare saath. Smile

    • #58172

      Hey u two galz… dont make my imaginations go wild… and b clear in ur replies…. dosti tak theek hai… ye sab kya hai haaaaaaaaan…..

      Kanta bahen….

      Men and we all know where your imagination had gone right? tsk tsk tsk

      Casanova is back ladys watch out lol he will make your head spin, loose breat your heart will stop beating then you will fall into his beautifully planed trap Wink

    • #58173

      For starters,


      Someone pls remind me……….. Who invented this annoying thing we call



      If this damn fone rings once more, I am going to scrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaammmmmmm

      *********Beeeeeeeeg Loooooong Siiiiiigggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh********

      Dat said I now feel better …

    • #58174

      Ok Di i'm starting to worry about you seriousely lol

    • #58175

      Vat?????????? A woman can’t Yell errrr I mean scream if she wants to??? Lmao

      Why u sooo worried now Mara?? All that frowning will give u added wrinkles hahahahaha

    • #58176

      That time of the month, my dear Scar Face?

      Big Smile

    • #58177


      wat time of the month ??? Oh u mean pay check time??/ Naaaaaah a few days left for that Rotlmao

      U my dear Stick out tongue am going to getcha for this LMAO Wink

    • #58178

      whahaha!! Get me back? sure…. try… Stick out tongue

      Big Smile Right Hug

    • #58179
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      I had a dream about Khushi!!! whoo hooo! It was awesome! Narrating it to Khushi has made me completely hyper and happy! Big Smile

    • #58180

      Rani: Big Smile

    • #58181


      How do I feel?? Seriously truly feel??

      Cheated, used and absolutely freaking pissed off at someone I trusted, truly damn trusted

      Whom I have found out to be a liar…an……an…an

      My choicest words which I will not Screeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaam out loud on a public forum…

      How can one go on believing in another human this way..

    • #58182

      al… even tho our situations may be different, I know exactly .. EXACTLY .. how you feel right now… don't worry hun.. humanity is just f*d up these days.

      excuse my language. Smile big hug to u

    • #58183
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      It sucks when you're happy and someone else sn't…Sad

      Scarrry…I've felt that way before…so trust me when I say that the feeling will Not everyone is like that, there are so many people in this world that are such nice and sweet people that you're amazed to see them. It's really easy to believe in other people even though one person has misused your trust. Or maybe it's just me cuz I'm so gullible…but I'm sure you won't feel that way forever. Friends will come and show you that it's wrong to judge everyone just because of one person's stupidity. Don't close yourself off from relationships, because relationships are what help us when times get tough.

      Right Hug take care hunnz. Smile

    • #58184

      “Life!… It's a cybernetic psychedic explosion of garishly illuminated images, sounds, smells, and feelings! I am skewed, warped, distorted, twisted, altered in such a way as to defy description. I am discomboomulated to the maximum intensity of a technorave, industrial force. I'M ALIVE, DAMN YOU, AND MY HEAD IS TWEAKED TO THE Nth POWER! My mind is swirling and pulsing with wreckless, exuberant abandon! Pounding and surging in a vortex of sensory overload! Euphoric insanity!!”

      “Sooooo….. how's life been treatin you?” “I LIKE IT!”

    • #58185



    • #58186

      excellent. 1 down, few more to go.

    • #58187
      excellent. 1 down, few more to go.

      lol, whatever. I take that back! I'M BETTER THAN EVER!!!

    • #58188

      too late for that missy!!

    • #58189
      too late for that missy!!

      ha not really.

    • #58190

      the tongue weighs practically nothing, but so few people can hold it

    • #58191
      the tongue weighs practically nothing, but so few people can hold it

      true…for once I agree with you

    • #58192

      there will be more instances where u will come to an agreement with me. this is not the last.

    • #58193
      there will be more instances where u will come to an agreement with me. this is not the last.

      highly doubt it but okay.

    • #58194

      doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move

      doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt u'll agree with me again one day

    • #58195

      doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move

      doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt u'll agree with me again one day

      doubt truth to be a liar? lie? huh? okay perhaps I will agree with you ONE day..

    • #58196

      al… even tho our situations may be different, I know exactly .. EXACTLY .. how you feel right now… don't worry hun.. humanity is just f*d up these days.

      excuse my language. Smile big hug to u

      I knw u do sweety….Right Hug tnx

    • #58197
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      It sucks when you're happy and someone else sn't…Sad

      Scarrry…I've felt that way before…so trust me when I say that the feeling will Not everyone is like that, there are so many people in this world that are such nice and sweet people that you're amazed to see them. It's really easy to believe in other people even though one person has misused your trust. Or maybe it's just me cuz I'm so gullible…but I'm sure you won't feel that way forever. Friends will come and show you that it's wrong to judge everyone just because of one person's stupidity. Don't close yourself off from relationships, because relationships are what help us when times get tough.

      Right Hug take care hunnz. Smile

      tnx ranz… Right Hug

      I will .. Embarrassed

      u take care too Big Smile

    • #58198

      “Life!… It's a cybernetic psychedic explosion of garishly illuminated images, sounds, smells, and feelings! I am skewed, warped, distorted, twisted, altered in such a way as to defy description. I am discomboomulated to the maximum intensity of a technorave, industrial force. I'M ALIVE, DAMN YOU, AND MY HEAD IS TWEAKED TO THE Nth POWER! My mind is swirling and pulsing with wreckless, exuberant abandon! Pounding and surging in a vortex of sensory overload! Euphoric insanity!!”

      “Sooooo….. how's life been treatin you?” “I LIKE IT!”

      not good but thanks for asking anyways

      Eish wat da heck u are going on about NOW Mr **foreva typing bullshit***

    • #58199
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      anytime, scarrrry. Left Hug

    • #58200
      there will be more instances where u will come to an agreement with me. this is not the last.
      I dnt think soooooo
    • #58201
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      anytime, scarrrry. Left Hug

      Right Hug

      aaaaand one for u tooo BOO Right Hug

    • #58202

      quote user=”serioComic”

      “Life!… It's a cybernetic psychedic explosion of garishly illuminated images, sounds, smells, and feelings! I am skewed, warped, distorted, twisted, altered in such a way as to defy description. I am discomboomulated to the maximum intensity of a technorave, industrial force. I'M ALIVE, DAMN YOU, AND MY HEAD IS TWEAKED TO THE Nth POWER! My mind is swirling and pulsing with wreckless, exuberant abandon! Pounding and surging in a vortex of sensory overload! Euphoric insanity!!”

      “Sooooo….. how's life been treatin you?” “I LIKE IT!”

      -quote seriocomic-

      Oreo – what the heck?


      where u copy n pasted that from coz i know u urself don understand all that urself lol

      hey guyzzzz what up? heyyyyyyy aliea how r u honey? n hey every1 else!!! lol ya'll stay safe now

    • #58203
      Scar face:


      How do I feel?? Seriously truly feel??

      Cheated, used and absolutely freaking pissed off at someone I trusted, truly damn trusted

      Whom I have found out to be a liar…an……an…an

      My choicest words which I will not Screeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaam out loud on a public forum…

      How can one go on believing in another human this way..

      Sweetheart wahts wrong? omg – WHO did WHAT to you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg r u alright? im concerned now? awwww honey try to keep your head on

      and dont get too upset bc if someone treated you in a nasty way – then always remember its not worth shedding your tears if the person did that to you

      but omg…. tellm e..whats wrong?

    • #58204
      Scar face:


      How do I feel?? Seriously truly feel??

      Cheated, used and absolutely freaking pissed off at someone I trusted, truly damn trusted

      Whom I have found out to be a liar…an……an…an

      My choicest words which I will not Screeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaam out loud on a public forum…

      How can one go on believing in another human this way..

      Sweetheart wahts wrong? omg – WHO did WHAT to you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg r u alright? im concerned now? awwww honey try to keep your head on

      and dont get too upset bc if someone treated you in a nasty way – then always remember its not worth shedding your tears if the person did that to you

      but omg…. tellm e..whats wrong?

    • #58205

      Hey guys…well its the let your feeling out thread and everything…

      I m just wondering something…….. if you guys ever like someone and they like you right

      do you ever get upset/hurt when they go out with their friends or spend time with their friends?

      and it normal…to feel upset & mad to the extreme? .. or …not?

    • #58206
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Hey Kavita…stop worrying about what is normal and what is abnormal.

      If he likes you, then don't worry about him going out with his friends. Sometimes a guy wants to spend time with his friends rather than his girlfriend. That doesn't mean he doesn't like you, Kavita. and I think you should talk to him about whatever it is that is bothering you. The most important things in a relationship are trust and understanding. Trust and understand each other, then you won't have a problem. Smile

      Take care, hunnz. Right Hug

    • #58207

      Hey Rani..

      Well its not much that..with 'relationship' … I just…. its just…. Im not supposed to be doing any of this you know

      and any time I can get to talk to him or whatever I put that time for him only bc I know its not really right to go ahead and do
      all these stuff … taking into consideration my upbringing and my parents and everything …

      but I dont know why i feel so bad if he tells me he is going with his friends … i just feel sort of like really bad.. i mean..i know i have no other

      in the world to be wtih and stuff…and i sort of realized..something..maybe if I HAD friends and if I HAD people to hang with..then maybe it would be like this
      and I wouldnt feel liek this when he does it … but then agian i cant explain what i feel… i just know that alot of pple would think this this is abnormal
      but maybe its abnormal bc i am abnormal or something

      thanks alot honey

    • #58208
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Hey hey hey, don't you ever call yourself abnormal, Kavita. If you're not normal, then I don't know what is. What you're feeling are emotions every human may feel at one point or another in their life.

      and about not having friends, don't say that. The more you put yourself down, the more you will believe it, trust me, I've been there. Just make friends the way you made friends on this forum. Smile Talk to people, be yourself, don't put on a facade, be friendly. And I know you can do it. Right Hug

      And…if you know it's not right to do what you're doing, then hunny…don't do it. Going behind your parents back and going out with a guy isn't a great idea. Think about what your parents will think if they find out, they might not trust you anymore. Don't ever give your parents a reason to not trust you. No guy is worth that. Your parents will do for you, what no other person will. No guy, no friend, no cousin, no one, will sacrifice themselves for you the way your parents will. No one is worth more than your parents. Smile

      Always do what is right.

      I'm not saying you should just go and break up with this guy, I don't want to be responsible for that. I'm just telling you to think it over, hunny. And talk to someone who knows a bit more about your situation than I do, and you can always pm me if you need me. Right Hug

      Take care, Kavita. And keep your head up. Smile

    • #58209

      Kavs Rani si right And calling yourself Abnormal get that out of your mind.

      And you do have friends you have us even thought we are far. And also i agree with Rani about your parent no matter how many people come and go in and out of your life you willa lwyas have your parent and you will always need them so think about every little that you plan on taking

      Love you guys

    • #58210

      Hey Rani..

      Well its not much that..with 'relationship' … I just…. its just…. Im not supposed to be doing any of this you know

      ur not supposed to be doing any of what sweety?? dating?? or loving?? or just not wanting yr b/f to spend time with his friends coz right now u need him more?? I dont think one shud feel a certain way just because its wat everyone else deems right..u are u , an individual, with yr own feelings and thoughts etc…so if u feel a lil resentful towards him spending time with his friends its NOT A BAD THING…its just the way u feel, u can change this by actually trying to figure out WHY u feel this way…coz u obviously would like him to spend time with his friends but ……theres dat feeling………… I am not sure if I am making any sense here anyways..

      and any time I can get to talk to him or whatever I put that time for him only bc I know its not really right to go ahead and do
      all these stuff … taking into consideration my upbringing and my parents and everything …

      but I dont know why i feel so bad if he tells me he is going with his friends … i just feel sort of like really bad.. i mean..i know i have no other

      in the world to be wtih and stuff…and i sort of realized..something..maybe if I HAD friends and if I HAD people to hang with..then maybe it would be like this
      and I wouldnt feel liek this when he does it … but then agian i cant explain what i feel… i just know that alot of pple would think this this is abnormal
      but maybe its abnormal bc i am abnormal or something

      wat ??????? I repeat WAT????

      u definitely having one of em paranoia moments thinking this, Kavs,( am kidding hun ) I suggest u read this very carefully…………..


      U have Mara, Ranz and ME off coz…….okies I am apparently not much of a people, coz u knw aliens are considered

      species of sorts but I AM HERE, ALWAYS HAVE BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE….u know that……and u also know that if anything is worrying u – that u can talk to me…ANYTIME….ok…i knw things are going really bad now but it will get better, wait and see….

      I knw we are seperated by this darn net….errrr an the ocean and zillion km lol but u have ME…..cannot stress enuf …..aaaand I promise u I will send u my reply as soon as I can get sum frikkin spare minutes… sending u lotza luv and hugz sweety

      thanks alot honey

      Okies me will just send u an email laterz, luw ye Kavz, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thanks for alll the mail and am sowrie I wasnt here sweetyRight Hug

    • #58211
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Hey hey hey, don't you ever call yourself abnormal, Kavita. If you're not normal, then I don't know what is. What you're feeling are emotions every human may feel at one point or another in their life.

      Yup Kavs, pleeeeeeeeez dnt beat yrself up for being like any normal person by callin yrself abnormal …………Jeeez sweety….

      and about not having friends, don't say that. The more you put yourself down, the more you will believe it, trust me, I've been there. Just make friends the way you made friends on this forum. Smile Talk to people, be yourself, don't put on a facade, be friendly. And I know you can do it. Right Hug

      And…if you know it's not right to do what you're doing, then hunny…don't do it. Going behind your parents back and going out with a guy isn't a great idea. Think about what your parents will think if they find out, they might not trust you anymore. Don't ever give your parents a reason to not trust you. No guy is worth that. Your parents will do for you, what no other person will. No guy, no friend, no cousin, no one, will sacrifice themselves for you the way your parents will. No one is worth more than your parents. Smile

      Hmmm I actually think that u cant really trust ANYONE …except the almighty in whichever name u call him by ….sooooo

      hon trust in the one above ( even though u cant see touch feel ) and have faith ……..things will improve…

      ***no disrespect to my parents , the rest of my family, extended family as well as friends….***

      aaand Kavs, dis not just yr folks, dnt give ANYONE a reason NOT to trust u…

      TRUST/HONESTY in any relationship (whichever name u call it )

      should be based with just that……and yes NO guy is worth the effort and yr love if theres dishonesty. lying etc involved

      …at the end of the day, its up to the individual to decide whether my words hold any value… I dnt want to be

      responsible for any regrets as such….

      always do what is right.

      I'm not saying you should just go and break up with this guy, I don't want to be responsible for that. I'm just telling you to think it over, hunny. And talk to someone who knows a bit more about your situation than I do, and you can always pm me if you need me. Right Hug

      Take care, Kavita. And keep your head up. Smile

      Aaaaaaw ranz, I didnt see yr response, very sweeeet hon and as usual u make a lot of sense in what u say….

      Big hugz to u my dear…Right Hug

    • #58212
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Take care, Kavita. And keep your head up. Smile

      Da Bestest is correct on this. Listen to ker Kavz!

      And always keep ya head up!

    • #58213

      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      And…if you know it's not right to do what you're doing, then hunny…don't do it. Going behind your parents back and going out with a guy isn't a great idea. Think about what your parents will think if they find out, they might not trust you anymore. Don't ever give your parents a reason to not trust you. No guy is worth that. Your parents will do for you, what no other person will. No guy, no friend, no cousin, no one, will sacrifice themselves for you the way your parents will. No one is worth more than your parents. Smile

      Always do what is right.

      Just my take on this, Kavita… please note that I am not telling you what to do, and how to do it… as I said, it is just my take on this… you can feel free to agree, disagree or argue with me… I’m cool, and I hope you are, too… Smile

      What do you mean 'right'? Do you FEEL right, in your heart, in your conscience? If no, then as Rani said, I'd rethink the situation… but if you do feel it is right in your conscience, even if it is for only a short while, then f*** what everyone else tells you. It's not THEIR hearts you have inside you, it's YOURS… and you have to carry it in your body, and when it feels heavy with “what ifs”, it hurts like hell. I wouldn't go against my heart, if I were you. Trust me, it will win every battle at the end of the day.

      “Going behind your parents' back and going out with a guy isn't a great idea.”… but do YOU feel it is a great idea? This isn't your parents' life Kavita, it is yours to give to whomever you like, as much or as little as you like. If you would rather live for your parents, then by all means go ahead. But if you'd rather live for this guy, then by all means go ahead too. All I'm saying is – it's YOUR life. YOU make the decisions – not me, not Rani, not your parents… just you.

      Whether you care about what your parents (or indeed, anyone) says or not, and whether they will trust you in the future or not, and whether they approve of this idea or not… is entirely up to you. If you choose to care, then please do… but if you don't choose to care, then don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise.

      Don't ever give your parents a reason to not trust you. No guy is worth that. Your parents will do for you, what no other

    • #58214

      Hugs to all of my sweet sister i love you all so much … you all are just here at my emotional rescue i cant imagine what i would have done otherwise

      Rani my love , How are you? Thank you so much for giving me these words you're so sweet… I guess I shouldnt use the word 'abnormal' then..its just..that I sort of see my self 'singled' out , if you know what I mean …. and when I saw my self singled out thats when i felt it was okay to maybe associate the situation with something that wasnt normal or what everyone does

      Well its something that you guys dont know about me becuase I havent told anyone but no I dont really have friends I guess maybe bc i dont really talk alot or something… I dont know. And before i didnt think it mattered bc I just wanted to be loyal in every way for my parents and studies and everything..

      And it still doesnt matter … bc maybe that is who I am you know? … but since this whole situation with this guy has come up…it just sort of prompted me to ask myself you know… why should i feel this way ; bc if i told this thing to any one they would probably laugh and say i shouldnt be that way ( well not you guys bc u guys r my friends ) but i guess pple looking in a judgemental way.

      About going behind my parents back – well i've had a hard time with that and ended up corrupting my own body and self bc of it but no no I would not do that; my parents know who this guy is and he has come over to our home a few times… I know parents will give up anything for us

      And Rani honey dont say 'break up ' with this guy bc … i cant accept he fact that im 'in' some..thing bc maybe not..i guess i just dont like to have this idea stereotypical name of 'boyfriend' or girlfriend or relationship or 'break up' im not use to it and it isnt routine for me so if i do 'break' it will be only once

      Guys…dont think this guy is a bad person..dont get me wrong.. he is a very wonderful, kind person
      i just dont know why ifelt the way i feel… which again promted the thought about the whole friend thing…if i had many firneds and stuff… then i would find what he is doing …is absolutely GREAT…hey even maybe i would have asked him to go out with him and his friendS..who knows…

      but i dont have and mayb ethats why i see it different and maybe take it in a different way…….. oh god..this is too long sorry guys but i have to get this out… and im sure u guys want to hear to ge a better understanding of what is happening …… anyway thank you all

      love you all always

    • #58215

      Kavs Rani si right And calling yourself Abnormal get that out of your mind.

      And you do have friends you have us even thought we are far. And also i agree with Rani about your parent no matter how many people come and go in and out of your life you willa lwyas have your parent and you will always need them so think about every little that you plan on taking

      Love you guys

      Hey Marine.. love …thanks..i guess i should take this 'abnormal' term out of my mind huh….

      Aww guys i know you all are my friends that why i love you all so much i really do …even though i know we are far apart.. somthing i got from another thread was – we are all around the globe yet support each other and i think that is so amazing

    • #58216

      alieaaa love…thank you so much for the response … as thanks go out to all of you all

      gosh i actually laughed alot after reading your'r supportive and funny ..good thing… yes i knowwww we're separated by the ocean and a zillion km ha.. but i'll be here for you too if you need any time to talk

      and what is this thing about you ..and this..alien species!! if i remembered correctly it was oreo who started some kind of thing that u're from out of space
      i know you were trying tomake me smile with that..

      Yes..guys I know..I respect my parents alot and treat them and think about them before every decision i make bc they are the ones who are supporting me and keeping me and ..enduring me…

      oh when i said im not supposed to be doing this..i sort of meant 'loving' i guess… i dont know… i thought it was wrong and stuff … but lately i've beging to figure out its not 100% wrong and immoral to love someone and at least i should not feel 100% guilty just to -love- someone ( have the feeling ) especially when my parents know who the person is and everything…. but i dont knw..i guess im getting 'used' to this whole ..thinking… well u're right about ..being who i am …and if i have feelings then it is what it is despite of 'norms' or what society thinks..but im just saying…shud i feel like this…..i mean u r totally right i feel HORRIBLE to feel upset bc he has dealings with his friends… bc i know he's sort of having negative emotions also ( he feels happy w hen he goes by his friends of course – so when i say not to gothere i guess he feels … unhappy? – so thast what make me feel unhappy too ) .. but why is he feeling that unhappy if he doesnt go there… with them and all… taking into consideration everything with parents with studies is NOT like i can see him on a basis or timely regular basis so when ever i do see him why should he even think of going somewhere he can go

      agian..dont think he is a bad person he is a wonderful person and he is very kind and wonderufl and has a good heart..but maybe im the … @%^#@ one for being like that… i dont know ..but like i said..its not like I WANT TO DO THIS..OR I HAVE A DESIRE TO MAKE HIM UPSET..I DONT!!! its just that sometiems i get these feelings that i cant control

    • #58217

      Booji – Hi…I must say…. a… wow wow wow..dont worry, Raniji wont be upset with you is just your opinon on something like raniji had on the same thing …alright..ok im still wowing… you're right in a lot of ways..i mean it is my heart …ad you know what for a very long tim I have been fighting this heart..bc i didnt think it was moral to …fall into… you know what…. but… i gues now it seems like its winning and the only thing is just accept…but the thing is…loving someone makes it so much more easier for you toget hurt..and i swear i am considered a cold person ..well..was…well…… imean 'cold' in the sense that u know sometimes we hear feel see understand things but… you put this barrier around you so that nothing would hurt you bc you know if it hurts it will hurt real darn bad .. and im not meaning love only..just..other stuff.. Really i want to say thanks…bc .. thanks alottt!! i mean… u r right… a lot depends on myself… and… i have to figure stuff out..but i guess that where i get all confused..the figuring out part… but thanks alot… i mena..i tried to always do was was 'right' and 'moral' ( and u know this doesnt include 'loving' – well..for me! ) … .but it seems like i have…and now im actually seeing how… its not all of that immoral… i mean.. to leave the heart and not fight it bc i fought it so much… u r so right…. my viewpoint …bc it is me… and the part where u said i have to carry this heart… omg..that is so true! thx alot *hugs* for u… n yea im cool too don worry abt it haha

      nessaji thanks alot for the chin up Smile

      thanks alot u guys!! ok every1 of u said somthing like..'im not being responsilble for this but ….. ” just want to tell you guys that dont be feeling 'guilty ' or scared to tell me something of what ur advice is bc … i wont run off and do anything but ur advice is aiding me … from the point of cheering me up … supporting me…to the point of guiding me

      okay guys…i feel weird talking about this..i mean what if this guy came here and saw all this!! .. i mean..i dont mean to make him sound 'mean' or anything bc he is Not he eally is not …..gosh…okay maybe i shud stop now about this … hehe..thank u all..i know I MADE ALOT OF POSTS..sooorrrrryyyyyyy its just..had soooo much to say

      love you all … hugs kisses hugs kisses

    • #58218
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      Scar face:
      Aaaaaaw ranz, I didnt see yr response, very sweeeet hon and as usual u make a lot of sense in what u say….

      Big hugz to u my dear…Right Hug

      awww! Left Hug That comes as a compliment considering the fact that I can never express myself and people end up being all confused. lol! Smile

      Nessa! Hi! Miss youuuu! Left Hug Did you get my e-mail?

      And Rani, my beautiful twin ji… I really hope I didn’t offend you with this post. It is genuinely not my intention to… this is just what I felt… what I had to say to Kavita…

      I lub you!! Right Hug Hey, of course not. You gave her your point of view, and I gave her mine. I did my duty as a friend to try and help out, I can't do any more than that. I don't care whose advice she takes, as long as she is happy. Smile

      About going behind my parents back – well i've had a hard time with that and ended up corrupting my own body and self bc of it but no no I would not do that; my parents know who this guy is and he has come over to our home a few times… I know parents will give up anything for us

      Smile When you were talking about your parents, I thought you meant that they didn't know about any of this. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

      And Rani honey dont say 'break up ' with this guy bc … i cant accept he fact that im 'in' some..thing bc maybe not..i guess i just dont like to have this idea stereotypical name of 'boyfriend' or girlfriend or relationship or 'break up' im not use to it and it isnt routine for me so if i do 'break' it will be only once

      I'm sorry, I didn't know.

