I don’t know where this one went either so i made a new one so we can play =)
–blue or green?
old forum or new forum?
You can still access the OLD Forum using this link https://www.bollywoodlyrics.com/Forum. Topics are locked there but you can read them and copy them here if you like. Sorry we couldn’t transfer all the topics, some of them were just too big for the transfer. Hopefully you all can start them here and continue.
hey no problem…
at the moment, the old forum… but i rly like some of the new features on here, and once it is FULLY done, i will be able to give a fair answer… right now im just a lil green-BWL-sick! lol funny that… green can mean sick as in vomit (lol, sorry to be so graphic) and sick as in home-sickness. kinda ironic, na?
same question….
old BWL ya new BWL?
agree wid BoO.. not sure how i feel bout this forum yet, also like some of the features, but the old forum was familiar… iono giv this sum time n i think i b okay =)
same q
and i agree with Boo n Aman.. this forum is rly pretty n kool..but i’m just a bit Old-BWL-Homesick..coz i was soo used 2 that cute greenish lay-out of it that i have to get used 2 this one.. the green thing made the old forum so..special for me, coz all the others were ‘white’ while BWL wasnt
Green or White?
heera and aman didi i agree with you guys! but hey, this forum is kinda green, na? (well i have the blue layout, but i think imma change it soon…)
BWL-wise? green. definitely!
generally, i think i’d prefer white. dunno. really depends.
shah rukh or amir? (and nooooooo of COURSE i wont kill u if u say amir… )
Shah Rukh Khan..
kadu u complain no1 plays games and then you dont eben play properly
i guess i ans same one…srk
dino or john
john… dino is too much of a bachcha for me… lol.
IVF treatment or adoption??
I have a friend who has had IVF treatment and gone through alot of pain with no success =( so im not really likin IVF. Adoption i’d consider.
samee q
adoption. simply because at this point in time, IVF seems a little unnatural to me. babies are only made one way… lol. and there may be complications afterwards. and its rly expensive, and there is not a guaranteed chance of success. so adoption i would consider, not that adoption doesnt have its own problems too. its just, i am a little ‘freaked out’ as such, by IVF. sorry if i offended anyone with that.
same q
I’d say IVF, cause eventhough the baby is not made in the “one and only way” (that cracked me up, Boo , you still give the man and woman the chance to have a baby of their own. If IVF doesn’t work, I think adoption is perfect.
same q
I’d say IVF 2.. i dont know why, but i think the couple should get a chance to try to get their ‘own’ baby.. it’s all about if it’s meant to be, then you’ll have an IVF baby and if not, you can always adopt one.. That’s how i think..maybe that’s a Dutch thing…being so…open minded about all kinds of things…rite Am Rani ? *jkz*
same q
I’d say IVF 2.. i dont know why, but i think the couple should get a chance to try to get their ‘own’ baby.. it’s all about if it’s meant to be, then you’ll have an IVF baby and if not, you can always adopt one.. That’s how i think..maybe that’s a Dutch thing…being so…open minded about all kinds of things…rite Am Rani ?
same q
I think you are right, Heertje… Here in Holland we are used to talk about all sort of things, and fortunately we get the change to make our own opinion (never mind if you are mail or female, rich or poor, young or old..). Pretty unique, I guess…
Yup..we Dutchies r unique..
next: Chocolate Eastereggs or Kit Kat Chunky (have them both in front of me and cant decide which one to eat first..hmmm…its sooo hott here they both ganna melt!)
easter eggs kitkat chunky is a lil ucky :S
chocolate cream eggs or caramel filled eggs
the caramel filled eggz!! yummyy!! those are so tope =), i lubbbb! lol
palak paneer OR aloo gobi?
uhhh..neither really..tho i like paneer more than gobi..so Palak Paneer
Aloo Mattar OR Tandoori Chicken ?
lolz whats one pea say to another? *laffz*
Rasberry milkshake or strawberry milkshake?
strawberry milkshake.
spring or fall?
spring fall is prettyful but then after fall comes winter and thats tandy :S boo tandy. so jeah spring =)
winter or summer
NOTHING THEY JUS MUTTER!!! *crax up* priceless shizzy homie 😀
apple OR peach?
peach, apple hurts my teeth…
male or female friends?
female coz i can talk a lot more with them..tho male frendz can b really cool 2!
Spaghetti or Chow Mein?
alfredo sauce or tomato sauce?
i think i pick……..tomato sauce
hugs or kisses
It depends on who you are with… And can’t pick one…
taste or smell?
it depend but i prefer smell
coz if smell isnt gud i wont taste nything but if smell is gud i could try
NEXT:—->> movies or serials
movieezz!! =)
saif ali khan OR salman khan? *-)
arbaaz khan or sohail khan
arbaaz khan
purple or blue?
blue–(its mie fav coleur)
tv or comp
black and white movies or color movies?
color movies
French fries or Chips/Crisps (wuteva they called, u know with the brand Lay’s n stuff that salty potatoe-stuff in plastic bags)
Both hehe, but the Lay’s depends on what taste…
Uhm… Monday or Friday?
Friday!! Means: (almost) WEEKEND!!!
