Say something about the person above you!! =)
person above me loves its the time to disco and shes crajee!!
person above me is a mystery =)
person above me’s a cool person… though i dont know her that well…
Well wut else shud i say than..BOOGEDY’S ABOVE MEEE!!
Person above me is the biggest kadumaster ji EVER =) harsh tope
person above me is a really good friend… and a/c to heera, the REAL kadumaster…
I really love person bove me’s signature. Wonderfull! Can’t wait to see the movie. I’m SO happy Kajol is back!!!
I agree with the person above me!!! I cannot wait to see Fanaa either! Kajol roxx!!!!
person above me wants to see fanaa.. me too =), yay kajol!! woOHot, i like most of the songs from the movie too.. gud gud stuff!
Person above me, Hello Never really spoken to you! Hope alls well
Person abv me should always be happy..and i hope she always will be
person above me… got ya PM. and i will reply to it. just thought id save ur sanity (lol) by letting you know.
lol its okie person abv me..i was actually thinkin that u wont coz ur so mysterious n all
Person above me has a topeeddd avtaar, so cuweett =).
heeellloooooo kaaaadddduuuu!!! howwww juuuuu dddoooiinnggg? *hehehe memories…*
Person above me re-started this topic! Cool! Aww man I love all these new siggys! I am so behind! I need to get me a siggy and avatar quick! Or else I’ll feel left out.
person above me needs to spend more time on the forum so she can get up to date with all the happenings!!!
person above me has a cool siggy! i wanna see it too =)
person above me…thanks… i wish i could see ur siggy… but the stupid comp isnt letting me right now
Person above me rox! did u get my PM? I duno if I did it right lol
i sureeee did person above me! but i dont have the time (or energy right now… ) to reply to it, but i will do soon!
Person above me is tiredddd!
Heeeeellloooooooo perssssssoooooonnnnn abvvvvvvvvvvvvv meeeeeeeeee sssooooooo jjjuuuuuu stttttttiiiiiiiiillllll reeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmeeeemmmmmmbbbbbbbbeeeeeerrrrrr ooooouuuuuuurrrrrr eeeeeeeexxxxxxtttttteeeeeeennnddddddddddeeeedddddddddd waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy oooooofffffffff ttttttyyyyyyyypppppppiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn??????? Ggggggoooooooddddddd buuuuuuuddddddddddhhhhhhiiiiiii! *lol so funny *
aaaanddddddddd uuuuuuurrrrrrr ssssssiiiiigggggggyyyyyy iiiiiissssssss rrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy ppppuuuuunnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyy..hoooooooopeeeeeee 2 sssssseeeeee uuuuu ssssssoooooonnnnn ooooonnnnnnn mmmmmmssssssnnnnnnnnn!! *or i cud pm ya..really*
buuuuhbbbbbaaaaayyyyy xxx
I lubbbbbbbbbbb the person abv me even thooo she tried to steal my arjun!! lol
Heyyyyyyyy that language lol remember the time on msn when u, me, aman, shereena and roshini were allllll in one convo talkin that way?? loll n roshyz like huh?? ahahahaha.. u know kya! that extended language reminds me of the way shereenyz accent goes teehee
i dunno the person above me so well but she seems a nice person!
person above me… i dont know u v. well either but u seem cool too!
and tayba: tell me sth i dont know… COURSE shaneetz under hypnosis… thats the sanest poor hypnotist could get!! lol, jkz. =)
the person above me is really cool and smart
hey thank u boo i got my sig working
hey person above me ur welcome!
Person bove me is the most loved member around her. I guess
here I mean
person abv me is one of the Dutchies of the Invasion of the Dutchies!!
Tayababa: noooo ur under hypnosis!! I’m soo not!! u jhooti!! thooooooooo iiiiiiiiii loooooooooooooooveeeeeeeee oooooooooouuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxtttttttttttteeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeddddddddd ttttttttaaaaaaaalllllllllkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggggggg hhhhhhhhiiiiiiiihhhhiiihhhhiiiiihhiiiii aaaaaaannnnnnnddddddddd yyyyeesssssss iiiiiiiiii reeeeeeeeemmmmeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmbbbbeeeeeerrrrrrrrr ttttttthhhhhhaaaaaaaattttttttt ccccccoooooooonnnnnnnvvvvvvvvvvoooooooooo it was about 1 AM for me lol hahaha and about midnite for you lol
Am Rani:
Person bove me is the most loved member around her. I guess
awww am rani ji that is really nice of you… means a lot to me that u think that… wow… makes me all the more grateful for all the amajing ppl in my life… (something else happened before you said that and then i read this and i went all mushy… lol). if i am the most loved member around here (which, sorry to disappoint u, but i rly dont think i am…), its only cos i have ppl being so amajing to me, despite me not revealing anything about myself… gaaah i told u im in a mushy mood. so thank you ji. it means a lot to me.
love you lots!!
person above me is heeratje… and she is pagal!! if u think im pagal wait till u meet her lol!
Am Rani:
Person bove me is the most loved member around her. I guess
awww am rani ji that is really nice of you… means a lot to me that u think that… wow… makes me all the more grateful for all the amajing ppl in my life… (something else happened before you said that and then i read this and i went all mushy… lol). if i am the most loved member around here (which, sorry to disappoint u, but i rly dont think i am…), its only cos i have ppl being so amajing to me, despite me not revealing anything about myself… gaaah i told u im in a mushy mood. so thank you ji. it means a lot to me.
love you lots!!
person above me is heeratje… and she is pagal!! if u think im pagal wait till u meet her lol!
Aaawwww Boo!! Didn’t want to make you mushy. And I was really serious when I made that post. I mean, look at this forum. Everybody knows you, everybody enjoys talking to you, you always have a nice word for everybody… I really think that, when you would ask all the members here (and than I mean the members who visit frequently, like a few times a week) you are the one we all appreciate most.
Butttt, if you don’t want to believe me, that’s ok God knows I mean what I say. Love you 2 , sweety!
ahwww you galzzz are makin meeee all mushy with ur mushiness! stop doin that!!
Boo: meee?? pagal?? how in the woooorrld did you get THAT idea???
person above me is a toped out lambi kadu =) heellllllllooooooooo i think we need to have another big group convo on msn, it was fun =)
see that tabzy? thats my firstest time speakin sumting extended. u crajee muppet. least iont hab a posh accent! oye where r ju neway? i miss u
person above mez amajingly sbweetly topedouteddly amajing. Shes my homie =).
Lol she wants a turban so she can b a fobbed out achaar eating mundo!!!
lol and person abv me ish a really shweetttt Buddhi!!
Reeny: yaaaaaaa wwwwwweeeeeee sssssshhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuudddddddd iiiiiiitttttttt wwwwwaaaaaaaasssss ssssssssooooooooo kkkkkkkkoooooooooooolllllllll *even my smileys got extended…
Person bove me will be an “adult” after today
Glad you liked my card, sweety!
ahwww i LUVYA person abv me you the sweetest ever!!
hey person above me! Is it ur birthday tomorrow? Well everyone describes the person above me as crazy(or crajee/pagal) so i’m guessing she is! hehe. She’s laso very creative and totally nice!
and i really dont like these smileys. oh wells. I’ll get used to it.
Person above me is topeee! =) hellO!
Heera-yea it was cooool! we do group msn talk again one day =)
lol amaneey ur a dork =) lalu iont want a turban u kadu! cheez. ur just arsu i tel u to make me a topi n u tell me u’l make me a turban i not eben pun! cheez eberyones gonna beated me oopar they b like vhy ju tryz to be pun?! n then they hit me with a danda
thas vut ju want?! u psycho ucky mendo! lol daku
hehe l heart ju fool
Person bove me was bove all the time on the green forum.
Person above me has a cute siggy! and i love her lots! and i’m wondering if u got offended by my email…?
Shereena- hi! how you been?
Hi! im gud gud how are juu? =) have a toped out day! or evening =)
HEY!!! WHO YOU CALLING A DORK?! im not dork! k i am but onlee on dayz u like dorx =p lol, i sbweet like that. Jeah you do hunji, member u askeded me to make ju a turban so u can wear it n be jus like the fobbez ju lub so much? you wanna eat achaar and be an alco wid em coz u the biggest alco-ing achaar-eater alibe! ehehehe. lolz, they wud beated u oopar wudnt they? ur mom wud sachi hit me wid her khundi =p, be like “U turned my chokri into a muchi-smiling daku, who balle ballez and smells like curry 24/7 mundo!!” lolz crajeee shizzy. aww i heart ju too kadu jur the topest mundo i knw! =).
I just laffed sooo much about somethin person abv me said in the post above me!!
“U turned my chokri into a muchi-smiling daku, who balle ballez and smells like curry 24/7 mundo!!”
thas soooooooo PunnY!!! imma turn that into my motto!!and my msn nick.. “Dontya turn my chokri into a muchi-smilin daku who balle ballez and smells like curry 24/7 mundo!!” Yaayyy!!
The person above me is a fellow Dutchie who lives in the land of Peter Pan (if we have to believe Kavita )!! Hahaha, sorry I’m a bit pagal today because of boredom hehe
And the person above me turned into an adult, and I didn’t even know that!! Congrets and a big birthday hug Heera!!
I hope person bove me remembers my birthday…
ah of course she will person abv me! how cud she ever forget??
I thank the person above me for the faith she has in me… And I’m sad that the person above the person above me seemed to have lost her faith in me!
Aw dont be sad person above me! You guys seem like tope homies, I’m sure she does have faith in you =) smile
Amaneey: *sigh* bichari tu, ur so delusional…tainu kuch nee pata yan! mainu pagal kar dena ju psycho kuri! cheez sharm ni aundi? lol ur a dork EBERYDAY amanan. sbweet? my decko. ur sourr like a limboo ju psycho kadu. i did NOT ask for a turban u uloo u keep sayin topi n reminding me i want a new one but cant find one thats tope enuf for my brilliant head an so jur a bad cuz ju make me sad and then i getz mad n das not rad! lol ur sucha lalu. i think id get beat if i was an alco u lalu…but ju its like destined for ju. last name just tinx i noe its diffi for ur chota mind but tryz. jeah u uloo my momz gonna come after u! lol 😛 ur gonna hab two mommyz after u, mine n urs’ll tagteam against ju and hit u with their khundiz n then ur dad’ll come with his dandas lol get all the poojiz and chachiaz and bupinder and sab and just cause like a punwar. *laffz* can ju imagine? hehehe thas a funnee
u kadu so dun mess! u cause a punwaR! crajee daku. go curl ur muchi sum more crajee mendo
I’d like to thank the person above me, Shereena, for her nice words!! Thank you!!
Lol person abv me, i think that Ranitje was just kiddin about you forgetting her birthday don’t you think she’s lost faith in you…coz if she had..woow.. that wud be sooo… whaaa can’t even say it!!
Hahaha, person bove me seems to know me even better than Shakz Of course I was kidding about you forgetting my birthday, Shakky!! I know you will never forget, because I won’t let you!
But I DO know you would never forget my birthday, not even when I didn’t remind you…
Thank you persons above me for making me smile again! I knew you weren’t serious Am Rani.. I know you longer that today!
Can the person beneath me please cheer me up? ‘Cause I’m really sad at the moment..
Sure person abv me..tell me wut do you need me 2 do?
Thank you person above, really sweet to offer!! Tell me about something funny or whatever… Just something to make me laugh and forget my problems for a while, that’s what I need at the moment…
Even my mails didn’t made you laugh, person bove me???
person above me… what up with the person above you??
person bove me….ur sig is amazing! kajol is so prettyyyyy
Heyy person above me! hows it goingg? SN is a tope mobee i wanna watch again *-)
person above me has a pic from Salaam Namaste in her sig =).
lolz hun who you callin delusional? u dun eben knw buddeee!! cheeZy!! k fine imma dork eberyday =(, whatebber, it works coz ju still heart me! imma dork and i am proud to be one! YAY! i am sbweet laluness, its all the choco i eated =p. Peajj budee, u whatebber, u harsh want a turban, dun think iont knw! thas why u was askin if i knew how to tie one the other day! lol askin bout the pointy part n eberything! lol peajzz im no alco, nebber will b =) ((unlike you!! besharam!!)) lolz w/e there aloOness, ur mom thinks im toped! but she tells ju to b more like me 😉 =p. lol wut the fudge ju talkin bout kadu? how wud i cause a punwar? theres gotta b a reajon lalu, i knw punz are psycho, but how wud i cause a war jus aime?? 😎 jeeeeesh make sum sense ju nonsense!
Hey uloo ur too slow! we posted at same timez. Bhuddi. I’m calling JU delusional! cheezy cant readz? lol u need more choco hunji go eat more 😛 Nahin i was asking cuz i wanted to know if u’d be able to do the turban for ur rickshaw driber. cuz u gonna meet him in india n hes gonna hafta wear one! lol punz dont need a reajon amaneey. cheez
person above me is really sweet and nice and i haven’t talk to her in a long time.
So is the person above me!!
Am Rani: Of course your e-mails made me smile, but also crying!! But they were very very sweet!
Boo: Don’t worry about me hunn.. I had some troubles in my relationship, but I think it’s getting better now after having a good talk with my boyfriend. Thnx for asking and caring!!
Ahww hunnii!! I’m so sorry i ‘left’ after you had replied.. my mom told me to get back to studyin I hope things are even better now
[(f)]<– a flower for your happiness! [(k)]
Wow, you’re so sweet Heera!!
Ah thnx person abv me! Tho thas not news for me
pffff……person bove me is way 2 modest…
person above me is berry nice =)
Person above mez a psycho meanie!!! im not delusional, ur a delusion!!! lol i had some toblerone =p, ive haded this for a while n jeah i sawed it and wanted some so had some =) go toblerone! i want the white choco *-) i go get pachi =). Whatebber there bud, i knw ju want the turban!! n in india lotsa ppl knw how to do turbans, well the pun ppl, so it doznt matter if knw or not!! u jus wanna wear a turban so u can get a danda and do balle balle like the mundoz! cheezY! ohh n btw, ur in a psycho league of ur own!! hehehe 😉
Person above me is bilkool amajing, so amajing in fact that she herself doesnt eben know. She completely rox my world, and is the biggest pattest pathar around a day just isnt the same unless ive talked to her a couple times and listened to the psychotic bakwaas that comes out. she’s my homie and i heart her lots, lil saddening that she doesnt see the truth as it is and is so losted in her world of make beleeb thinking i wanna be a mundo n wear a turban n want a voti n sab, but koi ni cuz i heart her neway. cuz shes a harsh tope, its okay that she does dope and doesnt use soap, she gives me hope and is gonna teach me how to jump rope =) and we find her a hot munde and he’s gonna eat only daal and roti and they gonna elope and hab a dozen bache that’ll nebber mope
lolz aww, that was a beRRy sbweet homieji!! i am a pretty crajee pathar =). Not a psycho one like you though, ur pretty impressive urself hun. Lol, yay! glad to knw wut u think bout the stuff i say (bakwaas). Shes a prostar rhymer, she learnted from me ;), that poem was toped tho lol, bilkool as toped as the other one, x-ed out, but still tope!! Person above me is the bestest mundo in the whole widest world, she does wanna find a voti who’ll make her achaar and she does wanna wear a turban so she can balle balle with dandaz.. shes the bestest homie ne kadu can ask for, OoO and she thinks kaduz are okay =)! i luv u junz homie, thanks for all that ju do, thanks for always being there (tho i knw iont gotta thank u coz ju a homie n thas wut they do). Got jur back homieji, eeLooz!! =) thanks for sayin all that sbweet stuff bout me, harsh maded me smile =)
i didn’t see much person above me
person above me is new, welcome!
The person above me is also above me in many other treads hehe, and has a really sweet sig!!
Person above me is bilkool amajing, so amajing in fact that she herself doesnt eben know. She completely rox my world, and is the biggest pattest pathar arounda day just isnt the same unless ive talked to her a couple times and listened to the psychotic bakwaas that comes out. she’s my homie and i heart her lots, lil saddening that she doesnt see the truth as it is and is so losted in her world of make beleeb thinking i wanna be a mundo n wear a turban n want a voti n sab, but koi ni cuz i heart her neway. cuz shes a harsh tope, its okay that she does dope and doesnt use soap, she gives me hope and is gonna teach me how to jump rope =) and we find her a hot munde and he’s gonna eat only daal and roti and they gonna elope and hab a dozen bache that’ll nebber mope
LMAO!!! that is the funniest sweetest thing to say – ever!! and oye hoye loving the rhyming!! btw… jump rope???
Haven’t talked to the person bove me lately… Why are you not online when I am, Booji??? You should come here more often…
Hey person above me!! I didn’t seen you online much time!! Well i wasn’t online 🙁
Hey Bolly_Lover I am not new I just start a new account
person above me is not a new member, hello!
Aman: =) thanks for all that kaduji 🙂 ppreciate it
Boo: thanks =) i meanted ebery word she speaks alotta bakwaas lol the funniest is first thing in the morning. “mmmm noo” 😛 hehehe koi ni tho shes tope for it =) wouldnt want it ne other way. and yeah =( i cant jump rope
I talked to person above m eyesterday! (i think…or was it the day be4 that?) Well she’s an amazing person! and she’s always above me or below me! lol. i feel special to be above/below such a nice person.