      And I'm sure the guy isn't a horrible person if you feel what you're feeling for him.

      dont worry, Raniji wont be upset with you is just your opinon on something like raniji had on the same thing

      exactly. Smile

      I don't agree with some stuff boo said, but hey, who cares? That's her opinion. What I do works out for me, and as long as what Kavita does works out for her, I'm happy. Smile

    • #58219


    • #58220

      *prisoner no.0026 fav song*:

      No more maybes. Your babys got rabies. Sittin on a ball. In the middle of the andes

      Yeah Im a freak (of nature) Yeah Im a freak

      If only I could be as cool as you. As cool as you

      Body and soul Im a freak Im a freak. Body and soul Im a freak that was comic talking. now lets get serio on board…

      you think of me just like a butterfly, you wanna pin me to yr wall so I can never fly

      just like a flower that u need to dry, caught between two books squeeze me till I die!!

      so prisoner thinks yr possesiveness nature is out. and to some extent jealous to the fact that he has other things besides u while u have him only at this moment in time. i say keep yerself busy w things when he is out w his friends…they say an idle mind is a devil's workshop!!

    • #58221

      he's schizooo I tell u…!!!

    • #58222

      Hey Oreo is back why is when there is something seriouse going ont hat when you show up?

      Well all whats up.

      Kavs your right we are all from different place but still we are one family and thats the way god made it and thats the way it should be

    • #58223

      U laffed, a whole lot???, well ***trying to pat myself on the back*** am glad to hear this

      its not nice worrying sooo much all the time, and this comes from the preeencess of worrydome

      Alien species, well yeah it was cosmic who mentioned this and kept callin me alien….hahahaha

      (((am assumin he wanted to piss me off, highly unlikely off coz…)))

      in a way he was r8, I am an alien of sorts, to this world, to the people i call friends an family

      I feel alienated and would love to jet off on a kick a$$ spaceship r8 now hahaha

      to where I belong????????????????Confused

      …earth sux r8 now

      okaaaay will stop with all the space talk…..

      aaaaaaaaaaaand hun my whole intention was

      to bring back that smile on yr face soooo am happy it worked 😉

      I knw yr guy aint a monster and pleeez do ignore lil ol Scarry…

      I am just having an awful awful year so far soooooooo am being a bit negative towards the male species

      especially them male species….

      Feelings are feelings, like love is love

      I think to an extent we can control our feelings but it depends on the depth of it and the situation off coz…

      ok am just thinking about myself now, being a bit selfish, seeing as this is the **feelings** thread….

      i feel seriously confused and irritated, really irritated, am breaking the fones and screaming at people, screaming at my poor

      mom *****wiping away tears for being sooooo nasty********

      all of this is making the guys I work with roll over with laughter which made me laugh after screaming at them

      i feel blessed to have the strength to smile when all i wanna do is CRY ..I knw Mara hates us bollywood crying heroins hahahaha

      but I feel this way now… ..

      laughing, crying, screaming, what else????????? wat next???????? Mom is going bak tonite

      An aunt of mine had passed away, I repeat …..wat next?????………..was good to see her after 2 whole months 😉

      off coz I am writing/typing with a bleary eye, lotza emotion today, pent up anger….

      so wat I say may not make much sense at all, PLEASE IGNORE…

      ps: Am losing a friend I called sister, a friend i shared soooo much with, a bond I thought would neva wither…

    • #58224
      Scar face:

      An aunt of mine had passed away, I repeat …..wat next?????………..was good to see her after 2 whole months 😉

      off coz I am writing/typing with a bleary eye, lotza emotion today, pent up anger….

      so wat I say may not make much sense at all, PLEASE IGNORE…

      ps: Am losing a friend I called sister, a friend i shared soooo much with, a bond I thought would neva wither…

      Right Hug

    • #58225

      Hey my loves, how are you all? Rani marine ..scarry (yeah m gonna start caslling you this since thats what every1 calls you!) booji

      nice to see you all still replying…and just wanted to say thank you all so much n i know i didnt explain 100% what was happening so that sorta had
      ya'll a lil confused … but thanks a million you have no idea how better it all made me feel …….so thanks alot guysu're all so sweet! … by the way did i tell you…. you know right now me and him are not talking…bc of this whole stupid thing..i am such a stupid girl oreo you are so right i need to stop being so possessive ! i feel kinda bad now coz i know i brought him off as like the 'mean' one buit when it really boils down to the end its me im the mean one huh…i mean…. how can i be so possessive of him

      as for oreoji!! omg..oreo actually being nice to me give me brotherly advice – i feel special now lol thanks for the advice oreo sniffs….. but where did u go for all this time

      aliea sweetheart now you are confusing me you are in a time of need and never say sorry …or NEVER tell us to ignore you bc we will never do that …JUST tell us your feelings and what ever you wrote was so deep but not sure what is happening…there with you – what did this guy do to you? bc it seem like he has upset my sweet little scarry and that doesnt maake me feel good at all …about your mom…aww hugs* oh honey..make things right..and keep your head up and dont let anyone upset your heart ….and about htis friend you are losing…… sniffs… i feel sorry to hear about all these thing but tell us more and let your feeling out and the more you tell the more we will udnerstand the situation and be able to advise you or tell you right things … about the passing away…oh honey*hug* have my sympathy i am so sorry to hear about it – Sad tell us your heart

      love ya'll

    • #58226
      Scar face:

      i feel seriously confused and irritated, really irritated, am breaking the fones and screaming at people, screaming at my poor

      mom *****wiping away tears for being sooooo nasty********

      all of this is making the guys I work with roll over with laughter which made me laugh after screaming at them

      i feel blessed to have the strength to smile when all i wanna do is CRY ..I knw Mara hates us bollywood crying heroins hahahaha

      but I feel this way now… ..

      laughing, crying, screaming, what else????????? wat next???????? Mom is going bak tonite

      An aunt of mine had passed away, I repeat …..wat next?????………..was good to see her after 2 whole months 😉

      off coz I am writing/typing with a bleary eye, lotza emotion today, pent up anger….

      so wat I say may not make much sense at all, PLEASE IGNORE…

      ps: Am losing a friend I called sister, a friend i shared soooo much with, a bond I thought would neva wither…

      Oh sweetheart, I don tever want to hear about you crying – ever! aww honey… try to make it up to your sweet mom before she goes back…oh honey you must miss her alot when she was gone and now she is here and bc you are having a hard time … you just let your anger out

      Dont feel too bad, instead, just explain toherwhats going on and it will make her understand even more why you acted the way you did

      dont keep your anger pent up sis… it doesnt do you any good….take it out here… if its so hazardous to take out in real life, take it out here type it out … pent up anger does not do you any good hon… get it out your mind lift the weight off of it..type type type

      dont worry although you have been feeling confused and irritated everyone around still loves you very very much

      and..about this dre he hurt you? i dont know wht he did..but how dare he!

    • #58227

      he's schizooo I tell u…!!!


    • #58228

      nessaji thanks alot for the chin up Smile

      love you all … hugs kisses hugs kisses

      Anytime Kav, and that's the truth! Big Smile

      I'm sure I speak for quite a few here when I say, we love you also!

    • #58229
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Nessa! Hi! Miss youuuu! Left Hug Did you get my e-mail?

      I miss u too Da Bestest and NOOOOOO I have seen no email!

      U aren't getting my PMs, I'm not getting ur emails…houston, we have a problem! hahaha

      Try again please! Smile

    • #58230

      me thinks yr possesiveness nature is out. and to some extent jealous to the fact that he has other things besides u while u have him only at this moment in time. i say keep yerself busy w things when he is out w his friends…they say an idle mind is a devil's workshop!!

      This is pretty good advise Kav. By keeping urself busy, u won't notice the time he spends with his friends. Find something that interests you (besides him Wink) and concentrate on it (ie, reading, drawing…)! It will broaden your mind and give you two something to speak about when u are together.

    • #58231

      Hey … yeah i was surprised oreo actually gave warm advice……

      i know i know …… it is a good advice but…the thing is.. i mean wouldnt you feel bad i mean if you dont even get to see him on a regular basis and then when he comes by you how would you feel for him to say he has to leave now to go by his friends ( why cant he go by them, it so easy to go by THEM on regular basis bc they dont even have parents around to have to beg and ask for permission )

      anyway…. we arent talking now ;… i feel very sick …. and that is really upsetting me bc i have so much homework to do soo gotta go gather the strength and do it … i just dont know what to say… im not like them who ever said that i was special for pple to wnt to stay with me … but anyway … more talk about this topic..


    • #58232
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Nessa! Hi! Miss youuuu! Left Hug Did you get my e-mail?

      I miss u too Da Bestest and NOOOOOO I have seen no email!

      U aren't getting my PMs, I'm not getting ur emails…houston, we have a problem! hahaha

      Try again please! Smile

      OhmyAllah! We need to do somehting about this. I have to go to the Mosque in a few minutes, but I'm gonna send you an e-mail when I get back Inshallah, and if it doesn't work…I'm gonna sue somebody! lol. Big Smile (Americans. *rolls eyes* something goes wrong and we immediately threaten to sue! hehe)

      Kavita, listen to Oreo ji, he has great advice, Mashallah. It's cuz he's a guy, they have such practical advice. lol. and Nessa ji is right, we love you, and believe u too, keep ur head up and smile. Big Smile take care hunnz. Right Hug

    • #58233

      yup, listen to me and you will have less headache and minimal heartache. have laughter as your appetizer, sarcasm as your main course and humour as dessert. and to top it off, i'll throw in a free cup of wit and charm, shaken but not stirred.

    • #58234
      yup, listen to me and you will have less headache and minimal heartache. have laughter as your appetizer, sarcasm as your main course and humour as dessert. and to top it off, i'll throw in a free cup of wit and charm, shaken but not stirred.

      okay whatever u say DADDYji….Wink I also want a free cup of witz and tonza charmz, stirred NOT shaken plz, thank u 😉

      kavz, on a serious note, cosmics r8, we women tend to advise with our emotions on the sleeve ( mizz boo not included )

      whereas men tend to look at things logically….at least at certain times

    • #58235
      yup, listen to me and you will have less headache and minimal heartache. have laughter as your appetizer, sarcasm as your main course and humour as dessert. and to top it off, i'll throw in a free cup of wit and charm, shaken but not stirred.

      Big Smile


    • #58236
      Scar face:

      kavz, on a serious note, cosmics r8, we women tend to advise with our emotions on the sleeve ( mizz boo not included )

      Should I take that as a compliment, or an insult, or neither? Big Smile

    • #58237
      Scar face:

      kavz, on a serious note, cosmics r8, we women tend to advise with our emotions on the sleeve ( mizz boo not included )

      Should I take that as a compliment, or an insult, or neither? Big Smile

      waddaya think?????

    • #58238

      Compliment, yaar… for sure…


    • #58239
      yup, listen to me and you will have less headache and minimal heartache. have laughter as your appetizer, sarcasm as your main course and humour as dessert. and to top it off, i'll throw in a free cup of wit and charm, shaken but not stirred.

      oreo you actually care about me — sniffs –*bawling*[:'(]

      hug*Right Hug

      thank you

    • #58240
      Scar face:
      yup, listen to me and you will have less headache and minimal heartache. have laughter as your appetizer, sarcasm as your main course and humour as dessert. and to top it off, i'll throw in a free cup of wit and charm, shaken but not stirred.

      okay whatever u say DADDYji….Wink I also want a free cup of witz and tonza charmz, stirred NOT shaken plz, thank u 😉

      kavz, on a serious note, cosmics r8, we women tend to advise with our emotions on the sleeve ( mizz boo not included )

      whereas men tend to look at things logically….at least at certain times

      lol ali.. sniffs..well maybe i' got caught up with these emotional what do i do now to feel cold????!!

    • #58241


      *touchwood* … but, knowing my crazy world, it won’t last long… sigh.

    • #58242
      Am Rani

      OH MY GOD!!!! I was sitting in the train this morning, and on the other side of the train, there was such a wonderfull, handsome, OMG, Saif Ali Khan look-a-like!!!! Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile I'm not such a big Saif fan, but this guy was… yummy!!! I just couldn't help myself, I've kept staring at him untill I had to get out… Aaaaaahhhh, sometimes delays are SOOOOOO nice Wink

      (ok, that was random, but hey! This IS the totally random thread Wink)

    • #58243
      Am Rani

      Ow… it's not, hahahahahahaha. Never mind, it had to do with feelings, so my post will fit in this thread as well Wink

    • #58244
      Shakalaka Baby

      Sweet dreams tonight yaar… I think as soon as you reach your pillow, you will slowly dream away, thinking about the Saif Ali Khan look-a-like… WinkStick out tongue

    • #58245

      oreo you actually care about me — sniffs –*bawling*[:'(]

      hug*Right Hug

      thank you

      *send shiverssssss down me spine*

      im allergic to hugz so u can take that back.

    • #58246
      Am Rani:

      OH MY GOD!!!! I was sitting in the train this morning, and on the other side of the train, there was such a wonderfull, handsome, OMG, Saif Ali Khan look-a-like!!!! Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile I'm not such a big Saif fan, but this guy was… yummy!!! I just couldn't help myself, I've kept staring at him untill I had to get out… Aaaaaahhhh, sometimes delays are SOOOOOO nice Wink

      (ok, that was random, but hey! This IS the totally random thread Wink)

      Am Rani ji!!!!!

      Right Hug

      You HAVE been in my thoughts… just wondering where you'd disappeared off to madame…

      Oreo ji – allergic to hugs? Whaaaaaaaaat? Even OUR Khushi's jhappis?

    • #58247

      *send shiverssssss down me spine*

      lmao …shiverz down ye spine?? dats a good thing dude…soo Kavz me suggests u send more hugz to warm up

      cosmic, and do soo quickly before Nitzkar comes back and contaminate him with evilness

      im allergic to hugz so u can take that back.

      no probz theres pills for allergies sooo dis kewl now u can receive em freely

    • #58248
      Am Rani:

      OH MY GOD!!!! I was sitting in the train this morning, and on the other side of the train, there was such a wonderfull, handsome, OMG, Saif Ali Khan look-a-like!!!! Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile I'm not such a big Saif fan, but this guy was… yummy!!! I just couldn't help myself, I've kept staring at him untill I had to get out… Aaaaaahhhh, sometimes delays are SOOOOOO nice Wink

      (ok, that was random, but hey! This IS the totally random thread Wink)

      Oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwww lol … well that was a nice treat for you huh… Amraniji!!! How are you? And Shakz!!!! Omg… you guys are back where did you guys go? I wasnt here for al ogn time until ike 1 week ago when i came back also…… wow..hey if i rememebred correctly before i left for that while – one of u guys said u got engaged – i believe it was shakz? coz then an engaged person who is sooooooo overly happy with her new guy probably wont be admiring a saif ali khan look alike and call him yummy lol

      aliea – right back at you girl – gots to send more hugs back to oreo to warm him up lol – he's being so nice! — dont worry oreo – u cant be allergic to something as loving as hugs Big Smile n plus alie will throw a bundle of hugs for u so u wud get used to them

    • #58249

      oreo you actually care about me — sniffs –*bawling*[:'(]

      hug*Right Hug

      thank you

      *send shiverssssss down me spine*

      im allergic to hugz so u can take that back.

      hugs for oreo for being so nice Right Hug

    • #58250
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      I'm sad. Sad

      I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.



    • #58251
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I'm sad. Sad

      I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.



      Awwww Shweetoo, having a rough day today. Don't worry, the sun will set and will rise again with a new day. I know nothing can be done for what has to happen will happen- BUT… I can do a little something to cheer you up….

      Love you lots n lots n lots n lots n lots…..

      Mmmmmmmmmwah! *Bigggg Hugggg* Big Smile


    • #58252
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I'm sad. Sad

      I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.



      Right HugRight HugRight HugRight Hug

      I love juuu Rani. These are the rough days. gah, I've been havin' em a lot lately. Insha'Allah everything will be just fine.

      stay well yaar.

    • #58253

      Ek voel baie baie moeg….

      sad coz my fwend just resigned from work…

      happy coz its wat she wanted to do for a while now

      tired coz I partied the n8 away and am reallllly sleepy

      elated coz my sis got an A level pass…she was really ill during her exams

      Irritated coz this lady at this joint thought i was a ***,oh my gawd, I almost fainted.

      impatient, coz I want this day at work to go by faster, need to go hommmmmmmmee..

      blessed to have good friends and family….

      grateful for being able to have another stressful day on this maddening earth

      okies will stop now….hahahahaha

    • #58254
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I'm sad. Sad

      I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.



      Right Hug

      I'm having too many of those recently, too…

      Hang in there Rani………………..

    • #58255
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I'm sad. Sad

      I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.



      Right Hug

      TO BOTH OF U Right Hug



      I'm having too many of those recently, too…

      Hang in there Rani………………..

    • #58256
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I'm sad. Sad

      I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.



      For My sweet Raniji.

      My love, do not worry about the day. Sometimes we have bad days but think of it as – “it will blow away soon” fashion – and remember
      we are all here for you and here with you so come and let your feelings out and off of your chest
      for feelings locked in never do u good
      Hugs to you my darling – Cheer up – Here is a big HUG

      Cheer up little angel – you will be fine – dont worry to much – cheer up – smIle – promise that you will smile after reading this!

      love -kavi

    • #58257

      kavz dats sooooo Tweet hun 😉

    • #58258
      Scar face:

      Ek voel baie baie moeg….

      sad coz my fwend just resigned from work…

      happy coz its wat she wanted to do for a while now

      tired coz I partied the n8 away and am reallllly sleepy

      elated coz my sis got an A level pass…she was really ill during her exams

      Irritated coz this lady at this joint thought i was a ***,oh my gawd, I almost fainted.

      impatient, coz I want this day at work to go by faster, need to go hommmmmmmmee..

      blessed to have good friends and family….

      grateful for being able to have another stressful day on this maddening earth

      okies will stop now….hahahahaha

      Aww Hugs to all of my sweet sisters… Ali…have i ever told you that your speaking is like POETRY!!! I must learn from you
      so intelligent! you write poetry? whenever you write (even somethig normal) like up there , it is so deeeep

      awww….who thought you were a les…? maybe SHE WAS!

    • #58259

      ali are you like online right now?! lol

    • #58260
      Scar face:

      Irritated coz this lady at this joint thought i was a ***,oh my gawd, I almost fainted.

      grateful for being able to have another stressful day on this maddening earth

      1. LOL…. hahahahaha….. NOTHING againsts lesbians, of course… but just the fact that you almost fainted and felt irritated… LOL… what a compliment to you eh? LOL…. sorrysorrysorry…. Embarrassed I still love you!! Big Smile Hey gaydar seems… in excellent condition… hahaha….

      (Man. STILL can't stop laughing!)

      2. *snort*…. grateful?? for being able to have another STRESSFUL day??

      hahaha…. ali…. you make me smile man… Big Smile

      Right Hug

    • #58261

      i know…! she totally does! her words just sorta go with the flow of everything…

    • #58262
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I'm sad. Sad

      I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.



      Right Hug

      I'm having too many of those recently, too…

      Hang in there Rani………………..

      Girls… Right Hug Right Hug

    • #58263

      OH gosh Kavz, am not not sure what to say…seriously

      Errrrr hun, nope am not into poetry..and honestly dont think i write in a poetic way…

      however I do have a friend who is a poet, I mentioned her yesterday, Gossamer, will ask her to give u sum tips ..

      dnt even know if dat makes sense hahahahaha

      Intelligent?? Moi……….*********************blushing like a 5 year old************** Jeeez lol

      I simply write the way I feel ………I dnt write poetry, but have posted a few words here on the forum hahahahahaaaa

      Deeeeeep?? u really think sooo?? hmmm told u guys I am a serious chic nah, but deeep

      wow u really are making me blush hon…

      as for dat chic at the club, yeah we think shes a les…but wat da heck….eeeuyuk her thinking I am one????

      naaaahaaaa…. i was chatting to her outa courtesy…the usual hi and wateva….

      well at least da women think I am HOT lol

      ok dat aint funny …take it bak…

      i cant believe this

    • #58264

      Right back at ya khushi

      n everyone

      Right back at ye

    • #58265
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I'm sad. Sad

      I'm having a horrible day and the worst isn't even over yet…this is gonna be a really long day. Ya Allah, please help me.



      Right Hug

      I'm having too many of those recently, too…

      Hang in there Rani………………..

      Girls… Right Hug Right Hug

      My darling… (LOL… that sounds uhm uhmm…. Embarrassed hahaha)

      You don't know how much that means to me right now….

      And you too Kavi… man! Go check your PMs… Stick out tongue

    • #58266

      Hey Ali! Whats up love

      yes you DO ..N im sure every1 in this forum would agre with me that you write in a very very poetic way – very! n its beautiful it really is~~~

      ooooooo Gossamer is that person that u weer talkin abt y'day – i got confused lol

      awwwwwww why art thou blushin – you know you're an intelligent one!

      oooooooooooooooooo you go to clubs??? ooooooo she was in a club lol – aww..but how u klnow she thinks u r a ***? nnnnnnnn nah dont take it back

      BOW when someone thinks ur hot lol coz u're lucky

      me don hae pple telling me that often no guyz

      -er nor girl – lol

      love yah huggies for u

    • #58267
      Scar face:

      Irritated coz this lady at this joint thought i was a ***,oh my gawd, I almost fainted.

      grateful for being able to have another stressful day on this maddening earth

      1. LOL…. hahahahaha….. NOTHING againsts lesbians, of course… but just the fact that you almost fainted and felt irritated… LOL… what a compliment to you eh? LOL…. sorrysorrysorry…. Embarrassed I still love you!! Big Smile Hey gaydar seems… in excellent condition… hahaha….

      (Man. STILL can't stop laughing!)

      2. *snort*…. grateful?? for being able to have another STRESSFUL day??

      Hi ladies..

      Kush Hun…how r u my dear??

      kavs yep am online 😉

      Boo well at least my err experience made u laff. didye check yr pm sweety??

      I have nuthing against les or gay ppl too, but ME, I REPEAT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


      u knw when u are dancing, well when I am dancing, I am always running to ladies at intervals ( lousy songs )

      to freshen up 😉 sooo dis lady starts chatting, saying to me : watya wasting time using more lipgloss coz u luk very cute jus the way u are

      I smiled off coz, and continued doing my thing, then she starts telling me about herself and I am like ok ok ok ..shaking my head in response

      but not really listening until she mentioned number…and I am like WHAT??

      Didnt say bye was outa der in a flash

      I didnt even get to tell Gossamer the full story coz we reached home only this am …my time

      and yeah had no time to chat ….

      honestly the men an women here are frikking MAD, totally mental, reminds me of cosmics assylum hahahaha

      hahaha…. ali…. you make me smile man… Big Smile Angry kidding …Big Smile

      Right Hug

    • #58268

      LOL heheheheheheeee geezh………… well…..maybe tons of mental pple go to those clubs

      hehe …u was outta there in a flash huh …….rotfl

    • #58269

      Sorry yaar… had to edit yr post… it was hard to find YOUR message in the middle of those quotes!! Smile Hope ye don't mind…

      “Didnt say bye was outa der in a flash” – hahahahah!!!!!!!!!! Big Smile You are absolutely freaking crajee…. completely mental I tell ya!! No wonder you have so much of love around you woman… Big Smile


    • #58270

      awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww she gats love coz she's lovable not coz she's crazy..booji! hehehe

      but if its so = she's crazy in the most lovable way ever – aww hugs shweetooo

    • #58271

      Hey alia (Tongue Tied soz yaar, I keep getting confused with thy name!) how are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? how do u do! help me cheer up these two depressed sweeties! Ima make the whole world KHUSH Big Smile

      Woohoooo, BALLE BALLE on a FRIDAY FRIDAY, BALLE BALLE…… Love to watch you baby Go round round…round round ……..round round ……..round round *Khushi swirls round round *…….. Woooo, dizzy now! Confused

    • #58272

      vedy vedy funny kavs, I was seriously shocked….

      I laffed about it latr with my fwends but still….why wud any1 think I am les type??

      dnt mention the hugs and kisses I give to u guys ok…

      Am not flattered, seriously…and am not going to that place again…and yeah Kavs

      i do go to clubs but not to be picked up by women or men hahahaha

      just to DANCE…dats the place u can have MUSIC LITERALLY FLOWING THROUGH U ….

      luved dancing last n8

      really wish u guys were der, u wud be feeling as good as i do now…

      as for my writing skills…Jeeez cant believe u saying this in an open forum

      u will have cosmic zeee—rating my way of expressing myself for sure…

      how r u doing hun???

    • #58273

      Hey alia (Tongue Tied soz yaar, I keep getting confused with thy name!) how are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? how do u do! help me cheer up these two depressed sweeties! Ima make the whole world KHUSH Big Smile

      Woohoooo, BALLE BALLE on a FRIDAY FRIDAY, BALLE BALLE…… Love to watch you baby Go round round…round round ……..round round ……..round round *Khushi swirls round round *…….. Woooo, dizzy now! Confused


      I feel so emotional now………….. want to laugh my head off, and cry my heart out… sigh.