Spending time with family or spending time with friends?
same q
fone or msn
fone =)
same q :p lolz
surpee or slushy/
driving or being passenger?
depends who i’m with and where we’re going
same q
umm usually driving, but depends where we goin, like if its far away then i get tiredd drivingg lol
movies or dramaz?
hindi or bengali?
spring or summer
Autumn or winter??
same q
train or subway?
Train sam q
cookies or milk?
cookies! now i want some!
love or success? (dont ask)
Pyaar of course!! I think you guys know me by now You know, this is also the reason I choose Spring above Summer hehehehe!! No I’m just kidding!!
Jeans or skirt?
Jeans..then at least i can jump up and down like a crajee Heera without worrying about my skirt flying into my face..and everybody seeing all those wonderfully cute dotted things i just happen to be wearing whenever i make a blunder like that.. The nice ones always happen to dissappear into the laundry somehow when i need them…
Dots or stripes?
Whahahahaha Heera!! I can imagine you jumping in your skirt like a crajee Heera I think you better wear jeans than hehe
I choose stripes… I don’t like dots that much…
Uhm… Kal ho naa ho or Main hoon na?
Jeans..then at least i can jump up and down like a crajee Heera without worrying about my skirt flying into my face..and everybody seeing all those wonderfully cute dotted things i just happen to be wearing whenever i make a blunder like that.. The nice ones always happen to dissappear into the laundry somehow when i need them…
Dots or stripes?
Somehow, I just don´t see you jumping around. I picture you as a fancy lady, wearing only veeeeeeeerrrrryyy expensive sari´s…. But your post cracked me up anyway
Shakalaka Baby:
Whahahahaha Heera!! I can imagine you jumping in your skirt like a crajee Heera
I think you better wear jeans than hehe
I choose stripes… I don’t like dots that much…
Uhm… Kal ho naa ho or Main hoon na?
Kal ho na ho, I just not really believe the main hoon na story…
Shah Rukh and Sushmita Sen, or Shah Rukh with Kajol (as moviecouple. Wonder if we have any Sushmite Sen fans around here….‘
Lol i’d say SRK & Kajol..but Sush & SRK r cute too! so i cant choose!
Grey’s Anatomy or Desperate Housewives..
Am Rani: Me? A sari? WHAHAHAHAHA I’M CRACKIN UP EVEN MORE THAN WHEN SHAKZ MADE ME LAUGH! I sooo cant walk in a sari..the sari keeps fallin..no matter how you attach it..it keeps fallin I can only walk around in a salwar kameez..
I’d say Desperate Housewives, because I dunno what Grey’s Anatomy is…
Hahahaha, Am Rani, really funny how you can put an image by someone Now I can see Heera walking in her sari which keeps falling down hehehehehe
You guys both cracked me up on this boring morning!!!!!
Uhm… Spanish or French??
You don’t know Grey’s Anatomy?? Watch Net5 at 21.30 u every Tuesday!! Right after Desperate Housewives hahaha
here’s a link in Wikipedia (the Dutch version )
euhm French coz i cant talk Spanish
German or Dutch *heheheh*
ummm iono either :S so any =)
hindi or punjabi
Punjabiii..lol i can express myself better in Punjabi than in Hindi..tho im not thàt bad in Hindi..but my Hindi sometimes turns into Punjabi n then some people r like..wutya talkin girl??
Samsung or Nokia ?
Nokia, ’cause I have one hehe
Rain or sun?
You don’t know Grey’s Anatomy?? Watch Net5 at 21.30 u every Tuesday!! Right after Desperate Housewives hahaha
here’s a link in Wikipedia (the Dutch version
euhm French coz i cant talk Spanish
German or Dutch *heheheh*
Oh I do know Grey’s Anatomy (some sort of E.R. right?), I think I saw some parts of it… Thanks for the link Heera!! And euh.. if I had to answer your question, I would have chosen Dutch hehehehe.. surprise!!
SUN!! *Rain rain go away come back yet another day..isnt that a song? its raining here right now n i wanna sing it..but my parents r sleepin now..n it’ll only start raining more..considering my talent of singin…*
good girl..i was starting to get worried about your knowledge of our TV-channels..
wooww u really wudve chosen it?? THAS A HUGE SURPRISE!!
Physics or Chemics?
*i’d choose chemics..am better at that hahaha..just hope i turn that into reality once again..*
chem i guess. BOO THAT fudging makes me wanna sleep and then jump off a bridge after eating a ton of junk food. lol funny how the urges to visit the vending machine dont seem to go away. groar
math or chem?
I sooo suck at maths.. even if I study REAL HARD I’m on the edge of passin/failin that so sux
So it’s Chem 4 me 2
Latin or Greek ?
I don’t know both, but I would say Greek… I like all the stories about Zeus and so on!!
Uhm… London or Paris?
good girl..i was starting to get worried about your knowledge of our TV-channels..
wooww u really wudve chosen it?? THAS A HUGE SURPRISE!!
Hehehehehehe I thought so already that you would be really surprised Heera!! And good to know you’re not worried about my knowledge of TV anymore hehehehe
london cuz thas where tayababa is =) tho france would be pretty tope too 🙂
spain or russia
kadu ju didnt post another one koi ni i do it for u bueberry or strawberry?
cranberry or apple
cantaloupe or honey dew
Tweety or Sylvester?
*I tawt I taw a puddytat..I diddd I did tee a puddytat!!*
lol 😛 *-) both!
donald duck or daffy duck?