Person abv me is hekka cool!!! and i wish i could talk 2 her online..but i got my Finalz…i was takin a break now..but i think i’ll be going back to studying now
awwwww! person above me is kewler!!! noooo imma be all alone again!
and twin ji left me too…..
Don’t cry person above me, main hoon na!!
Hihi.. I’m imagining person abv me saying that..while i know she’s a blonde..looks soo funny!! hihihihi
Tho cute I hope everything’s going better with you now, Shakzy (K)
Me?? A blonde?? Why is that so funny??
Things are going better now, thanks person above me!! You’re just too sweet!!!
Well, just imagining a blonde person saying something in Hindi.. just crax me up hihihihi Never seen it before you see, and i always laugh at things i have never seen and of which/whom i know my laughing won’t be taken as an insult
You’re too sweet too, makin me crack up like a cornish nut
Whahahahaha, it’s a good thing you say it yourself that you’re cornish nut person above me As long if it’s not infectious hehe
Well I think I won’t pronounce it very well, but who cares?! You also don’t want to hear me singing along with the songs of Kal ho naa ho or whatever the movie is hehehe As long as I have fun, I don’t care! I’m pretty proud myself that I know what it means hehehe…
Oh I have a funny story about “Main hoon na” too. I know it’s the wrong thread but I will tell it anyways… I went to Utrecht to buy the CD of Main hoon na together with Am Rani. We already knew what it meant, but the bloke at the counter wanted to explain it to us. He said to us: “Main hoon na. Here I am.” So we said that we knew, but he repeated “here I am”. So Am Rani said “Yeah and we’re here”. Hahahaha, that was so funny!! You should have seen the face of the guy behind the counter hehe He’s really a butthead, but yeah… it’s the only store where we can buy Bollywoodcd’s. Well there is another one, but that guy is an Afghan, and he’s closed most of the time when you get there, and when he’s closed he hangs up notes in Afghan so that’s really not working if you cannot read the language
Well, just imagining a blonde person saying something in Hindi.. just crax me up hihihihi
Never seen it before you see, and i always laugh at things i have never seen and of which/whom i know my laughing won’t be taken as an insult
You’re too sweet too, makin me crack up like a cornish nut
You are really crazy!! Why can’t a blonde speak Hindi?!?!?!?! You are discriminating the blonde people, dear! So, according to you, blondes can’t speak Chinese or Italian or Spanish either??? Huh? huh? HUH???
Person bove me (not myself, I mean Shakz) speaks Hindi very well
Of course a blonde can speak Hindi! I never said that she can’t..i just said that I hadnt seen a blonde speakin English Coz u know..native Hindi-speakers usually aren’t matter what u two Blondaz say…hihihi
But that butthead of a cd-salesperson..can’t believe the arrogancy!! If you watch the movies, then i doo know that you galz at least now what Main Hoon Na means.. dumb guy…
person above me is pretty! (am i allowed to say that? tell me if i’m not and i’ll delete it!)
Shakalaka Baby:
Well there is another one, but that guy is an Afghan, and he’s closed most of the time when you get there, and when he’s closed he hangs up notes in Afghan so that’s really not working if you cannot read the language
awwww poor you! btw, Afghan is not a language.
but dude, afghans suck at the moment.
Person above me, I know it’s not a language, but it’s something Afghans speak and write. I guess it was Arabic or something…
But…what’s the matter hunn? You seem so angry about some Afghans…
Am Rani:
Person bove me (not myself, I mean Shakz) speaks Hindi very well
Thnx sweety!! That’s so sweet of you to say, because you know I don’t hehehe I can’t even understand much of the song Heera also dedicated to me…
You’re much better at Hindi than me!!
Person abv me is one of the blondes in this world who wants to learn Hindi (lookk!! i can say that without crackin up!! I am making progress!! )
But hunn, if you even understood a bit of what i wrote..thas pretty good!!
Chhoti Rani: Of course I don’t mind A compliment about me..tho not revealing what my looks are, why would I mind? Everybody has their own definition of they still don’t know what I look like
Person abv me is one of the blondes in this world who wants to learn Hindi (lookk!! i can say that without crackin up!! I am making progress!!
But hunn, if you even understood a bit of what i wrote..thas pretty good!!
Whahahahahaha!! Thank you very much for the compliment person above me!! I’m learning more Hindi already around here, so maybe in a while, I will understand you guys completely
Wohi to main keh rahi thi *thas wut i said*
Hahahahahahahahaha!!! You’re really funny Heera!! You make me smile whenever you’re around person above, hehe
Person above me thinx Heera is reallyy funneeee.. shez right!! =)
netime laluji, its all true, i not jus aime saying =)
and no i dont speak bakwaas!! cheezzzy, it was so early wut do u expect? least i seded a word, not like ju “mmhmm, mm mmh” 8-), fudgin sed it like 25 times, wutta kadu!!
I just spoke to person abv me for a few minutes..but then she had class I didnt quite get to talk to you, coz a LOTTA people starting talking…i hadnt been on msn for a while u see…
well, not at that precise time, i had only been online when here everybodyz at skool..soo nobody had spoken to me in a while..
Shakz: Woh toh main hoon hi! *thas wut i am!* hihih
Person above me is a topee kadumaster =)
Amaneey-lol wutebber u lub the mm hmmz i didnt get to do em today had to talk to myself. =( boo that
koi ni tho i get the thinger soon. i tried savere but i didnt hab sum info i needed, so i get that today and call em. 🙂 YAY
Person abv me is a TOPER kadumaster!
The person above me starts with her finals today!! The person beneath, me haha, is thinking of you!! Toi toi, you’re going to do great!!!
Well..the first one started ‘great’.. already 2200 complaints about it..maybe I’ll even pass it…if they complain enuff? I only need 4.9/10.. not so hard is it? the minimum i get is 3.3, without the’bonus’…soo it’s not that hard to get to 4.9 with the bonus *de norm*??
glucks person above me! and jur a pretty big tope too kaduji
know how big? umm ur a tope the size of…*-) the size of sumthing really big! lolz i cant think of nethingz big nuff
ur harsh toped out tho
Well..the first one started ‘great’.. already 2200 complaints about it..maybe I’ll even pass it…if they complain enuff?I only need 4.9/10.. not so hard is it? the minimum i get is 3.3, without the’bonus’…soo it’s not that hard to get to 4.9 with the bonus *de norm*??
Wow person above the person above me, that’s a great start hehehe… I think you will pass this exam Hopefully the rest will go well too… Do you have an exam today too?? Anyways… good luck with it girl!!
glucks person above me!and jur a pretty big tope too kaduji
know how big? umm ur a tope the size of…*-) the size of sumthing really big! lolz i cant think of nethingz big nuff
ur harsh toped out tho
Why is the person above me a top 25 contributor, and I’m not… I have more points. It’s not fair!! Just kidding Shereena, you can have this position!! You deserve it!!
But I deserve it too
lol i hab no idea why imma top contributor :S lol if it was up to me u can have it! =)
lol person above me is my HERO! her braveness makes me proud =p, major propz to her for being sucha brave mundo! *-) well.. kuri in this case, hahaha, ju kadu! good for you hun 🙂
Kinda sadz kadu…i ur hero for the wrong reajons! cheezy. lolz damn str8 im harsh brave
lol total kuri 😀 ur psychoness has no hadh
Heyyyeeyyy Kadujii how juu doinnn? Lol u know wut i just found?? OUR EXTENDED LATE NIGHT CONVO!! Duh..for me it was late nite..and for Tabz..but 4 the rest of ya gallz..was just middle of the day? lol..I didnt even know i still had it!! I lubb Chat Logs..started laffin all over again!!Uz a Nerd, Roshiniz a Surfer, Tayababaz a FOB, Amaneeyz a Psycho n Moi? Mez a Freshie… n Rosh wasnt gettin who was talkin and what font they had..awwww..
n btw..i saw the’s EXACTLY 2 yrs n 2 days ago!! *celebrates with a huge chunka browniezz!!*
thas pagalpan! e-mail it to me i wanna laff too. lol i member that day 😛 roshyz sucha kadu lolz surfer oye share those brownyz hehe imma be so motti i had so much junk today lol i eated like 2 fudgycicles! n its my bros burday and i got him alotta junk food lol i took alotta that 😛 gr8 sis i am. koi ni
The person above me really made me laugh!! I’ll bet you really ARE a great sis!! You’re sweet and funny…
And so is person abv me
Reeny: Sure thing!! just gotta find it again
Shakalaka Baby:
[Why is the person above me a top 25 contributor, and I’m not… I have more points. It’s not fair!!
Just kidding Shereena, you can have this position!! You deserve it!!
But I deserve it too
You ARE a top 25 contributor, laddoo!! I never knew it was a contest, by the way…
I’ve been sending some “positive energy” and good luck to the person bove me all day (Heera, I mean). I hope it worked!
I miss person above me…
And so is person abv me
Thnx Heera, really a sweet thing to say!!
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
[Why is the person above me a top 25 contributor, and I’m not… I have more points. It’s not fair!!
Just kidding Shereena, you can have this position!! You deserve it!!
But I deserve it too
You ARE a top 25 contributor, laddoo!!
I never knew it was a contest, by the way…
I wasn’t when I wrote this my dear… And no, it is no competition, I was just trying to understand how this part of the forum is working… and I still don’t get it
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I miss person above me…
Aaaah don’t be sad person above me… She will be here as much as possible when she’s used to her job!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
I miss person above me…
And I miss you!! We don´t see eachother that much around here, do we?
I´m still trying to find some time so send you an e-mail, but as Shakz (person bove me, haha) said, I´m really busy getting used to my new job. It´s really fun, but I have to learn a lot of new things, so I´m pretty tired when I get home. But, honestly, as soon as I fins the time, you will be the first to receive some mail from me! Hugggggssssssssss!!
Hello Person above- how are you, lolz dont know you much- congrats with ur new job
hey person above me is my didi!!!! *waves* hi! i’m weird, na? *shrugs* oh wellz!
Am rani ji- awwwwww! I feel special now!!! hehe. but i dont want to rush you! do it whenever you can okay? take ur time ji. its just that i dont get to talk ot u much anymore, thats it. suppose something happens to me tomorrow? i want to talk to u before that!! but i really do mean it when say i dont mind, take ur time. I dont want ur boss getting mad at you cuz of me! hehe
The person above is a sweet girl with an exciting life
Person abv me thanked me for calling her sweet.. Sachchai bolne mein shukriya nahi kehte! *You dont say thanx when the truth is spoken!* And I always speak the truth..when it concerns ‘sweetness’ that is…heheh
*and by the way..did I just make a new expression? Coz if I have.. I SOO LOVE MYSELF FOR BEING A LINGUISTIC GENIUS!!*
…nope…modesty is not part of my character…
The person above me is loving herself for many things AND she’s really right about not being very modest
Person bove me is one of my best friend. Eventhough I’m not invited for her wedding….
And guess why person above me?? Btw… I’ve just invited you to come to the church when I’m getting married… Sweet na?
I couldn’t resist your post above me now… You’re one of my best friends too!!!
*it’s good I have such a big heart*
person above me… watch out! im gatecrashing ur party along with heera!
Yaaa we so are nah Boo!!!Sooo wuts the plan? Imma get a map to where that church is..u bringin a crowbar?
Shakz: Well if u dont love urself…nobody else will..coz ya need lurrrveee to attract luurrvee! And if ya love urself..everyone loves ya!
Hahaa, person bove me is loved.
Heertje, jij kunt je zeker ook wel vinden in “als iedereen aan zichzelf denkt, wordt er aan iedereen gedacht?”
Heertje, I guess you also agree with “if everybody only thinks about themselves, there will be thought about everybody” (not really a proper translation I guess, but you have an idea of what I was saying to Heera)
Why yes I do person abv me, I most certainly do! Hahaha..tho i do occasionally think about others, else it’d get a real boring world, with only Me, Myself n I in it
person bove me lives in her own little word So do I, but that’s ok, they know me there…
The person above me is full of nice quotes
Heera and Boo are wedding crashers!!! Well… the crashers of my wedding…
Person abv me..only if you dont invite us Coz we’re coming anyhow hahaha!
Person above me, Im joining you and Boo to Shakz’ Wedding! Ima crash toooooooooo!!! Oi Balle Balle, Oi Shavaa Shavaa!
Person bove me will “”balle balles” Shakz wedding into a nightmare, hahahahaha. Wiat for me, girls!! I know I’m not invited, but I’m sure you guys can sneak me in!
Lol person abv NOT invited? How’s that possible? You have such fond memories of Turkey…ooh i get it! Shakz doesnt want you to bring all those guys who said those ‘wonderful things’ in Turkey about you two, rite? And she’s afraid of a certain thing you said you’d do hahaha..
The person above me uses her fantasy too much
And the other persons above the person above me are NOT gonna crash my wedding!!!! I will get married somewhere secret
We will find you, no problem. You can run, but you can’t hide from the weddingchrashers dear….
And Heera, that’s indeed why I’m not invited. She’s afraid of my “hommage to the black male”, in which I will use several quotes from Shakz about black man. And on the other hand she’s afraid of the black stripper I will bring for her bachelorette party…
Exactly person abv me, Shakz can run..but she cannot hide!
A hommage to the black male ey? Lemme help! hehehe
person above me… hang in there with ur finals hun…. and i bet she’s excited about the World Cup… i still remember her screams: ORANJE!!!!!!!! (or was it spelt Orange??!!) oh, and shak b’s gatecrashing…
we guna have a kick ass time my dear… so just hang in there with your finals OK…
The person above me is right about the ORANJE thing… Correctly spelled my dear *applause*
And about the wedding thing… I think I’ll shut up about it, hopefully you all will forget all of these crazy ideas soon and I can get married normally when it’s the time hehehe
person above me is sumone i knw and i have came here after a long time…so i guess i missed everyone hey guys…
The person above me is EK Ladki anjaane se jisko mein dhoondta hoon, jaana chaata hoon, aur uski smile chand ko bhi sharmade waise hai jisko mein dekh na chaata hoon har pal ek pal. This songs is for Her My Dil Goes Hmmm… luv ya
hey person above me… you know risham besharam??
hey rish!!! i remember ya… risham besharam teri chaddi gharam… if that evokes any memories for u or not i dunno! lolz. how are you?
Heyyy person abv meee yup yup I’m sooo excited about the World Cup hahaha..and the funny thing is, when it’s not a World Cup or Europe Cup I dont really care that much about soccer..but this is just everywhere around I cant help but support and scream: ORANJEEEE!!
And I also was wondering exactly the same about person abv you..does he know Rish?
so I cant help but support and scream: ORANJEEEE!!
That cracked me up Heera! But I know what you mean. I have the same feeling. I don’t know which soccerclub is Dutch Champion, but I love the Word Cup and the European Cup. To bad out team always has to go back home after one match, hahahaha.
Are you going to wear one of these Leeuwehose? (Leewehose is making fun of the German word Lederhose, a real tight leather trousers. A “leeuw” in Dutch in lion. We have this orange supporterstrousers, the same “model” as the german lederhoses, but with a Lions tale at the back. The Lion is a Dutch symbol. So it’s a German trouwsers, in a dutch color, with a Dutch symbol. During the Word Cup/European Cup we dutchies almost give our lives to beat the Germans. And they are dying to beat us…
Really, the whoel story didn’t made sense, hahahaha. Sowwy!
person above me… yes ur story made sense to me but… dont diss the German language!!
only joking ji. person above me ‘seems’ glowing… muchas happier with life and loving her new job… touchwood… keep smiling OK?
Am Rani:
Are you going to wear one of these Leeuwehose?
naaa thats a bit tooo much
person above me… yes ur story made sense to me but…dont diss the German language!!
only joking ji. person above me ‘seems’ glowing… muchas happier with life and loving her new job… touchwood… keep smiling OK?
Hahahaha, Boo, just this morning I was thinking about this post I made, and about you having German friends. I was thinking you might even be German yourself (although you said you only have friends there), and if so, you really understand what I mean when I’m talking about the “hate” between the Dutch and the Germans when it comes to soccer. I hope you are not German, by the way, otherwise we have to “hate” eachother 2, the next few weeks
Am Rani:
Are you going to wear one of these Leeuwehose?
naaa thats a bit tooo much
It is? 2 bad, I’d love to see you jump around with a lions tail (or is it tale? No, a tale is a little story…) screaming ORANGE!!!!
ORANJE I mean, hahahaha. The english in my head is taking over the Dutch….
i think the person above me is a big soccer fan =)
Person bove me thinks I’m a soccer fan. Na, not really, person bove me. It’s just now, with the World Cup coming, I watch the matches played by the dutch team. But normally, I really don’t care for soccer…
person above me… well u never know… maybe im a Dutch rebel who supports the Deutsch…
If that’s true person above me, you’re deserting us And Am Rani, you really cracked me up with your story about the Leeuwenhose!!! Never heard of those, but you seem really well informed hehehe
Person above me is an awesome person!
person abv me is being missed…
Am Rani: nuhuhhh those Leeuwenhoses are MUCH TO BIG for me!!