      I wish I could be here with you guys right now…. riiiiigggghtttt nowwwwwww!!

      Sigh… if only my wishes could come true!

      Stick out tongue

    • #58274

      Booji – omg – honey you areeeeee here with us!!! sniffs…i really wish though if one of these days we can all meet up …i treasure you guys so much you have no idea!

      l******** holding khushi up *********** slow down hun… ya feel less dizzy now? come on = im gonna dance with ya……..*swirls n swirls* khushi..r ya dancin?

      aliea..ooooh wow me never went to clubs before … but i guess its nice? i mean what kind of music do u dance to? nahhhhhhhhh oreo better not comment otherwise on ur writing compliments coz then we'd just have to prove to him how wrong his judgements are at times!

      lets all swirl around with khushi **************swirls **************** im feelin the love in here …sniffs

    • #58275

      boo kavs, Kush and Yumin, Lets have a nice looong group hug ok

      I wish Ness and mara, shaks, amz and ranz were here tooo

      if am missing out names forgive, okies

      boo no probs hun, edit all u want….wat makes me happy r8 now is dat I got u guys to laff

      doesnt matter if its at my expense ( am kewl wud dis ) but at least it worked….


      theres no luw here …….thnks sweetz, U have LOVE AROUND U TOOO. dnt eva forget this okies….

      aaand kavs, sooooo sweet my angel 🙂

      Kush, dnt worry about watye call me, alia, alie, al, scarry….hahahaha

      aaand its with pleasure I shall try to assist u with making these beautiful people forget their problems for bit when in our errrrr presence lol…wat say Booo???

      as fo balle balle on Sunday, okies ANYTIME…..luw dat song….

      Boo sweety. if u read yr pm, then u will knw HOW I FEEL about u being here with US or my being there with YOU GUYS……

      more luw to u sweety….aaand hey those problems can wait for another day nah????

    • #58276

      “Woohoooo, BALLE BALLE on a FRIDAY FRIDAY, BALLE BALLE…… Love to watch you baby Go round round…round round ……..round round ……..round round “

      these problems can WAIT for another day

      they can wait THEY CAN WAIT



      GROUP HUG GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #58277
      Scar face:

      boo kavs, Kush and Yumin, Lets have a nice looong group hug ok

      I wish Ness and mara, shaks, amz and ranz were here tooo

      if am missing out names forgive, okies

      boo no probs hun, edit all u want….wat makes me happy r8 now is dat I got u guys to laff

      doesnt matter if its at my expense ( am kewl wud dis ) but at least it worked….


      theres no luw here …….thnks sweetz, U have LOVE AROUND U TOOO. dnt eva forget this okies….

      aaand kavs, sooooo sweet my angel 🙂

      Kush, dnt worry about watye call me, alia, alie, al, scarry….hahahaha

      aaand its with pleasure I shall try to assist u with making these beautiful people forget their problems for bit when in our errrrr presence lol…wat say Booo???

      as fo balle balle on Sunday, okies ANYTIME…..luw dat song….

      Boo sweety. if u read yr pm, then u will knw HOW I FEEL about u being here with US or my being there with YOU GUYS……

      more luw to u sweety….aaand hey those problems can wait for another day nah????

      scarry ju rock yaar! *smiles*

    • #58278

      OOOOOOO guys …cripezzzss!!!!!!!!!1 me gots to go

      m sure these pple wont say this is online research for classwork hheheheee

      love ya'll so much wish i cud stay u guys make me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy

      love yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


    • #58279

      I feel so emotional now………….. want to laugh my head off, and cry my heart out… sigh. Right Hug

      i knw exactly how u feel my dear, aaargh definitely dat time of the month lmao

    • #58280

      OOOOOOO guys …cripezzzss!!!!!!!!!1 me gots to go

      m sure these pple wont say this is online research for classwork hheheheee

      love ya'll so much wish i cud stay u guys make me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy

      love yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


      take care.

    • #58281

      OOOOOOO guys …cripezzzss!!!!!!!!!1 me gots to go

      m sure these pple wont say this is online research for classwork hheheheee

      love ya'll so much wish i cud stay u guys make me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy

      love yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


      bye my darling…..lmao, Jees still sneaking around at college hey

      luw u sweetness…Right Hug

    • #58282


      scarry ju rock yaar! *smiles*

      Hmmmmm thanks yumz for confirming this

      U see Cosmic …as clear as day…..

      I rock for sure…

      Yumz, hw u doing hun?? didye get my msgs????

      lol, hope things are beta?? mmwah

    • #58283
      Scar face:

      scarry ju rock yaar! *smiles*

      Hmmmmm thanks yumz for confirming this

      U see Cosmic …as clear as day…..

      I rock for sure…

      Yumz, hw u doing hun?? didye get my msgs????

      lol, hope things are beta?? mmwah

      lol,yeah and Cosmic be calling people blur…

      Who cares what he thinks anyways? You rock

      ….my considerable socks


      Everything's going okayish yaar. usual stress and all, but all is good Alhamdulillah.

      how abt ya?

    • #58284
      Shakalaka Baby

      Sorry guys, but I just have to scream very hard, and since this is the thread “let your feelings out”…


      Yeah, that feels much better Stick out tongue

    • #58285
      Am Rani

      I just sit here laughing, and my dad keeps asking what's wrong, hahahahaha. I'm laughing, ok, nothing is wrong! But I just can't explain how much fun I sometimes have, reading all your posts, and feeling all the “lurrvveee” being spread. Big kiss to all of you! MWAH!! (sorry Serio, just ignore)

    • #58286
      Scar face:

      I feel so emotional now………….. want to laugh my head off, and cry my heart out… sigh. Right Hug

      i knw exactly how u feel my dear, aaargh definitely dat time of the month lmao

      oye hoye!! this the “getting me back” part huh?

      Stick out tongue

      NOPE… not that time of the month… there's just so much sh!t going on… with intervals of so much of Love… I don't knw WHAT to feel but just feeeeeeeeel feeeeeeel feeeeeeeel all the emotions that come my way…. just let em flow through me, like the waves of the ocean….

      no offence to whomever that gal is… but heck my face ain't like hers!

    • #58287
      Am Rani:
      I just sit here laughing, and my dad keeps asking what's wrong, hahahahaha. I'm laughing, ok, nothing is wrong! But I just can't explain how much fun I sometimes have, reading all your posts, and feeling all the “lurrvveee” being spread. Big kiss to all of you! MWAH!! (sorry Serio, just ignore)

      Right Hug

      Okies enough lurve… PMs!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Stick out tongue

    • #58288
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      DiiRight Hug I love you oh so much. Smile

      Ninja…keep smiling, hunnz. If Allah brings you to it, He'll take you through it. Smile Never lose faith and hope. Right Hug I love you. and last night was superly duperly fun. Big Smile

      BooLeft Hug *hanging* Smile You hang on as well, okay? Stay strong, twin ji. Just like the good times don't stay, neither do the bad times. Smile

      Scarrrry…your pms are filled with so much love. Smile I'm sorry, but I won't reply right now, If I do, I'm gonna say things I don't want to say, I'll wait till the ghum wears off a bit. Smile

      that goes for everyone I need to reply to…

      promise that you will smile after reading this!

      …and I did smile. Smile Kavita, hunnz…Right Hug thank you. Smile

    • #58289


    • #58290

      Hugs to all you guys… ahhhhh i love this lil teddy bear huggin this heart..he's so CUTE!!!
      Thats why im sending the hugs to you guys

      oh my god guys i am so scareedddddddddd my exams are coming up and i am behind in studying im scared whts gonna happen if i dont study everything in time sniff oh gosh…!! PLEASE PRAY FOR ME.. im sure ur pray will help me through Sad I better go start burning the books!

      love you guys

    • #58291

      Hugs to all you guys… ahhhhh i love this lil teddy bear huggin this heart..he's so CUTE!!!
      Thats why im sending the hugs to you guys

      oh my god guys i am so scareedddddddddd my exams are coming up and i am behind in studying im scared whts gonna happen if i dont study everything in time sniff oh gosh…!! PLEASE PRAY FOR ME.. im sure ur pray will help me through Sad I better go start burning the books!

      love you guys

      Hugs to you too yaar Left Hug My prayers are with you. You will do just fine don't worry. Study hard, drink coffeee and act stupid. lolll no jk dont drink coffee. im such a bad influence. I know you'll do just fine, it's good to be stressed cuz den you'll study harder than the test really is and you will definitely ace it. (Inshallah)

      Keep yo head up.


    • #58292

      Hey Guys! How are you all doing!
      Yemen – what up! Awww thnx for the good luck charms… yeah u're kinda right …stress is kinda good to have then u'll work ur butt off to make it..i just..hope i can be able to do that right now!!! abt the coffee thing lol… ! u're not a bad influ whatchu talkin abt!!! im not such a big fan of coffee but yeah i already made some n drank it …geesh dun konw the last time i had coffee hehehe …tea's my ..cup of tea…lol..get it? sry my jokes are SO CORNY lol
      yeah i hope im done w/ all the material then try to cram it.!!

      tnx alottt
      luv — kavi

    • #58293

      hehe Smile yeah you will do great. Yemeni says so nd vhen yemeni says suttin…i dunno LOL

      np Right Hug

    • #58294

      yeah thnx u so nice

      what up with u?

    • #58295

      not much.

      I'm so supposed to be doing something productive right now, but i decide not cuz its only saturday.


      how about you ji?

    • #58296

      yeah..its only saturday is how

      procrastination prolongs

      i hate procrastination

      if every1 in this world was only eager to do work n stuff – then i'd have no problem!

    • #58297
      Am Rani

      Right Hug

      Okies enough lurve… PMs!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Stick out tongue

      Boo… It's NICE to receive some love… You can never have enough… Wink But since you prefer a PM… Go and check it!! WinkWink

    • #58298

    • #58299

      okay i am so f***ing pissed off


    • #58300

      Da frikking toilets are not working in this place…

      Can u believe this….Jeez we’r flippant in da middle of nowhere NOW the toilets wont work….


      I miss Durban, @ least theres toilets everywhere DER….

      Okies am kewl Now, either this ( ie typing out my irritation ) or screaming it out to everyone here lmao …

    • #58301

      okay i am so f***ing pissed off


      kavz, Swearing?? dats sooo NOT lady like sweety Stick out tongue….da exams fustration again huh??

      wish i cud help but my studies aint going sooo well either

      heres a nice loong hugz from meee to ye Right Hug

    • #58302

      Boo… It's NICE to receive some love… You can never have enough…

      Me thinkz ze same same same Amzee WinkRight Hug

    • #58303
      Shakalaka Baby:

      Sorry guys, but I just have to scream very hard, and since this is the thread “let your feelings out”…


      Yeah, that feels much better Stick out tongue

      yup for sure Shakzee, glad it made u feel better Yaar…Right Hug

      take it easy now, breathe in ..breathe out …

      hope da h/aches gone..and dat dinner went well…

    • #58304

      Hey everyone how are my litle angels

      Didi how are you. I miss you so much everything is cool on my end still waiting to hear from my brother.

      But you sound so frustrated why don't you use a tree or something lol

      Well i saw Sol yesterday and i was with a frined and totally egnored him lol it fealt so nice he had to say hi to me first lol MMUUUAAAHHHHAAHHHAAAHHHAA

    • #58305

      Amzee, well a beeeeeg sloppy, wet 6 month ol baby kiss back at ye hunRight Hug

    • #58306

      aliea..ooooh wow me never went to clubs before … but i guess its nice? i mean what kind of music do u dance to? !

      lets all swirl around with khushi **************swirls **************** im feelin the love in here …sniffs

      well hun dis wasnt exactly a club, it was more a place where the rich elite folk hang out….aaand NO am not rich

      just pretending to be hahahahahahaaaa….

      now bak to clubs, well its nice then it aint sooo nice…

      u will find all kinda people in clubs, from drug users to hookes to people who just wanna dance the n8 away ( like moi)

      I dnt suggest u go to one, not if I am not around to gaurd errr guide u lol….it can be a crazeeee place…

      MUSIC…wateva makes my heart beat faster…I dance to anything that has a good beat…sound,damn wats dat word am lukin 4??

      was thinking the same thing when I got to bed on Friday n8, then I heard balle balle on the radio an laffed out loud to my empty room

      ..thinking of kush lmao

      dis place is def full of luw..

    • #58307

      Hey everyone how are my litle angels

      Didi how are you. I miss you so much everything is cool on my end still waiting to hear from my brother.

      But you sound so frustrated why don't you use a tree or something lol

      Well i saw Sol yesterday and i was with a frined and totally egnored him lol it fealt so nice he had to say hi to me first lol MMUUUAAAHHHHAAHHHAAAHHHAA

      heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey luwie

      fustrated?????? nope am not fustrated hun, just told the guys here watye said about using a tree and one of em said

      ** by the time they get to a tree, theyd lose cargo***** crazeee ppl here lmao

      I shudve been more specific, theres no water…I need to wash my hands..

      is he still at the prison??? damn…its been a while hey…

      Sol, ****high five**** well dis gud u keepin yr kewl my darlin

      no man is really worth agonising over as much as we do nah??


    • #58308
      Scar face:

      I dnt suggest u go to one, not if I am not around to gaurd errr guide u lol….it can be a crazeeee place…

      MUSIC…wateva makes my heart beat faster…I dance to anything that has a good beat…sound,damn wats dat word am lukin 4??

      was thinking the same thing when I got to bed on Friday n8, then I heard balle balle on the radio an laffed out loud to my empty room

      ..thinking of kush lmao

      dis place is def full of luw..

      Big Smile Thinking of my Jaanu and her balle balle huh? Stick out tongue

      def. full of lurveeeeeeeeeee………….. Wink

    • #58309

      oye hoye!! this the “getting me back” part huh?

      Stick out tongue

      NOPE… not that time of the month… there's just so much sh!t going on… with intervals of so much of Love… I don't knw WHAT to feel but just feeeeeeeeel feeeeeeel feeeeeeeel all the emotions that come my way…. just let em flow through me, like the waves of the ocean….

      lmao, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???no no no purleeez…dia aint da getting bak at ye part, in fact forgot about that the moment I posted it …

      feeeeeeeel feeeeeeeeeeeeel feeeeeeeeeeeel away hun…am just hoping its more luw than shyt….lol

      seriously though, hope things get better for ye, am sending ova sum luw to help give u the strength to

      work thru this bad phase….

      no offence to whomever that gal is… but heck my face ain't like hers!


    • #58310
      Am Rani:

      Boo… It's NICE to receive some love… You can never have enough… Wink

      Am Rani and Scar Face:

      Chup kar, the pair of you!!! Stick out tongue

    • #58311


      plz tell me the song here im giving the first 2 lines of a beautiful melody song…

      “sochavu mi hum agar tere sansome avo..tere …avo..

      Khojavu my tum agar meri khabo me avo..tere …avo..”

      like that the song will go…

      please tell me abt the song…


    • #58312

      Hello chenna – sorry I dont know which song that is Sad

      Hey every1 what up! Oooooooooo marine – lol … u ignored sul – r u for realz?! omg yeah heck yeah let HIM say hi to u
      oo ali abt the whole club things oooo u don recommend me go unless u're there to guard me huh lolz..dude is it that bad tho?
      i mean…. whooo rent u scared .. i mean with druggers n hookers..n stuff?!

      yeah sry about the bad UNlady like lang – but i HAD TO GET MY FEELINGS OUT Sniffs….. n culdnt write so much in here so just put a sad pic

    • #58313

      n ali i sent you private msg with all my feelings oh god now if i read excuse my lang!!!

    • #58314
      Shakalaka Baby
      Scar face:

      yup for sure Shakzee, glad it made u feel better Yaar…Right Hug

      take it easy now, breathe in ..breathe out …

      hope da h/aches gone..and dat dinner went well…

      Of course dinner went well… Wink It was actually at the restaurant where my fiancé proposed to me Big SmileBig SmileBig Smile

      And yes, it really made me feel better… I was just really pi.ssed of because my boss was giving me an hard time at work Tongue TiedTongue Tied But I know how to handle him now… whoehahahaha DevilWink

      Headache is still around… How is yours??

    • #58315


    • #58316

      sighs…what the heck? image thief detected..huh?!!!! i found this pic in my comp i guess my sis saved it from online — just thought i'd put it to reflect my feelings since i didnt wanna called…TALK about all my anger and stuff at the moment — thanks ness – well sure hope that 'buttercup' is referrin to both her and me … hehe muahz to u

      shakzzzz what up?!! awwwww love don worry abt yr boss too know how sometimes pple can be big butt heads ..but then again he/she's ur boss ..sooooo gatta be careful
      awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ah ha! it was you who said u' got engaged………awwww sweetumsssssss good luck nnnnn thaz sooooo schweeetttt dining at the same place he proposed to you…….schweet! he betta treat you good

    • #58317
      Shakalaka Baby

      Hey Kavita!!!! How are you?? Things are getting better at work now, but today my boss (a male) said some weird se.xual things to me and I really dunno how to handle with that Tongue TiedTongue TiedTongue Tied But like you said, I have to be careful before I say something about it… As a reflex I sticked out my tongue to him today, but afterwards I was like “OMG!! Did I really do that to my boss?!?!” lol… Stick out tongue

      Yup, it was me who got engaged Smile It was really great to come back at the restaurant again… Every memory came back Big Smile And don't worry about me, because my fiancé treats me very well… I'm really a lucky woman Big SmileBig SmileBig Smile

    • #58318

      Awwwwwwwwwwww so it was you who got engaged!!!!!!! ooooooo yupper i know you are a lucky woman! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!
      so schweet

      about the boss thing –whoa!!!!!!!!! he said sexual stuff to you? ARe you like KIDDING?! omg – your fiance is gonna kill him lol
      omg……. hehe im trying to picture u stickin out ur tongue at him after he said… something sexual… err… how strong was his sexual comment?
      n thaz just wrong of him dude!!

    • #58319
      Am Rani
      Scar face:

      Amzee, well a beeeeeg sloppy, wet 6 month ol baby kiss back at ye hunRight Hug

      Hahaha, should that cheer me up?? Wink Better no kisses for me today, I got the flu Tongue Tied But thanks anyway, hahahaha Wink

    • #58320
      Am Rani

      Am Rani and Scar Face:

      Chup kar, the pair of you!!! Stick out tongue

      Yup, indeed full of love, this place… Wink

      Boo: puleassssseee remove that line in you signature?!?!?!? The song has been in my head for ages now.. everytime I get on this forum.. *sigh* Wink

    • #58321
      Am Rani
      Shakalaka Baby:

      Hey Kavita!!!! How are you?? Things are getting better at work now, but today my boss (a male) said some weird se.xual things to me and I really dunno how to handle with that Tongue TiedTongue TiedTongue Tied But like you said, I have to be careful before I say something about it… As a reflex I sticked out my tongue to him today, but afterwards I was like “OMG!! Did I really do that to my boss?!?!” lol… Stick out tongue

      Uhm, Shakz?? When someone says something sex.ual to you… sticking out you tongue is not the best reaction you can give… He might get that wrong, you know.. And you REALLY don't want the man to get you wrong, do you?? Wink

    • #58322

      totally true – sticking out your tongue was NOT the best response…. at that time!

    • #58323
      Shakalaka Baby

      Awwwwwwwwwwww so it was you who got engaged!!!!!!! ooooooo yupper i know you are a lucky woman! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!
      so schweet

      Thanks yaar!!! Right Hug

      about the boss thing –whoa!!!!!!!!! he said sexual stuff to you? ARe you like KIDDING?! omg – your fiance is gonna kill him lol

      I just won't tell him I guess… otherwise maybe he will!!

      omg……. hehe im trying to picture u stickin out ur tongue at him after he said… something sexual… err… how strong was his sexual comment? n thaz just wrong of him dude!!

      I sticked out my tongue just before he made that se.xual comment, not as a reaction to the comment… We talked about company clothes (which I don't have) and he said something about that jokingly…

      Right after that he made some comment about my chest that he liked the view or something… Tongue TiedTongue TiedTongue Tied And I should add that I wasn't wearing anything that showed my cleavage… Just some normal V-necked sweater Tongue TiedTongue Tied From now on I'll only wear turtle necks to work, for sure!!!

    • #58324
      Shakalaka Baby
      Am Rani:

      Uhm, Shakz?? When someone says something sex.ual to you… sticking out you tongue is not the best reaction you can give… He might get that wrong, you know.. And you REALLY don't want the man to get you wrong, do you?? Wink

      Thanks for your well meant comment sweety, but I didn't do that after his se.xual comment on me… At that moment I just looked like “What are you saying? OMG!!!! I did misunderstood you, right?!” Indifferent And my colleague was like “big yuck!!” too… I'll send you an e-mail with the whole story asap… I definitely don't want my boss to get me wrong!!!!

    • #58325
      Shakalaka Baby
      totally true – sticking out your tongue was NOT the best response…. at that time!

      I didn't stick out my tongue at that moment as I explained already, but I have a question for you… How DO you respond?? I mean… I let him know I really don't appreciate such comments when he makes them, and still from time to time he makes a se.xual comment again!! And everytime I feel myself getting red (because I really dunno how to deal with it) and I don't have lines back to shut him up… Really frustrating!! Tongue TiedTongue TiedTongue Tied Hopefully you guys can help me with some good advice!!!! I would be really greatful towards you Smile

    • #58326
      Shakalaka Baby
      Am Rani:

      I got the flu Tongue Tied

      Aaahwww sweety!!! The flu has got you too!!! (there's some epidemic going around in Holland) I really hate to hear this… Tongue TiedTongue Tied Hopefully you'll feel better soon sweety!!! Right Hug I'll try to send you an e-mail tomorrow from work to cheer you up!!

    • #58327

      oh you did it BEFORE he said the se.xual thing..okay well that makes it a lil better
      as fo rhim talking about your chest and stuff…what is he like a pervert boss or something?
      its right that you told him that you dont appreciate him saying stuff like that to you b/c it shoul dbe professonial
      in the professional env't
      n if he does it again i think you should strongly ignore him – or make it clear that you dont find it Entertaning or nice .. to be hearing wha the is saying if its sexual stuff

      am rani honey – get well soon *hug

    • #58328

      shakz, yeah Im thinking same as kavi, if he makes anymore of those types of comments just tell him very sternly that you don't appreciate them and even though they be be in jest, you don't want to be hearing such comments and to keep it professional? Good luck with everythin hun x


      jeez, why can't I get them to knock before they enter my room?! I'm so damn angry. I'm going to put a lock on my door myself if I have to! *good luck me* or i'll get someone to do it! Ive had ENUF!

    • #58329

      LIFE SUCKSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #58330

      shakz, yeah Im thinking same as kavi, if he makes anymore of those types of comments just tell him very sternly that you don't appreciate them and even though they be be in jest, you don't want to be hearing such comments and to keep it professional? Good luck with everythin hun x


      jeez, why can't I get them to knock before they enter my room?! I'm so damn angry. I'm going to put a lock on my door myself if I have to! *good luck me* or i'll get someone to do it! Ive had ENUF!

      Aaaaw sweety, its sums we gotta live with, lol, been there, tried it and broke the door handle in the process, lmao Jeez

      u guys just bring on sooo many memories 😉

      reminds me of my bro, he will walk in when I am sound asleep, dreaming of Sonu 😉 and literally lift the matress and drop me off the bed

      u wudnt believe how flippant annoying that can be, and he also has a habit of pulling my pillow from under my rested head

      and hitting me with it until I am awake, ******sigh********** I miss him 😉

      dats living with men nah….no one thinks of knocking before entering lol

    • #58331
      Shakalaka Baby:

      Hey Kavita!!!! How are you?? Things are getting better at work now, but today my boss (a male) said some weird se.xual things to me and I really dunno how to handle with that Tongue TiedTongue TiedTongue Tied But like you said, I have to be careful before I say something about it… As a reflex I sticked out my tongue to him today, but afterwards I was like “OMG!! Did I really do that to my boss?!?!” lol… Stick out tongue

      Yup, it was me who got engaged Smile It was really great to come back at the restaurant again… Every memory came back Big Smile And don't worry about me, because my fiancé treats me very well… I'm really a lucky woman Big SmileBig SmileBig Smile

      oye shakzee

      sticking out yr tongue at da man will only make him want to go full force with this harassment hun.

      Men are like that, they think weirdly …I knw its reflex coz I do dat sumtimes with da guys here but its

      coz they know I am playful and theres A LOT of respect between all of us ….