*I tawt I taw a puddytat..I diddd I did tee a puddytat!!*
Whahahaha, Heera!! You really ARE the pagallest girl I’ve ever met!!!
I’d say Donald Duck!! (I can’t write down the sounds he makes lol) I don’t like Daffy Duck that much…
Uhm… Scooby Doo or Scrappy Doo?
Velma or Daphne (the girls in Scooby’s gang..)
I really can’t picture one of them, so I pick none…
Disney or Warner Brothers?
Shakalaka Baby:
Uhm… Scooby Doo or Scrappy Doo?
Never heared of Scrabby Doo… Who’s that????
Am Rani:
Never heared of Scrabby Doo… Who’s that????
He’s also from Scooby Doo, but he’s like a little version of Scooby… I thought he is his nephew or something… I’m not quite sure anymore
Am Rani:
I really can’t picture one of them, so I pick none…
Disney or Warner Brothers?
Daphne is the redhaired girl with long hair and Velma is the redhaired girl (or is it supposed to be brown) with the glasses if I’m right…
Uhm.. I’d say Disney, to answer your question Am Rani… I love Winnie the Pooh hehehe!!
Piglet or Winnie the Pooh?? (to stick to the theme hehe)
You can´t have one without the other, can you? So I say both!
Ship or boat?
Definitely no for both!!! Hehehe I can get sooo sick on them
But if I have to choose I’d say boat (most of them are small and don’t go to big waters hehe
Uhm.. tiger or lion (and not the chocolate version )?
Can’t choose..I love ALL cats..
Shaggy or Fred? (to get back to the cartoons again..Fred’s the blonde ‘macho’*i think he is sorta..* and Shaggy the brown haired best human friend of Scooby..)
Am Rani: Lol first i wanted to give a description, but then i thought..naaa i bet everyone knows wut they look like!!
Am Rani: Lol first i wanted to give a description, but then i thought..naaa i bet everyone knows wut they look like!!
Hahahaha, I’m the exeption to the rule1 And I wasn’t very fond of Scooby Doo when I was a kid, so that’s why I don’t know what all those characters look like…
But for this one, I say Fred.
Mickey Mouse or Minny Mouse?
FRED????? Shaggy is much more fun!!!
Uhm… I’d choose Mickey Mouse I don’t like Minny that much…
Mowgli or Balou?? (from Jungle Book)
Balou. My grandpa always used to read me the story, and he always made me laugf with his Balou imitation.
Little mermaid the Disney version (she marries the handsome prince) or little mermaid Hans Cristian Andersen version (she dies)?
Disney version..coz I read the other version when I was little and I started cryin Arial shudnt dieee!!
Am Rani: Cant belieeevvee u actually chose the BLONDE guy?? I really thought u would choose the guy with BROWN hair
Donald Duck or Daisy Duck (Katrien!! in Dutch *4 Am Rani*)
Donald Duck or Daisy Duck (Katrien!! in Dutch *4 Am Rani
I KNEW THAT!!!!!!!!!
Donald Duck.
duck or pigeons?
Am Rani: Cant belieeevvee u actually chose the BLONDE guy?? I really thought u would choose the guy with BROWN hair
Normally, I do pick the ones with the brown hair. But in this case, the brownhaired one, has no brain
You got real big brains, but I’m looking at your..
Am Rani:
duck or pigeons?
Definitely a duck… Pigeons sh.it too much (how do I say that in proper English?? )!!!
Giraffe or elephant?
Elephant hahahaha and that has a story of its own
And I think you can say..Pigeons POOP to much LMAO!
Octopus or Shrimp?
What’s a shrimp??? It’s somewhere in my head……. Heera, help me, is it a “garnaal”?? Volgens mij wel…
I say octopus, hahahahahaha
Fish as friends or fish as food?
as frendz!! whod wanna eat a tope fishy like nemo? plus my homies a fishy!! =)
fone on vibe or ring?
Elephant hahahaha and that has a story of its own
Tell us tell us!!! Wanna hear more!!
And I think you can say..Pigeons POOP to much LMAO!
Hahahahahahaha, I guess you’re right
fone on vibe or ring?
Fone on vibe.. it doesn’t make all the noise…
Cow or pig??
Am Rani:
What’s a shrimp??? It’s somewhere in my head…….
Heera, help me, is it a “garnaal”?? Volgens mij wel…
Yup! It’s a ‘garnaal’!
Am Rani:
What’s a shrimp??? It’s somewhere in my head…….
Heera, help me, is it a “garnaal”?? Volgens mij wel…
Yup! It’s a ‘garnaal’!
Whoehaha! I’m so hecka smart!!!
Cow, Shakz.
chicken or fish?
erm…. to eat? (haha sorry… i have a sick mind heh…) to eat: chicken. anything else… neither thank you!
rang de basanti or fanaa?
I’d have to say Fanaa.. Didn’t see the other one and I’m going to Fanaa next weekend…
Wedding or bachelorrette party?
