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    • #7293
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Salaam. Smile

      I'm sitting here, really bored, and thinking about my heroes…the people that I admire, look up to, and love very much. The people who sacrifice so much for the ones they love simply because they love them…

      So I just thought to make a thread about heroes. Big Smile

      Who is(are) your hero(es)? And why?

    • #61065

      my heroes..all my friends anf family… and of course u RANI!!! <3

    • #61066


      how are you my love? whether hell have you been? Whats new what you got tired of us girl. LOL

      Bhabhi my heroes are my family and friends. Mostly the people who do extraordinary thing every day, the people who sacrifice so much for others.

    • #61067
      Am Rani

      My hero? My mum!

      She alwas thinks of us first, before thinking of herself. She has gave me my live, and she would even give her own life if she could save mine (or my sisters). She is going to so much pain at the moment, because my sister is just crazy, but she always keeps going, ang giving us her eternal love. I love her more than anyone, and I don't know what I should do without her. I guess my life would just stop as well….

      And I'm happy happy HAPPY because my mum and me, we are going to Paris in march Big SmileBig SmileBig Smile

    • #61068

      Why can't I think of even one hero? Sad

    • #61069

      My hero… my Papa. Smile

      My philosopher, guide and most importantly friend. Infact, he keeps his youth alive in me! love my pa! papa ki pari hoon main!

    • #61070

      My mommmmmmmmmmmmm

      my besteest friend Tia 😀

      (i thought this thread was about the show 'heroes')

    • #61071

      Aww Haylie Smile

      My first Hero is the Beloved Nabi of Allah Peace and Blessings be upon Him. He is the mercy upon mankind. I love him so much for making things so much easier for us. Smile For the sacrifices he made to preserve this beautiful way of life. Salla Allahu Alaika ya Muhammad!!!!!!!

      My Father, I don't even know what I'd do without him. He is there for me always. He'd know something is wrong just by looking into my eyes. And its just, we have soooooooooo much in common. I love him to death for his support. When the whole world is against me, he's the one I find along my side, telling me everything will be alright. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My father is the best. May Allah Ta'ala grant him the best health and bless him always. Smile Ameen

      The coolest friends ever. Rani, Haylie, Samirah, and the other friends Allah Ta'ala blessed me with. Special thanks to both of you. Rani and haylie…for everything Smile

    • #61072

      My hero… my Papa. Smile

      My philosopher, guide and most importantly friend. Infact, he keeps his youth alive in me! love my pa! papa ki pari hoon main!

      Lol Khushi me two i have lways been dadys little angel LOL

    • #61073

      My hero… my Papa. Smile

      My philosopher, guide and most importantly friend. Infact, he keeps his youth alive in me! love my pa! papa ki pari hoon main!

      Lol Khushi me two i have lways been dadys little angel LOL

    • #61074
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      my heroes..all my friends anf family… and of course u RANI!!! <3

      awww. Smile I lubz you! Right Hug


      Why can't I think of even one hero? Sad

      Maybe you don't have one? It's okay, not everyone has a hero. Some people simply don't need someone else to look up to…

      Khushi…your dad is ur hero? aww. Smile

      Hayati – I so knew you were gonna say that. Smile

      The coolest friends ever. Rani, Haylie, Samirah, and the other friends Allah Ta'ala blessed me with. Special thanks to both of you. Rani and haylie…for everything Smile

      awww. Right Hug I love you ji. Keep smiling. Smile You always have me, right?

      and I so knew you were gonna say the Nabi (S.A.W) is your hero! Big Smile

    • #61075

      rani: dats a whole lotta Smile

    • #61076

      Hmmmm i actually dont have anyone in mindHuh?

    • #61077
      Scar face:
      Hmmmm i actually dont have anyone in mindHuh?

      yaar… scares me how we 'vibe'… i get what you mean… Stick out tongue

    • #61078

      lmao…scares u …aaaw booo Right Hug

      how r u doing hon??

      Jeez does anyone believe in destiny?? fate??

      coz me thinks my destiny just walked thru those doors

    • #61079
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      Scar face:
      Hmmmm i actually dont have anyone in mindHuh?

      yaar… scares me how we 'vibe'… i get what you mean… Stick out tongue

      hmmm…reminds me of how we “became” twins…looking for another twin? lol

      JASMINE!!!! I need to tlak to you! lol.

      Scarrry…I believe in Destiny and Fate….Smile

      I still need to say who my heroes are…gosh. lol.