      Anyways, u must stop this now before it gets worse and it will coz if u dnt do or say anything at the onset it will be seen

      in his favour when u do take it up…

      Okies, first approach him and be very stern and firm about the fact that his behaviour is inappropriate and u

      wud appreciate it if he stops all this sexual advances towards u…

      give him a day or two, if it continues, tell him u will take it further…

      if it still doesnt stop then do take it further, U CAN SUE the man

      sooo do it the proper way, or when/if things get worse he will say u were encouraging him

      sooo yeah dats my bit for now, will send u an email sooon

      pls take it easy and be careful ok hun, this world is full of disgusting ppl like yr boss

    • #58332
      LIFE SUCKSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      it does sumtimes yumin,

      der Right Hug hope u feel beta soon my darling

    • #58333

      alright i have my exams today!!!!!!!!!!!!1 arghhh!~!!! so much stufff to remember n still not finish studying!!!!!!!!!!!!
      yeah life DOES least right now
      as for shkz – if yr boss does that again to u tell him ur fiance is gonna kick his butt lol
      let him know that u're TAKEN n let him know that thats a professional place n doin stuff like that is NOT COOL

    • #58334

      kavz hun,

      all the best sweety

      am sure u will do well

      ***hugz u tightly ****

    • #58335

      thanks a mill love i dun only need hugz i neede some LUCK n some MAGIC RIGHT NOW..

      sniffs – but prayer wud do me perfect soooooo ya'll pray for meeeeeeeeeeeee i need help

      sniffs – im about to get a mental breakdown

      alright lemem go study now test cmoin up in like 2 hrs

    • #58336

      okies then am sending ova sum magik dust or wateva they call it..

      as for prayin for ye, u dnt have to request this hun, ur always in my prayer

      its not easy but do try an relax okies, as stressing soo soon

      before yr paper will make u forget all u learnt and Please let us know how it went okies

      once more gud luk

      luwya sweetness

    • #58337

      k i m gonna rub tha magic dust all ova me ima swallow it ima ingest it im rub it in mah hair

      i need it

      n thankx fot he prayers

      i am so screwed

    • #58338

      well if u continue chatting to me like this then u may well be ***screwed**lol

      soo go on and do sum reruns of all u learnt lol


      am sure the magic dust will help

    • #58339
      Shakalaka Baby

      as for shkz – if yr boss does that again to u tell him ur fiance is gonna kick his butt lol
      let him know that u're TAKEN n let him know that thats a professional place n doin stuff like that is NOT COOL

      Hahaha, your post made me smile Kav!! Big Smile But my boss knows I'm taken and getting married, and he's married too… But that doesn't help Tongue Tied Some time ago I told to my colleague my b/f wasn't jealous… My boss overheard and said: “Oh well… in that case” *wink wink* then he hastily added: “Nooo… I'm just joking” So that won't do Tongue Tied

    • #58340
      Shakalaka Baby
      n if he does it again i think you should strongly ignore him – or make it clear that you dont find it Entertaning or nice .. to be hearing wha the is saying if its sexual stuff

      That's what Am Rani said to me too before… Just ignore him!! Too bad that I'm his assistent (so I have to work very closely with him every day)… Tongue TiedTongue TiedTongue Tied

    • #58341
      Shakalaka Baby

      shakz, yeah Im thinking same as kavi, if he makes anymore of those types of comments just tell him very sternly that you don't appreciate them and even though they be be in jest, you don't want to be hearing such comments and to keep it professional? Good luck with everythin hun x

      Aaawww, thank you sweety for your advice and everything… I really appreciate that!! Smile I hope you're feeling better now… Take care of yourself hunn and don't get too frustrated!! Right Hug

    • #58342
      Shakalaka Baby
      LIFE SUCKSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Aaawww hunn… what's wrong??? Here's a hug to comfort you sweety Right Hug I hope you feel better soon!!

    • #58343

      Ugh! What a sleaze!

      I'm sorry to hear that this guy is getting under your skin Shakalaka. But take heart, if you believe in karma, he will get what's coming to him! Wink

      A nice karmic kick to the face will do nicely! Big Smile

    • #58344
      Shakalaka Baby
      Scar face:

      oye shakzee

      sticking out yr tongue at da man will only make him want to go full force with this harassment hun.

      I know I know… but it was just joking at that moment

      Men are like that, they think weirdly …I knw its reflex coz I do dat sumtimes with da guys here but its

      coz they know I am playful and theres A LOT of respect between all of us ….

      I have that with a colleague (male) of mine too… But in that way, it's okay Smile

      Anyways, u must stop this now before it gets worse and it will coz if u dnt do or say anything at the onset it will be seen

      in his favour when u do take it up…

      Okies, first approach him and be very stern and firm about the fact that his behaviour is inappropriate and u

      wud appreciate it if he stops all this sexual advances towards u…

      give him a day or two, if it continues, tell him u will take it further…

      if it still doesnt stop then do take it further, U CAN SUE the man

      sooo do it the proper way, or when/if things get worse he will say u were encouraging him

      sooo yeah dats my bit for now, will send u an email sooon

      pls take it easy and be careful ok hun, this world is full of disgusting ppl like yr boss

      Thanks for all your good advice Scarry!!! You're the best!! Right Hug Wow, nobody will mess with you I guess… They're probably to afraid you'll sue them WinkStick out tongue

    • #58345

      — thanks ness – well sure hope that 'buttercup' is referrin to both her and me … hehe muahz to u

      Yes it was Kavi! Big Smile

      And *muaaaahhhzzz* back at ya!

      BTW, was that you in the desktop photo w/ Harry Potter?!?!?!?! You're gorgeous!

    • #58346
      Shakalaka Baby

      Ugh! What a sleaze!

      I'm sorry to hear that this guy is getting under your skin Shakalaka. But take heart, if you believe in karma, he will get what's coming to him! Wink

      A nice karmic kick to the face will do nicely! Big Smile

      Hahahaha, your post really gave me a good laugh!!! Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile Thanks so much for cheering me up Nessa ji!!! Right Hug That was just what I needed… Smile

    • #58347
      Shakalaka Baby

      alright i have my exams today!!!!!!!!!!!!1 arghhh!~!!! so much stufff to remember n still not finish studying!!!!!!!!!!!!
      yeah life DOES least right now

      I wish you all the luck of the world with your exams Kav!!! Please let us know how they went… Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #58348

      This is how I feel today! I'm just too exhausted!

      Shakalaka Baby:
      Sorry guys, but I just have to scream very hard, and since this is the thread “let your feelings out”…


      Hope you don't mind me borrowing Spicy Shakz! AngelSmile

    • #58349
      Shakalaka Baby

      Hahahaha of course I don't mind… As long as it's you, it's okay SmileWink

    • #58350
      Shakalaka Baby:
      Hahahaha, your post really gave me a good laugh!!! Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile Thanks so much for cheering me up Nessa ji!!! Right Hug That was just what I needed… Smile

      Glad I could make you smile sweets! Right Hug

      Just keep that mental picture (karmic foot to the grill) when you feel powerless! Wink

    • #58351

      I know I know… but it was just joking at that moment

      I have that with a colleague (male) of mine too… But in that way, it's okay Smile

      Thanks for all your good advice Scarry!!! You're the best!! Right Hug Wow, nobody will mess with you I guess… They're probably to afraid you'll sue them WinkStick out tongue

      Sweety, I knw u were joking and I knw it was reflex but Men are Men, u bludy casually luk at em and they think u want to

      go ski naked with em or sums lol…oh my did i just type that lmao sum more

      Anyways, I want to be more detailed but will talk to u sooon ok, hopefully this weekend

      just take it easy hun and am sowrie if I came off a lil rude or abrupt okies 😉

      Well, I dnt give or try not to give any1 a chance to mess wud me hun..I remember when I first started in this company ..( in durbs )

      I was warned about the crazee men, ( ERIC INCLUDED ) right, then a month or so later, this man made a pass at me over the phone, I went over to him

      and gave him a loooooooooooooooooong lecture about respect and harrasment bla bla bla, we now have a lovely working

      relationship…and no one else even bothered to make a pass at me after that one lol…

      I am craze for sure but hate it when one person disrespects another like wats happening with u…

      I wont sue anyone coz I dnt need to, its all about attitude, I may be an ice queen to all but I rather be that than have

      a zillion men thinking I am easy, I will thump them soooo hard, they will faint and wake up thinking they are monkies or

      jack a$$es which isnt far from the truth …..sooooooooooo NO no suing or violence, just plain words for me…

    • #58352
      Shakalaka Baby:
      Hahahaha, your post really gave me a good laugh!!! Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile Thanks so much for cheering me up Nessa ji!!! Right Hug That was just what I needed… Smile

      Glad I could make you smile sweets! Right Hug

      Just keep that mental picture (karmic foot to the grill) when you feel powerless! Wink

      lmao, oh my ..Yuk Ness and damage her pointed heels in the process , naaaaha

      not worth the effort I tellya lol

    • #58353

      — thanks ness – well sure hope that 'buttercup' is referrin to both her and me … hehe muahz to u

      Yes it was Kavi! Big Smile

      And *muaaaahhhzzz* back at ya!

      BTW, was that you in the desktop photo w/ Harry Potter?!?!?!?! You're gorgeous!

      whoooooooo I wish nessa!

      n shakz i agree with nessa and the karma thing lol

      guyz the tests were hard but i nkow i got an A in 1 of em yippeeeeeeee as for th other 1 well its not n A but i hope tis at least a B – or somethin

    • #58354

      — thanks ness – well sure hope that 'buttercup' is referrin to both her and me … hehe muahz to u

      Yes it was Kavi! Big Smile

      And *muaaaahhhzzz* back at ya!

      BTW, was that you in the desktop photo w/ Harry Potter?!?!?!?! You're gorgeous!

      whoooooooo I wish nessa!

      n shakz i agree with nessa and the karma thing lol

      guyz the tests were hard but i nkow i got an A in 1 of em yippeeeeeeee as for th other 1 well its not n A but i hope tis at least a B – or somethin

    • #58355
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      lol. I'm practicing my spanish. Big Smile

      hmm…let's see….mis sentimientos…my feelings…(If it's even right)…my heart hurts. Sad I mean literally, it hurts. I dunnoe why. Tongue Tied It better get better, or else!

      and…ummm…………………………I dunnoe. I'm confooozled. yep yep. *nods*

      lol. Big Smile

    • #58356

      I think Rani has lost it. oh no!!!

      *clears throat*

    • #58357
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      lol. lost what, exactly? My perspicacity? no, i haven't lost that yet.

      Big Smile

    • #58358

      Raniiiiiiiii! Sweetheart are you alright? dont stress ya self missy

      just do what yeh can do and always remember that you are smart girl en your gonna ace those tests or studying esp

      if they're in a different language

      buene suerte mi amor!

      i think thts right ..i learned some espanol en high school pero no se si im talking it correctly!

      love u hun – do not LOOSE IT! plz!

    • #58359

      U're doing just fine Kavi. Only it's buena suerte.

      In fact, las dos hablaban correctamente. Smile

    • #58360
      Shakalaka Baby
      Scar face:

      I wont sue anyone coz I dnt need to, its all about attitude, I may be an ice queen to all but I rather be that than have

      a zillion men thinking I am easy, I will thump them soooo hard, they will faint and wake up thinking they are monkies or

      jack a$$es which isnt far from the truth …..sooooooooooo NO no suing or violence, just plain words for me…

      Scarry: you're not an ice queen!! You're just a strong independent woman, and that's great!! Be proud of that! Smile

      I wish I could be more firm from time to time Tongue Tied But hey, I'm working on it!! I'm trying to be more assertive this year and it's getting better little by little (even my boss himself said to me that they didn't need to teach me how to be assertive, because I already am… lol Stick out tongue)… But sexual comments from my boss are still difficult to handle…

    • #58361

      Ohh thanks for the correction Ness!!!

      [image] Wait 1st of all what is an Ice Queen? Do tell me you guys
      [image] Shakz hun listen : U're a strong independent woman too n you gat so many pple that love you includin us n
      [image] n that fine finace of yours . I dont know if you told your fiance as yet but I suggest you tell him and have him help you how to deal with what that jerk of a boss is doing 2 you > n yeah we all know that you're a hottie but that doesnt give your boss especially ! the right to harrass you sexually
      [image] Being assertive is a good step to take to shun him of his stupidity n disrespect — > Hun —> You gatta make it clear to him that you dont appreciate the crap what he's doin to you coz it makes you feel very uncomfortable and he shud know that HE IS the wrong one coz you 're not supposed to be doing that in a professional place like that. So try being more assertive yes, and be Strong in your words, dont be all jokey coz they he's gonna take it all for a joke you gatta show him n be serious when u tellin him that its not aight for him 2 be pickin on u sexually n also tell ur fiance and ask him for advice coz after all he's the closest 1 u can trust n he loves u with all his heart so he'll kno whatz best for u… n dont blame me if after u tell ur fiance ( unless he knows already ) ur boss ends up run over with a van down the street or something..oopss sorry thats … cold..hehe…
      So let him know juz let ur boss know that u aint gonna take it n it is really bothering u – or TEll a Co-worker how you feel and maybe they can tell ur boss about the problem if you cant tell him yourself — all the best — kav

    • #58362


      I am IN LOVVVVVVEEEEEEEE with these!!!!!!!!! I so so so so so so am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #58363

      Y iz lyfe such a b*tch sometimez…..????

    • #58364
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      buene suerte mi amor!

      aww! Thanks for the good luck, hunnz! Right Hug You're toooo sweet! Big Smile

      Actually, it went very bad. lol. She's such a beezee to me! Sad You know what happened!??! After everyone presentation, the teacher told everyone what they did good and what they did bad, so u know, we can learn from our mistakes. But she didn't do it to me. So I was all like, “Senora, you didn't say anything to me.” and she looks at me funny, and says, “Oh. I forgot. Why don't you go up there and give your presentation again so I can do it to you?” I was like Surprise Indifferent Sad “No thanks.” Especially since she knows how much I hate the stage! What a beezee! [:'(]

      In fact, las dos hablaban correctamente. Smile

      woot woot! We rock, Kavita! (thanks Nessa!)

      Y iz lyfe such a b*tch sometimez…..????

      Because it's all part of the test, hunnz. Right Hug But I know you're strong and I believe in you, hunnz, you'll make it through.

      Remember your MSN display name? If Allah brings you to it, then He'll take you through it. So don't lose hope, Tayba ji, and just keep your head up. Smile

      I love you tonz. Smile

    • #58365

      [image] Hey honeyS , what up? Boooooo Im in love with em tooo!!! Had to put 'em here in the threads b/c they look sooo beautiful they really do..and they match with your sig pic Smile

      [image] Tayaba honey sometimes life just happens to give us the worse..n then we become all confused n sad n then we're hurtin n dont really know what 2 do but u know what – look inside urself – and do some positive SElf talk n u shall get through the moment b/c u r strong n i have confidence n u n i know that u can do n i know that u can get through b/c we're all here hopin for u… but u just have to have hope in urself and be strong and be positive and try to fight off negative talks n thoughtz…n i know all this cud sound easy but itz soo hard to do but at least try and let this be in ur consciousness [image] Rani my shweetooo how are you? Yepp tnx nessa for the corrections (mine) hehe well I think I remember only a little spanish..un poco espanol (ha!) ; Awww Rani your teacher sounds like a #$^%& Sad n Im gettin smoky offa mah chair coz she bein all mean 2 u coz its not funny n u don deserve it coz u're a good student n u're hard workin n i know u hold respect for u so at least she cud have given u back a response like the other pple…but do ya think she iddnt give yah a response coz it was 100% perfect..? coz then if thas why that'll be perfect!! if not..then …. i dont like teachers ilke that..who make fun out of people …i just never like when teachers do that..n some of them r like that ..n im smokin outta mah ears now coz i heard what yeh had to go through but dun worry hun … leave the past in the past..n work on tomorrow n show her that u r u.. n that u can do it n make it in her class n nothin getz to u
      [image] Love you guys, take care… Hey~ Rani you mentioned about msn ids /screen guys wanna share em? I'ld love to talk to you guys any time if Im online … the only person i have pm is Marine..oh gosh wish she was here she has not replied in such long time!

    • #58366

      i recently had break up with my boy frnd and it very hard to forget someone i feel………………..


      love says: I L U b'coz u make me happy


      true love says:I L U b'coz i wanna make u happy

    • #58367
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      Rani my shweetooo how are you? Yepp tnx nessa for the corrections (mine) hehe well I think I remember only a little spanish..un poco espanol (ha!) ; Awww Rani your teacher sounds like a #$^%& Sad n Im gettin smoky offa mah chair coz she bein all mean 2 u coz its not funny n u don deserve it coz u're a good student n u're hard workin n i know u hold respect for u so at least she cud have given u back a response like the other pple…but do ya think she iddnt give yah a response coz it was 100% perfect..? coz then if thas why that'll be perfect!! if not..then …. i dont like teachers ilke that..who make fun out of people …i just never like when teachers do that..n some of them r like that ..n im smokin outta mah ears now coz i heard what yeh had to go through but dun worry hun … leave the past in the past..n work on tomorrow n show her that u r u.. n that u can do it n make it in her class n nothin getz to u

      Thanks ji, i'm great. how are you?

      My teacher is a beezee…well, I'm rude to her too, so maybe I deserve her rudeness.

      and no, my presentation was absolutely not 100% perfect. If it was, I wouldn't have stage fright. lol. I forgot my speeeechy thing! lol. and I kept saying “and umm” lol. It was bbbaaaaad! haha. I'll tell you what I got tho. A? B? C? D? F? lol. Definately not F, Inshallah, cuz I don't deserve it. I think I'll get a B inshallah. I don't think she'll give me an A, and I don't deserve anything lower than a B. lol. Big Smile I'm so conceited.

      and yes, Inshallah, I'll be nice on Monday so she can be nice too. If not, Imma smack her upside da head. lol. No, I would never do that. Maybe I'll just be rude back, but not cross the limit, cuz then she might fail me. lol.

      just don't worry, Kavita. i'll be fine. I can handle her. Big Smile

      and about the msn screen name thing. sure thing. I used to have it on my profile, I guess I deleted it? I don't remember. But I'll send it to you in a pm, okay? Talk to you soon!

      true love says:I L U b'coz i wanna make u happy


      Hey Haasini, welcome to the forum! Smile I hope you like it here.


      i recently had break up with my boy frnd and it very hard to forget someone i feel……………….. Then don't forget him. Cherish the memories you had with him. Smile

    • #58368

      [image] [image] [image] [image]

      Haasini – Firstly – Warmest welcome to you – hope you feel some comfort in here

      Okay honey – I know right now its hard to talk to anyone about this n even hard to think about it n its so confusing that you dont even know what to do
      or how to feel or even how to act when it comes to dealing with this whole thing ; Just think about something – Why did you break up with him? Was it his fault or your fault ( the break up ) I mean if it is something he did that was extremely bad and you can never forgive him … then I know it will hurt you like… really bad. If not, see if you can talk t ohim about what occured and see if you can explain yourself and if he can explain himself about what

      Another thing is… what do you think you had with him? LIke..Love? You yourself gave a definition – but you didnt say which one of it you yoursel
      felt (with him ) And i truely thought your words (defintion of love n true love ) to be extremely teary sweet

      Just whatever it is, keep having hope and never give up on yourelf and your outlook on life b/c if there's a life there's a way n if there's a will there's a way

      Good luck – come back n talk more with us – tell us more about yrself – we'll love to hear! *HUGS* — KAvita

    • #58369

      Oye Rani u're rude to ur teacher..

      well she does deserve it well!! but be careful she'z the one who gatta give u ur grade hehe

      hey n B is a good grade ! be thankful

    • #58370
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Kavita, I don't know what my grade is yet, she'll give it to us tomorrow, I think. But I'll let you know. Big Smile

      i would rather have an A, but since I know I did mess up on the presentation, I can't demand what I don't deserve, right?

      and Kavita ji…I like the way you give your advice. Smile Full of so much love and determination to see that the person feels better. You're awesome. Right Hug

    • #58371

      Heyy muahz* lets hope u get an A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if not im sure it will be a good grade – dont sweat !!! u're a good student!

      Aww abt the advice thingy…um..i just wish i cud have given myself advice the way i give it to other pple..welli dunno if its good advice that i give but i just try to help … n yesh i know it hurtz like hell to feel upset n …well hurt… n i'd alwys wanna see u guys feel better

      jiiii YOU'RE awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right Hug

    • #58372

      Scarry: you're not an ice queen!! You're just a strong independent woman, and that's great!! Be proud of that! Smile

      I wish I could be more firm from time to time Tongue Tied But hey, I'm working on it!! I'm trying to be more assertive this year and it's getting better little by little (even my boss himself said to me that they didn't need to teach me how to be assertive, because I already am… lol Stick out tongue)… But sexual comments from my boss are still difficult to handle…

      shakzee, I honestly never saw myself as above but thanks, and u know what u are as strong and have the willpower to ensure that

      this situation is resolved in the way it should, just do as I say, and I promise u the man will NEVA eva think of making any sexual

      ( or other) advances towards u…if he does, then I will come on over to da Netherlands an kick his a$$, coz no one messes with my love ones…that my deary is

      Scarry's promise 😉 ..

      its not comfortable at all when u are subjected to verbal abuse like u mention, but u need to speak up sweety….FIRMLY

    • #58373

      Heya kavs

      mmmwaaaaah to u sweety

      firstly an ice queen, am assuming is an expression…

      am not sure exactly what it means but my sisters and mom and friends

      think I am just that, coz I neva seem to give people the time of day lol

      my sisters an friends get really annoyed coz they say that whenever we are at a

      party, function, prayer, dance clubs, anywhere, and if theres **prospective*** partners

      I chase them away with jus one luk hahahahahaha….

      Reminds me of what Ness had said….lol

      but anyways, I am seen as an ice queen, and a few guy friends have confirmed that at first glance/sight/meeting

      I really am uptight lol, and if their nerves hadnt been strong enuf then they wudnt know that i am actually a fun/kewl/lekka

      chick lmao ( an these aint my words nah)….soooooooooooo hmmmmmmm wat was I gonna say, oh yeah, I actually prefer being this way…

      no unnecesary attention…lmao …

    • #58374
      Y iz lyfe such a b*tch sometimez…..????

      a wat?? a wat?? care to complete dat for moi Taybz hahahaha

      am kidding sweetie pie, munchkin, honey buney,

      heres a beeeeg hug from moi Right Hug missy

    • #58375

      Love you guys, take care… Hey~ Rani you mentioned about msn ids /screen guys wanna share em? I'ld love to talk to you guys any time if Im online … the only person i have pm is Marine..oh gosh wish she was here she has not replied in such long time!

      waaaat?? an moi???????? no pm with moi??????? me feels sooo left out now yaaar roftlmbaao

      I miss Mara too but shes doing a bietjie ok, not much but she will be fine…will sms her now and tell her u are thinking of her 😉


    • #58376

      i recently had break up with my boy frnd and it very hard to forget someone i feel………………..


      love says: I L U b'coz u make me happy


      true love says:I L U b'coz i wanna make u happy

      Yup tell me about it…firstly congrats on the breakup, LUV sukz..literallly stinks and Me doesnt wanna be a part of it

      okies , now dats out…its very sweet nah, but does one really know what is love or true love,

      love is love and all kinds of love should be TRUE, if it isnt then its not love…its probably LIKE??

      wat if u wanna be there and give your luv and ths person literally slams the door on yr face, I say to HELL


      okies that was more fustration lol…

      now my dear, am sowrie to hear u lost yr love, but why may I ask are u asking this question??

      do u think that perhaps u dont feel **true love *** for yr ex??

    • #58377
      Scar face:

      Yup tell me about it…firstly congrats on the breakup, LUV sukz..literallly stinks and Me doesnt wanna be a part of it

      Sorry to go all Boogedy-lecture-ish on u dear… but Love is with you whether you want to be a part of it or not… Big Smile

    • #58378
      Shakalaka Baby

      Shakz hun listen : U're a strong independent woman too n you gat so many pple that love you includin us (aaawww… Right Hug) n n that fine finace of yours . I dont know if you told your fiance as yet but I suggest you tell him and have him help you how to deal with what that jerk of a boss is doing 2 you > n yeah we all know that you're a hottie but that doesnt give your boss especially ! the right to harrass you sexually

      Me??? An hottie? You've got to be kidding yaar!! Stick out tongue But thanks anyways Smile But you're right, because nothing gives my boss the right to harrass me sexually… I've told my fiancé and he was like “What the ….?!” Indifferent He really wasn't happy with it either and suggested the same as you guys did… Ignore the man and tell him you don't like it when he does it again…

      Being assertive is a good step to take to shun him of his stupidity n disrespect — > Hun —> You gatta make it clear to him that you dont appreciate the crap what he's doin to you coz it makes you feel very uncomfortable and he shud know that HE IS the wrong one coz you 're not supposed to be doing that in a professional place like that. So try being more assertive yes, and be Strong in your words, dont be all jokey coz they he's gonna take it all for a joke you gatta show him n be serious when u tellin him that its not aight for him 2 be pickin on u sexually n

      Today I was really assertive and I'm so proud of it!! My boss wanted to make some comment again (I think it might be a se.xually one) but he said “Oh know, I'm not gonna tell it…” With the implication of “please ask, and I'll tell you” But he had bad luck because I said: “I think that's for the best, so please don't tell…” I was so proud of myself afterwards Big Smile

      also tell ur fiance and ask him for advice coz after all he's the closest 1 u can trust n he loves u with all his heart so he'll kno whatz best for u… n dont blame me if after u tell ur fiance ( unless he knows already ) ur boss ends up run over with a van down the street or something..oopss sorry thats … cold..hehe…

      Hahahaha, this part made me laugh so much!!! Big SmileBig SmileBig Smile Of course I won't blame you!!