Wedding, woohoot!!!
being married without having children, of having children without being married (but having a partner)?
dammitttttt am rani ji… such a hard question… possibly married without children (though it would very much break my heart not having kids)… cos having kids outside of marriage is risky… a kid needs a family, not a broken family… which there is a greater chance of happening if its a kid with a partner… cos as a couple, they werent willing to go that extra mile to devote themselves to each… so how will it be for the bachcha caught up in a possible mess? not saying all non-marriage relationships with kids dont work out… but that is not something i would ‘risk’. for me or the kid. cos as i said, a kid needs a ‘whole’ family as much as possible… not saying divorced kids/kids whose parents split up from a relationship are unhappy or anything. but i would avoid that situation as much as i could (unfortunately i cant look into the future and see whether or not me and my partner will remain so for a very long time, at least until after the kid has grown up and can take care of themselves… )
same question… if youve answered it, pls leave it for someone else to answer… because im curios about your views.
having children without being married..tho only if that partner truly is the one you want to spend your life with…
same q (just for Boo )
I also say having children without being married, cause I think having children is the most wonderfull thing that can happen to you.
Boo, I agree children need a complete family and that’s why I said “with partner”. And than I meant a partner who also is the father of your children, but I think you got that. I’d prefer to be married to the father of my children, but when you are married, you are never sure that the marriage will last either.
Same q (I was also curious to know how you guys think about this, that’s why I asked the question )
Weeeeehhhh, I really dunno!!! I really would luuvvve to have children AND a husband, not just a partner where you live with. Because of my religion I would say no children but married, eventhough I love children so much, if I really have to choose… But on the other hand I maybe rather be a bad girl with children and no husband (not that I think that you’re a bad girl if you do it this way, but I think the people of my church will see me that way than)… Difficult difficult question!!
Same question for the next person after me…
Ooooo this is a HARD one! Erm.. Id say married without children. Eventhough having children is the most beautiful treasure in the world! But if a couple takes a decision which is so intense and requires commitment- then why should they not get married in the first place? This always puzzles me when I meet people who are in this situation. Are we saying that promises made to eachother are not as ‘secure’ as declaring to be together in religion – as in infront of God? Why is there more risk in having children – but not being in a marriage? Does marriage just add that commitment- and personal commitment and ‘promises’ arent solid ground for having children? Lolz, too many questions at once- but keep those views coming in.
Same q… as its so intersting!
Do you guys think it´s interesting, or are you to lazy to think of antoher question?
Wel Duhhh Am Rani – I sed it was inetersting! And ur curious too na!? Haha!
didn’t you know am rani ji?
my GMTA buddy loves discussion… just like me heheh!!
Yay!!! my GMTA buddy loves discussion and so do I… samjha karo Am rani!
Time for the next question hehehe.. eventhough it is very interesting to read what you guys think!! Let’s go further on with our great deep questions and “discussions” hehe
One really good friend (for life) or lots of friends (not for life, they change easily)?
one really good friend..
same q *(I admit..I’m tooo lazy It’s just sooo hot..it’s slowing down the processes in my brain!
Can I say one or two really good friends, and some “easy” friends now and than? Can I? Ok, I say one ore two really good friends, and some “easy” friends now and than.
Same q (I live in the same country as Heera, so good for me I can enjoy the sun as well. And my brain is slowing down as well, hahaha…)
I’d say the same as you Am Rani, but to answer my own question.. I’d say one good friend!
Didn’t know the sun had a impact on your brains hehe.. (nou ja, je kan natuurlijk een zonnesteek oplopen – dunno how to say it in English, sorry!! ) Well mine don’t have trouble with the heatwave so it must be just you guys hehe
Next q: Are you a member of this forum only, or do you also visit others?
Only this one… Why should I visit others? BWL rocks!!
Same question (lazy of the sun today too hehe )…
Only this one as well. I tried to become a member of the bollywhat forum, but it didn’t work. I only received a few strange emails, but I’ve never been able to log on…
Rain or heatwave?
At the moment I’d say rain, but when it’s raining all the time I’d say heatwave hehehe Can’t choose!!
Day or night?
day. You can sleep during day, but you can’t do the things you do at daytime during the night….
Sun or moon?
Definitely the sun!! I really love the sun!! Viva the sun whohohoo we love the sun
(song from my sisters Bubbles CD hehe
Moon or stars?
stars. Reminds me of Boo And you can’t wish on the moon…
Black or blue?
Blue… it reminds me of Istanbul…
Skirt or dress?
Am Rani:
stars. Reminds me of Boo
black… i think it is a more interesting colour…
same q cos im too lazy. lol
black or blue: Blue
Dress or skirt: hmmm… skirt, I guess
Keys with or withour a keyring?
With.. otherwise I’ll lose them hehe
Piercing or earrings?
Big or small earrings?
small ones..
watches or bracelets?
Watch, I go crazy when I can’t check the time all day
Watch or your phone to check the time?
watch.. coz i cant keep my fone with me all the time..but i can keep my watch with me to check time
Liars or Thiefs?
lol i think theres a good chance the chor would lie but i guess i go with the theif
traditional wedding or modernish
green or red?
Red… except for the traffic lights though
Saif Ali Khan or Shah Rukh Khan?
Uhm…. Uhm…. Uhm….… Uhmmm…
I think Saif is a bit gay sometimes…
Saif and Preity as Bollywoodcouple of SRK and Preity?
yeah i do get the feeling too.. he seems gay sometimes.. haha.
hmm.. i guess srk and preity?
srk n preity or srk n rani?