Hey boo how are you… yeh i knw him..
and yeh that memories they r still with me…how are you? hows everyone else in this forum? heyy aman!
i emailed u but i dunno it sent me back i miss you i wanna talk to you…:)
hi heera hmm i think i knw her thats all i knw abt her and shes a diamond as well…;)
HeYY person above me!! =) rishy fishy! where ju been gurl? habnt talked to ju in agess!!! jeah wassup with that lalu, pshh dont email or come on msn forebberr!! i emailed u a few times iono if u gotted em =S. Psycho stuff, awesome seein u agen here gurl, shud come here more often!!! *huggggzzz*!!
Person above me is my homie, n i heart her zyaada eben tho shes funnee lookin n smells really bad n has no care for personal hygiene n is da biggest kadu ebber (we gonna eat kadu kaloonz hopefully lolz wut a funnee two kaduz eatin kadu hehe thas a tope) jeppz stillz do eben tho she puts me to seepz n i gotta do summin as bunk as chem to stay awakes ven talkingz to her. shes still my homie tho n completely rox my world
hehe cuz shes a mottied out pathar
person above me can be sbweet and a total mean kadu at the same time!! lol jeah the kadu sounds topedd!! make it wikkid for shizzy =), lol cut it the size of our thumbz!! =p. Whatebber there lalu, onlee reason why ju get “seepy” is coz i relax you =)!! lolz, i lub the person above me junz, jur a vikkid hunji, bilkool toped out tandy muchi-mundo.
oye im not a mean! cheez. imma berry nice lol ur a bork amaneey ju knowz it too. sok tho iont mind =) lol u better lubz me. kadu cheez. oye vhy is my so called muchi a tandy?? hehehe preak
person above me is pagal! in a very loving way…
Person bove me is awsome, I getting to like her more and more (didn´t know it was possible, but it was, hahaha). She´s sweet!
person above me… well u never know… maybe im a Dutch rebel who supports the Deutsch…
If you are, forget what I said in the post above… But I don´t think you are, you wouldn´t have a life her in Holland at the moment
All those crazy soccer people….
Am Rani: nuhuhhh those Leeuwenhoses are MUCH TO BIG for me!!
Ow.. So what do you wear then, in frond of the tv? Do you have a `Heineken head`? Do you collect the soccerplayers from Super de Boer? Do you have a `land hup hup hol` shawl from the Mc Donalds? Do you have a `hap Holland hap` bag? Neither of them?? And you call yourself a oranjefan?
And Shak, yes I AM well informed…
Ow, Heera. You work at the Appie. Can´t you send me a bunch of wuppies? I already have a blue one, but I want all the others as well. I want to put them on my computer at work! (I have my own computer now, so I can do with it what I like)
Am Rani:
Am Rani: nuhuhhh those Leeuwenhoses are MUCH TO BIG for me!!
Ow.. So what do you wear then, in frond of the tv? Do you have a `Heineken head`? Do you collect the soccerplayers from Super de Boer? Do you have a `land hup hup hol` shawl from the Mc Donalds? Do you have a `hap Holland hap` bag? Neither of them?? And you call yourself a oranjefan?
I’m working on it!!! I havent been to Mac lately and i’m NOT going to Super de Boer..Do you really want me to give the competition a head start by buying something there?? Nooo I’m sticking with Albert Heijn..sooo that means that I’ll be getting LOTSA Wuppies But I cant send them if I dunno ur address
hahaha I’ve already put one on my pc here
A red the other three.. Red Wuppie White Wuppie Blue Wuppie Oranje Wuppie!! hihihihi (Highlight between Red en Blue)
Am Rani:
Person bove me is awsome, I getting to like her more and more (didn´t know it was possible, but it was, hahaha). She´s sweet!
thank you!
person above me… likes collecting Wuppies!
Hahaha, Wuppies, is that English as well? Hahahaha, good to know
And yes Boo, I like them very much. And at the moment, you can collect them in the supermarket, because of the soccer World Cup. There are four colors: red, white and blue (the colors of the Dutch national flag) and orange, hahahaha. I want to put them on top of my pc at the office, hahahaha.
But Heera, no need to send them, my mother has been to the local Appie, and she brought me all the colors, hahahaha. I only want to have a big one!
The person above me is fond of Wuppies and all the other stuff that goes with the WK The person beneath you just discovered what the Leeuwenhose is right after she posted here that she didn’t know them hehehe
person abv me is a veryyyy good friend of person above her..who btw has a kinky mind..according to Boo that is
Am Rani: Whhaaa really? you already got a blue and orange one? My Appie didnt get them yet..we’re only able to give out Red and White ones.. Got to much of them now darnit…
well person above me dont u agree that the person above the person above you does have a lil but of a kinky mind?? where’s lee when you need her… lol.
Person bove me needs Lee, totalk about peoples kinky minds…
And Heera, yes, the Appie here has loads of them. And so do I, hahahaha. I have all the colors 3 times, hahaha. AND I have a “MegaWub” Yeeeeeyyyy!
person above me… has all the colors 3 times. and i have no kinky winky mind missy!!! u started it heh….
ohhh person abv me!! Can’t believe your telling such a BIG lie!!! You DO have a kinky stop denying it!!
Ranitje: I have a MegaWup 2!! I’ve put in my window so everyone can see it hahaha..And well..the blue and orange ones still arent there..
person above me… is insulting me… haha!
The persons above me are all crazy and kinky girls , but I like them all very much!!
hahaha person abv me.. arent you forgetting something? Calling us kinky… what are you? hihihi
I got all Wuppiesss!!! Yeeeyyy!! And a MegaWup!! Andddd something you cant have Ranitje!! I got a MegaWuppieHat!! it’s for personnel only..hehehehehe *evil laugh*
Person bove me has a Wuppiehat. Like I want to have one, pffffffff… *rolls eyes*
I haven’t talked to the person bove me online lately.. Where are you girl? Spending all your time behind the paydesk? I’ll contact you next thursday anyway!
The person above me is jealous of Heera’s Wuppyhat And Heera… I don’t have a kinky mind
Person bove me says she don’t have a kinky mind… Well, I’m not sure about that..
it seems a lifetime since I have spoken to the cool dude above me! hope all is gurdd!
Ramz!! Hee!! Were have you been??? It’s been a while indeed girl, how are you?? I’m fine, I really am. Hope you feel as good as I do! huuuuugggggsssss!
heyy! im doing jus great glad to see ur in high spirits! hugsssss bakk!!
The person above me returned home!! Jeeejjj!! Good to see you back!!
The person above Ramz feels good, nananana!! Hahaha, just kidding Am Rani
Am Rani:
Person bove me says she don’t have a kinky mind… Well, I’m not sure about that..
And why is that huhh?
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
Person bove me says she don’t have a kinky mind… Well, I’m not sure about that..And why is that huhh?
aaarggghhhh!!!!!! all this winking is gonna BLIND meeeeee….. plus the Dutch fans’ oranje shirts….
person above me: stop winking. and you too am rani ji. we all know you’re kinky, OK…. nothing wrong with it hun… really….
Whahahahaha person above me!!! You really made me have a good laugh!! Great btw you think I’m kinky too
I’m as innocent as a euh… butterfly!!
(sorry I just had to wink one more time…)
am rani ji we all know you’re kinky, OK…. nothing wrong with it hun… really….
Really ji, I DON’T have a kinky mind!! What makes you think I have? Did I ever said something kinky around here? I so, please quote! If not, I’ll wink you to dead, hahaha [;)}
<img src="/cs/emoticons/
person bove (bove) me is as innocent as a butterfly… If so, tell me how did you get the “kissing disease”??? Get well soon, dear!
Am Rani:
(my eye hurts..)
Serves you right for picking on Boo hehehe
Am Rani:
person bove (bove) me is as innocent as a butterfly… If so, tell me how did you get the “kissing disease”???Get well soon, dear!
Wheeeehhhh this is NOT making me feel better!! You’re the second person who said it (mmm maybe that’s why Marcel – my boss – was suddenly really nice to me after I told him )… I really hope it’s over soon because I’m feeling so tired the whole week!!
Person abv me..even Am Rani says you have a kinky mind..then why would I be wrong?? *blinding wink!*
Am Rani: You knooowww you want itttttt!!
Whahahahahaha person above me, that last line of yours really cracked me up!! You’re really pagal!!
Btw… are you already nervous for tomorrow?? Tomorrow you’ll hear if you passed or not, right?? I just want to let you know I’m praying for you that you’ve passed!! Please let us know if you passed, than we’re going to celebrate it here!! Yeah, I feel like partying!!
Am Rani: You knooowww you want itttttt!!
Want what? I don’t follow… I’m an innocent little butterfly..
Whoohaahahahahahahahah!!! Germany just had the change to make a goal. And the DIDN’T!!! Whoehaha! Schade, Deutschland!! [;)}
person bove m feels like partying. So you don’t REALLY feel tired??
LMAO!!!!!!!! guys… u crack me up!!!
the ONE thing i tell you NOT to do (wink) and you go and do that so much am rani ji, that your eye hurts…. yeah shak b is right… serves you right for teasing ur lovely boogedy.
and heera: dammit woman… ur blinding wink AND your blinding Oranje shirt??
MY GOOOOD. *faints dead away*
Person bove me ruined my mood, with her stupid posts about soccer. Pis.s off, Germany!!!!!!
Really Boo, you are the sweetest, but if you turn out to be German, I will hate you as long as the Word Cup is running…
Only during the World Cup person above me?? The person above me is pis.sed!!
Don’t be hunn.. they’re not worth it!!
Person abv me was cracked up by my line hehehe You knooowww you loved ittt!! hihi
Am Rani: I’m talkin about the hat..I dunno what else you want??
Boo: *Blinded yet or should i get the heavyyyy artillery??(Oranje Shirt and Wuppie Hat!) hihi*
Am Rani:
Person bove me ruined my mood, with her stupid posts about soccer. Pis.s off, Germany!!!!!!
Really Boo, you are the sweetest, but if you turn out to be German, I will hate you as long as the Word Cup is running…
gah. No Comment.
person above me…. i dont care how much you blind me… you must be on top of the world right now so go ahead! love ya!
I hope you forgive me, person bove me…
Shakalaka Baby:
Only during the World Cup person above me??
Hmm, not even than, I changed my mind…
person above me changing her mind
I don’t know person bove me to well, she has not made that much posts. Hi Prietu!
Person abv me is in2 the World Cup n is 4m same place as chotti shaneetz n shakz!
I havent spoken to person abv me in a while… Where you girl when I’m online..which I hardly so i cant blame ya
person above me is the biggest kadumaster! heyy budddy kee haal ya?
theek aaa tu kiddaaannn??? hihi i passedd yeeeyyyy
Congratzzz person above me!! I knew you could do it!! The person beneath you is proud of you!!
Person above me is a Birthday Girl!!! She might think I forgot, but I SO DID NOT!
person above me is goin on a business trip!! =) coolness
crajeenesses, happy burday shakalaka baby!
Person above me is a topee
Heera-we shud definitely balle it upp then
person above me finds me boring. totally bunk. not fun at all. i maked her seepy or “relaxed” 8-). not cool kadu, not cool at all! hrmpherz on that u padh!
fudgin better lub me nwayz u psycho =|
aw u guys! i wanna balle it up toooo!!! bladdy jus tell me when, i bring a ghetto blaster, we harsh rip it up!! ChaK dE fATeh!!!
person abv me wants to balle it up…just like person abv her.. I’d say BRING THAT GHETTOBLASTER!! Me wanna balle it up toooooo!!
Person above me has something with “balle” and “ballen” (soccer balls) hehehehe
crajeenesses, happy burday shakalaka baby!
Thanx Bolly-Lover!! And thank you too Am Rani for not forgetting my birthday!!
oh person above me is happy cause am rani didn’t forgot her b’day
am rani i am senali, u know me we were chatting on msn sometimes ages ago
person abv me is senali 😀 hey!
Shakz: Balle also means is an expression of extreme happiness in YEEYY!!!
person above me… loves to balle!
Person bove me loves Germans…
Shakz: Balle also means is an expression of extreme happiness in YEEYY!!!
Thanx Heera for your explanation… I kinda guessed what it meant, but it just seemed funny that “balle” and “ballen” are almost the same words, but with total different meanings…
The person above me doesn’t like Germans…
person bove me doesn’t like people who like Klaas Jan Huntelaar
Am Rani:
Person bove me loves Germans…
i just had to make this very clear.
i do not love any particular group of people from any particular country. i just don’t. i don’t see it as that.
i don’t love Germans. I don’t love the Dutch. i don’t love the Americans. I don’t love the British. I don’t love the Indians. or the Pakistanis. Or the Japanese. or the Brazilians.
nuh uh.
please dont get that impression of me. i love the people, not the country… although i do love certain countries, but that is a ‘Tourist Impression’ only. just because i support Germany in the World Cup, and i love the language, doesn’t mean i love the Germans. i don’t think like that.
I hope that is not how you see me… because you would be mislead…
Person above me is amazin! she’s passionate about the people she cares about and she values friendship. lub ya!
Person above me is amazin! she’s passionate about the people she cares about and she values friendship. lub ya!
wow. thank you unique ji… i have a feeling you are saying that from the bottom of ur heart… and that makes it all the more lovely…
person above me is a truly caring friend too… and i promise ya ji… i am not just saying that… i am honestly saying that based on what i see here…
sniff sniff… runs off crying…
person abv me needs some paper handkerchiefs Shud I bring it? Along with the cashews we stole from the shops?
person above me is a thief.
The person above me has a great sense of humour!!
Am Rani:
person bove me doesn’t like people who like Klaas Jan Huntelaar
Whahahahahaha, surely not when they scream his name next to your bedroom at 3.00 AM!!!
Person abv me likes Klaas-Jan?
I dont think I’ll like any person whose name is being screamed at 3 AM in the morning next to my bedroom.. like my neighbour’s kid..he’s sooooo annoyin.. he does all kinds of mischief and then his mom calls him coz ate biscuits in her bed and she cant sleep and blablabla…and then you hear..coz my room is next to his.. great!..:BOBBBBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
lol person above me is a funnee kadu 🙂 wussup kuriye?
im guddd wut u upto person abv me? Still denyin that Chotta Motta Kaduz are more seen in this world than Lambey Kaduz?
I’m tired to understand everything what person bove me is chatting about Kaduz
person above me is a tired! get some rest hun
kadumaster-of course! ask ne1 its lambey kaduz are way more common *-) actually though its a combination of both, like they lambey and pat….hmmm i think we need some help from the kadu expert aman…i send her a telepathic message to come ithe lol watch her tell us they all the same cuz we cut them the size of our thumbs neway
Person bove me is also chatting about kaduz, like the person who was above me before.
But, person bove me is sweet!!
Person abv me is tired tryin 2 understand shaneeta’s talks about Kadus! lol aww
i like the person above me’s pic. it looks kinda kool. wish i could get my lipstick to look like tht!
i like the song in person above mez sig
Shereena/Heera. yes there are lots of diff kindz of kaduz. u guys are the psychoest of em all tho! hehe =).. and JEAH! YOU DO CUT EM THE SIZE OF UR THUMB! hrmpherz!
Lol person abv me thinx Shereeny n me are psycho coz we (*ahum* me *ahum* ) don’t stop talking about them hehe.. and even tho u cut them the size of ur thumb EVENTUALLY the chotta and mota ones are more found than the lambey ones
lol wutebberrrr ur still the biggest kadumaster in the whole widest world and amanz the only psycho ithe 🙂
lol ur a lalu shereeny. make heera the biggest kadumaster, and me the onlee psycho? what the fudgers are ju then? i think ur the biggest kadumaster + the onlee psycho in the www!!! hehe! take that luchi paku! lol =p
um ur a mean in addition to psycho hun. and heera sachi is the biggest kadumaster in the www. and if u pagal psychotic kaduz are that then that just leabz me as a tope 🙂 cheez dun ju knowz neting? n ur a luchi paku ju kadu dadu go shave ur muchi u psycho daku cheeez
Haha, I really didn’t get person bove me last sentence…Eventhough I tried really hard!
lol the person intended for will no exactly wut i meant 😛 she shud sachi take my advice! =)
lol person abv me was telling Aman (who according to person abv me is a daku..bad guy) shud go shave her muchi (=moustache) hahaha total pagalpan.. and im no biggest kadumaster coz im toper than u.. coz u talk things other people dont that makes u a bigger kadu than me
lol not evennnnn. cuz its not my fault ppl dun undastand me, i make poifect sensee, i thinx all of ju are the kaduz n im the teekest tope around! andddd jes jur toped but not toper than me! neener neener neener! amaneey is a weinerrr
Ha! I DID get that! I’m learning…
person above me is startin to understand shereenyz pagalness! lol careful hun, dont want ju turnin psycho like her 😉
haw!! that was a totally uncalleded for!! im an appalldeded u ladoo! that was harsh mean! u jhooti, fudgin pinocchio! careful kadu ur nojeez gonna get a vado! hehe ;). i am nottt a luchi paku and i do notttt hav a muchi!! u hav a muchi that curlz up like the dakuz muchiz!! and it matches ur black hair! *laffz* =D!! cheezy wheezy u luchi mundo, paku-kadu-daku-lalu-dadu-ladoo-uloo!! stop being sucha meanbean!