      So let him know juz let ur boss know that u aint gonna take it n it is really bothering u – or TEll a Co-worker how you feel and maybe they can tell ur boss about the problem if you cant tell him yourself — all the best — kav

      Thanks sweets for all your good advice!! Right Hug I will tell a co-worker of mine… She doesn&#

    • #58379
      Am Rani


      I am IN LOVVVVVVEEEEEEEE with these!!!!!!!!! I so so so so so so am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Boo… Those where MY lines… Pls don't steal them from me Wink And remove you signature, otherwise I'll start singing!! And believe me, you DON'T want me to start singing Devil

    • #58380
      Shakalaka Baby
      Scar face:

      shakzee, I honestly never saw myself as above but thanks, and u know what u are as strong and have the willpower to ensure that this situation is resolved in the way it should, just do as I say, and I promise u the man will NEVA eva think of making any sexual ( or other) advances towards u…if he does, then I will come on over to da Netherlands an kick his a$$, coz no one messes with my love ones…that my deary is Scarry's promise 😉 ..

      Aaaawww… thank you sweets!! Right Hug I'd love to see you come over and kick my bosses a$$ Stick out tongue I can just picture it, lmbo!! Big Smile And I'll try to think of your advice next time… Thanks again hunn!!

      its not comfortable at all when u are subjected to verbal abuse like u mention, but u need to speak up sweety….FIRMLY

      I will I will… Like I've written to Kavita: I've just made a start today! My revenge will be sweet, because nobody messes with me… whoehahaha!! Devil (is that firm enough, or what?? lol Stick out tongue)

    • #58381

      [image] Hey guys…everyone! Shakz yeah thats the spirit!!!!!!! dont let this crazy boss of urs upset u too much

      ali diii oh you hear from marine?! she has not even been coming here or saying anything in pm i dont nkow if she is alright

      tell me if u heard from her

      gotta go study guys my next test is tomorrow – gawd they come so fast one afta the other!!!!!!!

      love ya'll



    • #58382

      Hey thanks for all your comments guys, was just having a b*tch of a day! its one of those rules of life where ur extremely tired and the one person u dont want to meet, unfortunately bumps into u and u cant do anything about it at the point but go ARGHHHH lol. Im fine now though!!!!! Big Smile

    • #58383

      kavz da luvz…yup have heard from Mara

      she is reaaaaaalllllllllllly reallllllllllllllly ..nore emphasise on the reallly …lol

      BUSY…dnt think she is ignoring u hon okies…

      she is okies…told her u asked after her, … sure she will contact u sooon

      stay good nah….all the best with studies, catch up laterz sweety

      lotza hugz


    • #58384
      Hey thanks for all your comments guys, was just having a b*tch of a day! its one of those rules of life where ur extremely tired and the one person u dont want to meet, unfortunately bumps into u and u cant do anything about it at the point but go ARGHHHH lol. Im fine now though!!!!! Big Smile


    • #58385

      Lemme explain a bit before I do dis..

      One of my nephews has this way of laughing,

      It sounds like

      **heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ***

      Lol …and when he does dis he has this wide a$$ grin on his face that makes u wanna

      Hug him for dear life….dats what I wanna do now, laugh like him and then be hugged for dear life .. aam daaaaaaaaaamn exhausted….

      Soooooooooooooo here goes:

      hhhhheeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol

      This is actually for Boo, thanks for making me want to smile whilst theres tears gushing out my eyes, yet strolling down my cheeks, yuk, feels awful

      …coz u knw nah?? CHECK YR PM…

      Oh well Bludy HELL headaches….

      Dis sooooooooo damn Kold here……………………………

    • #58386
      Scar face:

      Lemme explain a bit before I do dis..

      One of my nephews has this way of laughing,

      It sounds like

      **heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ***

      Lol …and when he does dis he has this wide a$$ grin on his face that makes u wanna

      Hug him for dear life….dats what I wanna do now, laugh like him and then be hugged for dear life .. aam daaaaaaaaaamn exhausted….

      Soooooooooooooo here goes:

      hhhhheeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol

      This is actually for Boo, thanks for making me want to smile whilst theres tears gushing out my eyes, yet strolling down my cheeks, yuk, feels awful

      …coz u knw nah?? CHECK YR PM…

      Oh well Bludy HELL headaches….

      Dis sooooooooo damn Kold here……………………………

      Right Hug *****hugs scarry for life****

      Awwww!! That is really nice of you… Smile

      PM…. am checking now…

    • #58387



    • #58388
      Scar face:

      kavz da luvz…yup have heard from Mara

      she is reaaaaaalllllllllllly reallllllllllllllly ..nore emphasise on the reallly …lol

      BUSY…dnt think she is ignoring u hon okies…

      she is okies…told her u asked after her, … sure she will contact u sooon

      stay good nah….all the best with studies, catch up laterz sweety

      lotza hugz


      Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i jjust chatted with marine yes she is busy with lot of stuff but yippeeeeeeeeeeeim so glad i heard from hjer!! at leat now i know she is alright n alive !

    • #58389

      hi RANI IS THE BES………..thnx 4 welcomng me i felt really gd to see someone rplyng me

      and tell me some interestng thngs we can do in this forum .since i am still not used to it

    • #58390

      Hey guys sorry i droped off the face of the planet. [OREO NO COMMENTS PLEASE]

      Kavs i do love you and i did talk to you. Don't ever think i will egnore any of you.

      You guys are my family.

      Didi i will send you a long letter telling you everything

      If you guys think its Sol its not he is out of my life and out of mind i got me a newcomer to Bollywood lol SUCH

      Well my darling family i love you all and will talk to you guys soon MMUUUAAAHHH

      HAASINI welcome darling you couldn't have joined a better place.

      everyone i slike one big family we share eachothers problem and solve them to

      So welcome to our little family

    • #58391

      So welcome to our little family

      To our family!

    • #58392

      Didi i will send you a long letter telling you everything

      lol…take yr time…just send a 2 bit word telling me u r ALIVE ….

      okies….talk later hun…muuuwaaaaaaaaaah

    • #58393



      Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw my… speechless …seriously ….hmmmm wat did i do to deserve soooooooooooo

      many HUGZ.????????????????????

    • #58394

      Alii youasked for hugs..remember! lol

      marine soooooooo kewl to see u here..yah i know i chatted wtih u last night after long time!yay!!!!

      booooooooooo watsuppppp hun

      Hasini – i welcomed you too lol *hug* welcome!!! hope my advice helped ya out

      Rani i miss u where have u been all these days — did ya get ur presentations grade back/??

    • #58395

      i did???????? hmm okies

      doesnt matter me feels all glooomy coz u only gave me hugz

      coz I asked for em lol

    • #58396

      *GASPS IN SHOCK* Surprise

      LOSING MAH BREATH NOWW need AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      dun feel gloomy love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      k i gave u the big teddy bear hug cuz u asked for huggies

      as for the other huggies they were just extras coz… just wanted to give em to yah


    • #58397

      Kaveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my darling

      I was joking about the gloooom part

      u cant take my sarcasm seriously here hun

      noooooowwwwwwwwwww, ******************hugz ********************* bak to u

      dnt have shock absorbers on me sweety sooo take it easy nah////

      me will write soooon okies

      need to be stable in the mind first


    • #58398
      Shakalaka Baby

      Hahahahaha, I got the greatest offer today and it reminded me right away of you guys!!! My boss made a joke (a normal one) and I told him jokingly he had to watch out, because he was so close to me I could hit him. So he said: “Please, go ahead and slap me in my face” And he pulled his cheek towards me and said: “You'll be the first if you do it…”

      OMG, that was SOOOO tempting!!! Especially after what he said to me before!! But I didn't do it… It was really tempting to just slap him in the face and I was really doubting if I should do it or not (he definitely wasn't expecting me to do it and it was a great opportunity Wink), but I behaved like a lady and didn't slap him Angel

      Afterwards I had to LMBO because it reminded me of you guys telling me I should slap him hahahaha… Big SmileBig Smile That was a reason too that made me think that maybe I should have taken advantage of the occasion WinkWink

      Hahaha, I'm sorry to bother you guys with this, but I still have to laugh when I imagine how he would have reacted when I did really slap him in the face (and of course it would be a good slap Stick out tongue)!! Maybe next time I'll just hit him … a chance like this doesn't come around every day lol WinkWinkWink

    • #58399

      LOL shakB hun… see we're always in your thoughts (OK maybe not me, as I didn't say you should slap him… but you know what I mean!)… Stick out tongue

      Good on you for behaving like a lady… Stick out tongue

    • #58400
      Shakalaka Baby

      LOL shakB hun… see we're always in your thoughts (OK maybe not me, as I didn't say you should slap him… but you know what I mean!)… Stick out tongue

      Of course you're in my thoughts too Boo!!! Right Hug What would BWL (and life) be without you!?!?!?! I don't even want to think about it… you're my smiling buddy!!! SmileSmile

    • #58401

      You just said it hun… don't even want to think about it!


      How was your day?

    • #58402

      Hey guys

      I feel like crap 🙁 Im in bed now with my *wonderful* laptop (please don't shut down) – I've come down with food poisoning, been throwing up all night, and I collapsed in the bathroom in the early hours of the morning Sad so Im really weak right now, cant walk without feeling like im gna fall! Sad so been either sleeping or coming on here. I better get off before I get told off for “straining my eyes” Confused Take care x

    • #58403

      awww hunnn…. Right Hug

      Get better soon…. (f)

    • #58404
      Shakalaka Baby

      You just said it hun… don't even want to think about it!


      How was your day?

      SmileSmileSmile You see? You did it again… I'm smiling!!

      My day was very busy but okay… how's yours??

    • #58405
      Shakalaka Baby

      I hope you'll get well soon Unique!! Take care of yourself hunn… Right Hug

    • #58406

      Hey ya’ll
      Tayaba – sooooooooooooooooooo sorry to hear what has been happenin to u awww….
      hun get better soon …sniff* hate to hear that u’re goin thru all that pain
      but hang in there!!!
      it’ll blow over!

      shakz – ooof! kkinda okay to hear that u’re boss is making NORMAL jokes lol

      hey ali , boo … hr u!

      Anyawy guys gotta go do my reports n study for a quiz!
      love — kav

    • #58407

      Hey guys

      I feel like crap 🙁 Im in bed now with my *wonderful* laptop (please don't shut down) – I've come down with food poisoning, been throwing up all night, and I collapsed in the bathroom in the early hours of the morning Sad so Im really weak right now, cant walk without feeling like im gna fall! Sad so been either sleeping or coming on here. I better get off before I get told off for “straining my eyes” Confused Take care x

      Right Hug

    • #58408


      wow wat an offer, am just glad u didnt slap the dude

      think of the consequences nah…lol he cud have then sued U…omg

      well hon hope u well and things are better…

      sending u sum luw

      het jy naweek baie geniet okies


      hugz more hugz ……lol

    • #58409

      am just glad its time to go home

      well not quiet …am off to a paaaaaarty wid sum chinese clients

      but am so damn happy its weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekend ALREADY


      chat to alll u luwely people soooooooooooooooooon

    • #58410

      hey ali

      wots up missy

      oooh yah going to party with some chinese pple eh

      well glad to see the cultures mixin


      hey me tooooooooo glad that its the WEEKEND! well like… aftrer my class thats cmoing up lol

      right now gotta STUDY for a quiz for next class n do 1 report for next class

      ttyl lovely pplez



    • #58411
      Shakalaka Baby
      Scar face:


      wow wat an offer, am just glad u didnt slap the dude

      Well actually I wish I did… Wink I'm sooo curious what his reaction would have been hahahaha!! But on the other hand… I couldn't look him in the eyes anymore if I had really done that… I think I would have gone searching for another job haha Wink

      think of the consequences nah…lol he cud have then sued U…omg

      I don't think he would have done that. He needs me… lol Stick out tongueWink

      well hon hope u well and things are better…

      I'm okay… just rushed off my feet all week and this week is getting even more stressfull Tongue TiedTongue Tied But… I went shopping today and I bought the greatest stuff, so I'm very happy now hahaha Stick out tongue How are you sweets??

      sending u sum luw

      Here's some luv in return Right Hug

      het jy naweek baie geniet okies

      I will I will… (you mean “have a nice weekend”, right? We say: “Fijn weekend” in Holland) Fijn weekend to you too Scarry!!!


      hugz more hugz ……lol

      Ahwww thanks hunn!!! Here are some more for you too WinkRight Hug

    • #58412

      heyyy what up

      shakz…how's ur perverted boss situation coming along?

      ali…what up? how was the party?

    • #58413
      Am Rani

      Hey guys

      I feel like crap 🙁 Im in bed now with my *wonderful* laptop (please don't shut down) – I've come down with food poisoning, been throwing up all night, and I collapsed in the bathroom in the early hours of the morning Sad so Im really weak right now, cant walk without feeling like im gna fall! Sad so been either sleeping or coming on here. I better get off before I get told off for “straining my eyes” Confused Take care x

      Awww Unique, that su.cks! Hope you feel better now Left Hug

    • #58414

      Scarry se wereld …

      I am sooooooooooooooooooo damn tired off everything that’s been happening lately, that I am at a point where I would literally like to leave this world or shut myself out completely from everyone and everything.

      Time and again there are people out here who makes me question life and what is true and what is not…more importantly, who is true and who is not..

      I am at a stalemate with this..

      TRUST/HONESTY, believe me this is an essential tool to living a godamn decent life, if no-one had said this to you previously then its about time you begin thinking about what it is and how it affects us in our daily lives, with the people we love or come into contact with.

      Why I interlink both trust and honesty?? Simply because I cant live my life without both, in order for any relationship by whatever name you call it, to succeed or prosper or ‘breathe’ there has got to be honesty and trust in it…without both from ‘both sides’ one cannot call it a mutual true relationship..

      Sooo here I am once more trying to figure out why people would lie to me or cause unnecessary pain and uncertainty and doubt?? Why are people so selfish like this?? I know this is life and there are such people out here in the world waiting to bring hurt into our lives.. and I also know that at times we bring this onto ourselves when we let such people into our lives, which brings me to my question?? How do we know who to trust??

      I am appalled and sick of it all, I really cannot take all of this anymore…there’s a limit to my trusting nature and when I feel that there’s more than what meets the eye, I begin to wonder if all of this is even worth it…

      I don’t doubt people and truly believe that as evil or nasty as one may seem, there’s definitely some good somewhere deep inside but that may be silly ol scarry having false hopes..

      Why do people use another for their selfish purposes in the name of friendship??

      Friendships to me are li

    • #58415
      Scar face:

      Scarry se wereld …

      I am sooooooooooooooooooo damn tired off everything that’s been happening lately, that I am at a point where I would literally like to leave this world or shut myself out completely from everyone and everything.

      Time and again there are people out here who makes me question life and what is true and what is not…more importantly, who is true and who is not..

      I am at a stalemate with this..

      TRUST/HONESTY, believe me this is an essential tool to living a godamn decent life, if no-one had said this to you previously then its about time you begin thinking about what it is and how it affects us in our daily lives, with the people we love or come into contact with.

      Why I interlink both trust and honesty?? Simply because I cant live my life without both, in order for any relationship by whatever name you call it, to succeed or prosper or ‘breathe’ there has got to be honesty and trust in it…without both from ‘both sides’ one cannot call it a mutual true relationship.. I agree with you completely hun, for any relationship to function, these are the vital bases it needs, without them, the relationship will merely fall apart…

      Sooo here I am once more trying to figure out why people would lie to me or cause unnecessary pain and uncertainty and doubt?? Why are people so selfish like this?? I know this is life and there are such people out here in the world waiting to bring hurt into our lives.. and I also know that at times we bring this onto ourselves when we let such people into our lives, which brings me to my question?? How do we know who to trust?? I guess we don't. We just take a chance, because that is exactly what life is all about. Taking chances and yeah some will hurt us, but its all part of the learning experience. I know how it feels to have trust broken so very severely, so I know what you're going through, but I can assure you, it does get better with times, although the scars remain for a very long time… *hug* I could tell you to construct walls around your heart as a defence mechanism like I did for a very long time, but that won't help, it makes things worse because it blocks the good things from getting inside, also.

      I am appalled and sick of it all, I really cannot take al

    • #58416

      Tongue TiedWhisperRight Hug…U know the drill!

      U & ur fam are in my thots!

    • #58417

      Well said! Right HugSmile

    • #58418

      Ali! Whats wrong you are not alright!! Sad

    • #58419

      Will send you an email on this a little later

      love you alot hon

      take care and please dont hurt yourself worrying too much

      and just remember to keep hope and have faith

    • #58420

      Can someone tell : What are ways that one can relieve PAIN from within themselves

    • #58421

      Try to find love within the pain…. Pain from within is always because of Love. Try to keep faith on the love rather than in the pain that its inflicting…

    • #58422
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Kavita…I pray. Smile

      My feelings:

      I feel funny. Tongue Tied

    • #58423

      Kavs I agree with Khushi she is right and also please take you own advice that you gave to Ali.

      Khushi and Rani jaanus how are you guys?

    • #58424

      Hi Khushi Rani Marine – Thanks.

      Yes Marine i know what khushi is saying has alot of meaning…I ..understand it.. I mean in the first place hurting comes from soem deep love hidden some where…………………………………………………………………………………

      Thanks anyway….

      Love ,


    • #58425

      Can someone tell : What are ways that one can relieve PAIN from within themselves

      go jump off the cliff

    • #58426

      OREO bite her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      I know sweety i understand you really…but pain is part of life if you don't feal pain then how will you survive, You are human after all rite? Just like happy ness and love we also accept pain..

      Hope your alright

    • #58427

      Oreo – u better be careful what u wish for coz if it happens i will totally come back for you

      marine ! Ack – forget about me please, dont worry about what I said I shouldnt have told it to you in the first place and now you are worry about me but just leave it alright..?

      i am…………….. FINE okay

      yes FINE

      and you're right – i am human……………………………………. and thats exactly why we feel this much pain

      Anyway hope you are alright

      i love you di

    • #58428
      Try to find love within the pain…. Pain from within is always because of Love. Try to keep faith on the love rather than in the pain that its inflicting…

      Right Hug

    • #58429

      No Kavs i'm glad you told me. I love you and I'm here for you as well as others but like i said i shouldn't have told you anything here I should've talk to you in YM i will so i'm here ok love.

      And yah we all are human we all do one thing or another its just takes time to heal the pain that deep within you.

    • #58430
      Try to find love within the pain…. Pain from within is always because of Love. Try to keep faith on the love rather than in the pain that its inflicting…

      Right Hug

      Smile Left Hug

    • #58431

      No Kavs i'm glad you told me. I love you and I'm here for you as well as others but like i said i shouldn't have told you anything here I should've talk to you in YM i will so i'm here ok love.

      And yah we all are human we all do one thing or another its just takes time to heal the pain that deep within you.

      Hey marin *hug* you're the best ( totally !

      No its okay, dont regret what you said here ( it was all indirect )

      We will talk in YM

      And thanks for being there and thanks fr the inspiration

      And you are right

      Time can be everything when you need it to heal you

      Shahrukh Khan

    • #58432

      Will send you an email on this a little later

      love you alot hon

      take care and please dont hurt yourself worrying too much

      and just remember to keep hope and have faith

      omw Kavz, Luw dis Pic of Hanuman Baba, oye and theres Shiv & shakti as well, brings tears to my eyes sweety…

      send me sum nice pics if have em…

      Now me wants to sing the hanuman chalisa, which I actually dnt know how to….well the words of it ie..

    • #58433
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Kavita…I pray. Smile

      lmao, we knw u do ranz…it wudve been the first thing I thot of associated with u an Yumz 🙂

      My feelings:

      I feel funny. Tongue Tied

      like a bunny??? elaborate….want a Hug from Moi *****hhhhhhuuuuuuuuugggggzzzzz ranz for dear life ************

      well hope it makes u feel alrite sweety…take care

    • #58434

      go jump off the cliff

      hmmmm tell u wat…why dont U show us all how to do it''

      common now dnt be a sissy. lol …go take that leap and show us galz da kinda leader u really are…

    • #58435

      OREO bite her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ****wipes my eyes*****just in case

      u didnt just type this??? Maraaaaaaa, are u flippant crazeeeeee

      the contamination itself will Kill our dear Kavz da Luvz…

    • #58436

      wat da hell….

      u guyz keepin secretz frm yr didi?? hmmmmmph

      dnt even think of mentioning messenger this or dat to me

      go flex yr fingers an type ….

      now watevas going on …I want in on the BIG secret coz u guys have been fightin and am bludy damn curious and inquisitive hhehehehehehehe

      love u guys and Kavs

      CONGRATS on the great grades mmmmwaaaaah

      my magic dust did the trick nah lol??

    • #58437

      Ali! Whats wrong you are not alright!! Sad

      yup ….u got dat r8

    • #58438

      hey ali

      wots up missy

      oooh yah going to party with some chinese pple eh

      well glad to see the cultures mixin

      yup it was lekker hey, they gave us this really hard for me to pronounce perfume

      ***hmmmm, do they think i smell bad**** lmao

      but thankfully Ness was there when i opened it up sooo she got the name r8..

      oooohhhh and da FOOD …mmmm luwely, neva tasted more divine salads…yuuuummmmmyyyy


    • #58439

      Well actually I wish I did… Wink I'm sooo curious what his reaction would have been hahahaha!! But on the other hand… I couldn't look him in the eyes anymore if I had really done that… I think I would have gone searching for another job haha WinkI don't think he would have done that. He needs me… lol Stick out tongueWinkI'm okay… just rushed off my feet all week and this week is getting even more stressfull Tongue TiedTongue Tied But… I went shopping today and I bought the greatest stuff, so I'm very happy now hahaha Stick out tongue How are you sweets??

      Here's some luv in return Right Hug

      i ill I will… (you mean “have a nice weekend”, right? We say: “Fijn weekend” in Holland) Fijn weekend to you too Scarry!!!

      Ahwww thanks hunn!!! Here are some more for you too WinkRight Hug


      Hey luwie

      Hope u are well now..shoppping….lekker…cant get enuf of dat huh

      I haven’t opened my gmail yet so am not even sure if u have written lol

      Hows plans for the wedding going???

      Thanks for da luw sweety…mmmwaaaah lotz more bak to u and the fam??

      Yup, dat is my Afrikaans way of saying have a lekker weekend..



    • #58440
      Scar face:

      Scarry se wereld …

      I am sooooooooooooooooooo damn tired off everything that’s been happening lately, that I am at a point where I would literally like to leave this world or shut myself out completely from everyone and everything.

      Time and again there are people out here who makes me question life and what is true and what is not…more importantly, who is true and who is not..

      I am at a stalemate with this..

      TRUST/HONESTY, believe me this is an essential tool to living a godamn decent life, if no-one had said this to you previously then its about time you begin thinking about what it is and how it affects us in our daily lives, with the people we love or come into contact with.

      Why I interlink both trust and honesty?? Simply because I cant live my life without both, in order for any relationship by whatever name you call it, to succeed or prosper or ‘breathe’ there has got to be honesty and trust in it…without both from ‘both sides’ one cannot call it a mutual true relationship.. I agree with you completely hun, for any relationship to function, these are the vital bases it needs, without them, the relationship will merely fall apart…

      Sooo here I am once more trying to figure out why people would lie to me or cause unnecessary pain and uncertainty and doubt?? Why are people so selfish like this?? I know this is life and there are such people out here in the world waiting to bring hurt into our lives.. and I also know that at times we bring this onto ourselves when we let such people into our lives, which brings me to my question?? How do we know who to trust?? I guess we don't. We just take a chance, because that is exactly what life is all about. Taking chances and yeah some will hurt us, but its all part of the learning experience. I know how it feels to have trust broken so very severely, so I know what you're going through, but I can assure you, it does get better with times, although the scars remain for a very long time… *hug* I could tell you to construct walls around your heart as a defence mechanism like I did for a very long time, but that won't help, it makes things worse because it blocks the good things from getting inside, also.