SRK and Rani. Preity seems so much younger than he is, Rani is more his age. And I just loved them in Chalte Chalte
Chalte Chalte or Veer-Zara?
veer zaara
chale chalte or saathiya?
both! i wanna watch movie 😐
cold pizza or warm?
tea or coffee??
Coffee!! coz i wasnt allowed to drink it till like…2 yrs ago..my mom said it wasnt good for me.. so now i ONLY drink coffee hihi
Nivea or Dove?
Dove… I have such a nice stuffy for my face, mmm!! And Dove does remind me of lovely chocolates hehehehe
*yeah I know, older but not wiser hehe*
Coconut or Almond?
Coconuttt!! just love the smell
Peanut or Cashew?
cashews… definitely!! dayemmm ur making me hungry!!
smae q
Cashewwss hahaha!!! Come on Boo! Let’s go ROB A STORE
Dutchies or Argies?
DUTCHIES!! haha, simply because Germany got a match with them next. haha.
great idea!!!!!! we can probably hide the packets in ur Wuppie hat… what say?? *grinz*
oooops. forgot next q.
who do u think will win the Germany vs Argentina quarter finals match?
Coconuttt!! just love the smell
Me too!! I’m so happy with all the coconut presents I got for my b-day!!
who do u think will win the Germany vs Argentina quarter finals match?
I think Germany, but I do hope Argentina!!
Which player of the Dutch team is the hottest? Wesley Sneijder or Rafael van der Vaart?
Rafeal van de Vaart???? Rafael van de Vaart?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Come on, he’s not hot!! He has no brain!! He has a wife who has no brain!! Really Shakz, you don’t think he’s hot, do you?
Don’t like Wesley Snijder either, blegh….
footbal or soccer?
Don’t be so negative about Sneijder Am Rani!! I used to be a fan of him when he played in Ajax!! And no I don’t think Rafael is hot, but some people do… His wife is a stupid blonde with no brains! “Wo ist Gucci?”
Wimbledon or Roland Garros??
Neither, don’t like tennis. Don’t like to watch any sports, only World Cup soccer.
London or Paris?
Definitely London!! I’ve never been to Paris, but I just luuuvvee London!! I just love England (except at the World Cup hehe)!!
Barcelona or Madrid?
Shakalaka Baby:
Which player of the Dutch team is the hottest? Wesley Sneijder or Rafael van der Vaart?
ROBBEN, my dear… ROBBEN.
Lol..crajeee Boo.. he wasnt one of the options
Shakz: Madrid, coz what I’ve heard of Barcelona..does NOT sound good.. Maybe it’s a pretty city, but euhm.. the tourists have really ruined it..
white or pink?
ROBBEN, my dear… ROBBEN.
Ieeeuuwwhh Boo!! He’s old and getting bald already!! You can have him hehehe
Uhm… white or pink?? Uhm… uhm… uhm… I think pink… Difficult one!!
Purple or Orange?
red wedding dress or white
Redd..coz a white one will get dirty soon..I know myself..all my white clothes have got stains all over them..and I’ve only wore them ONCE 😐
Black or Brown?
lol me too! i got tide to go though now so im good 🙂
black *-) but it depends what it is :S
green or yellow
yellow.. coz i saw an old colleague of mine yesterday who kept flirtishly talkin with me and my friend Roshni when he worked there..and shizzzz..he looked sooo…uffff.. in that yellow shirt he was wearing.. if I wasnt so crajee about my bf and if that guy wasnt Pakistani.. hehehehe
Old or New?
hahaha, the playerette in you woke up again, huh?
Old or new, depends on what it is.
mothers of grandmothers?
hehe with that guy? you bet ya!! i’d hook you up with him..but he’s a bit of a player hahaha i’ve known him for 2 yrs now..and believe me..he looks innocent but he totally isnt hahaha
Mothers..coz i’ve never known my grandmothers
fathers or grandfathers
umm.. grandfathers??
oranges or bananaz?
sisi or fanta?
iono wut sisi is.. so fanta
tacoz or fajitaz/
um both dependz on the moodz ju knowz?
mousse or gel?
neither! Bleh, my hair gets sticky of both of them.
Electric toothbrush or a toothbrush you have to move yourself?
move self.
optometrist or dentist
An optometrist has something to do with eyes, right? I choose that one, anyone who can fix my eyes is welcome.
Getting blind or getting deaf? (neither of course, but if you REALLY have to choose)
neither.. :S.. if i had to chose tho i gues deaf?
same question
blind..coz u can do lots with your hearing..and i cant live without music 😉
Hahahaha Heera, I miss a lot I see when I’m not visiting BWL for a while hehehe You’re right Am Rani, Heera IS a playerette hehe… Poor bf of yours
Uhm.. though question… I’d say blind too… I heard that blind people can still “see” people, and if you’re blind you can still hear, and dance to the rythem of the music.. And you don’t fall for the appearance of someone, you fall for them, or you like them because they’re nice, not because they look nice (not that I’m that kind of people, but sometimes someones appearance scares you off the person they really are…)
Summer holidays or winter holidays?
summer..coz i hate sittin at school when the weather is wonderful, but if the weather’s cold..like in winter, then i don’t mind sittin inside a building or something 😉
logitech or hewlett packard?