([(that was a good amaneey, gjob puthar! *pat on bak*, btw u a right, ur the biggest toped in the www eben tho u a pinocchio and hab a muchi that curlz up and smell like a dog with wonky teeth! haha, funny shiznitz =) i lub u homie!! lol)])
LOL its funny cuz its all jhootz! hehe u kno lies are paap huna? so all of those are jsut a bad. tsk tsk 🙂 ur bakwaas maded me smile though
least i dun lib in a jungle by myself in a tree 😛 i dil ju poophead, u totally pathar my world *big bear huggy*
The person above me is pagal according to Bolly hehe
person abv me doesnt always get what i am saying hihi
person above me is the biggest lambehest kadumaster in the whole widest worlddddddddddddddddddd
person above me wouldnt walk a thousand km for me. She vants me to get a kicked out, live in a box, and spend the rest of my life working at DQ =(. She didnt eben offer me chai!! Shes a meanie… but shes a green. and that is a very tope. =), greenness forebber huna homie? *huggggY*
person above me wouldnt walk a thousand km for me. She vants me to get a kicked out, live in a box, and spend the rest of my life working at DQ =(. She didnt eben offer me chai!! Shes a meanie… but shes a green. and that is a very tope. =), greenness rox huna homie? *huggggY*
oo, plus she is an alco!! lol, go hypnotiq!! =p.
lol ur sucha lalu hab it so reversed 😎 and in this case rate fwd does not equal rate reverse (being chem cuz jeah ur xed out. lol u didnt ask me to get u coffee hun, i asked U to get me some and u said u wouldnt.
some homie eh fellow bolly ppl? wakes me up savere savere wen imma tired cuz i was talkin to her laluness late at night, just like i didz late the night b4 that too, and then she doesnt even wanna come ithe and give me some coffee
how could i offer you chai if you didnt get me the coffee?! if u woulda got me the cofee i coulda offered ju cha from the same place n u cuda got that too! cheeez. lol hanji ur geen too puthar, we’re a team
lol and i am totally NOT a alco 😎 jur just a hypnotized and hab such a false sence of reality! ju delusional! i not the one chuggin ice wen no1z a home or stealing liquor from my parentals! or drinking rum in a timmyz cup in the parking lot doin sum balle balle to doriyan! so i wouldnt talk puthar lol eben ur last name rhymes wid alcholic 😛 think that tells u sumthing
lol nice job being a chem kadu =), keep up the gud vork, make sure ur mom doznt get gussed, bladdy vanna stay on the good side!! cheezy. Vutebber, u shuda known that i vanted coffee. i eben sed i vanted coffee!! u dont listen to me =(… lol i voke u up savere savere wen i cuda slepted in coz u vanted to get up early u pagal! (actually i vanted to talk to u =)). lol aur i had slept just as late as u ebery nite puthar, and i had less seep than you! i think that is a very sweet of me! imma good homie!! cheezywheezy. lol u wud make me get my own coffee/chai? thas a mean u lalu. i get u speshful coffee and u cant eben make it for me?! *saddendeded*.. hanji. bilkool! go greenness, its a very tope. we’re a tope. gud stufferz. OMG UR THE BIGGEST ALCO ALIBE! i onlee had a couple sipz of the ice, i didnt eben want it! i gave it to homie! btw, you told me to drink it! ur like go get a cup aman :p lol, pretendin to be an all innocent ithe! iont think ne1 here knwz how UNinnocent u are! jerk. I dont steal nething for my parentalz =| lol. aur u chuup kar, uve done some pretty crazee things too lalu! VUT kinda alco mixes DIsneY and LiquOr?!! thas like a major X! besharam, i am a disappointed in u kaduji. Just goes to show how big of an alco u really are.. makin me seem like one.. cheezy =|. btw, still gonna say go hypnoitq! ur a rite, loox a tope =). Ur a tope, tho x on u for eatin freezyz in front of me and then lyin bout it!! lalu. shame on you! shame shame!!
i know eh 🙂 imma brilliant 🙂 how am i sposed to kno vut ju vant puthar? ek min ju vant vone ting n da other ju vantz a sumtings else. lol iont eben think ju urself kno vut ju vant half the time. andd U dont listen to me! bladdy fool. i told u to stay awake and do ur paper. wutd u do?! go back to sleepyz! sharm ni aundi? lol and ur waking me up savere wasnt a harsh impressive either cuz ur borkness put me back to seeps! lol completely defeats the purpose hun. tsk tsk. lol hun after 1000 km the coffee seriously would be “speshful” bladdy its like u try to find ways to injure me eh? first send me the death present n wanan get me a zapped, and then yday god onlee knows wut kinda crap u were up to i member being vowed tho cuz ur sucha ebeel. and then today vith ur wanted to drunken me up wid ur hpnotiq, besharaM! gonna get me a killeded one day! n loojerhead, iotn eben make goodchai, so technically imma doing u a pabor! cheez. lol u wanted ur ice hun, and u kept lookin at the bottle i told u to get a mug so u wouldnt get a busted n wouldnt get into trublez! lol HUUN u dun steal from ur parentalz, but u did pehlon! lalu. dun eben actz an innocence! u no allwoed to be a disappointed! ur a worse. lol the belz n sanz wid ur LIL sis?! BOO umin! lol sry i ddint offer u freejy i just didn want ju to get a sicks. u dun listen wen i tell u to drink haldi dhduh n so i was a tryin to sabe ju. cuz imma sweet like that
lolz thas a funny kadu, u say ur a brilliant and then in the nxt sentence, u ask me how ur supposed to knw vut i vant. If u sachi were a brilliant vudnt u knw?! *rollz akhan* I said i wanted coffee puthar, so that means i want coffee! cmon its common sense 8-).. cant really blame you though.. you dont have any! haha =)! Whatebber there I always listen to you! imma pushover remember?! cheezy. It was a difficult, I was a seepy, didnt wanna work on paper.. i did take some notes n all pachi tho! so i did listen kinda =)… not like u listen, i tell u eberyday to drink hmilk, and eat proper and work hard but ju nebber listen =|. X on YOU. Lolz, its not my fault imma bork! i tolded u to call me if you couldnt sleep, and you didnt, so its actually ur fault that u were fallin aseep wen I called. If you had called pehlon, you coulda slepted more, and then when i called, u woulda been more awaker. See homie, its all logic =). Um iont get vut ju mean coffee wud be “speshful” *-), course itd be a speshful, all the effort id put in? risk gettin kicked out, living in a box and working at DQ for the rest of my life? (( though id make u support me when u became a famous neurowhatebber hehe )) oYe! U appreciate the “zapper”, it was a very thoughtful gift! I didnt know there would be a possibility of you gettin zapped though! and you havnt gotten zapped yet, so you be a chuup and appreciate it! Jerk! hrmpherz.. i do all these sbweet things for you, and you never appreciate them =(… lolll! i vanna drunken you?! whatebber there muchi daku! ur the one promoting the drink! besharam! I didnt even know bout it, ur the one who wented to the alco store looking for it! *winx*… imma tell on ju, get ur mom to pull ur earz agen!! hehe! Aur no, i didnt vant the ice, i was jus showing it to ju coz its a fave! yup yup =). i dont steal nothing, ur the chor, and you be a chuup! Imma very innocent kadu, a bilkool naive bachi. And OMG! u tolded me to have FOUR belz!! Glad i didnt listen to your pagalness, you knew my sis was gonna be there, and shes not choti ju lalu. Iont eben know what to say to your psychoness, ur a bilkool pagal kadu. thodi sharam kar! luchi paku, insane gando mundo! lol aw, k maybe i being a lil too mean *-), whatebberz, i am a super sbweet kadi kadi too, it gets balanced out in the end. Plus you dont appreciate my sbweetness! so jeahzz!! Arite puthar, hevar, auw munjo kam kardis *-). eeLoo!
tis nice to see the person above me’s posts after me bin away for a while dayemm aman u can write loadssss hehe n ur jus as crajee as eva
Person above me is incorrect about the person above her…Aman isnt just crajee shes PSYCHO
KaduLadOo: OYE uloo, ve dont ebber say that member?! my lack of common sense is just sumthing known nebber spoken! cheezy dun u eben knowz? ju nonsense! nahin hunji u dont listen to me 🙁 no1 does. buncha laluz. cheez. im always a right. lol i think ur more seepy huun! if u had listened then it woulda been a better for ju, but nooooo. tsk tsk 😛 koi ni we get it dones 🙂 lol sabz my fault with u eh? 😎 koi ni i can take it, go aheadz keep hittings! imma tuf. just vatch out cuz vone day imma start hittin back! or i just run..dun tempt! by “speshful” i meanted it woulda been a bad…milk cant handle the heat n stuff. and workin at DQ really istn a bad cuz the pay is decent and if u had to work there ur whole life theyd promote u to head bhandar n ud get manager pay 🙂 so really imma helping u. i do appreciate it ju lalu, but sure u didnt know! wutebber u find vayz to owwy me up! dun think iono how ju thinx. cheezy 3 yrs of this homiedom, i gotz u a sumwhat figured outz. i not a promoting nething ju lalu, i had to go there n i saw a poster n rmred u liked one of the contents n so told u about it! lol koi ni if my mom pulls my ears i get urs to pull ur nojee lol umin, u totally wanted the ice. i maen i kno imma lalu kadi kadi but i not dumb! i didnt need to see the bottle 6times…u totally wanted it. kept pickin it up n puting it down 😛 n then the next thing i kno ur an opening it! and ur sucha pro alco u dun eben need an opener! vus that tell u? lol naive bachi my decko! ju bhuddi! ur nething BUT naive or innocent. lol ur a super sweet for like 10 seconds of the times we talk, and we talk lots …so really ur sbweetness REALLY isnt a lot ur more mean. hanjiz
thanx ramz!! you are a right i am a crazee!! your a smert and a cool too! =)
Right! i porgets we dont ebber mention how u have no common sense or logic and are the biggest pyschoest psycho in the whole widest world.. my bad kadu.. i forgetz! I listen to you all the time homie, Imma pushover remember? and your a bully… cant bleeb how perfectly it all works out! lolz =). Hanji, if anything bad ebber happens to me, imma blame you! lolz nah im jusha messin, u make sab better for me, so cant really blame you can i? but kadu, working at DQ for the rest of my life? i seriously thot i would be able to achieve more than that.. iont think making sundaez for ppl would be that fulfilling.. eben as head manager, i dont think i would be a too happy. psycho how youd be okay with me working at DQ for the rest of my life as long as you got ur coffee.. hmmm *-).. lol 3 years? really? thas insane.. for some reason i thot it was onlee one year! lolz yeah you HAD to go there because ur an alcoholic! i dont like any of the contents, ur just an alco 8-). lalu pagal dadu. Sure! i harsh dont mind if she pullz my nojee! hrmpherz. ur a lucky ur a pinocchio ro jur nojee growz when ju lie.. I did not vant the ice! i was jus showing it to you coz aime! its a nice bottle, i like the colours lol =p, i did not vant it kadu, if i did, i woulda finished and not given it away. my opening it doesnt mean nething! and you jus open it like that lalu, u dont need an opener, its not a me, its jus how it is acha. cheezy. u jus twist it. ur the alco, stop tryin to make me one like you! my mommy would harsh kick your decko then kadu lolz. jeah k ur right, i should be more sbweeter to you.. you should be nicer to me tho lalu, ur mean 98.9 percent of the time! you said it yourself!! maybe if you were nicer to me, id be a sweeter to you.. something to think about.
The person above me, together with the person above her r the best laff
ever! Just sitting and reading the repartee between the two will make u
cry til ur sides ache…or not! lmao Oh and trying to decipher their
language will make u crazy (crajee).
person above me thinks me and the lalu above her are entertainment 🙂 what a pagalpan. ur cool nessa ju shud come play games more often, it gets a lonesome
amaneey im not eben gonan bother commenting on jur bakwaas, i quitz. jur a psychotic lalu aur thas a bas
The person above me called me pagalpan…the best compliment I ebber gots! hahaha
I like it here in games much better reeny!!
person above me IS pagalpan
Person abv me is gona b walking BY MY SIDE, (not behind me lol) when we 60 with stix, but imma hav 2 help her out cuz her haath is gona b shakin n her legs gona b bucklin n every 2 hours her memory goes n her aankhen n she forgets her hot buddha friend.but dun u fikar hun imma fix u with all my medication 😀
lol person above me is ALSO pagalpan, but this ones not just pagalpan, shes incredibly psychotic too! lol no wonder im sucha freak eh? surrounded by all these pagals. lol explains my insanefulness. wut a crajee lolz. koi ni wouldnt trade ne1 in 🙂 i lubber ju allz.. n tabzy, im totally runnin from u n ur medication. lol lalu (F) *hugs*
person above me shudn’t blame others for her streak of insanity and just admit that its in her DNA…
Person above me rocks! lol hahaha shereeny, see u r a pagal! 😀
NOT AS PAGAL AS JU! 😛 psycho! tee hee
gmorning person above me!! hope jur an oopar and vorking hard n becoming chemified =) YaY!!!
Person abv me rox! lol she thinks she knows Johnny personally! ahahaha the other day was funnee when im like the only thing u know about him is he is veggie! n ur like “it shows he is a nice person!” lol lub u hun
person above me is a harsh tope 🙂 shes the biggest freshyed otu bhuddi ju’ll come across, but sach much a wonderpul person
oye umin! vut ju mean being a veggytablearian means he’s a nice person?! i no veggy that mean i no ncie?! psssh tainu pata hi nahi 🙁 lol im totaly chemistry huun 🙂 i try to b btr n get more chemified =) u become a historified lol worx perfect cuz jur a bhuddi so u can just be urself 😀 and ur apsycho too so being psyc shouldnt be a problem either. 🙂 lucky bum 🙂 (F)
Wow, I didn’t speak to the person above me for quite a while because I didn’t have the energy to go and sit behind my computer (too hot!! )… Good to see you make a lot of fun with all the other pagal people when I’m not around! Keep the party going on girls!!
Person above me doesnt like sittin behind the compooter on hot dayz! makes sense =)
one day i wanna build a freezer as big as my room so i can jus chill there on super hot dayz.. either that or get air conditioning =p
jeah kadu, veggytableearianz are nice ppl! they dont hurt cuweet lil animalz.. they considerate, sensitive, kind ppl! cheezyyy lalu dont ju eben know?! lol i didnt sed nething bout nonveggytablearianz! they tope too ju lalu! i was jus shayin Johnz a toped coz tabz was sayin iont knw nething bout him.. aur ju are a meanbean hun, thot u aready knew that? *-)
person above me is just a lalu 🙂 😎 a freejer the size of ur room? ur the kadu that wearz hoodyz n has heaters on wen its 30 degrees outside. n dun use cuz ur sick as an excuse, u kno ur just a pagal bhuddi. so freejer the size of room wouldnt be too tope cuz then ud get cold n ud need to get into a sauna or summin. cheez. n i no bean 😐 cheezy =(
yeah i want a freezer the size of my room, ju got a problem with that?! lolz nuh uh kadu, im notta preak like that, it is coz imma sick! stupid make it go away kadu, hurtin my head =(.. jesh ur not a bean.. ur a greenmeanbean! hehe =). gud gud stuff amaneeY! *pat on bak*
jeah i do! cuz then wen ur a tandy ur gonna be like “kadu imma cold make my room a gharam” 😎 bladdy vhy u wanna gib me more work?! koi ni we program it so its a freejer wen ur a gharam and a oven wen ur a cold =) berry changa. so person above me is my homie =) shes completely psychotically lalued out but still my homie 🙂 hope to always make pb sandwiches. lol gud thing we got the super gue n hot gue n sabz cuz then ppl wud jus start eatin em n we’d hab a nuting 😛
whut is a tandy, person above me?
it means cold
programming it sounds like a toped out idea, ur a very smert puthar. Person above me is a jeenius, she has the most brilliantest whacked ideaz ebber. I like pb sandwiches.. we keep making..
person above me is a kadu that eatz daduz n mukiz n squitoz n religious monuments 😛
person above me makes no sense.. because shes nonsense! shes a pinnochio too coz iont eat ne of the things she mentioned. shes a tope tho, the topest homie, should smile more often, coz she has a toperiffic smile =). gudd stufferz!!
person above me is a lalu, but a berry sbweet one 🙂 she has a toped out voice too 🙂 and changa smile too =) n just cuz my nojee is a big doesnt mean imma pinoccio ju jerk cheez 😐
person abv me has a cute singin voice, which I havnt heard in a while! 😐 lol
Hey Tabz above me! Does Shereeny really have a nice voice? She &
Madhu should get together and have a concert for the forum!
Good idea person above me!! When is it going to take place? I will keep that day free in my diary
jeah!! im with the person above me n the person above her! there should definitely be a concert, they harsh prostar singers =). Go ReenY and Madhu!!
lol not even 😛 person above me and the ppl above her are laluz i sound like a high pitched chip munk 🙂 totally not nice, Madhu can share teh stage with Amaneey and Tayababa cuz they both sing really nice 🙂 harsh talent ithe! i sit and watch
*laffz @ “high pitched chip munk”* who the fudge tolded ju that padhness? hab you eber hearded urself?? u sound amazing hun.. i lubb ur songs =) they bilkool tope!!
how ju doing kaduladudaduluchipakuwithamuchi? sab go teek?
ji i have i no likez, think ur just a pagal. dun fikar tho ur ears get a fudged as u age n ur a bhuddi so its a teek 🙂 imma teek how are ju?
