Aarti = Om Jai Jagdish Hare Swami Jai Jagdish Hare

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    • #6202

      Aarthi ” Om jai Jaga dhee shahare'”
      Hi there. I need the words in hindi and translation of the Aarthi prayer song above. I know it isnt a bollywood song but ive googled and found nothing. Please can you help.

      natasha bugwandin

    • #10793

      I want to make two points.

      1. While this is a traditional Aarti, it has been used in Bollywood movies before and therefore you will find slight variations in the words depending on who is singing it. Manoj Kumar and Saira Banu sang it on screen in Purav Aur Paschim back in the 70s with Mahendra Kapoor and some other female singer singing the playback. You can find those lyrics at the following site:


      It was also sung in Bagaban by Salman Khan and Mahima Choudhry on screen but I don’t remember who actually sang the playback.

      2. The reason that Google did not find this for you is because your spelling was probably wrong. I typed in Om Jai Jagdish Hare and received 996 responses. When in doubt type less words since the more words you type the narrower the search becomes. Of all those that I found in Google I chose the following which was the second one that came up on my list. Once I looked at it I no longer had to check out any of the others because it had the translation available and saved me the effort of translating it.

      This is one occasion when I have actually cut and pasted the entire song with the translations instead of giving you just the link. The reason for that was it was a tripod site which some times disappears if not used on a regular basis so it is quite possible that my link would work today but not next month. However, I would recommend that you go to the site and print it out from there because the format used on that site has the lyrics and translation side by side and is much easier to understand each line that way. When I cut and pasted it, the translation ended up below the lyrics and I do not have the time to cut and paste each line individually. Therefore, I recommend that you print it out from the following site:



      Om jai Jagdish hare Swãmi jai Jagdish hare
      Bhakt jano ke sankat Dãs jano ke sankat
      Kshañ men door kare Om jai Jagdish hare

      Jo dhyãve phal pãve Dukh bin se man kã
      Swami dukh bin se man kã
      Sukh sampati ghar ãve Sukh sampati ghar ãve
      Kasht mite tan kã Om jai Jagdish hare

      Mãt pitã tum mere Sharañ paðoon main kiski
      Swãmi sharañ paðoon main kiski
      Tum bin aur na doojã, Prabhu bin aur na doojã
      Ãs karoon main jiski Om jai Jagdish hare

      Tum poorañ Paramãtam,
      Tum Antaryãmi, Swãmi tum Antaryãmi
      Pãr Brahm Parameshwar Pãr Brahm Parameshwar
      Tum sabke swãmi, Om jai Jagdish hare

      Tum karuñã ke sãgar
      Tum pãlan kartã, Swãmi tum pãlan kartã
      Main moorakh khalakhãmi, Main sevak tum swãmi
      Kripã karo Bhartã, Om jai Jagdish hare

      Tum ho ek agochar,
      sab ke prãñ pati, Swãmi sab ke prãñ pati
      Kis vidhi miloon Gosãi, Kis vidhi miloon Dayãlu
      Tum ko main kumati, Om jai Jagdish hare

      Deen bandhu dukh harta
      Thãkur tum mere, Swãmi Thãkur tum mere
      Apne hãth uthao, Apni sharañi lagão
      Dwãr paðã hoon tere, Om jai Jagdish hare

      Vishay vikãr mitãvo
      Pãp haro Devã, Swãmi pãp haro Devã
      Shradhã bhakti baðhão, Shradhã bhakti baðhão
      Santan ki sevã, Om jai Jagdish hare

      Om jai Jagdish hare, Swãmi jai Jagdish hare
      Bhakt jano ke sankat, Dãs jano ke sankat
      Kshañ men door kare, Om jai Jagdish hare

      Oh Lord of the whole Universe, Mighty Lord of the whole Universe
      All Thy devotees’ agonies, All Thy devotees’ sorrows
      Instantly Thou banisheth, Oh Lord of the whole Universe

      He who’s immersed in devotion
      He reaps the fruits of Thy love
      Lord, he reaps the fruits of Thy love
      Floating in a cloud of comforts, Floating in a cloud of comforts
      Free from all the worldly problems, Oh Lord of the whole Universe

      Thou art Mother and Father
      At Thy feet I seek eternal truth
      Lord, at Thy feet I se

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