    • #61080

      Big Smile to jaldi karo Rani……….. Smile

    • #61081

      zinedine zidane when he headbutted that italiano!

    • #61082
      Am Rani


    • #61083
      Am Rani:

      confused? s’ok…stay that way

    • #61084
      zinedine zidane when he headbutted that italiano!

      He's zi bomb fo shizzzzyyy!

    • #61085
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      The Nabi (S.A.W). I'm indeed very grateful to be part of the Ummah of the wonderful Prophet (S.A.W)! I only wish I was alive during his time…My respect and love for him increases the more I learn about him. It's hard not to love him. Smile

      My mom. I don't know what I would be without her. She is seriously the best person I have ever met. So kind and caring and forgiving. There isn't anything she hasn't done for us. She sacrificed everything, everything for her kids. I love her faith in Allah. She has been through so much in life and it's kind of a miracle she still believes in God. I have seen people at school who quit believing in God because of the things they had to go through. They start questioning God's mercy because all they know is sorrow and grief. they think that if there was a God, their life would be full of happiness. But my mom's strength is Allah. she lives on her Imaan(faith). Everything she has ever been through only makes her stronger, in her life, in her religion, stronger in every way. My mom has always been a religious person, but I think that everything she has been through, has only made her Imaan stronger. When the whole world turned against her, she turned to Allah, because He was the only one she found peace in. She trusted in Him and believed in Him and look at where He has brought her…She survived every test…because she believed and because she was so humble. Never once did she think about herself, she always put her family first, in every way. I don't remember a time when she serisouly asked for something for herself. She finds joy in other people's happiness. May Allah reward her with the highest stages in Jannah. Ameen. I love my mom so much. Almost all of my friends that have met my mom instantly fall in love with her. And why wouldn't they? She's simply the best ever. I get extremely happy when people tell me they see some of my mother's qualities in me. Smile But I only hope to be just a bit of the person she is. One day, Inshallah, I'm gonna make her dreams come true…

      My sister. There is nothing I would trade her for. I thank Allah for blessing me with a sister like her. we have so many memories together. Everytime we are together, all we can ever do is laugh, because we have so much fun together. Actually, fun is an understatement…we have THE BEST TIME EVER! She's been through a lot, but she always puts the people she loves first. She does everything she can for them. She helps my mom in every way, gives us(her siblings) everything we want if it's in her power to give it to us. And Mashallah, she is so very patient with us. I hate myself for ever hurting her. When I was younger, I always wanted to be like her. But later that thought kind of died. But now, I wish I could be like her again. And Mashallah, I also love her faith and love for Allah. She always tries to be the best Muslim possible, and she does it all for Allah (S.W.T). I look up to her so much. I make dua that she gets what she desires. May Allah grant her the best in this world, and the next. Ameen. My sister is the best sister in the entire world, because she'll sacrifice her own happiness for the people she loves. She's done it before, and I'm sure she'll do it again. We have so many memories together. I remember a time when I got into a fight with someone and I went to bed and just cried my eyes out, and she was there for me…she stayed up with me till I stoped crying and went to sleep and tried her best to

    • #61086
      zinedine zidane when he headbutted that italiano!

      He's zi bomb fo shizzzzyyy!

      who's this?

    • #61087

      *hugs* Rani, your mom…everything you said is SO true. Mashallah. I think she's the sweetest person I know. Everything she says comes from her heart and you REALLY do feel it! May Allah Ta'ala grant her the best, and what she wants and reward her best for everything she sacrificed for you guys. Smile

      my cousin sent me some lyrics about the mother and when I saw this post of yours, I decided to translate it and post it for you. It's dedicated to your mom and to all the wonderful mothers in this world…

      And your sister, I think she's awesome too, Mashallah 🙂 the oldest is always awesome…i mean c' Wink AMEEN TO UR DUAS!!! THUMMA AMEEN!!!

      Your grandma: Sometimes…ppl who aren't even related to you…can be better than your own blood. Subhana'Allah, and I do know how it is hunn Right Hug

      As for the friends…we love you oh so much Smile cuz your a great person yourself and we are also blessed to have a friend like you sweeets Smile

      Okayyyy here are the lyrics…excuse my crappy translation Big Smile:

      Ummi, Thumma Ummi: (My mother…)

      Ba'dil hubbi da eih- After all the love comes what?
      illi ti'mil kulli daa tistahil eih- she who does all that deserves what?
      Ba'dil hubbi da eih- after all the love comes what?
      Elli tid'di hanan keeda min ghiyr hisaab- She who gives all that care without [anything in return]
      nibusit turaab illi mashya A'leeh. – deserves for us to kiss the dust that she walks on…

      Ummi, Thumma ummi lihaddi akhir yoom fi umri – My mother, my mother… until the last day of my life..
      hudn min awwil hayatai wi hammuh hammi- Her hug, since the first day of my life, her worries have been mine
      illi kattar khirha daab khirha fi dammi wi a'yish beeh- it increased her good..her good is in my blood and it's what I live with..