Hey person above me! Even highpitched chipmunks have record deals!
Check it out: http:/
lol then i’ll leave the singing to them person above me
person above me voke up early today, aur she didnt hab time for breakky =|. She likes grapes.. lotsa other things too =).
my back is super sore too kadu.. since yday *-), think im seeping funny or smthing. it a hurts =(. boOOoo that!!
Person abv me is the psychoest person on this forum And I even thought a buncha times about her and Shereeny’s crajee crajee craaaajeeee gallan when i was in India..
(I thought about all of you dont you worry, but there’s no good internet connection in Hoshiarpur..i couldnt find one anyhow, so i could come visitin..)
Hey hey kaduumasterr! 🙂 how was india? oye do ju hab fruiticana uthe? its this indian store that sells lotsa veggyz n stuff…lol the commercial was just on the tebee…its a queet it has like kaduz n pruits n stuff n the pruits are like to the kadu oye kaduaa tere tha kadu kash hona, n the kaduz like main nahi kadu kash hona…and it looks all sad. and then someones like oye pruit salad, and then all da pruits run off 🙂 lol lambe kaduz make me think of ju 🙂
Kadumaster With A Muchi!!!! *hihi sorry just remembered it* India was kooll 😀 how were you ithe? was there some life..coz i dont see as many posts as when I left last year… sab chal gaye on holz?
i didnt see fruiticana there, tho i did hear and see tooo much about Cola..aargh.. it’s pure POISON over there.. I really missed that crajee way of talkin of yours hahaha, and lambe kaduz make u think of me? Guess what my Tai ji cooked for dinner once hihihi.. MOTTE KADU!! I was like..nuhuhh.. i’m not eating that..sorry Tai ji, really sweet but if i eat this it will be as if i’m eatin one of my frendz!!Tussi mainu bas daal hi dedo.. and my tai ji just looked at me as if i’d gone crajee, but then she remembered who I am, so she laughed and said: theek a puttar tu kha laa daal, assi khandey aa kaduan di sabjee
lol aww what a sweet you didnt eated me! imma proud of ju puthar! berry changa 🙂 lolz see now if it was an amaneey she woulda eated the whole thing 😎 =(
was teek ithe, nothing to excitementz. i wanna go on holz 😐 iono where eberyone else went but i vanna gooo. how was india? oye did u check out the marine drive thinger? the rocks thing thats in munnabhai? i wana go uthe one day. =)
person above me was an ambitious child!
Hey Heerz…good to see ya!
person above me is a valued member of the forum =).. shes a cool!!
heera: oh balle balle!! VelcOme bacK kuriye!! cheezzz, sharm ni aaye tainu bina dasiya jaan di?! i didnt eben knw u were gone til tabz tolded me! i was haawwwedd! besharmi kuri. *shakes head * wagz pinger*. lol gud u didnt eat the kadu.. u eat makki di roti and saag?? *sighz* i vant!! and indai vaali cha!! man, i miss india! wanna go back! did u choop sum gunnay? hab a good time? tell us ALL bout it!! =)
lol person above me likes eating plies nahin hunji, not eberyones a psycho like ju and eats bugs 🙂 eben tho eating squitoz por me is a berry sbweet, baki sab is pure pagalpan
oye laluuu wus a choop gunnay? *-) and here i was all proud of myself for understanding ur guyz pun n then u go n say summin pagaled :S cheezy
person above me, toke khabar naiye!! i do not like eating plies, i sed i would, but doesnt mean i like em. gando mundo, dont ju eben knw?!! lol, gunnay = sugar cane, and chooping is like suckingish?.. jesherz. Person above me likes poiple cars!!
lol im not a gando mundo 😛 the train guy proved it. lol and if i ebber looked liek a mundo today would be da day wid da hair pulled peeche and the trackyz, sneakerz and hoody. SO the fact i cud dress like a mundoish and have ppl comment on how i look like a pun kuri proves it! not onlee am i a gurl but im not a gori either! SO THERE and TOKE kee naiye khabar umin! u lub eating weird thigns, kno why? cuz ur an odd 🙂
hibernates most of the
time, a bit on the slow side, likes raw food and smells real bad when
shes on her raw food diet. so please stay like really really far from
her when her odour is not on the ‘nice’ side. cold on the outside, even
colder on the inside. u can mistake her for a walking zombie.
all in…a nice bear but one that u cant bring home cos of her smell
aw 🙁 ur jsut upset cuz im always in hibernation and dont talk to u! i dont smell 🙁 anddd other than veggyz iont eat nething raw! lol onlee thing true in that is the zombie 😛 im so seep deprived
person above me is serdinocomicsaur 🙂 hes completely pagal, lived in azores for awhile kept tryin to get me to leave the arctic and go over there, but i realijed what a crajee he was and stayed far far away. he speaks alotta jhoots, that he beleebs to be the truth, and likes to characterly assassinate innocent lil polar bears! he’s ebeel, be carefulz
The person above me shouldn’t pay attention to Serio’s comment, because she’s very sweet!!
Wow, I see I missed a lot around here. Heera’s back!!
hey person above me!!! 🙂 hows it goingg?
Person above me was dead on in her 2nd to last post…but “characterly assassinate”??? LMAO
Ur English professor must be kneeling on a Kitana right this second!
Just mis.sed person bove me, she was here a few hours ago…
Hi Nessa, how are you?? [K]
person above me is very nice 🙂
lol nessa not sure what a “kitana” is, but wut can i say i hab talent? =)
Hey person above me! A Kitana is a samurai sword!
Howzit going Amz? Good to see ya!
ooo wut a pagalpan =) hellO person above me! wus an oopar?
I only opened this thread because I saw shereena was the person abv me n I wanted 2 say HeY =) and that I lub ya x
oye ver are juu, i came online wen i saw u post but u arent there
person above me is lookin for the person above her.. kadu u get jur glasses? ur blind w/o em, maybe thas y u cant see =) hehe.. bhuddi!
oye tu chuup kar, im not nearly as aandi as ju. and i cant see tabzy cuz shes not an online! so there! tainu pata nee!
oye, toke khabar naiye! auw bo jijo smert aye, munji saathe argue na kar!
how wrong is that? *-)
i think itd be munjo saath.. not just cuz ur a mundo tho :S sounds right to me tho i ask my momma pachi
person above me is really sbweet, shes really nice and lotsa punny =). shes a tough lil bear, with stinky breath.
lol iont hab stinky breath. see if u left it at tough lil bear ud be an almost nice. 😎 had to go n ruin it. tsk tsk! person above me a psycho 🙂
well least i try being nice smtimes, not a mean green bean like you!!! cheezy! when was the last times u were nice to me?! huh?!
lol im always nice hunji, eben behind my jackness is swtness..
person above me is watching a movie hevar =)
person above me knows whut the person above her is doing
miss talkin 2 the person above me!
person above me misses talking to the person above her.
person above me is stinky and has wonky teeth that she doesnt show nearly enuf 🙁 vhy vud ne1 vanna see the uckee geen wonky teeth ju ask? cuz they’re HER wonky teeth and that makes em berry berry toped. cuz shes toped so uloo, show eberyone how icky u are, bcuz its all bhandarpal since ur u =)
Uhm… person bove me… probably said some nice thing about the person bove her..
Person above me has an extremely positive outlook! LMAO
I miss u too, very very much Tabz!
person above me has a cool sig. 🙂
hey i miss tabzy too 🙁 hope ur feeling better now and sleeping better too!
person above me is totally sbweet. She defines topeness at its finest =). Bilkool pagal and psycho kuri, but still a bo jijo amajing homie. Shes the bestset dadu any kadu could hope to know. Talking to her and listening to her psychodedouted bakwaas will make anyone smile!! She has a bo jijo sona dil, shes a true homie and will always be by ur side, shes super understanding, cares bout people she lubz, and imma grateful i hab a homie like her in my life.. shes a super special, super tope and the bestest homie anyone could ebber want. dil you pagal kadudaduladooluchipuakuwithamuchimendo (F)
aw what a swt =) berry change to read savere savere. lolz kinda punny how u getz swt wen ur a leavingz me 😛 cuz u kno u gonna b missin like a pagalpan. 🙂 sab u said of me can also be applied to yuo, you hab a bo jijo sona dil, and ur bakwaas always makes me smile and jur a true homie and ju care and ur harshly “speshful”! thanks for sab amaneey. =) imma glad ju chosed me and made me ur deedz =) i lubber ju bo jijo zyaada poolpace, hope ur always a khush. =) hab a tope time, dont mack on the gharam munde too much, lol dont wanna get chased with a khundi. n stay away from the kuriz too uloo, not a good time to come out of the closets! =)
person above me is lovin the person above her…for now! lmao
oh & thanks reeney!
lol not just for now nessaji =) shes my homie i lubz for long time =) lol just wont always show it 😛
the honesty of the person above is a main reason i love talking with her!
lol ji bilkool! i no pinoccio! my nojeez a big nuff imagine it grew? 🙁 thatd be a sad.=( nope no jhootz 🙂 i speak sach so it no grow
dayemmm…i get the bear again. can i have someone else please?? no offence bear but i have probably described you 1000 times already!
hmmmm what an honour, to have the person above me above me… takes me back to those days…
what can i say? he is MAD! he knows how to tease people and annoy the hell out of them, but at the same time he knows when to draw the line. and that is one quality of his i very much… ah… what do i call it? like? respect? i don’t know… but it makes him stand out in my eyes…
he has a rocking sense of humor – he knows how to CRACK PEOPLE UP!! () – and he can be as serious as he is comical… again, it’s that balance he strikes which i “like” (see above)… he knows when to tell people to bugger off, and at the same time he knows when someone is genuinely looking for ‘help’ (ahem… his reply to rani once comes to mind…!).
he’s also a total softie (and he KNOWS it! ) at heart, though of course he puts up a tough facade… just to impress us gals of course! haha, no just kidding… he really is a ‘genuine’ guy, for want of a better word…
… and i mean it when i say this, i am truly glad and honoured to have met him about 3 and a half years ago, and to still be talking to him… it’s funny, how i have never been THAT mushy with him like i have been with the other gals on here, but at the same time (well for me anyway… oreo ji might not think so and i respect that ), there’s this mutual “understanding” (again, for want of a better word)… not like his mutual understand with nitz and baqz, perhaps (and it may never be that, i dont know)… but still some sort of understanding… and i know it may not be there one day. one day we may just lose contact, we may hate each other’s guts, but that’s OK. because i will cherish the 3-odd years that i DID have him in my life… and i truly “respect” (aargh!! yes!! for want of a better word) the relationship i share with him…
here’s a toast to the person above me…
jeez boogedy…are u ok? u on drugs or something? what da heck was that all about??? could it be that u have mellowed down and is on the verge of settling down and hence explain yr ‘motherly’ like comments??
but whether u on drugs or not…my reaction to yr grammy-award-winning-speech would be simply…..aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww.
dude, i think she has the hotz for me!!
boogedy: scary lil monster that sounds cute but can give u a nasty bite when the need arises. sense of humour: not quite there yet. annoyance level: can be high at times. teasing skills: need to work on it. probability to drive her up the wall: 8/10. calmness level: non existing. ease of annoying her: piece of cake. intelligence level: no comment. vocab skills: not too bad. overall score: lets not display this in public!
The person above me has just made me laugh my head off to the extent that people around me are asking if i’v gone crazy!
(Aaaaawwwwwww!!!!Boooooooo! That was cute! But seriously, what happened to u? Like Serio asks ‘r u on the verge of settling down’?)
Person abv me ‘loves’ Serio…
I haven’t run into the person above me in some time, but I like her.
BTW…Boo ma is in luuurrrvveeeee! I told you all it makes u
act insane! Watch ur back Serilol…she is pretty maternal towards ya!
All smoochy like!
che g aka vee aka vee c aka NN
perhaps she’s in the same condition as boogedy boo. the insanity looked to have kicked in much earlier than expected. loch-ness monster is also a dangerous creature who hides and hides and still undecided whether to surface or not!
The person above me has returned with a BANG!….after a loooong interval.
* Bachna ai haseeno! Lo WO aa gaya!*
and the bird above me is still the same. listens to old boring music all da time!!
Person above me, beware! Like Nitz said in some other thread ‘all the gurls lurrrrv Serio’.
*Bachke rehna re baba bachke rehna re
Bachke rehna re baba tujhpe nazar hai!*
person above me has the HOTZ…and i mean like hooooochie mama aya caramba jalepeno HOTZ for seriocomic !
The person above me is really proud of his ability to annoy people….he lurvvvvvvves his dude, yet likes to irritate him with comments like the one above…..
but whether u on drugs or not…my reaction to yr grammy-award-winning-speech would be simply…..aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww.
boogedy: scary lil monster that sounds cute but can give u a nasty bite when the need arises. sense of humour: not quite there yet. annoyance level: can be high at times. teasing skills: need to work on it. probability to drive her up the wall: 8/10. calmness level: non existing. ease of annoying her: piece of cake. intelligence level: no comment. vocab skills: not too bad. overall score: lets not display this in public!
first quote… SEE? the boogedy charm ALWAYZ works…
second quote: gah…
Now what can i say about the person above me? She’s truly an amazing person. She’s very sensible and totally sweet. One of the many reasons why i love her is that when she says something, she means it. You rock twin ji.
Person abv me is really sweet and she dissappeared for a while at first..and i thought she wont log in again..but loookk here she is
welcome back person above me
Why, thank you for welcoming me person abv me!! Really cute of you
hey heyy kadumaSteR! khiddaaan?
I’m guddd, KaduMaster-With-A-Roti-For-Her-Vota!! tu kiddaaaann???
lol 😛 kuch neee mainu neeni aundi ya =( *-) i want roti too hmmmm
I keep waking person abv me up!!! but even half aseep she’s sucha extended speaking, crazy buddhi n I lub her
thanks for the compliment, but this is person above me
…and the person above me just needs a little hug… & an enema
the ‘species’ above me has da hotz for nitzzzz!! wooohooooo…u da man dude!!
No one can love the person above me more than he loves himself!
U two r incorrigible! LMAO
person abv me made a very..interesting filmstory with the persons above her
Reeny: Well, then instead of giving that roti to your vota.. eat it yourself!!!!
And AGAIN, person bove me is NOT online when I am…
the person above me just celebrated a birthday.
Heerz – I just followed their lead. Pretty creative right?!
The person above me thinks he’s correct in his assumption of where my heart may or may not lie! lmao!
Not using u. U’re just more vocal…and…uuhhhmmmm rough!
Person bove me has an interesting opinion on person bove her…
person above me finds my ‘opinion’ interesting…
person above me… loves to laugh!!
Person above me is the forum dil Boo ma! How u doooooin?
Oye…person above me…LMAO!
I dont know from wher i got the idea (initially) that the person above me is a ‘he’ and not a ‘she’.
thats cos u have a sick and twisted mind! now stop thinking ‘that’ way about che g. u giving me the creeps!
person above me… YOU??? scared of LOVER??? ahahahahahhahaha…. thanks for the laugh man… needed it!
The person above me has more of a ‘heart condition’ in reference to the person above her than king fish accuses me of!
Lover ji!!! How could u?
LMAO…What gave u that feeling?
Im not sure, person above me…but u tend to get this intution when u see a name na? thats what. And Im sorry if Serio’s sick and twisted mind interpreted my comment ‘that’ way.
person above me knows good music Ibollywood music is the best -)
person above me likes to ‘make time’ with King Fish! lol
Ahhhh Lover ji! LOL
U know, my name means ‘white dove’, but it does look pretty masculine with that ‘V’ on it!
person above me is a lil crazzee today
y wud u think i am flirting wud u, jeez dis is wat u get when u compliment sum1
Hmm.. i dont see where person abv me gave a compliment to person abv me.. (the kind someone wud flirt with u with) but maybe im just too sleepy to see.. 🙂
Am Rani: You seeee!! YOU’RE not online now!! And I AM!!!!
I miss the person above me! She isn’t on as much as she used to be!
Aliea…where do u get the idea that I’m flirting with u?
You mean Love ji and she wasn’t above u…I was! lol
person above me… that line cracked me up… along with that emoticon… ahahahahah!!!
Aliea…where do u get the idea that I’m flirting with u?
person above me cracks up easily! LMAO
yeah…I felt like that emoti when I read her post! Say whaaaaaa?
Person bove me is names after a white dove…Cool! Hi Nessa!
Hey person above me! Remember when u told us what ur name meant? I laugh everytime I think of it!!
confusion confusion, NOPE not u Boo or Nessa for the matter….I must have been half asleep when i replied
(person above me likes to ‘make time’ with King Fish! lol)
it was meant for WHOEVA THE HELL Kingfish is…and I actually thought it was Lover u were referring to …
whom I thought was a girl????…therefore coz it sounded really yucky…
anyways person above me definitely feels lurrve for Cosmic hehehe..
person above me is completely nutters! lmao!