logitech just cuz iono the other one and my cam is that kind
slow song or fast
depends on mood. slow hevar.
pigeon or parrot?
body mist or perfume
both *-)
roti or rice
ji u need both 😛 stinkee padh
cauliflower or cabbage
oYe tu chuup kar! ur the stinky one u ucky dadu! go take a shower!
lmao… u 2 r retarded!
aloo or gobi paranthas
lol um.. thanks? =S
aloo prathaz!!
shopping for others or for yourself? lol
awww Bollywolly! j/k
shopping 4 udders.
barefoot or shoes?
lol really? u like shoppin for others?
um barefoot.. walkin barefoot in the cold grass on a nice summer day *-).. lol k i wanna go out now!!
hair tied up or not?
loose wild hair
1 ponytail or 2…I’m out myself. gud seeing ya Bolly!
1 *-) though twos okay too…tho then eberyone thinx i look younger… :S wutever its all teh samez
um digi cam or disposable
elevator or stairs
depends how many stairs i have to go up
mopping the floor or sweeping it
NeItheR!! 😀
dasani or aquafina?
aquafina onlee cuz id much rather see ju than ur ugee dasani bottle
oo hallz centers are ugee too 😛
manicure or pedicure
A holiday in a spa, or a city trip?
depends on what city *-). i pik the trip tho.
white erasers or pink erasers?
Short nails or long nails?
long hair or short? (on ur self)
um long hair *-)
gel deodorant or the other kind?
u look gud with short too puthar
both, depends on the day
mickey or minnie
minnie…mickey is topless! did ya ever notice that? lmao
mickey mouse or donald duck?
lolz no i didnt :p
um mickey..
goofy or donald?
lol so thas where it came from 😛 koi ni kadu ur still a perv
both 🙂
daisy or donald
oye tu chuup kar, the onlee perv here is u! besharam! sharm ni aundi? gando muchi mundo =|
um donald!!
alka yagnik or kavita krishnmurthy?
frosty from wendyz or mcflurry
mcflurry! duh!! 8-), oreo mcflurry ober frosty NEdaY!.. sux i cant hab =(.
salad from wendyz or burger king?
nebber had from bk, greek salad from there looks good though. but wendyz is decent =)
ranch dressing or italian
ranch wit fries & italian wit salad
oil & vinegar or italian?
Spaghetti or pizza?
reg paani or flav paani
pop or juish
reg panni
milkshake or smoothie?
oreos or fudgeoz
hrithik roshan or srk
srk tho hrithiks tope too
cha or coffee
gots to say coffee on that one! and the darker the better!
eat in or eat out?
Hrithik needs a haircut baaaaadly! Has he cut that mop yet??
depends if im w/ sum1 or not. both.
lol iont think so nessa.. he actually looked arite with the hair.. kinda growin on me *-)
uday chopra or jimmy shergill?
theyre both okay
k two..if ur eating with someone, dine in or dine out
or if ur eating alone dine in or out? 😛 thanks kaduladoo 🙂
Both in… I love to cook myself (for me or for me and someone else) and eat at home
Making dinner or making cookies?
um depends on teh day lol.
shrek gummyz or gushers
gunnyz…those gushers r disturbing!
dawn or twilight?
Shakalaka u like to cook eh? So when r we invited over & whats ur specialty?
Shak’s speciality is chocolate/vanilla cake….. The vanilla is soft like she never baked it, and the chocolate part.. Well, if you hit someone with it, you will kill the person….
As Shakz told me, I never got the change to taste it.. Lucky me…
Hindi or Urdu?
hindi, but i think they similar anyway same difference
cantaloupe or honeydew
Am Rani:
…and the chocolate part.. Well, if you hit someone with it, you will kill the person….
Thanks for the info Amz & 4get the invite Shakalaka! Daaayyyyeeemmmmm! I can’t stop laughing!
red grapes or green grapes?
both, it depends
red apple or geen?
Hritik or Abhishek?
rani or preity
kadu u gotta pick one!!
Abhi or Hrithik?
NAHIN! tehy both gharam!
same q
lol fine. i pick both too!! =D. Abhi was awesome in KANK, i lubbbeeddd his character =)… and Hrithik is jus fiiineeeee!!
srk in kank or abhi in kank
aah man! lol felt sorry for abhi but srk all the way! even tho he was a stupid home wrecker! its srk =D wait is this in looks? cuz if not then I go for abhi =P
John in Dhoom or abhi in dhoom. I will b amazed if people even have to think about this one! lol but then again ppl luvin abhi 2 these dayz! but still! John is HOT. ok I b chup
srk was a big time jerk! i wanted to hit him with smthing.. knock some sense into the loser! =|.
I pick JohNnY! =)
movie in theatre or at home?
depends on the movie and who im with. both are tope, hopez kidna toper tho cuz u can pause n get up wenever u want
tetley tea or earl grey tea
Earl grey all the way!