      Ba'dil ummi fi eih- after the mother comes what?
      Da'wah hilwa fatha sikkah mi'afilah- one sweet dua from her opens a closed path
      ba'dil ummi fi eih- after the mother comes what?
      yihdi baluh illi fi'iyalu id-dunya kullaha maftuhaluh wi radhya aleeh- eases his mind he who with his children life is easy and on his side…

      Ummi, Thumma ummi lihaddi akhir yoom fi umri – My mother, my mother until the last day of my life..
      hudn min awwil hayati wi hammuh hammi- Her hug, since the first day of my life, her worries have been mine
      illi kattar khirha daab khirha fi dammi wi a'yish beeh- it increased her good.. her good is in my blood and it's what I live with..

      A'mil laha timsaal- I'll create a statue for her
      illi teebit albaha fu'il khayal- For the kindness of her heart is beyond imagination..
      A'mil laha timsaal- I'll create a statue for her
      illi sihrit willi ti'bit willi rabbit, willi shalit himli gibaal- For the nights she stayed up, for the hardships she went through, she was the one who raised…and took a burden equivalent to mountains..

      Ummi, Thumma ummi lihaddi akhir yoom fi umri – My mother, my mother until the last day of my life..
      hudn min awwil hayati wi hammuh hammi- Her hug, since the first day of my life, her worries have been mine
      illi kattar khirha daab khirha fi dammi wi a'yish beeh- it increased her good.. her good is in my blood and it's what I live with..

      La'w ha'amil lek eih- No matter what i do for you
      tistahli meet alfi eid a'lli a'malteeh- you deserve o

    • #61088

      who's this?


      he's a soccer player! Big Smile

    • #61089

      who's this?


      he's a soccer player! Big Smile

      Ohh geez Im really not a sports person

    • #61090
      RaNi iS ThE BeS
      *hugs* Rani, your mom…everything you said is SO true. Mashallah. I think she's the sweetest person I know. Everything she says comes from her heart and you REALLY do feel it! May Allah Ta'ala grant her the best, and what she wants and reward her best for everything she sacrificed for you guys. Smile

      Ameen! Mashallah, I agree with you. Big Smile lol. But seriously, thank you. Smile The lyrics you posted up are so beautiful! Mashallah! I feel it fits the description of mothers so beautifully! Smile My favorite part:

      Elli tid'di hanan keeda min ghiyr hisaab- She who gives all that care without [anything in return]
      nibusit turaab illi mashya A'leeh. – deserves for us to kiss the dust that she walks on

      OhmyAllah, so true! Mashallah.

      min hanaanik min samahtik ilgannah tahtik dalli Rabbina a'al a'leeh- with your tenderness, with your forgiveness, Jannah lies under you, As our Lord [Rabbina] has said..

      I love that Hadeeth that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said! “Al jannatu tahta Akdaamil Umahaat” – heaven lies under the feet of our mothers. Is it right? Did I say it right? lol. That hadeeth was soooo easy for me to learn, and I think my Arabic is right as well. Big Smile

      And your sister, I think she's awesome too, Mashallah 🙂 the oldest is always awesome…i mean c' Wink AMEEN TO UR DUAS!!! THUMMA AMEEN!!!

      yeah yeah, just cuz ur the oldest. Stick out tongue lol. but seriously, my sister is awesome, and so are you, habeebati. Right Hug

      Your grandma: Sometimes…ppl who aren't even related to you…can be better than your own blood. Subhana'Allah, and I do know how it is hunn Right Hug

      So true… I don't even see my American Grandma as someone who is not my blood. She is my blood just as much as my other Grandmas, maybe even more. Smile

      As for the friends…we love you oh so much Smile cuz your a great person yourself and we are also blessed to have a friend like you sweeets Smile

      awwwww. I truly am blessed, and I can't believe how much a I always complain! *kicks herself* I love the people I call my own oh so much. And you are definitely one of them! *hugs ninja tight* <img src="http://bollywo

    • #61091

      Rani you really seem to love your mother very much

      I have to say somthing to you

      Be thankful for it

      Because other people

      Like me

      Would die for what you have

    • #61092

      yeah Rani..i love ur mommy more than i love you Big Smile

      Mashallah, she's awesome…and a good cook Stick out tongue

      tell her i said that.