OK…I’ll slow it down for the ‘speedily challenged’:
1)friends don’t let friends post drunk!
2)King Fish is Nitzah, ur luurrrrvvvveeeeeee! (u can’t hide whuts inside!)
3)I was asking Lover ji why she thought I was male
…which brings us to the last
4) Lover ji is a female
U know whut King Fish…I think ur new girlfriend is giving Sapno a run for her money! rotfl!
person above me… you’re insane!!
ali… dont be offended by anything people say, yeah? just join in and laugh along… tis the best way forward…
person above me is completely nutters! lmao!OK…I’ll slow it down for the ‘speedily challenged’:
1)friends don’t let friends post drunk!
2)King Fish is Nitzah, ur luurrrrvvvveeeeeee! (u can’t hide whuts inside!)
3)I was asking Lover ji why she thought I was male
…which brings us to the last
4) Lover ji is a femaleU know whut King Fish…I think ur new girlfriend is giving Sapno a run for her money! rotfl!
person above me thinks I am too serious ?? boo in a way yeah i am
but dis place brings?? – nah, will never take anything said here seriously..
person above the person above me….
me thinks u are a nutcase, jus like me
1. cant help it yaar, was challenged to a drinking competition the n8 b4,
then didnt get a wink of sleep, hence the confusion.. ..
2. ok, so i seriously didnt knw king fish is Nitzkar, and btw I have never denied all dis lurrrrve i feel for the boy…wat makes u think sooooo nywyz..besides, wat about all dat lurve U feel for COSMIC hey..
3 & 4. ok, noted, blame it on my hangover …
Person above me is RIGHT ON TIME!!!! (where I’m from, that means I like u!)
Reading is so much harder bcuz there is no inflection of the voice to clue one in to the speaker’s thoughts!
But u feel me just fine! 99.999% of the time I’m completely & utterly harmless! Believe it!
*singing loudly off key* Al loves King Fish, Al loves King Fish!
BTW…I’m still denying my *choking sound* L…l…l…luu…oh I can’t say it, for that comic guy!
person above me
u got me there fwend, i wud have never thot u of all da peeps
here like me… sooo flattered
hey guys…toldya sums stinky was up wud nessa …
now I ve got to barricade myself from her ..
Harmless, U?? Harmless, aaargh, is it April Fools day already
yuck, yuck, dnt call my pooch, king fish, makes me think of fish an da smell
as for cosmic…
hon, I suggest u go in for therapy an try to get over him….
i mean, u r practically chewing off your tongue trying to confess yr lurve for him
Person above me…let me rephrase that…I enjoy ur verbal sparring! Or rather enjoyed, past tense!
Guess I'll have to be clear with u! No need to be flattered, it wasn't a tool…it was honesty….
“Hey guys…toldya sums stinky wus up wud Nessa”, with whom could u possibly be conferring? lmao
Anyone who has been here long enuf & is worth their weight in salt could see that u may as well be
Stevie Wonder when it comes to me!
Children should be seen & not heard, so have a seat newbie and learn!
As for anyone here who feels they've been disrespected, please let me know. I have never been one to
insult on purpose!!
Oh and Al? No need to barricade urself from me! On my worst day, I don't swing ur way.
WOW! Person above me must have been in quite a mood that day!
I would delete it, but it's been here a couple days & I'm not one to throw a rock & hide my hand!
Al…would you mind if I left it as a show of stupidity?
u losing it person above me! take control of yerself b4 its too late. theres still place at the asylum and if u register fast u could get yrself a free 3 day 2 nite stay.
The person above me has a sexy avatar.
person above me, thanks for the wishes, well even if its not meant for me personally
nessa -)
pleasant surprise, u know wat am talkin about
Moenie bekomerd wees nie, ek verstand
my afrikaans is not sooo good but it means, dnt worry i understand
person above me gracias para entender y amistad…mucho apreciado.
(spanish: thanks for understanding & being a friend…much appreciated.)
u losing it person above me! take control
of yerself b4 its too late. theres still place at the asylum and if u
register fast u could get yrself a free 3 day 2 nite stay.
I've exhaled Dark Lord! There is now a balance in the force…
I'd never visit ur asylum!!! U invite way too many women back there…u must woo me appropriately! rotflmao
Person bove me is bove me AGAIN! And she she speaks spanish, cool! So do I!
De veras Amz encima de mi??!! Bueno, cuantas idiomas hablas?
(Really Amz above me? Well, how many languages do you speak?)
I havnt talked to the person abv me in ages! hows everything going nessa? x
person above me is the bestest poshed out lalu preak in all of london 🙂 lol though sometimes, she just needs to chill and eat a crisp and drink sum cha with a touch of honey
person abv me cracked me up with wut she says about person abv her
person abv me, stop laughing! u gona make the crazy canadian think shes funnnyyy!
u gota luv her thru her pagalpan too tho
person above me, I'm missing u like crazy. [:'(] And have alot to tell you! Gi-normous email to follow!
Also person above me is dead on about the person above the person above her!
dayemmm, its che g again
and its starting to give me a migraine
the constant headache and the returning pain
of seeing che g above me again
i wish upon a star
of one day having priyanka
to drive away all my pain
and rid me of my migraine
but for now this pain
is here to remain
as i am getting insane
of having che g above me again
person abv me can.. rhyme very well
Tabz: Yaa i knowww.. crazy canadians always make me laugh..especially if they're called Shereena
person above me is the unstoppable Heerz! I haven't 'talked' to her in
a looooooong time! hey heera!
SERIOusly: If I hit ur head with a brick, it might just help with the headache! lmao
person above me is surely a white dove ( think u said dats wat yr name means)
coz she carries lurrrve letters from my pooch to me -(
which I truly dont approve off, if he has sums to say, he must do so on his own accord
no back bone that Nitzkar
person above me ….hello how u doing??
Person above me is a newbie and has a really kewl nic
Am in a flippant mood -hope u r well though?
person above me just degenerated into to an angry pool of spittle! rotflmao
King Fish seems to have that affect on women! hahahahahaha
person above me just degenerated into to an angry pool of spittle! rotflmao
King Fish seems to have that affect on women! hahahahahaha
Perosn above me is totally, absolutely, hilariously Wrong
Ness, My mood has nothing to do wud Poochikins, even though he wishes he had sum effect on me
Hahahahahahaha…tnx for making me laff at dat one
btw, no one has wished me [:'(]
no roses, no pressies, no wishes, no hugz an kisses from all u fwends -(
oh well – next year then
I made the prson above me laugh…well brilliant!
Happy happy bday to you! It is ur bday right?
Helllo, long time no see person above me
*faints dead away! gets up, looks above her…faints away again*
LMAO….S-s-s-sapno i-i-is t-t-that r-really u or have I s-s-seen a g-g-ghost?
Person bove me takes the one and only Sapno for a ghost
person above me knows that I have a flair for the dramatic! lmao
person abv me, wheres that big email gone! lol.
person above me is a tope =) n i heart her berry much, shes a complete lalu and talks so poshed out that iont always undastand the lalupan that comes out of her mouth :S shes a harsh sbweet tho berry caring and berry fun to talk to. hope shes an always always khushed
hehe was my bhoot!lol
person bove me is my shereeny! she is awesome but evil but more awesome:D…always makez our day worthwhile..i miss talking to her, our chats were always so much fun! she iz a huge nutcase, i wish her happiness forever.
well… looks like the person above me is a bhoot… a pleasant surprise to see her!
Person above me dislikes the sunshine! rosh dont like sunshine either! jeez u pplz!
reeny: u dont understand my “poshed out words” because I speak normally and not extended so thas why u think im too fast, ju pagalpan I wish ur khush hamesha too (f)
😎 you wish ju ver a normalz! u kno u speak fast hunji, uve been workingz on it. we dont extend our words 😎 koi na ur a lalu and delusional but jur toped =)
aw roshy i mish ju too! bladdy disappeared on me 🙁 u still owe me pic! i wanna see saahil. 😐 must be so big now =) hope sabz a teek with you, thnx for all teh swt thingz ju saided!
I'm sure person bove me said something really interesting
She did person above me
Am Rani:
I'm sure person bove me said something really interesting
r u dissing reeny's style of writing ji…?
person above me is a dodo and I wish i could smack her upside da head right now. She always goes offline as soon as i come on! grrr!
Person abv me came online this mornin n it was gr8 tlkin 2 ya hun, sorry I was on brb for so long! hope u had a nice sehri x
Shereeny: u chup u muppetness! I dont need 2 work on my speaking, its fine! ju jus cant hear with ur extended ears!
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
person above me is a dodo and I wish i could smack her upside da head right now.She always goes offline as soon as i come on! grrr!
i love you too…
I love that slogan thing person abv me. I had some fun making funny slogans for my brothers hahahaha
lol unique… person above me… it's COOL isn't it?
Hey person above person above me…what really is up with u & the art of the brb?! lol
lol I think u were askin me the question about the brb thing, person abv me? Im so sorry! lol sumthin always comes up when im online n I have 2 say brb to every1!!
U're very good at it, person above me! lol
Btw…how was that beautiful cake?
person above me thinx tabz is a goodz at “brb-ing” =).
habnt seen/spoken to person abv me on msn.. (ah what msn.. BWL evenn..) in a LOOONGGG TIME… i remember when i used to come home from school at abt 4 pm and person abv me wud be getting ready to go to school..hahah.. and sometimes she wud b late because she haddd to comment on wat nonsense i was talkin then
lol person above me is always busy! shes nebber on msn when i am, and she hardly ebber comez to bwl! cheezzz, apni daadey vaaste bijee hogayi =( lol, how sab going hun? school n all? hope sab is a very changa!! =)
😀 person above me is a poophead 🙂 balle ballleee lol she stinx like poopyz too and is chafu like it too! lol but shes tope :S wut a crajeez who wuda thunk somethign so gaande cud be tope? lol umin is tho, kno vhy? cuz shes a pagalpan
person abv me callin aman a pagalpan, but she's a bilkool pagalpan too! hehe gurl u cracked me up the other day when I rang u, saturday? “Remember when you went salon..?” lol u can guess the rest
it was so funny I was gigglin after, especially when ur voice went all low cuz of da woman hahaha xx
person abv me is callin Reeny a pagalpan but she's ALSO forgetting that YOU are a pagalpan toooo But thats the reason i luv ya galz so much.. ur callin each other pagalpan, but forgetting that to know a pagalpan you have to be one yourself first
Person abv me is talking as if she's completely normal, but really shes the MASTER of alllll Pagalpan!! mwahaha lol
The person above me is calling pagal to the person above her
Person abv me is absolutely rite.. so that's why imma sneak into a boat to London and then go to person abv hers house and steal all the yummy things they'll be makin for Eid *evil laugh*
person above me is heera from netherlands
haven't 'seen' the person above me in some time.
Hi OP…beautiful butterfly. 🙂
person above me is my big sis duuude nessa jiii!…..totally crajeee and a 100% laloo, thas why I lubs her
the person above me seems to like either saif ali or preeti oe just the movie salaam naamaste….lol…and i know that the perosn above me lubs their older….
hiya person above me *waveeee* yep I do lub salaam namaste, and goshh saif is just ahhhhh droool
ermm I haven't spoken to the person above me, but she (i'm assuming) is fairly new, so hope ur liking the forum!
hey heyy person above me =) welcome back to the forum!
Person above me?….let me think
nice to meet you
barbiegirl…the most overrated doll in this planet!! nothing great actually..
person above me? hmmmm… the most overrated guy in the forum… nothing special actually…
person abov me is a ….i dont know much about her…but i think she is very nice person hi boo sisy
and the person abov abov me is a very weird for me
person above meee, girrl you got it totally wrong about the person above youuu……shes a complete loony, and a laloooo…..nice?? debatable, debatable…
hope ur liking the forum vibes barbiegirlyyy 😀
person above meee, girrl you got it totally wrong about the person above youuu……shes a complete loony, and a laloooo…..nice?? debatable, debatable…
hope ur liking the forum vibes barbiegirlyyy 😀
ah-hem!!! person above me… ah-hem!!! dissing me in front of me… the cheek of it….
person above me,
jeeez wer u been lady ????
misssed ya mwah !!!
person above person above me, errrrrrh hi Ramz??
we havent met?? am scarface aka aliea
nice of ya to drop in, Boo was starting to get all cranky missin da ol folks
person above me a few times over…..
Barbiegirl , cute if ur like 5 years ol but cute
Welcome to the Forum Sweethart
pperson abov me is a wowwwwwwww ……..i like you and i like this place
person abv me has nice emoticons in her post
person above me…hiyaaaaa! kuriay jeeeez its been soo long since we chatted!! Msn it gurlyy catch ya sumtime
I havnt talked to the person above me in forever, catch u on msn sometime too! lol
person above me is just amajingz *-) words dont describe her completely pagalled outedness…the psychotically poshyfreshedout accent, the ridiculously lalued comments, sbweetness and unconditional care for her homiez….just simply amajingz
has a unique way of expressing herself through the written word
Don't know the person above me well….
I'm Gayathri.
person above me..dont care and dont give a damn.
I don't know the person above me well.
me too me too me too me too Don't know anything about …..every person's above me
but me wanna say hiiiii to alll
Hi person above me, welcome! I'm Shakz… I'm not often around lately (I used to be here all the time), but I know almost all the lovely people (lovely isn't including Serio, as you might understand ) above you.
Hi to you all, and a special hi to all my lovely sweethearts I haven't spoken too for a (too) long time!!
person above me specifically mentioned my name…i can feel da lurrrvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee oozing out of her 😉
giggle@ personabove me…..acho cho…..
The brains of the person above the person above me, are really in a twist…
Person abv me is visiting after a while. How you been?!
Hi person above me! Good to see you again How have YOU been? I'm great
I hope everything is allright with you too (apart from the boredom of course
good 2 hear ur great, person abv me! ive been good too!! lol I cant believe how bored I am, I have one of those face masks on to make skin look radiant.. lol winter takes the glow away. So I dont have my lenses in my eyes and im typing, n i just went close 2 the screen and i dint make any typin mistakes! okay I neeed to get out of the house or il go mad. im stuck here for today though! sigh
Poor you, person above… Though your message made me smile I just can picturing you with your mask on and lenses out behind your computer haha… The winter is a difficult time or us girls, don't you think? We still have to look pretty, while the weather is messing us up.. Rain that makes our hair goes flat, that ruines our make-up, and our skin gets dry of the cold.. Brr, where's the summer?!?! lol
Good to read you've been great too! Hope you don't stay bored.. Take care!!
Person above me – her nic reminds me of Shakeel
brings back all those funny teeeeeenage years memories
young lurve
The person above me remembers all the funny teenage memories while reading my nic… Funny!! lol
person above me…wasssup fwend??
finds my reminiscing about my teenage years Funny…
Hi person above me… how are you doing?! I'm just bored and I need to have some people around to cheer me up.. so I just came here and there you all are!! That's the wonderful thing of BWL
knw watya mean…except I am not supposed to be here
but seeing as its my last day, better make the most it
I can tellya that we are in the middle of a storm here so not much else to do
why wud u be sooooo bored my dear???
person abv me is in the middle of a storm. It was raining so heavily here last night too, but not a storm thankfully!
shakz: damn right we gota do alot to keep lookin radiant! lol I like summer the best.. sigh!
Thank God I'm not in the middle of a storm like the person above the person above me… It's bad wheater here too, so I have to stay inside (and at home there's only my pc – BWL yeah, the only great place to visit when it's raining outside!! – and study waiting for me, plus my boyfriend is out of town.. so yeah, that means I'm bored… )
Person above me, you're right.. It's so unfair we have to do so much to stay radiant.. Why do girls have to and boys don't? Not fair, not fair… [:'(]
Shakzyy!!! long time no seee!!!
person above me, hmmm surprised to see shakz here 😉
person above person above me ….
Well the storms over…….sooo is my stormy mood…
aaaaagh shame sweetz, hope yr b/f hurries back sooon hehehehe, not goood this boredom hey…nevertheless, heres sum hugz until he get bak
take care hun
Uniqueness, hope u doing well my dear?
thinking about face masks, heres one I recommend to ya
Justine/Avon Tea tree peel of Mask, does wonders ….lemme knw if/when u try it
and the results k…..
and for winter skin, lather more moisturiser ….should do the trick of giving u radiant skin..
omw, now I sound like one of those commercials LMAO
Jeeez have u guys not heard of Metrosexuals..?? face masks…beauty treatments…. u name em, these Men utilise accordingly
I don't really know person bove me, but Shakz told me she's nice. So hi nice person bove me
Person above me hasn’t been above me for quite some time! lol Hey hey Amzy!
The person above me is greeting Am Rani who hasn't been around for a while… Good to see you're back hun!!
Shakzyy!!! long time no seee!!!
Hey Heera!! A TOO long time no see!! How are you?!?!?
Scar face:
person above person above me ….
Well the storms over…….sooo is my stormy mood…
aaaaagh shame sweetz, hope yr b/f hurries back sooon hehehehe, not goood this boredom hey…nevertheless, heres sum hugz until he get bak
take care hun
Thanx Scarry for your sweet words and hugs!! Here is a big one for you My boyfriend is finally back, so I'm not that bored anymore… It's good to read your stormy mood, and the storm, are over!! Jeej, everybody's happy now!!