      <p class="MsoNormal" style="ma

    • #58441

      Tongue TiedWhisperRight Hug…U know the drill!

      U & ur fam are in my thots!

      Embarrassed hmmm me knw..thanks luwie

    • #58442
      Scar face:

      wat da hell….

      u guyz keepin secretz frm yr didi?? hmmmmmph

      dnt even think of mentioning messenger this or dat to me

      go flex yr fingers an type ….

      now watevas going on …I want in on the BIG secret coz u guys have been fightin and am bludy damn curious and inquisitive hhehehehehehehe

      love u guys and Kavs

      CONGRATS on the great grades mmmmwaaaaah

      my magic dust did the trick nah lol??

      Ali! My love you are back! Overjoyed to hear that your family is doing well but my sympathy to those
      who lost their lives or are still missing in the Lord name let us pray for their souls here today to be saved

      I am sorry to hear about your country side where this crisis took place but dont worry – the place can be replaced & fixed ; I am overjoyed that your family is fine the lord is good

      no oh my gosh me and marine want you to get yahoo mesenger b/c i am SO dying to chat with you any time and i know she is tooo
      but i know how it is …sometimes we all get sooo busy! thats okay at leat you come in BWL and on email

      love you no there is no secret my love – & what ever you think is a secret is all there for you & even marine to hear

      btw, yes the magic dust DID HELP! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooff u betta stock up on dat coz i gat like alot of exams comin up soon hehehehe ima need extra this time lol

      love you so much hun missed u like crazy!

      marine — hi my love — tell ali that she needs YM again! lol will talk to you later & email

      love you lots guys


    • #58443

      lol didi i know ones she sees his teeth she will faint and that willbe the end of Kavs.

      There is nothing that we are hiding from you just couple of picture that i had shown her and we were just joking about it. and the other thing we were just discusing life. and if you get YM you will know what i'm talking about. Iwish i can send you that internet thing but i can't afford it.

      Maby oreo can sell part of his land give you the money lol.

      Kavs whats up hunn how are you doing? Yes i get what you are syaing i wouldn't reveal anything direct. But glad your fine and i will order her to get one.


    • #58444

      Ali! My love you are back! Overjoyed to hear that your family is doing well but my sympathy to those
      who lost their lives or are still missing in the Lord name let us pray for their souls here today to be saved

      I am sorry to hear about your country side where this crisis took place but dont worry – the place can be replaced & fixed ; I am overjoyed that your family is fine the lord is good

      no oh my gosh me and marine want you to get yahoo mesenger b/c i am SO dying to chat with you any time and i know she is tooo
      but i know how it is …sometimes we all get sooo busy! thats okay at leat you come in BWL and on email

      love you no there is no secret my love – & what ever you think is a secret is all there for you & even marine to hear

      btw, yes the magic dust DID HELP! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooff u betta stock up on dat coz i gat like alot of exams comin up soon hehehehe ima need extra this time lol

      love you so much hun missed u like crazy!

      marine — hi my love — tell ali that she needs YM again! lol will talk to you later & email

      love you lots guys



      kavz da luvz,

      my darling huny bunny,

      hahahaha *****hugz******

      thanks for the prayers and for yr thoughts…hmmmm emotionally I dnt think many people will be the same

      for me…am glad I didnt visit the beach when i was there, but will be going for sure for Easter …will take sum pics but am sure things luk better now..

      off coz yr didis magic dust works, u think I will send sum for niks, neva…am sooo damn proud of ye missy

      ***more hugz**** and will be sending u more magic dust as the year unfolds…promise..

      was jokin bout the secret, I knw watye talking bout, got ye mails, sorry havent replied, am swamped here

      and too exhausted to type by the time I reach home..u know all the damn house chores hahahahaaaaa

      now didnt I tell u guys to NOT mention the yahoo messenger to me????

      mmmwaaaaahhhhh…have missed u too sweety, uve been in my thots constantly especially when I was getting ym hair chopped off hahahahaaaa, seriously thot off u and our hair conv ….when we do get together will SHOW u the tricks of the trade….WinkRight Hug

    • #58445

      lol didi i know ones she sees his teeth she will faint and that willbe the end of Kavs.

      eeeeeyuk Maaara, dnt do dat to my poor Kavz u hear me…be nice now…..

      so wats dat song again??? WHO LET DA DOGS OUT?? thankfully Cosmics safe back in his kennel …

      There is nothing that we are hiding from you just couple of picture that i had shown her and we were just joking about it. and the other thing we were just discusing life. and if you get YM you will know what i'm talking about. Iwish i can send you that internet thing but i can't afford it.

      WAT??? U didnt just tell the whole madhouse folkz that I am financially ruined did u??? LOL

      Jeez will u be patient already….that YM thing aint the most important thing in my mind sweety. I speak to u

      and even that is not enuf coz u DONT LIKE MY ACCENT…U said I sound like Bluh bluh or sums:-( but dis kewl u aint the

      only one who said this….sooooooooooo me aint gonna call u or em anymore, not until I master the amerikaaaano

      and Jamaican accent…lmao

      chill for a while okies, i have a laptop dat requires a certain this or dat internet thingy majig..flip dnt know this computer

      jargon…so am waiting for the dude from the computer place to call me once they have stock of whateva the hell it is I need

      as for YM, forget it, am already being harrased by dudes asking for my hand in marriage, cant take anymore of this IM nonsense

      on my gmail, imagine what will happen on ym..??

      Maby oreo can sell part of his land give you the money lol.


      wat da hell does that pest Cosmic have to do wud my finance problems…???????????????

      pleeeees dnt confuse da confused nah…if u wanna blow my top off, do it the right way…

      is dis like labola time or wat?? dat he has to sell lands or planets or wateva, and how come I dnt know anything??

      Kavs whats up hunn how are you doing? Yes i get what you are syaing i wouldn't reveal anything direct. But glad your fine and i will order her to get one.


      yeah yeah order all u want…u two ……am NOT getting YM

      or else WAT?? HUH HUH HUH …..LMAO

      *****luw u 2 crazeeeee a$$ choti behens of mine **********


    • #58446

      ali – hi how r u hun.. its okay abt the email thing i knoooo sometimes its so hard to reply n stuff when u're like totally loaded with all these crazy things to do its totally fine

      n plus don worry abt tryin to reply to mah email gawd… sum1 reading them must be get so confused have no idea how to reply in the 1st place

      yesh i m going to need some of that magic dust for my exams
      n i wish u cud give me some so i cud sprinke sprinkle sprinkle all over my body so i cud become REFINED and beautiful as the wide open sky and wonderful as the deep blue sea and and and everything that is nice and so that i wont be invisible to the world any longer because at least some person would be forced to SEE me through their lens

      why did u cut ur hair hun?! or was it juz a shape up or sumthin? well i really wish we cud get together n with marine too n u guyz cud teach me all the tricks of the trade yesh yesh that wud be so magical ..being with u guys! oh gawd my heart wud melt n splatter all ova the place

      abt the oreo thing — nooooo idont wanna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

      right now…im so upset n maddened by gnawing feelings that wont stop biting into my flesh that is already bleeding ; dont know what to do now all out of hope but will sit here in this little corner i call my world and b e eaten away


    • #58447

      lol didi i know ones she sees his teeth she will faint and that willbe the end of Kavs.

      There is nothing that we are hiding from you just couple of picture that i had shown her and we were just joking about it. and the other thing we were just discusing life. and if you get YM you will know what i'm talking about. Iwish i can send you that internet thing but i can't afford it.

      Maby oreo can sell part of his land give you the money lol.

      Kavs whats up hunn how are you doing? Yes i get what you are syaing i wouldn't reveal anything direct. But glad your fine and i will order her to get one.


      please save me! why ya'll pickin on poor lil oreo though ha

      oh yes marine showed me some pics inYM with her and some friends haha wont say wot their doin u ask her lol she'll tell u up front n omg marine is like SO GORGEOUS gawd those luscious lips damn girl u fine … n ooo the eyes!!! love the eye do!

      hey wot thing r u talking to send on internet marine?

      wuv u hun

    • #58448

      why do life have to be so screwed up some times, so confusing that you just have no idea as to what ideas to even have
      why can guys lie so much & feel that it might be okay b/c that is what GUYS do & that girls are the ones that “have to be the decent ones”

      & why do girls always wrap around their emotions too extreme

      i just dont know but its not wrong for someone to be wrapped around their emotions but its wrong for someone to play with them or hurt them on purpose

      i just dont know what to say anymore or whatever

      n im so scared of the world its unbelievable im invisible to the world however i wish if god can send me some magic to change all that n that i can become someone and show those who like to hurt me or show me that i am not the only thing that makes them happy

    • #58449

      Didi ok ok i get it wow don't et a ym n-e-way do those guys know that you don't swing that way lol. Well ok ok i will waith.

      And have you seen Oreos land he can offord to sale some and help you out.

      Kavs we are not picking on you we love you darling.

      hey don't go telling people about my picture j/k but thank you very much for the compliment.

      Didi i will send you the pictured trust me you need to see them

    • #58450

      Didi ok ok i get it wow don't et a ym n-e-way do those guys know that you don't swing that way lol. Well ok ok i will waith.

      okies just had my dose of coffee so am STILL not really following u…………DID U JUST SAY i DNT SWING WAT WAY???



      this may explain a lota thingz nah?????????????

      u watchye bak, am gonna getye….

      And have you seen Oreos land he can offord to sale some and help you out.

      Kavs we are not picking on you we love you darling.

      hey don't go telling people about my picture j/k but thank you very much for the compliment.

      Didi i will send you the pictured trust me you need to see them

      Wat???????? u r beautiful…….aaargh dnt understand why u dnt think soooo …

    • #58451

      i just dont know but its not wrong for someone to be wrapped around their emotions but its wrong for someone to play with them or hurt them on purpose

      n im so scared of the world its unbelievable im invisible to the world however i wish if god can send me some magic to change all that n that i can become someone and show those who like to hurt me or show me that i am not the only thing that makes them happy


      My two cents…

      NOBODY can hurt you unless you let them… you're only as strong as you want to be, or as strong as you feel… and if you don't feel strong from within, NOTHING will change.. ya hear me girl? NOTHING will change. The strength has to come from within you.. and until you stop feeling sad and sorry that the world is not as perfect as you expected it to be, ain't nothing that will change honey…

      There are some situations in life (believe me – I have been there myself of late) where saying, “Whatever” and moving the **** on is the best thing to do. But unless you can find the voice in your heart saying that it IS the best thing to do, life won't change.. you have to want to change. I have not a clue how old you are, and I don't care how old you are… but you are mature enough to deal with this, Kavita… from what I see, you are mature enough.. and that is all that matters.

      Nobody can fight your battles for you. Do it yourself honey. Because I think you owe that much to yourself. And, if you don't mind my bossy words.. which you are under no obligation to follow (I HATE – with a passion – telling people how to live their lives.) stop seeing the world in a negative light (basically, if I may be a little rude and blunt, stop complaining and whining and groaning like it's everyone else's fault except yours… it may well be their fault, but it is first and foremost YOURS for letting their faults hurt you so much.). It won't get you ANYWHERE.

      See, now you probably understand why I believe I am my only strength. Lol. Don't feel hurt or offended, OK? Not my intention.. 🙂

    • #58452

      Ali – ! Marine was saying alright she gets it you dont have to get YM b/c when we asked you you said okay you cant soo i guess she was just making a joke and say that you dont swing that way ( dont go in YM and chat and stuff? lol i dont know ask her ) but im 100% sure she isnt callin gyou a *** why would she do that!

      lol i think marine knows she's beutiful lol marine do u?!!! yesh plzzzzzzz show ali ur pics ..i luv her pics i swear her lipz n eyes they're like soooooooo like beautifully made!

    • #58453

      Ali – ! Marine was saying alright she gets it you dont have to get YM b/c when we asked you you said okay you cant soo i guess she was just making a joke and say that you dont swing that way ( dont go in YM and chat and stuff? lol i dont know ask her ) but im 100% sure she isnt callin gyou a *** why would she do that!

      LMAO…aaaw Kavz, hw r u luwie?? dnt worrie bout it…am kewl let Mara explain what she meant…

      amnot sure…must be my perverted mind nah?? lol….

      lol i think marine knows she's beutiful lol marine do u?!!! yesh plzzzzzzz show ali ur pics ..i luv her pics i swear her lipz n eyes they're like soooooooo like beautifully made!

      okies nw Mara better send em pics to me…yup I keep tellin da dame dat shes gorgeous..

    • #58454

      Ali – ! Marine was saying alright she gets it you dont have to get YM b/c when we asked you you said okay you cant soo i guess she was just making a joke and say that you dont swing that way ( dont go in YM and chat and stuff? lol i dont know ask her ) but im 100% sure she isnt callin gyou a *** why would she do that!

      LMAO…aaaw Kavz, hw r u luwie?? dnt worrie bout it…am kewl let Mara explain what she meant…

      amnot sure…must be my perverted mind nah?? lol….

      lol i think marine knows she's beutiful lol marine do u?!!! yesh plzzzzzzz show ali ur pics ..i luv her pics i swear her lipz n eyes they're like soooooooo like beautifully made!

      okies nw Mara better send em pics to me…yup I keep tellin da dame dat shes gorgeous..

    • #58455

      i just dont know but its not wrong for someone to be wrapped around their emotions but its wrong for someone to play with them or hurt them on purpose

      n im so scared of the world its unbelievable im invisible to the world however i wish if god can send me some magic to change all that n that i can become someone and show those who like to hurt me or show me that i am not the only thing that makes them happy


      My two cents…

      NOBODY can hurt you unless you let them… you're only as strong as you want to be, or as strong as you feel… and if you don't feel strong from within, NOTHING will change.. ya hear me girl? NOTHING will change. The strength has to come from within you.. and until you stop feeling sad and sorry that the world is not as perfect as you expected it to be, ain't nothing that will change honey…

      There are some situations in life (believe me – I have been there myself of late) where saying, “Whatever” and moving the **** on is the best thing to do. But unless you can find the voice in your heart saying that it IS the best thing to do, life won't change.. you have to want to change. I have not a clue how old you are, and I don't care how old you are… but you are mature enough to deal with this, Kavita… from what I see, you are mature enough.. and that is all that matters.

      Nobody can fight your battles for you. Do it yourself honey. Because I think you owe that much to yourself. And, if you don't mind my bossy words.. which you are under no obligation to follow (I HATE – with a passion – telling people how to live their lives.) stop seeing the world in a negative light (basically, if I may be a little rude and blunt, stop complaining and whining and groaning like it's everyone else's fault except yours… it may well be their fault, but it is first and foremost YOURS for letting their faults hurt you so much.). It won't get you ANYWHERE.

      See, now you probably understand why I believe I am my only strength. Lol. Don't feel hurt or offended, OK? Not my intention.. 🙂

      wooooohoooooo Boo, and here I thot I was having a bad day…J/k Yaar…

    • #58456

      why do life have to be so screwed up some times, so confusing that you just have no idea as to what ideas to even have
      why can guys lie so much & feel that it might be okay b/c that is what GUYS do & that girls are the ones that “have to be the decent ones”

      & why do girls always wrap around their emotions too extreme

      i just dont know but its not wrong for someone to be wrapped around their emotions but its wrong for someone to play with them or hurt them on purpose

      i just dont know what to say anymore or whatever

      n im so scared of the world its unbelievable im invisible to the world however i wish if god can send me some magic to change all that n that i can become someone and show those who like to hurt me or show me that i am not the only thing that makes them happy

      Right Hug take it easy sweetness, me will send u an email by tom morn ok…dnt

      let it get u down hun..

    • #58457


      My two cents…

      NOBODY can hurt you unless you let them… you're only as strong as you want to be, or as strong as you feel… and if you don't feel strong from within, NOTHING will change.. ya hear me girl? NOTHING will change. The strength has to come from within you.. and until you stop feeling sad and sorry that the world is not as perfect as you expected it to be, ain't nothing that will change honey… My love – you are so right. I have to stop being this WEAK oh my god. I just I guess I cant sit here and be upset that the world isnt changing. I have to be stronger i just HAVE TO

      There are some situations in life (believe me – I have been there myself of late) where saying, “Whatever” and moving the **** on is the best thing to do. But unless you can find the voice in your heart saying that it IS the best thing to do, life won't change.. you have to want to change. I have not a clue how old you are, and I don't care how old you are… but you are mature enough to deal with this, Kavita… from what I see, you are mature enough.. and that is all that matters. I know yes some pple just have to say F it an move on and away ; Im 19 yrs old – yeah I knwo i know everyone will say stop being like a little 5 yr old like marine said ot me ; by the way, how old are you? & where are you living right now? i asked you before but you didnt answer

      Nobody can fight your battles for you. Do it yourself honey. Because I think you owe that much to yourself. And, if you don't mind my bossy words.. which you are under no obligation to follow (I HATE – with a passion – telling people how to live their lives.) stop seeing the world in a negative light (basically, if I may be a little rude and blunt, stop complaining and whining and groaning like it's everyone else's fault except yours… it may well be their fault, but it is first and foremost YOURS for letting their faults hurt you so much.). It won't get you ANYWHERE. Hey hey hey dont feel responsible for how i 'live my life' just b/c you gave me some sisterly advice in my time of need! b/c you have no idea how i feel thankful & greatful to feel & hear out from someone else's point of view about this whole thing. I think everything you said is 100% right and I think i have to change my self and in such a way that i love myself and that i force the world to at least love me/or be neutral [ or NOT dislike me or not be invisible to it ] No its not their fault… imean i is all my fault b/c i am not god damn strong as i thought i was! i heard that this world is evil & mean & cold & nasty and if you're not strong & mean u will be eaten alive. well ………………..
      you're right…it IS my fault everything s it just is

      See, now you probably understand why I believe I am my only strength. Lol. Don't feel hurt or offended, OK? Not my intention.. 🙂
      noooooo now why would i be hurt or offended if someone who luvs .. is telling me their thoughs on something!! n by the way i luve yeh too n m thankful for ur kind words n i just wanna let u know i totally agree with u 100% i gats to let the world stop eating me if only i stop being the scum to eat then it wont eat me! it is my fault

      it just has to stop being

      & im going to have to work on making things better – most of it of course, is really making myself better

    • #58458

      ali – hi how r u hun.. its okay abt the email thing i knoooo sometimes its so hard to reply n stuff when u're like totally loaded with all these crazy things to do its totally fine

      n plus don worry abt tryin to reply to mah email gawd… sum1 reading them must be get so confused have no idea how to reply in the 1st place

      yesh i m going to need some of that magic dust for my exams
      n i wish u cud give me some so i cud sprinke sprinkle sprinkle all over my body so i cud become REFINED and beautiful as the wide open sky and wonderful as the deep blue sea and and and everything that is nice and so that i wont be invisible to the world any longer because at least some person would be forced to SEE me through their lens

      why did u cut ur hair hun?! or was it juz a shape up or sumthin? well i really wish we cud get together n with marine too n u guyz cud teach me all the tricks of the trade yesh yesh that wud be so magical ..being with u guys! oh gawd my heart wud melt n splatter all ova the place

      abt the oreo thing — nooooo idont wanna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

      right now…im so upset n maddened by gnawing feelings that wont stop biting into my flesh that is already bleeding ; dont know what to do now all out of hope but will sit here in this little corner i call my world and b e eaten away


      u knw if I were there, u wud be running for ye life for talking such crap…

      now listen to me okies, your didi at this very moment has a major crisis to deal with, its not that i dnt know HOW to answer yr mail,

      its just that I want to give u the right advise and am not even in the right frame of mind to think logically

      sooo be patient with me hun ok

      and dnt think that I have forgotten coz ur in my thoughts and duas all the time…

      just know that i truly love u lotz ok…


    • #58459

      Ali!!! my sweetheart – its okay loveeeeeee dont go crazy ( just to send me an email )

      i know things are up & everywhere over there so take care of those matters! we are only human there is just so much we can take, you know?

      n i love u lots n thnkx for caring god bless you child

      thankie for the hugzzz they wre so warm lol

      here's urs *hugs [extra warm with a big splash a lurveeeeeee ]

      luv yu


      gotta go write my essay now! hmmpf

    • #58460

      Ali!!! my sweetheart – its okay loveeeeeee dont go crazy ( just to send me an email )

      i know things are up & everywhere over there so take care of those matters! we are only human there is just so much we can take, you know?

      n i love u lots n thnkx for caring god bless you child

      thankie for the hugzzz they wre so warm lol

      here's urs *hugs [extra warm with a big splash a lurveeeeeee ]

      luv yu


      gotta go write my essay now! hmmpf

      thanks but did u just call me child??????????????????????????


      bludy hell…

      gud luk with da essay, if u need help, SHOUT out …

    • #58461
      Shakalaka Baby

      Hey Kav,

      Boo is absolutely right that you have to be strong from within! But I can understand it is hard sometimes… When everybody and everything around you is hurting you, it can really bring you to your knees… That doesn't mean you're not strong, or that you're behaving childish.. it's just saying that something around you is really wrong! Not only YOU have to change and become stronger, sometimes a change of environment/friends or whatever will help too!! And remember… everything what's bringing you to your knees now will only make you stronger in the end!!

      Take care sweets (will reply to your email soon) and good luck with everything! If you need me, I'll be there… And we're all here for you sweets… Don't let the world get you down!!

      Lots of love, Shakz.

    • #58462

      okies then…

      Have this awesome luking pimple just near my lip and u knw how we women

      go crazee when a pimple pops up outa the blue on the eve of the night u wanna

      go out and dance till your feet cant carry u anymore r8…

      well dis the case wud me…LUCKY CHICK that i am…

      so me cancelled da plans, heading off home to cook sum healthy food

      eat and sleep …..

      Later my people…

    • #58463

      *Sigh* …

    • #58464

      Di and Kavs i know i'm beautifull and i don't doubt it i mean i'm not saying i'm not beautifull i'm just saying that my face and my personality doesn't go with my body and thats what i'm trying to change. I mean we all have something that wre don't like about ourselfs rite?

      Di i was calling you a les lol

      Kavs i couldn't agree with BOO more she is right that what we all need to remeber. I mean we all can get weak in the knees and bent down and brake down also but we all need to f ind the strangth within ourself and move on. If i let other to hurt me and act like its getting to they will hurt me but i never give other that apportunity to do it. i mean people only see you how you see yourself they treat you the way you treat yourself. So that what you need to do.

      Hope i made any sence. lol

    • #58465

      I feel so nostalgic.. and it's not the type that you feel like smiling over and saying what a wonderful time I had.. its the type that makes you feel like *sigh* I wish I had a clock that would magically rewind time and take me back to when happiness was so heavily in the air that I could practically taste it.

    • #58466

      OMG UP when you find one let me know lol i could use some time i need a watch like that.


    • #58467

      tabzee so poetic!!!! aww hun *hug*

      marine — yes is right & i've heard that… if you dont believe in yourself NO ONE will belive in you and i have to start believing in myself and being strong and showing the world that i am a person just like them and not UNDER them

      love you guyz tonssssss

      ali!Surprise you will not go dancing b/c you have a pimple!!!?? oh come on – so you mean when you go dancing pple look at yr face ..i thought it was only dancing

      and besides one lil pimple is nott gonna scar yr beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ermm* marine* soo are yeh working on making that clock for tabzee?

    • #58468

      Hey Kavs yah well you know what you need to do your the one who is with yourself all the time, Even though we know you we don't know as much as you know yourself.

      Ali what you mean you won't go out cause you have apimple if it was like that no one would go out. Plus its so dark at the clubs who in the world is gonna see your pimple lol. Di your to much lol/

    • #58469

      Hey all you gorgeous gyals h r u!

      Marine.. you are Right on the spot with those thoughts

      ali – you stop it right now young lady! – 1 little pimple should not

      take anythign away fr you b/c you are awesome & a pimple have NO competition

      in trying to prove otherwise!

    • #58470

      Life sucks sometimes.

      Why do we have to struggle with it?

      why do we have to pass through so many test in life?

      What is it that god has planed for us?

      I want to know exactly why does he give us heart to love,

      But he doesn't give us the one that we love.

      Why are the only ones that can hear our hearts echo?

      Why is love so complicate?

      We go through life dreaming of that special someone,

      Yet when we find them why can't we hold them?

      I yarn for him, My love is the only one that my heart aces for beats for.

      My love is the one i dream of day by day

      Yet i wake up to a hollow day.

      Why is he so close yet at the same so far away.

      Why is life so much torture.

      I live for life not for love, but yet love is the a biggest part of love.

      Someone tell me if you can,

      Someone make me understand as to

      why am I being tortured so much by my feeling?