    • #61093

      Good cook? Thats it. She is a great mom and I would like to say that to her personally…say around dinner time? So, where does Rani ji live and when does her family sit for dinner? I know this sounds like my stomach doing my thinking. It sure is. I benefit whenever it does that. Lol.

    • #61094


      gooooood vun!

    • #61095
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Rani you really seem to love your mother very much

      I have to say somthing to you

      Be thankful for it

      Because other people

      Like me

      Would die for what you have

      Hey…you okay, hunnz? Right Hug


      1.yeah Rani..i love ur mommy more than i love you Big Smile

      2.Mashallah, she's awesome…and a good cook Stick out tongue

      tell her i said that.

      1. Me too. Smile

      2. She sure is! Mashallah! heeeeeee. *giggles* Acha, I'll tell her. Smile My mom really likes you too. like a lot. lol. She loves it that we are friends. *hugs*


      Good cook? Thats it. She is a great mom and I would like to say that to her personally…say around dinner time? So, where does Rani ji live and when does her family sit for dinner? I know this sounds like my stomach doing my thinking. It sure is. I benefit whenever it does that. Lol.

      lmao. Hey, you're not that bad after. pretty funny. Funny is good. *nods*

      lol. I feel like an old aunty! Big Smile

    • #61096

      Aunty erm Rani ji! What do you mean I'm not that bad after? When I was bad? I did not even call you old. I cannot help if that is how you feel Lol (I feel like an old aunty). Lol.

    • #61097
      RaNi iS ThE BeS

      Aunty erm Rani ji! What do you mean I'm not that bad after? When I was bad? I did not even call you old. I cannot help if that is how you feel Lol (I feel like an old aunty). Lol.

      OYE! You better watch it, I ain't no aunty. I may feel like one, but I sure ain't one. I will be one day, but that day is far enough for now. Big Smile

      and sheesh, can't u correct mistakes? I meant to say you're not that bad after all. Do I have to explain everything to you? Stick out tongue Your fancy smancy writing makes you bad. lol. I guess I'm not making sense? Sorry, I'm on crack this morning. And stop pressing space twice after your sentences, it's annoying me, plus, that rule changed. Stick out tongue (or is it just here?)

    • #61098

      Gawd many times do i have to tell everyone that we aint old

      we're young spirits Smile

    • #61099

      'OYE! You better watch it, I ain't no aunty. I may feel like one, but I sure ain't one. I will be one day, but that day is far enough for now.'

      OYE back! Yeah, I've been watching. Remember the saying, 'No smoke without a fire?' Let me explain it to you: It means if you feel like an aunty…I think you got it. Well done.

      'Do I have to explain everything to you?'

      Yes. You have to. I learn better over a nice meal. So, how about it?

      'Sorry, I'm on crack this morning.'

      Just this morning? Judging by some of your posts…

      'And stop pressing space twice after your sentences, it's annoying me…'

      Annoying you? Oh thank God! I've found my purpose in life.

    • #61100

      Annoying you? Oh thank God! I've found my purpose in life.

      Big Smile Sigh… there are some hues to your written personality which mirror those of at least two different people whom I know!

    • #61101

      Annoying you? Oh thank God! I've found my purpose in life.

      Big Smile Sigh… there are some hues to your written personality which mirror those of at least two different people whom I know!

      exactly wat I was thinking boo

      only I was think ing of Cosmic and Nitkar

      join em an u get A damn Pepper hahaha

      SJ is seriously familiar in the things he says, yet claims to be some one I dnt know

      btw Boo, u were one of the first ppl I thot of this am

      will tell u why a bit later

      thanks though ****wink*** …*hugz*

    • #61102

      It's such a pain in the donkey if one has to convince he is himself! Why would anyone want to be me or erm why would I want to be anyone else and miss my schizophrenic twin? (I'm sorry if I do not make sense. I misplaced my Thorazine Lmao).

      If you need proof here is my Social Insecurity Number: N2O-911.007-SOS And here is the authorization:

      I, Senor Jalapeno Esq., son of Senor Jose Habanero and Senora Gigi Cubanelle, residing at 1 Strange Loft, Noisy Dog Street, Dang Humid City, hereby appoint Ms. Scar Face of Bollywood Lyrics Forums as my Attorney-in-Fact.