Shakalaka Baby:
Scar face:
person above person above me ….
Well the storms over…….sooo is my stormy mood…
aaaaagh shame sweetz, hope yr b/f hurries back sooon hehehehe, not goood this boredom hey…nevertheless, heres sum hugz until he get bak
take care hun
Thanx Scarry for your sweet words and hugs!! Here is a big one for you
My boyfriend is finally back, so I'm not that bored anymore… It's good to read your stormy mood, and the storm, are over!! Jeej, everybody's happy now!!
person above me ….does the disappearing act, aint bored no more coz her guys bak
Yup my fwend EVERYONE is happy
Hey person above me, I'm not disappering anywhere Look, main hoon na!!
waaah re wah… person above me becoming an expert in Hindi…
Haha, person above me, good joke! As long as there are lots of filmtitels in Bollywood, I'm a bit of an Hindi expert
Thank you Nitzah… Same for you here
person above me… has been with us for a year… and loves Bollywood film “titels”… lolz… am feeling 'nit-picky' today…
Ooohww the person above me is feeling nit-picking today… STAY OUT OF HER WAY!!! lol
person above me???
total nutcase…
the world will know the person above me…by another name……
…Person above me….
okay got my attention…..
speak up or 4ever hold yr errrr wateva it is u speak with…
Person bove me is paying 2 much attention to the person bove her…
lmao @ the very insightful person above me!
Me too person above me.. lol
person above meee…. i made her laugh lol…
the alien from pluto makes a cameo appearance, loling here and there, hehe haha and then shoots off again. make sure u stay longer in orbit!
The person above me lives somewhere in space (third rock from the sun) and is talking space nonsens no one ever understands.. I guess you live too close to the sun Serio, your brains are starting to burn
and if the person above me knows her astronomy then she'll realize that
the 3rd rock from the sun is actually where she is living now. so if my
brains are starting to burn, yrs are probably fried by now!
person above me… does a rather silly imitation of the gals on here
and if the person above me knows her astronomy then she'll realize that the 3rd rock from the sun is actually where she is living now. so if my brains are starting to burn, yrs are probably fried by now!
Duh! But it is still in space (so you can talk space nonsense if you're into it, like you are) AND when you live close to the equator, your brains are burning faster than mine
You're right person above… This really doesn't sound like us! AT ALL!!
ahhh person above me is using the correct number of dots… whew!!
A unit of three small dots that signifies a trailing off in thought or portions of a quote that have been omitted.
am i annoying you ji? apologies in advance!
I havnt spoken to person abv me for a while. Heyy how u doing boo!
urgh dont ask me that person above me lol…
The person above me is a brainiac.. lol Do you've got more stuff to teach us Miss Boo?
once again, not worth commenting on the person above me…
waddduupppppp dude??? hows things up there? its gettin a bit lonely down here..but im enjoying the peace and quiet 😉
aw dude !! cheer up !! its ur burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrday in a few days !! yay !! happy happy huggy huggy !!
wooohooooo!! yeah gona have a blast!!!
sweet, person above me…
It's been a long time!
It's been a long time, for the person bove me
and if the person above me knows her astronomy then she'll realize that the 3rd rock from the sun is actually where she is living now. so if my brains are starting to burn, yrs are probably fried by now!
Shakz, I know we are friends, and as I friend, I have to stand up for you, protect you and help you ('till dead do us part , but this (see quote) was really funny… IMAO!!
Hiya………that was funny.
person above me hasn't been around in quite a while!
how's tricks Walu?
Person bove me had a funny avatar. What is it supposed to be? A ladybug?? That's what it looks like to me.
hey person above me.
she is an odd bobblehead doll. I call her 'demented dolly'
I donno anything about person abv me! lol..
Neither do I about the person bove ME. Hi Ocean Princess! I've seen you around before, but it's been a while.. Did you came back to join Boo's party?
Haaaaiii person above me!! I'm finally back in the country I just wanted to check on how lovily you've posted my posts, but I can't find them.. *frustrating*
I guess I just have to believe in you haha
person above me….welcome back sweetz 😉
hope yr trip to Copenhagen went well??
you must be crazeee….. ur nick is weird……………….
you must be crazeee
lmao dis must be my week – *another* person( above me ) thinks I am crazzeeeee ..oh brother!!!
….. ur nick is weird..;-) huh!!! Mr Gross Ham errrrr, an yrs is uber kewl !!!……..
the person above me has put me through heartache,pain,tears,laughter and every possible emotion…. all my love 2 u scar face
person abv me is a new member.
I last saw the person above me posting on the old forum…heyy girly! How you doing?
the person above me has put me through heartache,pain,tears,laughter and every possible emotion…. all my love 2 u scar face
Can I just add, scar face..girll I think we got a little pyaar ki kahani starting yayyy! Gosh we're long since overdue for one of these on the forum
Hi gossamer, welcomeeee to BWL
person above me just can't help themself!
nessa jiiii heck yeh i couldnt help myself! I'm totally feeling the lurveee 😀
The person above me is feeling the luvv… I guess Ramz most be a romantic person..
person above me… me too! although you must be starting to doubt my idea of romance after the 'Can Love fail?' thread… lol
No I don't person above me… When I see how much love you give other people around here, you can't be not romantic in falling in love. Eventhough the thread you started…
person above me… sighhh… yes that thread i started… *rolls eyes*… but really… i like to think I'm a complete romantic at heart, whether i am or not, will vary from person to person…
Person above me got a great surprise last weekend
person above me… helped create a great surprise for me last weekend!
lol im so glad person above me liked the surprise. It was so much fun tellin every1 lol it reminded me of wen we hold surprise partyz for my friends here, except thys time it was online =D
the princess who was never unique….oh wait….was never a princess in the first place!!
gud 2 c ye lol person above me …
“the person above me has put me through heartache( ??? care to elaborate my dear!!! wud never ever cause heartache to anyone …, errrrr, ie intentionally pain ( here too…I CAUSED U PAIN??? how, when, where…searchin my memory trying to figure out WHEN I DID DAT !!!,tears – Okaaaaaaaaaaaay yeah tears of lafter r8 ??for all the times I made u laugh until u cried…,laughter and every possible emotion. – cant be every possible emotion but will shut up an take it as a compliment my darling
… all my love 2 u scar face – sweethart, save sum of that lurve for THE ONE ….too much on me is wasted…“
“Can I just add, scar face..girll I think we got a little pyaar ki kahani starting yayyy! ( sweety, u r SOOOOOOO wrong about that ) Gosh we're long since overdue for one of these on the forum” – an am sooooo sowrie to disappoint ye all but no lurve stories if Scar face is the heroin k….just for the record: am not a LOVE LOVE LOVE person….personally, dnt believe much in it……so find sum other sucker for this lot of Lurve crap!!!!!! oh an Ramz hon, good to c ye back …missed ye mwah 😉
Hi gossamer, welcomeeee to BWL – oh an Sam ( shortened version of Gossamer ) Welcome to the forum hon…..wish u a looooooooooooong stay here
The person above me doesn't believe in love…
aaaaw I made person above me sad …sowrie yaar
i believe in lurve – for others,
wasnt written for me though…
person above me writes some huge, madhu ji sized posts! lmao
person above me writes some huge, madhu ji sized posts! lmao
person above…do I ???
last laff for the day …sending ye sum lurve an hugz
time to go ….catchya ltr sweety
later days person above me!
Hey person above me!!! Dunno anything to say about you at the moment, so I just want to say “hi”! Hope you're doing okay!!
person above me is my new smiling buddy… LOL!
aargh, dnt knw wat to say about person above me !!!
person above me, how can you not know what to say about the person above you? She's amazing! There is so much to say about her! I would say it, but i need to sleep, so i'll save u guys from the speech.
Scar face:
aaaaw I made person above me sad …sowrie yaar
i believe in lurve – for others,
wasnt written for me though…
Don't say that. No one knows what the future holds.
person above me…sweeet lil rani…definitely lurves Missy booo
soooo cute
well hon
ur r8 …. i dnt knw wat the future holds, but was told I will be gettting
married at the end of this year..hehehehe…soooo u can imagine how
impatient I am to have the year end an…..remain single….sooo much for pyschics hey lmao…wat a load of crap…
Congratz person above me!
But umm…why does that make you feel love isn't written for you?
person above me… is my beautiful angel…
The person above me is my smiling buddy too!! Keep smiling Boo!!
Person above me is Ms. Shaks who had no words for me!
person above me… wassup? everything OK between u and me? me noticed u don't call me Boo Ma any more…
Person above me is Ms. Shaks who had no words for me!
Sorry hunn… I will say something about you now (I've said already enough about my smiling buddy above me )… The person above the person above me is really sweet!!!
And… get's a big hug to make her feel better!!
Hope you're not sad anymore now…
sweet, person above me?
person abv me has a Kajol & Shahrukh Khan pic. in his/her display.
yes person above person above me…as cool as the other side of the pillow!
person above me has a designer line named after her. it's called OP:Ocean Pacific! I'm serious…its surfer wear.
Shakalaka Baby:
Sorry hunn… I will say something about you now (I've said already enough about my smiling buddy above me
)… The person above the person above me is really sweet!!!
And… get's a big hug to make her feel better!!
Hope you're not sad anymore now…
So happy I think I'll sing…*awful singing* I gots a huuuuug, I gots a huuuuuug!
good morning person abv me.
gud morn person above me!
How u doooooin?
good thanx. What abt you person abv me?
tired, wet & ready for my work day to end.
any plans for the weekend person above me?
yeah saturday is my friend's b-day so gotta go to her party and on sunday spend time with my family
what abt you person abv me?
getting a new car & domestic duties!
hey person above me, have u found a good gift yet?
yeah I'm giving him a colonge set Eternity smells good.
What type of car you are getting person abv me?
“Eternity…aaahhhh, the small of it!” lol Sorry, needed to get that off my chest! Nice choice!
I'm getting a Volvo, seeing as people like crashing in to me! Need a tank!
The person above me is so happy she starts singing after I said something nice about her and gave her a hug.. jeej!!
singing badly person above me! hehehe
Oh yeah.. I forgot person above me… Well never mind about that, I sing very badly too (ask my parents who are happy I started working again yesterday – silence in the hous… lol
person above me started working again yesterday!
Yeah… and I loved every minute person above me
How are you?
So no prison person above me? lmao
I'm doing very well thank u. How r u ?
Person bove me was doing well, almost 24 hours ago. Hope she still does… Hi Nessa!
person above me…dnt knw her dat well but my daaarlin fwend Shakz says shes one of a kind…. dnt doubt dat for a sec ..
Nice, loving and sweet Scarry is the person above me… Jeej!!
So no prison person above me?
I'm doing very well thank u. How r u ?
No, no prison haha… It's actually a swimming pool I work at, so I can swim away whenever I want to.. lol
Btw, I'm great!! Good to see you're doing very well too!!
person above me… i'm so pleased for you!! new job huh?
Person above me…. is my GMTA yaar, and is the strongest little tiny boat in the ocean I know of.
Person above me is my jaan Khushi… who's paying for a broken table somewhere!
Person above me is my jaan Khushi… who's paying for a broken table somewhere!
Person above is paying for a table, a vase and some wet clothes somewhere!
khush who? khush he? khush hi? faltoo at the highest order.
dnt have much to say about person above me…..
thank my lucky stars for that!!
lucky stars ??
person above me believes in stars !!! wat next
person above me… likes winnie the pooh! so do i…
aaaaw…person above me….missy boo….soooo many questions…hope she finds her answers…hugz to ye sweet hart…likes winnie 😉
as for winnie, beeeg mistake….have a habit of clickin on the wrong pics…wanted Jc ( John cena ) but got winnie too lazy to change it now, dis toooo immature for my taste …but still think its kinda cute !!!!
person above me made beeeg mistake! lol
persn abv me has a weird pic in display.
different strokes person above me…
tell me something abt yourself person abv me
hmmm…can't think of anything interesting OP!
Oh wait…I'm terribly clumbsy! There, will that do?! lmao
The person above me confesses that she's clumsy… lol
hows it going person above me! how was ur trip to copenhagen?
dayemmmm….the not so unique not quite princess again??? nexxtttttt!!!
sorry seems like ur stuck with me for now schizo fish 😀
jeezz…can u like move away somewhere? go hang on a tree or smtg!
no thanx. im perfectly fine here bugging the fish =)
lets see now…the 'princess'
currently swinging from one tree to another in search of her toad. best friend is a bear who hibernates 99% of the time. likes calling ppl fish prob cos she has had a history with one. unique?? naaahhh….not really.
err what history do I have with a fish? :S
how should i knw? u tell us!!
no no u made the statement! u tell me!
“likes calling ppl fish prob cos she has had a history with one”
notice the word prob there. Probably = maybe = perhaps = who knows.
so now, u tell me!
let me clarify that then. you are the only fish I know. Happy? jeez!
i am the only fish u know??? awwwwww……feels daa lurrrrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeee from UP
yes u are the only big stinky scaly slimy fish I know! feel da lurve
as long as im in yr thoughts
don't get too happy, only for the minute u was there as I was trying to remember if I know any fishes!
errrr person above me, its one fish many fish
hehe!! person above me… you've caught onto the Correcting Craze have ya? I tell ya… i m getting to know you more and more each day and i am liking it!!
hehe!! person above me… you've caught onto the Correcting Craze have ya? I tell ya… i m getting to know you more and more each day and i am liking it!!
have I ??? ohhhhh Noooooo!!!!!!
Person above me, rendered me speechless, …dat “AM LIKING IT” werz it from, sounds familiar????
hello person above me
No need to say hello to me, huh?
Hello person bove me, and person below me…
No need to say hello to me, huh?
Hello person bove me, and person below me…
Sorry people, don't kno what is wrong with my pc (or with the forum, maybe) today… posting messages twice, posting messages while it seems like I can't post it…I didn't mean to post like this, it just happens
The person above me loves duplicate posts…
Person above me… only likes Shah Rukh as an 'extra'… sigh, what say am rani?
once again, Its Missy boo, without even realising it, she has thought me ONE great lesson
thankz !!!
person above me is going to have a bright shiny new year!
person above me is going to have a bright shiny new year!
Person above me, my darlin Ness, just brought the beeeegest smile to my face
…tnx yaar, needed the encouragement
Jeesh wat time is there ??
Been up since 4 am
How u doin?
@ least u had some sleep hehehe I cudnt even get myself to sleep
am xhausted, still recuperating from last weeks STRESS …
the fashion show … seeing as it was on Sun n8….. an I only started my garment on Thurs afternoon, I never really slept since….but I amazed even myself at the result….besides all of that an everythin else actually in an extremely great mood….refer to my off beat postings lol..
sooo hon, why u up sooo early ?? wats going on?? hope everything is okaaaaay ???
wat plans 4 da weekend??
i suffer from insomnia person above me!
glad to hear that the show was a success & ur garment was finished on time! lol
my weekend is not a good one. family has flown in for another funeral…I think I'm getting used to it now.
u gots some plans for the weekend?
i suffer from insomnia person above me!……same thing with me person above me
glad to hear that the show was a success & ur garment was finished on time! lol…when did i say it was a success??? the flippant Deejay hates me to bitz, I knew I made a huuuge mistake showing my face to him b4 the show coz he played the wrong SONG ( for the 3rd year ) …. spoilt the entire Sequence ( again ) ….I mean how can one wear a bridal gown and model for a song called ” dontya wish yr girlfwend was hot like me ???” for heavens sakes…hes soooo lucky I wasnt 100% into winning that n8 …but Tz took it reeeeeaaaaalllly badly coz I made her hop skip an jump to get this song I chose and she tried her best to do a SHOW STOPPER coreography….this was the first time i ever saw my baby sister cry at any of the f/shows we've been to … oooooo NO it wasnt a success….am just GLAD its over !!!!
my weekend is not a good one. family has flown in for another funeral…I think I'm getting used to it now. oooohhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo …this seems like a weird alternation between our families, we had a funeral this past Sunday…..cudnt go because of the show….Jeesh am sooo sowrie my darling….r8 now I know how u feel and send u the warmest, tightest, most loved filled hug
sweety…I cant get used to it sooo am keeping busy…shutting it out….not getting much sleep…
u gots some plans for the weekend? had plans, was gonna spend the weekend with Gossamer, but am tooo tired to travel to jnb now….need sum rest, more shopping, prob pop in to work…..will see…just hoping to get as much as I possibly can done !!!!
I'm sorry but I LOL'ed at that music choice person above me! !
No “…weird alternation between our families”, this has been the case ALL YEAR!
Hey and this is the only Gossamer I know!
I'm sorry but I LOL'ed at that music choice person above me! ! ……(((honestly after the initial SHOCK, i didnt even knw he had played the wrong song until I heard the word F@$%.. another jaw dropping moment within a month….but thanks to it all – I got sum rather errrr unusual comfort from another designer
…))) I laughed myself…..sooo dis kewl….especially since the song I chose was ” Loosen up my buttons”, so u can imagine the type of sequence tz had to come up with ….remember this was a bridal gown hehehe but not just any bridal gown, dis was Aliea's specialty….u will know what I am talking about when I send ye the pics….but at least she came up with one of her show stopping sequences, that idiot Deejay… not doing anymore shows for my fwend as long as he is there !!!!