      Will the say come that i can have my hearts desire?

      Will the day come where i get to hold the one that my heart aces for?

      Why can't he hear the echo of my heart?

      I see nothing but color but yet my heart in black,

      Why do I feel like that my heart is only half whole?

      Dear god please hear my plea and answer my cry

      What test should i go through to get the one that makes me whole?

      I guess no one can answer me cause everyone has one question or another.

      But at the end we all ask got WHY OH GOD WHY.

      Sorry guys when I'm sad i don't know Why i put my feeling into a poetry. Tis is really how I'm feeling and if you know the answer really know the answer then tell me.

    • #58471

      Right Hug k luw am ALLLLLL yrs, lets talk…

      our heart chooses whom to love, regardless of what our head tells us…

      why ask god for answers when its all within u???



    • #58472

      How is it within me di.

      I wish it was then i could find it soon

      Ok we'll talk in PM

    • #58473

      aquamarine… theres a cliff waiting for you. i'll lead u to it. no worries. enjoy the wind that cuts through yr face, the thrill of flying like a free bird, the adrenalin rush like going down a bungee and finally, the splat that awaits u like a rotten egg.

    • #58474

      Sure Cosmic lead the way. I will follow.

    • #58475

      excellent. u made the right choice.

      but first, u need to sign this disclaimer:

      I hereby does not hold serio responsible for my stupid actions and agree that i was not forced into committing this 'jumping off the cliff' act and it was a decision made solely by me and me alone and any legal actions that might be carried out by anyone against serio in the future will be null and void and further taunting by the fellow bwl faltoos towards serio is definitely uncall for and is an act of cruelty towards the noble serio.

      I also hereby agree that the cliff are of natural resources and holds no grudge towards serio if my intended purpose in carrying out the 'jumping off the cliff' act is not met at the end of my jump. I also agree that my being accepted into this amazing act is dependent on the decision made by serio and he may chooses, at any time, without prior notice, to cancel this act or to move this act at another location, which he may deemed fit as and when the need arises.

      I, the pagal one,


    • #58476

      If you think that i will sign and waiver or contract made by you then your crazy.

      I rather really jump off a cliff or under a truck on the freeway then to sign a waiver made by a crazy person

    • #58477

      Mara check yr pm,

      ignore cliffhanger hereAngry

      and listen to yr di

      u aint DAT desperate, not when u have me to help sort through this


    • #58478

      crazy? yeah im crazy.

      truck? hmmm…that will be a good option for you. at least it doesnt contaminate the environment, i.e the beautiful cliffs!!

    • #58479

      Oreo you should be the next Kevorkian helping people commit suicide, But no help neede here I love life to much

      So keep your cliff and sale some of it nad move into civilization

    • #58480

      hun, promise to call u laterz k

      need to get my head around this whole thing..make sum sense of it..

      **me luws ye..**

      take care now…and please go to bed already..

    • #58481

      ok but text me before snce i got docs appointment.

      I'm going to bed and i'm alright don't think about it to much oneof us needs to be sain.

    • #58482

      Lol, tell me bout it…yup will **sms** u before i do…

      an dat docs appointment…***faints*** u r crazy Missy…but me still luws u

      take it easy now, love is alllllll around ye…

      yeah r8 hun, sane….meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee LMAO…

      hmmmm ok then, when u hear what U have to tell u …that wud make u cry

      sooo for now, gimme a hug and go to bed…


    • #58483

      1 more thing, I hope u feeling at least a lil better now??

      mmmwaaaahhhh, Right Hug


    • #58484

      Dis all bout Love nah…dis was written for me by my closest friend/sister….at least someone in this world understands Scarry….thought I should share it…

      Have you ever felt what I feel?

      Have you ever tried to understand someone

      Tried so hard to fathom what they fee?

      Hoping that somehow you will not feel alone?

      Is life meant to be a game of guessing

      You win if you can read between the lines

      You lose if if you keep getting

      No straight answers to what we call life.

      Have you looked into some one’s eyes and seen

      What they think without saying a word

      What they feel, making you keen

      Wanting to know more without a word?

      Look into your heart and tell me

      If what you feel is what I feel

      If what you uphold is what I do

      If what we feel is anywhere near the same.

      I will soar with you if you let me

      I will dance with you if you hold me

      Close to you, your body, your soul

      Let us match heartbeats then we will be one

      Or let us alternate and we will com

    • #58485

      I'm great di i really really am

    • #58486

      oreo – dayem – you dont know when to stop huh! dun go advising pple to jump off the way how do u know its helpful to them..have u done it before

      marine & ali – my schweet sisters — oh help us dear lord when we are in our greatest need & in our time of most greatest suffering when our hearts are the most vulnerable to destruction and pain

      marine – how are you my love? whats been happening to you? please tell me … dont worry you will get what ever it is through… i know you must be so upset & worried about..S but let me tell you something
      you must be strong …just as you guys tell to me… be strong & me & ali & every1 are here for you
      i know sometimes we have NO idea as to how to answer these crazy q's that we have in our hearts & minds & we dont even have any idea as to how we GOT to this place where we are right now! but this is what i need yu to do

      look inside yrself & seek yr self out & seek your heart out and realize how wonderful of a person you are
      and that you as your own self does not depend on anyone else to be a sweetheart

      we are here for you marine — as for you ali — seems liek something is going on with you too my love & i know it is about ….. i thin i know…& i sure know that there's a lot of heart ache involved — but im here for yeh okay ….

      marine ali , if anytime that you cant hold back the tears, please rest yr head on my shoulder & i will cry for you



    • #58487

      stop?? thats not part of serio's vocabulary!

      continue, go on, keep going, never give up…thats more like it.

    • #58488

      marine & ali – my schweet sisters — oh help us dear lord when we are in our greatest need & in our time of most greatest suffering when our hearts are the most vulnerable to destruction and pain

      kavs darlin….tnx for the prayer hun, am fine..:-) will def keep u 2 kewl chicks in my dua's…

      marine ali , if anytime that you cant hold back the tears, please rest yr head on my shoulder & i will cry for you

      thanks sweety…..same here nah…Mara's the one in need of our shoulders…leave me outa this willye….**hugz***

      be strong & me & ali & every1 are here for you –
      i know sometimes we have NO idea as to how to answer these crazy q's that we have in our hearts & minds & we dont even have any idea as to how we GOT to this place where we are right now! but this is what i need yu to do

      off coz ..was going to suggest some alcohol but it aint funny anymore…so guys, take it easy, Am here off coz..

      sooo holler okies…as for the questions, just post em to me, will reply accordingly…

      Love Sux…no offence to all those whose hearts are beating to the rhythm of anothers…yup WATEVA …I say..

      take yr games and go play it wud someone who cares….am sick n tired of all this damn nonsense, sooooo….from me …I say, go make the most of life instead of wasting it on LOVE…not worth the damn effort…

      as for you ali — seems liek something is going on with you too my love & i know it is about ….. i thin i know…& i sure know that there's a lot of heart ache involved — but im here for yeh okay ….

      NUTHING is going on with me…just moodilicious dats alll…am kewl as the dew on a bright breezy sunny morning K..

      U dnt know coz THERES NUTHING to know luw…stop wasting yr thoughts and mind conjuring up such fantasies bout scarry Didi having …what again???

      Heart ache>??? lmao..nope…nope… me have NO heart…aches….soooo please chilll already….no worries…P R O M I S E…

      thanks hon, as usual, u take care and know I am here for u tooooooooooooo, and if u really wanna be here for me,STOP worrying coz nuthings wrong…k ***more hugz***

    • #58489

      stop?? thats not part of serio's vocabulary!

      continue, go on, keep going, never give up…thats more like it.

      wow thanks for the advice oreoji – u r showing such a warm heart these days!!!!! look … how nice he us inspiration .. continue…go on… keep going..never give up guys!

      all thanks to our sweet oreoji

    • #58490

      man oh man – ali – i dont know if you'r being sarcastic or as strong as a bull in reality

      but hey glad to hear that you are stronG & will always luv u & marine & every1 here &

      i know marine has been upset abt soem stuff & we've gotta be there for her!

      kinda agree with yeh on the love thing — partially agree however —

      but i dont know…. sumtimes u go to distances to feel something for some1 & they just never seem to acknowledge it & u cant blame them coz they might say its not their fault that you are behaving in such ways ……….HMMPPH!!!!!!!!!!!! not their fault that they made you god darn fall into their comforty warm arms of love ey! argh! ARGH!!!!!!!!


      love you too hunny bunny lunny tunny munnyyyyy

    • #58491

      sumtimes u go to distances to feel something for some1 & they just never seem to acknowledge it & u cant blame them coz they might say its not their fault that you are behaving in such ways ……….HMMPPH!!!!!!!!!!!! not their fault that they made you god darn fall into their comforty warm arms of love ey! argh! ARGH!!!!!!!!

      firstly hun, with love u go the distance only because YOU want to for the person(s) u love shud never be something demanded or u shud not feel

      obligated to do so…and on that same token, one should not expect anything in return if one does go**the distance** for ther love…

      am not sure if it makes much sense here but its just the way I think of it..of LOVE…

      it really isnt their fault that U love them…thats absolutely true because no one screams out for love…it happens…

      Sometimes one is a lil helpless when it comes to **whom the heart chooses*** to beat for…r8…

      I dunnno, in this day and age, many people look at the outer factors of a person eg..the external beauty of one

      therefore sometimes when one loves another, it is not always reciprocated …

      am stopping here for now….sooo hope i have made a lil sense….

      to me one should not feel compelled/forced into doing…it should FLOW…LOVE…..hmmm

      no expectations…..

      if i am going a distance to **FEEL** something for someone then I dunno…am seriously going to question myself as

      to whether this LOVE is true/real….or if it is love in the first place…

      sooo sweety, I dnt mean to sound harsh but ths is just my opinion/take on whatye had said above…nothing personal

      to You or whats going on in yr life okies…

      man oh man – ali – i dont know if you'r being sarcastic or as strong as a bull in reality

      oh…errrrr a bit of both??? i guessTongue Tied…lol…Jeez dnt call me a bull ok…but me have to tell my mom this, she has been annoying me about my tempers and

      moodiness of late…BULL lmao…oh my lord…Kavs u are toooo much luwie…..

      i know marine has been upset abt soem stuff & we've gotta be there for her!

      she does Kavs, sooooo give her much love, support and warm hugz during this time okies…

      luwye sweety


    • #58492

      Ali! I was saying some of those stuff in relation to alot of OTHER people's feeling and also your feeling maybe a little bit of Mine but i think you misunderstood me nope i think i KNOW you did..

      sorry i was the boinker to say that

      but 1 thing i must say — definitely NO expecting anything in return from a pereson if you love them – you will give yr heart & be wonderful to them leading to make their life easier & this shud make you yrself happy by itself …b/c you love that person & you want them to be alright

      when i said 'distances' i dont mean you have to 'do work & struggle to love thta particular person' b/c then what u said wud be right…yu shud consider some questions of if yr certain abt the person or not

      i guess by distance i sort of meant..the limitless heart

      alright let me stop this CRAPSuper Angry

      will talk to you later – kav

    • #58493

      Hmmmm I guess I did luwie, but Like I said

      when I was writin/typing..I wasnt talking specifically about YOU, was simply responding to the words u wrote love…

      me knows, me understands…

      C RA P.???.. dont stop…why shud u stop????

      wat u say isnt crap hey, if no one else bothers, I do and it does help me sooo yeah

      goooo on if u want to k

      me luwye Right Hug

    • #58494

      hey hun h r u…. hope goood…naw just forget abt that whole thingi wrote up there…

      i hope we're on the same boat now…

      yesh yesh…. sailing away on warm wavy water…. starring at the twinkling stars through the dewy air

      and embracing the quietness of the midnight moment

      and capturing it

      all to ourselves

      LOLZ – now i guess i qualifiy to say lemme stop this CRAP lol

      yesh yesh – i've been trying to learn how to sound intelligent………………..NOT


    • #58495

      yup ..stop da crap Kavz 🙂

      my feelings…Luuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee

      is what I feel hahahaahaaa

    • #58496
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      I feel like crap…I remember the days when I would log onto the forum whenever I was upset…now this forum feels like a “stranger”


    • #58497
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      p.s. I hate it when I miss people

    • #58498
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      p.s. I hate it when I miss people

      im sorry. he'll be back in no time Insha'allah

    • #58499
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      p.s. I hate it when I miss people

      im sorry. he'll be back in no time Insha'allah

      Surprise HE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise

    • #58500
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I feel like crap…I remember the days when I would log onto the forum whenever I was upset…now this forum feels like a “stranger”


      Aww ranz…! you need a warm choco covered huggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hug* Right Hug aww dunt worry some of us are here! seeeeee Big Smile

    • #58501
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      p.s. I hate it when I miss people

      im sorry. he'll be back in no time Insha'allah

      Surprise HE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise

      lmao…I miss my dad. Stick out tongue

      and thanks, Kavita…Right Hug

      Can someone tell me…what do you do when you start having problems with a really really really close friend but when you try to talk about it, the friend ignores you? and you don't know what to really say becuase you don't even know what the problem is?


    • #58502

      lmao…I miss my dad.

      Aaaw Ranz, I miss my dad toooooo, so me knows whatye feeling, a bit of it I guess…

      Can someone tell me…what do you do when you start having problems

      with a really really really close friend but when you try to talk about it,

      the friend ignores you? and you don't know what to really say becuase

      you don't even know what the problem is…

      Firstly doesn’t that just drive u crazeeeee, trying to figure out WHAT u had done, and it could be anything

      that makes yr friend feel the need to ignore u sweetie…not necessarily what you had done or said hey..

      I think you should just approach him/her and ask her/him what’s going on…

      Whether its through the written word, telephonically or in person, whichever is more convenient for u ..

      as long as you broach the subject and she is aware that her/his behavior is upsetting or hurting you…

      if she /he wants to talk they would, otherwise, just leave it for a while and see what happens…

      U mentioned,** start having problems** am assuming there must be some sort of bad vibes between you

      two regardless of whether or not you know what the problem is…

      Sooo for me, the only way of knowing is to actually talk to the person…

      Its not healthy Keeping this in , upsetting yourself…sometimes what the other person may say, may hurt,

      but personally I would rather just hear it…regardless of whether it results in a positive or negative outcome..

      Besides whatever the case may be, no friendship, if it is REAL and TRUE should fall apart because of differences

      or minor misunderstandings etc…<

    • #58503
      Scar face:

      Can someone tell me…what do you do when you start having problems

      with a really really really close friend but when you try to talk about it,

      the friend ignores you? and you don't know what to really say becuase

      you don't even know what the problem is…

      Firstly doesn’t that just drive u crazeeeee, trying to figure out WHAT u had done, and it could be anything

      that makes yr friend feel the need to ignore u sweetie…not necessarily what you had done or said hey..

      I think you should just approach him/her and ask her/him what’s going on…

      She is right, Rani… check your PMs twin ji… I love you. Right Hug

    • #58504

      My feelings…at the moment…..

      I feel as if no one cares. 'tis just how i feel…not necessarily true. =/

    • #58505

      I feel as if no one cares. 'tis just how i feel…not necessarily true. =/

      yumzRight Hug mah angelAngel SCARRY CARES…always did, always will nah,,***hugz***

      hope u feel a lil better .sweetie..if sums bothering u ..wanna talk..u know where to find me..Big SmileRight Hug

      Love u hun Right HugRight Hug

    • #58506

      Scarz ji,

      You're soooo sweeeet Mashallah. Right Hug

      Thank you so much Smile

      Love you too Left Hug

    • #58507

      oye hun just tellin da truth..Big Smile

      me sends ye luw n more n hugz n more WinkRight Hug

      schweeeeeeeeeeeeeetness, take it easy nah YesBig Smile

    • #58508

      Awwwww Left Hug

      You take it easy as well hunz.

      Thank you, I feel so much better Smile

    • #58509

      Lekkkkkkkkker…..and I hope u feeel much more better as the minutes…hours..days

      get wat am sayin WinkBig Smile

      Oh boy….u wudnt believe this..but theres a a whole bunch of clowns in this office now

      with lotz of balloons …Confused

      Jeeez I feel like I am in the middle of a carnival lmao…

      wat da hecks happenin here …brb hun

    • #58510

      Roflmbo!!!!!!!! ahahahahaha

      that's hilarious Stick out tongue

      BALLOONZZ ARE COOL! go and pop em all =P

    • #58511

      pop em up …Jeez afta all da got 2 ballooonz and 2 candies hahahaha..

      u want >>????

      its is absurd but soooo damn funny

      oh this is our official invites to the annual *inspire day**

      that we have errrr annually lol…

      brilliant idea…..

      now no one is goin to get any work done

      **sigh** reminds me of Durbz now 🙁

    • #58512

      yummmmm candy!!! gimme one =)

      LOL clowns roaming around…passing out balloonz to scarz…too funny…

      and theyre like…'here you go kid…' lol =) OKAY WHERE'S MY CANDY?

      awww who's Durbz, yaar?

    • #58513

      nah it went more like dis:

      da clown: “Hey pretty gal, u know of inspire day r8, u read yr mail r8…”

      Scarry: “Nope..neva heard of both now gimme mah balloon and sweet

      coz I ve got tonz of work to do….”

      then I say, “in fact u shud give me 2 of each coz u aint funny Mr, c…no smiles on my face…”

      Idiot clown, then goes on a gives me a brief explanation on how much sugar is in each candy and

      bla bla dat made me lafff…and hes got a cute smile toooo

      Mr clown…

      sooo there Yumz, one Candy coming yr way…..

      Durbz…Durban…is where I am from, me lil city…

      I miss home….:-)

    • #58514

      LOL ahahah =P awww he called ju pretty gal Wink

      OH DURBAN! gotcha Smile

      i miss home too actually!! bleh.

      I really need candy, coffeee, cake, anything sweet…lol to stay awake and study Big Smile

    • #58515

      da nerve of him huh?? lmao

      I knw u doooooo…me feels ye Right Hug

      hmm lets see wat I have here…


      dat bit of candy…??

      no cakeSad



      can steal one of siph's muffins for ye..want sum??? Wink

      Tell me watye want…will pass it ova …lol

      watye studying???

    • #58516

      Any sweets Wink sorry you dont have to get up =P

      im studying for Advanced placement exam for english =/

    • #58517

      Advanced placement ???

      exam for english ????

      wat is dis??…neva heard of this one before…..tell me more pls

      am interested..

      sweetz…..k…me will send em all to yeBig Smile

      Good luck with the studying luwie….

      u will be in my duas off coz Right Hug….sooo lemme know when u get back yr results k

    • #58518
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Thanks Scar face and boo…Right Hug

      I DID talk to her, but there was a confusion between us, and when I wrote that post, I was waiting for her reply. lol.

      I feel so bad now. Sad

      But everything worked out between us! Actually, there wasn't really a problem, I was just going psycho like always. Tongue Tied

      but Smile thank you…

    • #58519
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Thanks Scar face and boo…Right Hug

      I DID talk to her, but there was a confusion between us, and when I wrote that post, I was waiting for her reply. lol.

      I feel so bad now. Sad

      But everything worked out between us! Actually, there wasn't really a problem, I was just going psycho like always. Tongue Tied

      but Smile thank you…

      No need to feel badddd… Right Hug Childhood problem hai, kyun? Wink


      *runs away*

    • #58520
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      *runs to Khushi's house, sees her making roti with her belan, runs up to her, kisses her on the cheek, grabs belan and runs away after boo*

      childhood problem!?!? Surprise

      I came out healthy, thank you very much. Stick out tongue

      (well, my twin bro does tell me he kicked me out, you think maybe that had something to do with my psychoness?)

      Big Smile

    • #58521
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      (well, my twin bro does tell me he kicked me out, you think maybe that had something to do with my psychoness?)

      Big Smile

      I say it does. Big Smile

    • #58522
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      lmao! Then it's all his fault! I had nothing to do with it! *innocent*

    • #58523
      Scar face:

      Advanced placement ???

      exam for english ????

      wat is dis??…neva heard of this one before…..tell me more pls

      am interested..

      didi this is for SMART PEOPLE haha

    • #58524

      didi this is for SMART PEOPLE haha

      ROFLMBO! thaz funny.

      who's smart? pshtttttttt

    • #58525


      of course

      advanced placement studentStick out tongue

    • #58526

      ROFL! You're hilarious!

      I needu study for this crap!! TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!!!

      ahhhhhhh *dies*

    • #58527

      yeah u're kinda blushing i know it hehe

      aww dunt die lol … wake up & study the wunderful material of ADVANCED PLACEMENT english for extra smart pple ..extra extra hear all about ittttttt

      hehehe alrite lemme stop before you wanna totally beat me up Stick out tongue

      its okieee just study & have confidence! you will do wonderful i am sure

    • #58528

      LOL, ask Rani, when she compliments me, I'm like 'SHUT UP!'

      Big Smile

      Thanks ji, hopefully, It will go well. =)

    • #58529

      if yuummmenilicious qualifies for advanced placement, then i dread to think of the future of americans!

    • #58530
      if yuummmenilicious qualifies for advanced placement, then i dread to think of the future of americans!

      Oh Lord! you cant ruin my confidence now! Stick out tongue


    • #58531
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      OMG ninja, shut up, don't remind meeeeeeeeee! I don't wanna take these stupid tests grrrrrrrrrr

    • #58532


    • #58533

      ok, why dont u 2 go fight it off somewhere? and the winner can at least 'claim' to have both brains and brawns

    • #58534

      ha, no!

    • #58535

      fine fine…if u cant really prove that u have the 'brains' part then at least you can do smtg abt the brawns.

    • #58536


      we're cool!

    • #58537
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Oreo…you're in trouble, you pissed ninja off. Surprise

    • #58538
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Oreo…you're in trouble, you pissed ninja off. Surprise

      pfffttttt….since when pissing off ppl became my concern?

    • #58539
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Since today



      (lmao…ohh nooo)

    • #58540

      are u high on drugs or smtg? do u need help? if u do, then i can point u to the right places

    • #58541

      Rani, what the heck, you're MAD crazy!

      shut up! I need to go study!!

      You're wasting my study time =p

    • #58542
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      heck no i aint on drugs boy, but u sure are on something…

    • #58543
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      heck no i aint on drugs boy, but u sure are on something…

      ON top of the world? ON the right track? sitting ON a chair? yup..u got that rite!

    • #58544
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      heck no i aint on drugs boy, but u sure are on something…

      ON top of the world? ON the right track? sitting ON a chair? yup..u got that rite!

      you're not on top of the world, nor are u on the right track…..

      you wish!

    • #58545
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      you are difinitely on the WRONG track buddy

    • #58546

      you're not on top of the world, nor are u on the right track…..

      you wish!

      how would you know? since when u became 'me'?

    • #58547

      since never? im just saying

      its my opinion lol.. ( not that it matters to you)

    • #58548
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      it matters to me. Big Smile

    • #58549
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      it matters to me. Big Smile

      And that's exactly why I said it Big Smile

    • #58550
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      me too. lol

    • #58551
      if yuummmenilicious qualifies for advanced placement, then i dread to think of the future of americans!

      Big Smile

    • #58552
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Thanks Scar face and boo…Right Hug

      I DID talk to her, but there was a confusion between us, and when I wrote that post, I was waiting for her reply. lol.

      I feel so bad now. Sad

      But everything worked out between us! Actually, there wasn't really a problem, I was just going psycho like always. Tongue Tied

      but Smile thank you…

      Am so glad it worked out for u and ur friend Rani! Alhumdulilah *hug*

    • #58553
      Shakalaka Baby

      Yeahhhhh!!! Last Sunday I watched DDLJ untill 0.30 AM and it was defnitely worth the lack of sleep!!! *sighs* Big SmileBig SmileBig Smile

      PS: I cried so hard that my eyes where still swollen the next day… Even my colleague asked what I did during the weekend hahaha!! Thank God for the excuse of hay fever!! WinkWinkWink She would have never understood that I cried so hard over a movie haha Stick out tongue

    • #58554

      Hahahaha…. ohhhhhhhhhh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh ShakB m'dear…. welcome to Bollywoodism! Big Smile

      You're officially a Bollyholic now… please collect your free movie ticket (valid only for Bollywood cinemas) on your way out. Big Smile

    • #58555

      shakzz heyyyyyy soo gud to see u here been missing yah!! awwww DDLJ! watched it a while back…but wud watch it again…aw man
      its so schweeettttt n sad n…schweeettttttttttt .


    • #58556

      its so schweeettttt n sad n…schweeettttttttttt .