Coffee or Cappucino?
and Ur Highness, John was too hot in Dhoom! I didn’t even care that his stunts looked phony!
cake or pie?
depends on the kind
carrot cake or black forest?
black forest
family vacation or stayin at home while ur family goz?
family vacay!
children or pets?
dog or cat?
u know…if bolly were here, she’d yell at u for picking both! lmao
fish or hamster?
lol probably. but koi na shes a busy 🙂
fishy hamsters lok too much like mice :S
travel by car or plane?
travel by plane.. that’s just too cool.. and you can ask for a drink whenever you want(if ur me anyway.. i just happeenn to find a really cute steward or simply be realllyy nice if it’s a woman haha) and you dont have to stop to go to the bathroom and you dont need to pay attention to the road coz the pilots’ flyin andd.. u go muchhh faster(needed to talk haha)
Harry Potter or The Lord Of The Rings?
LOTR everytime!!!!!!
Frodo or Gollum?
KK or shaan
hmm..Shaan i guess.
MSN or Yahoo?
Ice Tea or hot tea
hot tea….just the sound of iced tea puts me off…..
pizza or burger
depends on mood, both. but right now i say peeja =)
grape or cranberry juish?
grape, coz cranberry kinda puts this dry feelin in ur throat after you finish drinkin it…
Ayur Vedic medicines or medicines from a ‘Western’ doctor?
I’ve only ever had western medicine, sooo….
same q?
wus ayur vedic? like home remedy stuff? *-) iont really like ne kinda med…so neither =)
oatmeal raisin cookiez or choco chip
choco chip! but I like oatmeal aswell but choc chip more lol.
white bread or brown
white bread everytime. preferably hovis medium sliced!!!!!
roast potatoes or mashed potato
“que sera, sera” or “whatever will be, will be”?
no idea, the future is not mine to see!
Loooser or Loo-hoo-zerrr-herrr??
r u sure it isn’t kving kvong? No matter…
Ultraman or Giant Robo?
hot milk or cold milk?
Cold milk
Frangranced candles, or frangranced oil (which you have to put in water with a candle underneath…)
fragranced oil
olive oil or vegetable oil?
Poor pitiful little man…this is why men need women!!! Olive oil has more uses than veggie oil & is better for u!
instant coffee or grind ur own beans?
Instan coffee, to lazy to grind beans every time…
normal capuccino or frapuccino (iced capuccino)?
Iced (ofcourse!)
Old version of BWL or new version of BWL?
In this case change is difficult! LOL
serio ‘nice’ or serio eeeevil?
let me answer this…
serio EEEVVVILLLLLLLLL!!!!!! muuuaaahahahhahahahaha
che g being nasty or che g being mean?
Oh puhleeeezeeee let me answer this one!
Uuuuuu like it when I’m being nasty! rotflmao!!!!!!
BWL now or BWL last year?
Last year I think. It just seemed to be more fun, people were online more, we were closer, in some way…. yes, last year.
Same q?
I second that Amz…last year it is!
green forum or white forum? lol
Aaawwwwww comeon Boo ma…that one had ur name all over it! lol
i like the white colour =)
note book or looseleaf paper
laptop or pc
mp3 player or use ur cell
amp pee tree
skydiving or bungee jumping
skydiving or deep sea diving?
skydiving for sure..
deep sea Diving or soaking up the sun in a beautiful beach in sum romantic Island?
deep sea diving
picnic or bar-b-q
bbq, definately. To bad my family hates it….
salad or cooked vegetables?
cucumber or sweet pepper?
Emails or texts?
both, i cant txt back tho alotta the time so i guess i say email *-) but i lub gettin txts 🙂 keeps me entertained
winter or summer
Polar Bears or Penguins
umm penguins.. less chance of being attacked lol they walk so funny n cute
DVDs or Videos
movies on tv or rentals?
rentalz cuz u can watch it more than once =)
lub story movie or action
tabz! u choose penguinz over polar bearz?! 🙁 imma polar bear =(
lol ur the only polar bear id choose penguins over, even tho ur completely pagaled out. u make a cute polar bear hehe
lub story ima sucker for lub 😛 lol
blonde hair or brunette
curls or straight (hair)?
I like straight cuz mine is curly n I dislike it lol
ball pens or fountain pens
wuts a fountain pen? =S.. imma go wid ballpoint pen..
wednesdays or thursdays?
Oh oh Tabz…u've shown ur age with that fountain pen choice! lmao
rainy days or mondays?
rainy days
oreos or choco chip cookies?
so texas hold'em or strip poker..?
texas holdem
Caramal or Mocha?
mocha for sure
satin or lace
Silver or Gold
silver surfer or gold finger? im going with the former of course 😉
david blaine or david copperfield?
silver surfer or gold finger? im going with the former of course 😉 will go with silver as well
david blaine or david copperfield? Isnt copperfield the Magician??. will choose him if he can magically send Cosmic back to the Assylum for good so he doesnt scare of all the newbies with his utter c.r.a.p
sunshine or rain???
Mystery story or Ghost story?
a mysterious ghost story
death by lethal injection or by the firing squad?
I'm not gonna answer that question…
Fanaa or Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna?
im not gona answer this q.
next….stuck in antartic or in sahara desert?
Again a question I won't answer If I have to choose for you, I'd say I see you rather got stuck in the Sahara dessert. Maybe you'll warm up, lose your icy temper, and start to be nicer to other people around here…
Shahaaaakkkkzzz!! You are playing the game all wrong!! You are so busy trying to become friend with Serio (as far as possible, you never know with this guy….) that you forgot the next ?? or ??
CAn't think of another one myself… Answering this or that, or asking this or that?