No “…weird alternation between our families”, this has been the case ALL YEAR! …okay Hon, I hear watye saying… I still send u more love.
u and the family are in my prayer, Hamesha, I do wish u strength in this time and know that I am and Alwayz will be here for u ok….
Hey and this is the only Gossamer I know!
lmao, where did u get dis from ???Oh my word, dis soooo cute yaar, will tell Madamji to check it out when she gets the time'
off all the nics out there, she chooses Gossamer, Mr Gross Hammer hehehehehe
an I cant believe RAMZ thot she was a guy…..oh gosh lmao…
Thanks again person above me!
Try googling (image) “gossamer” he is a warner brothers' character.
I understand why Ramzey thought she was a guy…I did too! Thought u had a new jaaaaaaaaan! lol
Thanks again person above me!
…..tnx ???
, no need to thank me my darling Ness, u have a special place in my heart and
thanking me for caring about u??? aaaw hon…its a honor having u as part of my life
…..u have been here for me in more wayz than u realise…I should be thanking YOU person above me …sooo THANKZ !!!
Try googling (image) “gossamer” he is a warner brothers' character… hmmmm okies then I guess she did do sum research….
I understand why Ramzey thought she was a guy…I did too! Thought u had a new jaaaaaaaaan!
lol WAT?? U TOO??? oh my, why did u ever think dat??? EXPLAIN PLS….. ( she is my love, my sister from another mother,) in fact u remind me of her sooo much… dnt knw why she said I caused her heartache & PAIN, must be all that crying and getting over E phase I put her through, lmao, if she sees this, shes goin to kill me…..but damn I was a total mess and am just sooooo grateful I had her to lean on at the time along with everyone else…..
Didn't talk for a while to the person above me… How are you yaar?
Everytime I see the name of the person above me, I think of her shaking it up somewhere! lmao
Haha, and everytime I read a post you made person above me… it makes me smile
Shakalaka Baby:
Haha, and everytime I read a post you made person above me… it makes me smile
an everytime I read a post made by Person above me, this brings a beeeeeeeg grin to MY face, howzit Shakzi sweetz????
hows the (not sooo new ) job going??? great am hoping , havent spoken…err written to u in a while tooo
missye hon, hope all is well on yr side of the world??
sending ye sum hugz and lurve…
Awww… the person above me is really really sweet!! Good to talk (write
) 2u again!! Hope you're okay… You're always there on the right time to cheer me up!!
Missed you!!
My job is great, but busy (finally)… How's your job?
Hugs and luv back from me to you Scarry!!
Scar face:
once again, Its Missy boo, without even realising it, she has thought me ONE great lesson
thankz !!!
aur yeh kya ji?
Person bove me wants to know which lesson Scar Face has learned from her (for the non-hindi people among us ). I bet you know Boo??
Person above me… only likes Shah Rukh as an 'extra'… sigh, what say am rani?
Hahahaha, I only say: PAGAL!!! She doesn't know what she's missing
agree with person above me……Schweet Rani…… SRK is DA BEST…
Shakalaka Baby:
Awww… the person above me is really really sweet!!
Good to talk (write
) 2u again!! Hope you're okay… Hmmmm yeah I am hon, just went thru one of em confusing phases but Ive got good fwends who are there to slap me back to reality…You're always there on the right time to cheer me up!!
I am???
then dis kewl am happy to be there at the r8 time sweety
, now I ask u, are U okay Shakzi????? u knw u can talk to me if sums worryin ye r8 !!!Missed you!! more beeeeeeeg smiles, damn now I gotta worry bout wrinkles from all this smilin
…I missed ye tooo sweety
My job is great, but busy (finally)… How's your job? wish it WASNT busy but then in this industry we never get a break…soooo I try to sneak in as much smoke breaks as possible ( my time on BWLF hehehehe chatting to u darlings ) …nw am between training for my NEW job…….as well as training the person taking over my job
now am getting all sad about leaving, I LUV THIS PLACE
Hugs and luv back from me to you Scarry!!
Soooo schweeeeeeeet Shakzi, mwah …hope u have a splennndid day….hugz & luv
Scar face:
agree with person above me……Schweet Rani…… SRK is DA BEST…
SRK is good, my b/f is even better person above me..
Scar face:
Shakalaka Baby:
Awww… the person above me is really really sweet!!
Good to talk (write
) 2u again!! Hope you're okay… Hmmmm yeah I am hon, just went thru one of em confusing phases but Ive got good fwends who are there to slap me back to reality…You're always there on the right time to cheer me up!!
I am???
then dis kewl am happy to be there at the r8 time sweety
, now I ask u, are U okay Shakzi????? u knw u can talk to me if sums worryin ye r8 !!!Missed you!! more beeeeeeeg smiles, damn now I gotta worry bout wrinkles from all this smilin
…I missed ye tooo sweety
My job is great, but busy (finally)… How's your job? wish it WASNT busy but then in this industry we never get a break…soooo I try to sneak in as much smoke breaks as possible ( my time on BWLF hehehehe chatting to u darlings ) …nw am between training for my NEW job…….as well as training the person taking over my job
now am getting all sad about leaving, I LUV THIS PLACE
Hugs and luv back from me to you Scarry!!
Soooo schweeeeeeeet Shakzi, mwah …hope u have a splennndid day….hugz & luv
Ohw sweetz… if you need me to get through your confusions, just let me know.. I'll be there!! Good to read you have good friends who are helping you already Here's a hug to make you feel better
I'm kind of okay at the moment, so don't worry about me… be happy and without confusion yourself first!
Awww, I can understand you're sad about leaving and starting with your new job… But don't cry, you'll never know what your new job may bring you I hope it will bring you joy, a great time, and good opportunities so you won't be sad about changing your job in the end
You deserve it!!
Hope you have a nice day too!
Luv and a hug
Person bove me has a very twisted opinion on SRK… Your boyfriend is indeed nice, Shakky, but better than Shak Rukh?? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Well I know my b/f better than you do person above, so my opinion is much closer to the truth than yours..
Shakalaka Baby:
Well I know my b/f better than you do person above, so my opinion is much closer to the truth than yours..
person above me thinks her b/f is better than SRK, will not dispute this statement hehehehe..
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, nw I AM FEEEELING THE
Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from person above me…….
Feel like breaking into song, don’t know which 1st:
Kuch kuch hota hai ???
ay re, aaay re, aaay re…
tumse shaadi karoge lalalalalala
….or maybe even dhoom machale !!!!!
<span style="co
Scar face:
Dude – word of advice, get over it okay!!!
get over that u are not only scary but also extremely hairy?? sorry..but i cant!
Errrr and hw do u knw dat hey?? U u u stalker …..
Hmmmm well u cant get over it???? Tooo bad ….
Live with it then, I dnt give a damn !!!!!!!
scary face sitting on a tree
swinging like a monkiee
she is so extremely hairy
even monkies are going crazy
soooo I am driving YOU monkey crazeeee hey
nice to knw….
hw can I be sitting an swinging
go back to pre-primary, luks like yr teacher didnt do a good enuf job
The person above me is driving Serio monkey crazy… Keep going sweetz
Shakalaka Baby:
Well I know my b/f better than you do person above, so my opinion is much closer to the truth than yours..
No it's definately not, 'cause you're not objective… And I am! (and I could say some things on behalf of Shah Rukh, but than we would end up fighting…)
Person bove me (bove my previous post) is always trying to get Serio's attention…
Am Rani:
No it's definately not, 'cause you're not objective… And I am! (and I could say some things on behalf of Shah Rukh, but than we would end up fighting…)
Objective… YOU???? Who's the biggest fan of SRK?? Yes YOU are!! You, you, you!! So don't say I'm the only one who's subjective on this one person above me…
Am Rani:
Person bove me (bove my previous post) is always trying to get Serio's attention…
You're not referring to me, right?
Yes, I was…
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
No it's definately not, 'cause you're not objective… And I am! (and I could say some things on behalf of Shah Rukh, but than we would end up fighting…)
Objective… YOU???? Who's the biggest fan of SRK?? Yes YOU are!! You, you, you!!
So don't say I'm the only one who's subjective on this one person above me…
I'm not the biggest fan, definately not.. I bet he has some real fans, who go really hysterical and faint. That's not me.
And you can't be objective about you b/f. Neither your b/f nor SRK is my boyfriend, so I'm more objective than you are…
Am Rani:
Yes, I was…
The person above me is a very bad bad girl… I would never do that Am Rani!!!!
Am Rani:
I'm not the biggest fan, definately not.. I bet he has some real fans, who go really hysterical and faint. That's not me.
And you can't be objective about you b/f. Neither your b/f nor SRK is my boyfriend, so I'm more objective than you are…
This topic is rather difficult… Am Rani is getting confused about it!! lol..
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
Yes, I was…The person above me is a very bad bad girl…
I would never do that Am Rani!!!!
Yes you would… And everybody knows, you already have a reputation around here
I have??? Well it must be thanks to you I guess…
Shakalaka Baby:
Am Rani:
I'm not the biggest fan, definately not.. I bet he has some real fans, who go really hysterical and faint. That's not me.
And you can't be objective about you b/f. Neither your b/f nor SRK is my boyfriend, so I'm more objective than you are…
This topic is rather difficult… Am Rani is getting confused about it!! lol..
I'm definately not confused. I just get a little pissed, because you say my opinion is not close to the truth. I'm perfectly able to have an opinion on whatever and who-ever. Who are you to say my opinion is not true? I do know your boyfriend as well, and I know you, so I'm perfectly able to have an opinion on you boyfriend. And that has nothing to do with me being a SRK fan or not. I'm not a 12 year old girl who imagined herself next to some singer or actor, and who let some singer or actor rules everything she does and say. I'm 21 years old, and I'm perfectly able to appreciaty someone for what he or she does…
Shakalaka Baby:
I have??? Well it must be thanks to you I guess…
Me? I haven't been here since weeks… It's all thank to yourself…
Don't get pissed sweetz… It's not worth it. We're both right in our own way… I prefer my b/f and SRK as a substitute, and you prefer SRK… We're both subjective, but that doesn't matter… It wouldn't be a good thing if you preferred my b/f above SRK THAN I would be worried!!
I still say: WHATEVER (and that doesn't mean I am confused!)
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
I have??? Well it must be thanks to you I guess…
Me? I haven't been here since weeks… It's all thank to yourself…
Yeah sure!! I can't help it if people misunderstand me around here when I'm just innocently suggesting things…
Am Rani:
I still say: WHATEVER (and that doesn't mean I am confused!)
Shakalaka Baby:
Objective… YOU???? Who's the biggest fan of SRK?? Yes YOU are!! You, you, you!!So don't say I'm the only one who's subjective on this one person above me…
*coughcough* I beg to differ, person above me…
love the person above me's new siggy 🙂
Oh mannnn!! the not-so-unique-never-a-princess again!!
whats cookin s.exy lips? 😉
Person above me….TRUCE ???
person above me is looking for redemption.
(emancipate urself from mental slavery…none but ourselves can free our minds…)
Is person bove me the same as Vchenoah???
Shakalaka Baby:
Well I know my b/f better than you do person above, so my opinion is much closer to the truth than yours..
I don't want to start the fight again, but I've been thinking: An opinion can never be “truth”, and yet, it always is. My opinion is my truth, your opinion is your thruth. If you think chocolate is yucky, than that's true to you. If I say it's yummy, than it's true to me. Over smaak valt gewoon niet te twisten. (Dutch saying. Don't know how you say it in English, but it means something like: you can't argue over taste)
Person above me fightin with shakz…common guyz, kiss an make up !! 😉
person above me is looking for redemption.
(emancipate urself from mental slavery…none but ourselves can free our minds…)
yup u r joking….
sweetz wanna start the new year on a good note, no regrets, so to speak
sooo as long as I did my bit, showed sum lurve to cosmic …
to me dat matterz….btw, didnt expect a response…
Am Rani:
Is person bove me the same as Vchenoah???
Scar face:
yup u r joking….
sweetz wanna start the new year on a good note, no regrets, so to speak
sooo as long as I did my bit, showed sum lurve to cosmic …
to me dat matterz….
Was joking abt the redemption , but a Bob Marley song came to mind…titled: Redemption Song.
It was playing in my head so I typed it. No harm, no foul! Yet another reason why writing/typing doesn't translate.
Oh yeah…person above my 2 posts!
Oooooh yeah person above me….sending ye lurve…sooo much in me r8 nw, gotta gve gve gve …mwah…
Person bove me seems to like Shakz. So do I person bove me, don't you worry!
Hi Nessa! Why the new name? Does this one suits you better?
Person above me… yo. Check out the thread in which I replied to you on DDLJ trailor….
person above me… crazy kiya re
i luv ur new siggy person abv me.. so sweet.. pic goes perfectly.
Thanks person above me! It does go perfectly, na? hehe.
I really like your new siggy too. Makes me sigh. I liked the movie too.
I love person above me, she's truly unique. I'm all set to invade the evil witch Island ji!
Person above me is p-s-y-c-h-o! Yeap psycho! But i love juuuuu still!
hmm.. iont think i knw the person above me.. HeY!
Hi bolly lover!
I really like the person above me…
Awww thanks shakz! The person above me is absolutely “pimp”! she's a cool kat! jealous!
person above me is a dinosaur =)
u saying yuuummilicious is a dinosaur mizz bear??? i dint know that!
foreal?? I didnt know that . Person above me seems cool
IM a dinosaur whaaaa whaaa
if the bear calls u a dino then a dino u are. dont question it or she's gona sit on u and u gona suffocate!
bahaha no no, its unbelievable! The bear gotsa convince me first!
lol serio i meant u were a dinosaur! n u kno it too 🙂 lol ANDDDDDDDDd im not that fat yett cheez
u meant me? since when i became a dino? 😉
and im not too sure abt u not being that fat…u hibernate too much!!
“when the bear says ur a dino, dont question it manggg!”
lol 😉
andd im nott lolz i dont hibernate i educate lol actualy i just hide from u 😉
“when the bear says ur a dino, dont question it manggg!”
oh yeah…i forgot abt that. a dino i am then!
lol 😉
andd im nott lolz i dont hibernate i educate lol actualy i just hide from u 😉
u hide from me? prob thats a good thing cos bears and dinos are no match. i'll prob eat u in one serving!
lol but id sit on u and ud suffocate
lol but id sit on u and ud suffocate
that would prob just to keep me warm first 🙂
i bite. so sit at yr own risk! 😉
bahaha kk seems like u two are getting along..ehhh?
no no..pls join in the fun. the more the merrier. one bear is prob not enough for me. i have a big appetite. after all, im a dino.
lool. no thankss..ill stay away. I needa live
u need a live?? but whats life when its all predictable and boring? explore new areas…take risks. mingle with dinos and get eaten alive!
lolll I need to live*** true dat and I do love taking risks…lemme think it out a bit..afterall its my life im giving up!
oh come on…what is there to think abt? just take the plunge and see how it goes. the excitement of not knowing whats gona happen beats anything that u have rite now!
loll hmmmm okay whatever ill take the risk!
excellent. u have made the right choice oh young padawan..i shall teach u all that u need to know so that one day u can take over from me and continue creating havoc in this place!! Remember this 3 golden rule…
There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity
lmbooo! okay i shall remember that! 🙂 🙂
lmbooo! okay i shall remember that! 🙂 🙂
u have already broken the first rule….there is no emotion, only peace.
so pls…reduce yr lmboooo or lmao or lol or whatever l there is. u have 2 days to do that.
okie doks!
excellent! let me remind u again…once u cross over to the Dark Side, there is no turning back, there is little hope of recovery. u may now rest young padawan. we resume our training tomorrow.
mannn i cant even laugh..thats hard!!
nobody said its gona be easy!
person above me!!!! hehehehe definitely lost it for sure,
absolutely Mental !!!
and who are u again? scarry face? sorry…doesnt ring a bell
and who are u again? scarry face? sorry…doesnt ring a bell
hehehehehe…lmao…Swwweeeeeeeety, Purfect that way -now why wud my name ring a bell with u !!!
….lmao…definitely lost it…
Hahaha person above me… You are the most pagal chick I know around here!!
care to explain person above me, Id like to knw Y am being called Pagal, and dat too
the most pagal .;-)
okay pardon me..pagal means crajee right? well if so, then i dont see nething pagalish about scar face ji, thats normal scar face. she's cool! unless im just slow..which is also an explanation.
The person above me is MashaAllah a sweetheart.
okay pardon me..pagal means crajee right? got dat r8 missy, ….
well if so, then i dont see nething pagalish about scar face ji, Y thankz hon
! !
thats normal scar face…. U kidding r8…dats normal Scarface?
she's cool! nope prefer being HOT, HOT, HOT hehehehe...
unless im just slow…. still deciding on this one hehehe kidding, ur kewl too
…but SHAKZ didnt mean anything by it hon, its just her way of saying she luuuuuurves me….( shakz me lurves U too …mwah )…try not to take ANYTHING said here – to heart k…..
which is also an explanation.
The person above me is MashaAllah a sweetheart.
…back at ye schweethart…