      That sounded hilarious! Big Smile

    • #58557

      hahahaha well it ISSSS schweeeeeeeeeeeeeet n sad n schweett n sad n sccchweeeeeeeet

    • #58558

      ok everyone, I want u guys to READ below properly ok…

      RIGHT NOW…i wish i was in Durb, wud print this out and …lol…ok I just sooo damn angry….dats my feeelings for today…

      it made me cry, coz it was actually sent by the MAN himself TODAY….Mr E…


      …BUT TRUE…MEN…Angry NO WAIT I MEAN…….E Super Angry


      To All Married Couples and Singles Who Intend To Get Married

      When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand
      and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly.
      Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.
      Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know
      what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly.

      She didn't seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me
      softly, why? I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the
      chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn't
      talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out
      what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory
      answer, she had lost my heart to a lovely girl called Dew. I didn’t love her
      anymore..I just pitied her!

      With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated
      that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company.
      She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had
      spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt
      sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take
      back what I had said for I loved Dew so dearly. Finally she cried
      loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her
      cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had
      obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.

      The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing
      something at the table. I didn’t have supper but went straight to
      sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Dew.
      When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did
      not care so I turned over and was asleep again.

      In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn't want
      anything from me, but needed a month's notice before the divorce. She
      requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a
      life as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a
      months time and she didn’t want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.

      This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to
      recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day.
      She requested that everyday for the month's duration I carry her out
      of our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going
      crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd

      I told Dew about my wife s divorce conditions. She laughed loudly and
      thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to
      face the divorce, she said scornfully.

      My wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intention
      was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day,
      we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding
      mummy in his arms. His words brough

    • #58559
      Shakalaka Baby

      Hahahaha…. ohhhhhhhhhh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh ShakB m'dear…. welcome to Bollywoodism! Big Smile

      You're officially a Bollyholic now… please collect your free movie ticket (valid only for Bollywood cinemas) on your way out. Big Smile

      Hahaha, thank you Boo! I'll definitely collect my free movie ticket Wink This weekend I'm going to a Bolly movie again together with Am Rani (we're going to see “Kya Love Story Hai” – this time we really will Wink), so it will only get worse haha Stick out tongue

    • #58560
      Shakalaka Baby

      shakzz heyyyyyy soo gud to see u here been missing yah!! awwww DDLJ! watched it a while back…but wud watch it again…aw man its so schweeettttt n sad n…schweeettttttttttt .


      Hey Kavita!!!! Big Smile I've missed you too!! I'm sorry I didn't reply to your last e-mail, but my life is so hectic at the moment… I'm working my butt off, and at home I also got so many things to do before my marriage, so I really have a lack of time to e-mail you… Hope you're doing better now since the last time we e-mailed!! Let me know soon what's up in your life, okay?

      About DDLJ… yes, it's true. You really feel different feelings while watching the movie… Love, anger, sadness and love again haha! You definitely have to watch it again Wink

    • #58561
      Shakalaka Baby
      Scar face:

      ok everyone, I want u guys to READ below properly ok…

      RIGHT NOW…i wish i was in Durb, wud print this out and …lol…ok I just sooo damn angry….dats my feeelings for today…

      it made me cry, coz it was actually sent by the MAN himself TODAY….Mr E…


      …BUT TRUE…MEN…Angry NO WAIT I MEAN…….E Super Angry


      Aawww, sweety!! The ***!! Angry How could he even think of sending this to you??? He should have known it would open old wounds (which are probably not all healed yet)! I wish I was with you so I could comfort you… but since I'm not, I'm sending you a big digital hug to make you feel better *mwah* Right Hug Please don't cry sweety, he's not worth it…

    • #58562

      -14 days-


    • #58563
      Shakalaka Baby:

      About DDLJ… yes, it's true. You really feel different feelings while watching the movie… Love, anger, sadness and love again haha! You definitely have to watch it again Wink

      DDLJ… is one movie one cannot watch when one doesn't have that special someone(s?) to love…

      Trust meeeeeeeeeeee. It drives you crazy and sends you into depression. lol. Big Smile

    • #58564

      boogedy, i know u are a (g)old member but that gold star of yrs…is blinding! talk abt conceited!!

    • #58565
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      Am so glad it worked out for u and ur friend Rani! Alhumdulilah *hug*

      Smile Thanks…Right Hug I miss you Wink

      ninja, wats 14 days? wat r u talking about?

      boo, lmao, i like the star! I've been meaning to tell you, but yeah i dunno why i didn't

    • #58566
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      ninja, wats 14 days? wat r u talking about?

      im talking about AP exams jerk!

    • #58567

      Hahahaha…. Oreo ji and twin ji….

      HAHAHA…. LOL….

      It's a “Moderators” star…. I did tell Mukesh it was a little too big… but he didn't seem to want to do anything about it, so…. Tongue Tied

      Big Smile

    • #58568

      it was a 'little' too big?? its freaking huge boogedy!! i can probably see it from the moon!!

    • #58569
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      lmao boo, i think we know what it is Stick out tongue mukesh is a pimp, he was right to not do anything about it Big Smile

      and ninja, how was i supposed to know!?!?!? omg, when do i have to take it? errr sooo many stupid tests, i hate hate HATE DESPISE this year. grrrr

    • #58570
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:
      and ninja, how was i supposed to know!?!?!? omg, when do i have to take it? errr sooo many stupid tests, i hate hate HATE DESPISE this year. grrrr

      loll i think same day… blah

    • #58571

      I kinda like the star! brings some colour to the place! lol.

    • #58572

      brings colour or turns people blind?

    • #58573
      it was a 'little' too big?? its freaking huge boogedy!! i can probably see it from the moon!!

      Hahahaa… OK I stand corrected…

      Hey, can anyone actually see the WHOLE star? Or is a part of it cropped out 'cos it's too big?

      Reckon we should sign a petition and show Mukesh? Big Smile LOL… 😛

    • #58574

      Hahaha… I think my sig brings out a little more colour… Tongue Tied

    • #58575

      uhhh it'll only turn u blind if ur like 60 with severe eye problems. Good luck =)

      for sure boo! it looks good. It brings colour to the grayness! lol

    • #58576

      lol it brings summer =D im so happy right now. my dad just came back from america. he looks so tired tho so hes gone straight to sleep! I relly missed him! He brought me a dkny watch that he carried in briefcase the whole flight. lol awwh!

    • #58577
      lol it brings summer =D im so happy right now. my dad just came back from america. he looks so tired tho so hes gone straight to sleep! I relly missed him! He brought me a dkny watch that he carried in briefcase the whole flight. lol awwh!

      Alhamdulillah, glad he's home safely Tayba ji Big Smile

      awwwwwww dkny watches are hecka nice…Mubarak Big Smile

      your pops seems soooo coool!!

    • #58578
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      im so happy right now. my dad just came back from america. I relly missed him!

      Smile I know the feeling, hunn, I can't wait till next weekend…Right Hug

    • #58579

      awww Tabzz soo glad 2 hear that yr daddy is there with you ! live it up!

      ohh the yellow star is actually nice but i dont understand what it means?

    • #58580


      *jumps with joy*

      ajkfsakjfhsldkfhsdkljds#*&$()%&#rskhds Big Smile

    • #58581

      ooof week end means more study study study and catch up ooff!

      last night i was goign to study for my test that is coming up but i …erm..studied on the BED!!! and i SLEPT AWAY damn it sooo soooooon darnnn!!! it was too comfy to studyyy lol ..

      sighs this just means more for me to study today & tomm!!! no more study on bed for me lol

    • #58582

      ooof week end means more study study study and catch up ooff!

      last night i was goign to study for my test that is coming up but i …erm..studied on the BED!!! and i SLEPT AWAY damn it sooo soooooon darnnn!!! it was too comfy to studyyy lol ..

      sighs this just means more for me to study today & tomm!!! no more study on bed for me lol

      LOL! awww, now you know

      same thing happens to me i guess…

      because as soon as i put my head on the pillow, im gone

      thats why i think pillows are evil Stick out tongue

      Hope you do well on your exam Smile

    • #58583

      Pillows are evil huh hmmmmmmm how bout beds! beds are the culprits for carrying the pillows!

      haha thanks for the ……………..encouragement……………….. i need that

    • #58584
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      I feel like crap. grrrr. I hate this bushwa.

      I despise it.

      I wish there was a way out.


    • #58585
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      I feel like crap. grrrr. I hate this bushwa.

      I despise it.

      I wish there was a way out.


      lmbo, a way out of talking to me jerk?

      how dare you?!?!?!?!

      *falls off chair*


    • #58586
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      lmao! you BUM! Why would I want a way out of talking to you? Stick out tongue Ur making me feel better. Big Smile heeeeeeee (my stalker laugh)

      but seriously, I wish yeah, i dunnnnnnoe what i wish. actually i do, but yeah.

      omg, I wonder if I can stay up all night…make sure i don't fall asleep on you. lmao and make sure i finish my stupid bum faced essay.

    • #58587

      LOL! you're such a loserrrrr

      You wish what? that I do your stupid whorish essay for you?

      MY FEETZ, keep dreaming Big Smile

      Its no problem for me, I don't sleep anyways!

    • #58588
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      lmao! NO! I can do my own essay, thank u very much. Stick out tongue but of course, i don't mind if u wanna do it! lmao. no u bum, i have to do it. Sad

      I wish…that people weren't such jerks…

      yeah, psycho lady, u never sleep. I need sleep. remember? I love sleep… my life has a tendency to fall apart when i'm awake.

      I feel dead if I stay up past 3, lmao I'm oh so sorry if I sound dead by then. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

      I can't believe u told ur mom that! lmao! ur so funny!

    • #58589

      haha! yeah you've been trynu convince me to do it for the past like…uhm….5 mins? =p

      LOL I don't need sleep…for like 2 days…then ill collapse, then ill sleep for 5 hours the most…

      and then continue the cycle again =p

      im weird.

      Told my mom what? that Im stupid? lol I am, and thats my vay of cheering her up….joking Stick out tongue

      we're so crazy…we're on the phone and its like 1AM…watch her jump me tonight!

      And im being dead serious!

    • #58590
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      5 mins? shut up, do u really think i would make u do it? with ALL that sleep u get? I don't think so bum, maybe if u were normal, that would be a different story. Wink

      u jerk! You NEEEEEED sleep! GO TO SLEEP! gosh, i got so happy when ur dad told me u were sleeping yesterday, but i slept same time u did and i woke up before u too, so that's good. lol. oh but wait, i slept after school cuz i was hekka tired cuz i didn't get enuf sleep for like a week….errrrr ninja, seriously, take care of urself. Right Hug Ur Abdullah needs to come fast or else imma kick his butt

      lol! it was so funny how u told her ur stupid. lol!

      forget 1 am! She's gonna jump you when it's like 4 am and we're still on the phone!

      omg i lub u oh so much Right Hug

    • #58591

      I no needing sleeping buming


      I will do hw, talk to you, and then get jumped because after that i'll be done for the day right? Wink

      If i die, then i was meant to die…right? lol

      omg 4 AM!! ohhh myyyy Beloved Allah!!!!!!!!!

      I lubjuuuu tooo

    • #58592
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      yeah, i think my mom will kill me too…I better finish my essay, if i don't finish it and stay up hekka late, she'll “halaal” me.

      true, if u die, u were meant to die, BUT you choose the manner in which u die, i don't think u wanna die from lack of sleep. Stick out tongue

      (why are u whispering?)

    • #58593


      im whispering cuz you're whispering

    • #58594
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      yes, she'll halaal me. lmao

      I'm whispering cuz i needa whisper, u don't needu! Stick out tongue I can't hear u, I have spaghetto in my ears.

      (Haylie is right, I think u should marry him too)

    • #58595


      Mariam who? lmadksfhd

      i needu whisper…letz play it safe here!

    • #58596
      RaNi iS ThE BeS


      u better invite me to ur wedding and then i'll whisper to u, okay?

    • #58597


      ohman shut up

    • #58598
      RaNi iS ThE BeS


    • #58599

      aaaaaaaa maaaaa gawwwwww ur thinking

      ….dont hurt yourself jaan Big Smile

    • #58600
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      don't worry, those kinda thoughts don't eber hurt me

      heeeeeeeeee(with emphasis on the h)

    • #58601


      dont go retarded

      i lub juuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    • #58602
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      omg we're so stupid.

      don't name ur son that.

    • #58603


      Zain is a hella nice name

      hush yo mouf

    • #58604
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Zain is not a hella hekka nice name

      *hushes my mouf*

      ok, we needu get off, now lmao

    • #58605

      no we dont


      its nice, stop being jealous

    • #58606
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      i ain't jealous of that name, i got my own prettiful names. Stick out tongue

    • #58607

      sthu Big Smile

      im naming my son that. heck to de yeahhhhhhhhhh

    • #58608

      oof you guys are already thinking about wot to name yer sons?!!!

    • #58609
      oof you guys are already thinking about wot to name yer sons?!!!

      hahaha! yeah…cuz she doesnt like that name so its gonna be my sons name!

      heck yeah! Big Smile

    • #58610
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      yep yep, and i already got 2 names i like, so she can keep Zain.

      Big Smile

    • #58611
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      yep yep, and i already got 2 names i like, so she can keep Zain.

      Big Smile

      Zain is pimp!

    • #58612
      oof you guys are already thinking about wot to name yer sons?!!!

      hahaha! yeah…cuz she doesnt like that name so its gonna be my sons name!

      heck yeah! Big Smile

      hmmmph guys guys guys tsk tsk tsk so yeh guys already talkin about SONS and stuffers?

    • #58613
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      yep yep, and i already got 2 names i like, so she can keep Zain.

      Big Smile

      Zain is pimp!

      keep saying that and maybe when u name him that, he will think so as well.

    • #58614
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      keep saying that and maybe when u name him that, he will think so as well.

      LOL so what?


    • #58615
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      lol, baqarah Big Smile

      ok fine, it's not that bad of a name anymore, it's starting to sound nice Big Smile

    • #58616

      Ya habeebati

      Ya Rani

      Ya A'azeezati

      Kalli i'ndik hayaa wi adab

      la-w samahti =]

    • #58617
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Ya Qulbee

      Ya Ninja

      Ya lewanay

      chishay de mata uway, bya wanaya yeh

      pu lyara rasha =]

    • #58618
      RaNi iS ThE BeS:

      Ya Qulbee

      Ya Ninja

      Ya lewanay

      chishay de mata uway, bya wanaya yeh

      pu lyara rasha =]

      votever, Big Smile


    • #58619

      It's 4.30 am, and I really don't know what I'm doing awake at this hour!
      I gotta get some sleep. But my eyes refuse to!

    • #58620
      It's 4.30 am, and I really don't know what I'm doing awake at this hour!
      I gotta get some sleep. But my eyes refuse to!

      luw awwww hey now wots on that mind of yers that is making you stay up this late hmm?

      c'mon now tell tell

      Remember to always take rest & relaxation techniques are always good to make you sleep well

      Love, Kav

    • #58621



    • #58622

      Nosyira, you should sleep girl… but i know how its like, been there done that..!

    • #58623

      hmm Hey khushi!! how art thou havent seen you here for a while

      yumminnn hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm take your advice rem you need rest rest rest tooooooooo

    • #58624

      yumminnn hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm take your advice rem you need rest rest rest tooooooooo

      *looks around*

    • #58625


      Yemenilicious : *looks around…IN GUILT*

    • #58626


      Yemenilicious : *looks around…IN GUILT*

      oh, u were talking to me?

      blah Stick out tongue

    • #58627

      Hahah yes i said YUMINNNNNNNNNNN hahaha

      wot up with you? hmm yumin must comment on the beauty of that signiture pic of yoursSmile

      I really do think that girl is wrapped in beauty and devotion!Smile

      i wonder what oreo thinks of herBig Smile

    • #58628

      Anyway, I am going to study BIOLOGY STUFF NOW

      Soooooo gotta go start my chapter on hmm ANIMAL ORIGINS AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE BODY

      Yesh yesh, Got to start from NOW TO study for me finals…which for this like TONS OF STUFF

      Anyway, Take Care

      Love, Kav

    • #58629

      Anyway, I am going to study BIOLOGY STUFF NOW

      Soooooo gotta go start my chapter on hmm ANIMAL ORIGINS AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE BODY

      Yesh yesh, Got to start from NOW TO study for me finals…which for this like TONS OF STUFF

      Anyway, Take Care

      Love, Kav

      good luck once again hunz

      And thank you Smile


    • #58630

      ahahaha hmm

      soooo wot are yeh up to there yummin?

      arghhh sittin here…staring at the ceiling! hahaha okay back to reading summm biology …hmm SPONGES ARE SO INTERESTING !

      [SUREEEEEEEEEEEEEEHmm – sorry i just need to motivate my self in SOME WAY hahaha]

    • #58631

      lol, i don't feel like doing my homework


    • #58632

      tsk tsk tsk – homework is the KEY to your GOLDEN and SUCCESSFUL future

      hehehehehhehee ooof!!! *smiles*

      Hahah oh plz well havent gone into details on the sponges as yet but still!! need sum motivation! hahahaha

      the only sponge that interests me is THE BOMB …THE ONE AND ONLY…THE SWEETEST SPONG EVER …

      SPONGEBOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luw this lil yella fella

    • #58633

      who lives in a pineapple unda da sea?



      he'z zi bomb Stick out tongue

      (coffee kickin in!)

    • #58634

      Spongebob is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is the Bomb!

      Patrick is weird lol

    • #58635

      Spongebob is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is the Bomb!

      Patrick is weird lol

      lmbo!!!! ju on crackkk Kavitaa

    • #58636

      Surprise*Gasps* Since when do I get accused of Being on CRACK when I say that spongebob is the most awesome sponge that ever existed! his lil pink star fish friend is weird lol but hmmmp makes yeh laugh when ya need a good one!!!

      oh come on?! now u tellme which sponge in this world cares so much about citizens that he is absolutely DEvoted in ensuring their happiness … especially in the area of consumption & so motivated in becoming the BEST of the BEST sponge…notably…Employee sponge .. && is always there to entertain an extremely grumpy neighbor …come one now which spong has a SNAIL for a pet….and FEEDS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surprise

      arf dont yeh ever see how his big eyes well up with tears when someone gets offended

    • #58637

      okay okay sheesh

      I take it back =P

    • #58638

      Lol okay enough of this crazapit lemme stop hahahah spongebob is sweet & i shall leave it as that

      wot other episodes do u watch…if ne

    • #58639


      this coffee addiction

      is hekka annoying…

      the end

    • #58640

      So I see we're in a story telling mood hmmmmmmmmm

      Aww man now for real you need to take it easy on the coffeeee

    • #58641

      *Sigh* *deep breaths* *more sighs… Sad*

    • #58642
      *Sigh* *deep breaths* *more sighs… Sad*

      whats wrong tayba jaan? *hugs*

    • #58643




      I HATE IT!

      I HATE IT!


      Worlds apart , the dreamers don't give up
      It takes time, to get from the bottom to the top
      Inside a whispered conversation,words were never exchanged
      but even in simple looks, the meanings just the same….

    • #58644
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Tayba…Right Hug




      I HATE IT!

      I HATE IT!

      SCREWWW THIS CRAP! Ditto jaan…I love you so much, habeebati. Right Hug

      Inshallah, we'll work together for that sincere smile. Right Hug

      I loved our conversation on aim today…Right Hug Right Hug Right Hug

    • #58645

      I miss a certain special someone….oh so very much =[

      Rani Jaan- Thank you so much hunz. I love you too. Right Hug

      I loved our conversation as well. Smile Right Hug

    • #58646

      soooo its that time again – where I let it all out…hahaha

      okies today me feels………………

      thankful ..for my job, coz I just met a whole bunch of interesting ppl from around the world

      and they all happen to be really nice folks…besides that…errr coz even though my work is extremely stressful…it provides me with a lota skills I didnt know I had …hahaha

      like screaming at people…throwing a tantrum….breaking the company fone..etc etc

      angry…coz I was gullible enuf to believe a few lies dished out to me by sum1 I TRUSTED…but am kewl now..its the aircon actually…

      happy …coz I have 2 hours left for this work day to end…yippppeeeeeeee.need my bed

      nervous…coz I have this blind date tom n8, and knowing meeee, will cancel at the last minute lol…((Al if u are wondering who??? its that dude Shereen is irritating me bout))…

      grateful..once more ..for having a bunch of people family, friends, who gives me a good enuf reason to wake up each day and just make the most of it…

      cold…coz its freeezing in this MORGUE

      In PAIN…coz my earache wont go awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay…oh and my noseache, which is the side effect of my ear being sore…

      content…coz… well I have GOD…in whateva name u praise HIM..I have him/HER ( This is for Tz) by my side…

      elated…dats due to the overdosage of painkillers hahahaha

      wanna smile…but cant coz my ear will hurt

      disappointed..coz I cant focus/concentrate enuf to give Taybz my view on her essay subject…damn!!!!

      Afraid…to go home now, coz I think I left the washing on…OMG…my house is probably flooded…


    • #58647

      My didi – me miss you so much luwie — i see yr heart is flooded with emotions! take it easy on yer self

      Hun…yr ear??? whats wrong? Di – you have a blind date? *gasp* — di, arent you scared of those things… I mean…you dont KNOW who
      you are meeting up with? *gaspt* BE CAREFUL for pete's sake!

      me luw you me miss you take it easy on yr self luw, kav

    • #58648

      I miss a certain special someone….oh so very much =[

      Rani Jaan- Thank you so much hunz. I love you too. Right Hug

      I loved our conversation as well. Smile Right Hug

      Heyyyyyyy 1st of all this girl is so sweet (in yr sig pic) *shouts* BUT WHY DID YOU TAKE OFF THAT

      Awesome pic that OREO ji fell in LOVE with? Hmmph? Dont you want him to have a chance to GAZE at his

      lover eyes *runs like crazy*

      btw ..who you miss and why did you write it so smallllllllllllllll hmmmmmmph!! me wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    • #58649

      Heyyyyyyy 1st of all this girl is so sweet (in yr sig pic) *shouts* BUT WHY DID YOU TAKE OFF THAT

      Awesome pic that OREO ji fell in LOVE with? Hmmph? Dont you want him to have a chance to GAZE at his

      lover eyes *runs like crazy*

      btw ..who you miss and why did you write it so smallllllllllllllll hmmmmmmph!! me wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

      LOL! of course she's SO SWEET! she's my future daughter. duh? Big Smile

      I took the awesome pic off cuz this one is wayyyyyyy better. and who cares about oreo anyways =p

      Kavita, stop wondering cuz votchu wondering is wrong.


      okay byebyebyebye! Big Smile its gonna be crazy…i got no sleep watsoever. blah

    • #58650

      child i told you to ease it with the coffee addiction! you getting no sleep coz of coffee it aint gonna do you all that good i mean

      i know u stay up to study -thats awesome – but dont KILLL YRSELF dude!

      Yessssssss she's yr future daughter…hmmm thats a nice fantasy —- yeah well yah got a point there-who cares about oreo hahaha

      have fun at schooooool

    • #58651

      LOL! Kavita,

      why are u sucha NERD?


      *baba Ali moment* 'oooooh i know I know, NERDS!!”

      ….*puts hand on mouth* YEAHHHHHHHHH *end of baba Ali moment* LOL

      acha BYE! Big Smile

    • #58652

      *Awesomely heavy Gasp*

      Hmm SURE I get why Im a nerd — I go to bed without caring much sometimes, and I dont drink coffee to stay up

      ALL night to STUDY and DO HOMEWORK – until the next MORNING – therefore I got NO … I repeat…absolutely NO SLEEP and then I go :… definitely I must be considerred a nerd na

      hahahahahahahaha alrite dude have fun at SCHOOL! YEAH ! haha doing my LAB REPORT now…t/c


    • #58653



      you bad bad girl!

      Big Smile

    • #58654

      HAHA – I cant HELP IT JI

      Hahahahahaha dont you know BWL is my smile of the day, my GIVING of the day!!!

      And plus when my head is ToTALLY Tired of EARTHWORMS or lobsters —- its HELLO BWL !

    • #58655

      HAHA – I cant HELP IT JI

      Hahahahahaha dont you know BWL is my smile of the day, my GIVING of the day!!!

      And plus when my head is ToTALLY Tired of EARTHWORMS or lobsters —- its HELLO BWL !

      Awww *hugs*

      keep smiling ji

    • #58656

      tankuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for those smiles *cheesy smile* Big Smile

      btw, I just mixed like a teaspoon of instant grounded coffee in some milk….hmmmmmph taste good Smile

      I got to go study, else I will stay online forever !

      Mi finals are coming up annd so much to remember, ESP. Biology ARGH!

      *moving away from the computer* TEARY eyes I tell yeh! hahahahha

      talk to you later yummmmmy luw you, kav

    • #58657

      I'm supposed to be studying too.

      whatchu talking? coffee IS SUPPOSED to taste good =P

      it's still early here, so im gonna go organize a bit

      and then go study…

      i dunnoo….

      im confused…