      There. That should do it.

    • #61103


      I hate u Jalapeno

      oh my I said the hate word hahahaha

      u are flippant irritating, u mamanged to do wat these two dudes have been trying to achieve for almost a year…

      annnoy me……aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      btw, have u named the Dog yet???

      did u bath it???

      hope so…

      well I suggest u call it Desi jnr

      after yrself

    • #61104

      I was not trying to annoy anyone, or you. I was just spreading a little of my pre-christmas cheer around Lmao. Imagine how its going to be around Christmas time.

      No, I haven't named him yet. I have bad news Alie. He has not been well lately and I brought him to the Vet. He has Heartworm. I was given the choice of either letting him live or have him euthanized. I love the stupid mongrel even though he destroyed a lot of my stuff. The Vet says he is going to suffer from heart failure if I do not have him euthanized.

      I never intended to share this with anyone. But, thank you for bringing the dog up. Helps to talk about it.

    • #61105

      oh my gosh…Noooooooooooooooooooooooo

      it break my heart to hear this news…reminds me of my baby…

      I like yr dog tooo …dis is just great, its one bit of bad of news after the other

      sigh…tell me hw long he has to live?? u cant let the vet kill him…pls dnt do dat…

      just let him go when its the r8 time…oh god…dis is just sooo flippant cruel..

      call him sumthin u will do least we can call him desi…

      **hugs Spice dude*** i knw hw u feel Mr….am sooo sorry to hear this…wish I cud be there

      I dnt know wat purpose it will serve but …its heartbreaking news …

    • #61106
      Scar face:

      u are flippant irritating, u mamanged to do wat these two dudes have been trying to achieve for almost a year…

      annnoy me……aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      Big Smile Big Smile Lmao… what those two 'pros' could not do, Mr. Jalapeno does within days of acquaintance! Bahahaha!!

    • #61107

      No, I haven't named him yet. I have bad news Alie. He has not been well lately and I brought him to the Vet. He has Heartworm. I was given the choice of either letting him live or have him euthanized. I love the stupid mongrel even though he destroyed a lot of my stuff. The Vet says he is going to suffer from heart failure if I do not have him euthanized.

      I never intended to share this with anyone. But, thank you for bringing the dog up. Helps to talk about it.

      I'm sorry…

    • #61108
      Scar face:

      **hugs Spice dude***

      Big Smile Not to make light of the currently serious situation, but… LOL! Scarry… that sounds hilarious… Spice dude.. hahahaha!!

    • #61109

      Thank you Alie and Boo. Yeah, Spice Dude isn't all that bad, but I would prefer to remain SenorJalapeno. I do not subscribe to great ideas unless they are mine Lmao.

    • #61110

      hope the doggie is feeling better??

      well I prefer Spice dude to Jalapeno which to me sounds wack…soo whether u are in favor or not..I will

      call u by watever name pleases me…

    • #61111
      Scar face:

      u are flippant irritating, u mamanged to do wat these two dudes have been trying to achieve for almost a year…

      annnoy me……aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      Big Smile Big Smile Lmao… what those two 'pros' could not do, Mr. Jalapeno does within days of acquaintance! Bahahaha!!

      It isn’t his intention but this fella seriously gets under my skin…eish…

      Odd odd odd …

      and nope luw it isnt funny…he says things that make me do double takes of things I have said or done, or or or…

      aaarggggghhhhhh…cant explain just weird

    • #61112

      The mongrel's as fine as he could be under the circumstances. He had a bit of Ice Cream and a few Gummy Bears Lol. I am trying to give him whatever he wants to eat. Vet says its only going to get worse. I will see. If it becomes too painful to watch, I will bid him good-bye. If he knew he had people that he never met asking of his welfare, I'm sure he would be happy. But seeing that he is a dog, I am happy for him. Thank you.

    • #61113

      Whats with this Spice Dude thing? Senor Jalapeno … are they trying to rename you Stick out tongue

      Im really really terribly sorry to hear about your sweet dog. I really dont understand the story but I really feel sad for what has happened to him. I didnt know heartworm could have led to such extremes. We recently bought a puppy about 5 months back and I've never known how a puppy/dog could be such of a company and make you smile… just to see him/her.

      I really really wish in my heart that your dog would get better but Im not sure if he will ? According to the doctor? Then again I dont know all of the story. Just please dont… let them just..take him; I mean do you want to do this?

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