And Amz! U’re too busy scolding Shakz to provide us a new selection! lol
sweet or salty?
Sorry Am Rani, but I was waiting for you to come around and make a suggestion Except, you didn't
If I have to choose vchenoah, I'd say salty…
USA or UK?
Butterflies or Scorpions?
Definitely butterflies!! They're just so cute
Roses or daisies?
internet friendships or real life ones? (if u had to choose) lol. crazy question. am in a crazy mood. forgive me…
Boo… cant believe ur questioning friendship….
The smile that an e-mail can put on ur face, can never be compared to the warmth from a hug (and now for the important part)… and VICE VERSA!
Sorry cant choose, can anyone here?
No, I also can't… You've just said how it is Khushi!! They're both friendships that one should cherish (if possible: for life)
One true love or many flirts?
one true love???????????????? yeah r8 no such thing exists……
will go with a zillion flirts instead
as for friendships, couldnt have said it in a better way…..hugz to ya Kushi hon
U R ALL SPECIAL TO ME…., on the net, in person, over the phone, through pen pal'n….mwah
Thnx Scarry… You're special to me too Many hugzzz
Next Q: Friendship or love?
eish….both hon …cant choose downright on this…
u gotta have LOVE in friendships
Its the only thing I know that actually will work….
aaaaaw Shakz hon, datz sooooo kind of ya…me special to ya
mmmmwah sweety..send u tonza luv….an to think I wanted to quit this place
sooooo full of laughter and love, friendships……… u guyz
Same Q:
Scar face:
an to think I wanted to quit this place
NOOOOOOO!!!! Don't quit Scarry!! I will miss you so much around here!! Never say that again missy, you've scared the hell outta me!! How will it be around here without the love and hugs you're sending me? Bleh… I don't even want to think about it
So please don't go!!!
To answer the question: I can't choose either… They're both really important to me!! Scarry, your quote is just so true!!!
Next Q: School or work?
Shakalaka Baby:
Scar face:
an to think I wanted to quit this place
NOOOOOOO!!!! Don't quit Scarry!! ooookkaaaay, not a chance I will now sweetz
– have said it sooo many times already, its getting stale nw…have tried but dis place is jus soooo addictive…u guyz hve changed my mind completely wrt the whole chatting/forums /sharing thing…mwah again….this is one promise I make to myself, that I keep on breaking… I will miss you so much around here!!…Shakz hon, STOP, u will bring me to tears [:'(]…but tnx – dis good to knw I will be missed especially by u my darlin
Never say that again missy, you've scared the hell outta me!! …aaaaargh u shud knw dat I am extreeeemly moody sooo sumtimes I say things accordingly …meee sooo sowrie to gve u dat scare, there
hope dis makes u feel better??
How will it be around here without the love and hugs you're sending me? hon, dis place is full of lurve….trust me if I do leave, u will get plenty of hugz & kisses….an more sooo from me, whever it is I may be….all of u are truly special in yr own way…an yeah have places in my heart…soooo more lurve to Bwlf family.. have met realllllllly fantastic people here, from my dear lil adopted sister, Mariner, to my Darling Didi Ness…To Kavi who is just soooo cute an lovable, to Missy boo who has emotional outbreaks from time to time, Unique, super kewl chicky who shares my birthday Sign an Month
, to Mukesh ( even though the guy is soooooo silent ), to the 2 rani chicks, dnt knw em well but they jus sooo sweet…Kushi.. adorably lovable…to Nitzkar, my pooch who has temper tantrums,… the bwlff himself ( no words can describe him ) to Ramz, who seems like a lekker fwend, to Loverof Music whom I miss the most…for sum reason, I totally luuurve Lover….an to u my Angel… the sweetest most hugabble person in this place, whose given me a nic that is soo cute..
[;)]…an off coz every one else here tooo just dnt knw u guyz well but me still sends out lurrve.. Bleh… I don't even want to think about it
So please don't go!!! my promise to u…I wont leave okies hon…however I will be away for a while ..tonz more packin to complete an the year end is fast approaching, think my procrastinating is about to end…..aaaargh…bother bother…..sooo much to do…sooo less time…but u will be in my thoughts always
and I will definitely sneak in from time to time and say my bit …..shakz, u really are a scheeethart hey….very special person indeed…my luv to ya angel
Shakalaka Baby:
To answer the question: I can't choose either… They're both really important to me!! Scarry, your quote is just so true!!!
Next Q: School or work?
aaaargh hon, am starting to spoil this game now……cant choose between the two
coz both are equally important and totally loved by me….Jeeeeez u have a knack for helping me reminisce hey, lol
School, well I had tooooo much fun not to miss it….was an absolute prankster and truly enjoyed every second of it
I wish i cud go back sometimes……I cannot even understand how I managed to become the shy, introverted woman I AM now
Work?? Totally love work as well, I think I am the only person in this place who loves coming in to work….
I do love my Job…and am hoping my New job will be just as much of a challenge ……
at the end of the day, one has to take steps to make their working environment or schooling environment, one where they will
be comfortable and even though theres an abundance of deadlines and targets and exams and assignments, u gotta make that effort to also
enjoy it as much as U want to…am not sure if I am making much sense…no use beign totally miserable in a job, when u can actually change yr attitude towards it…doesnt matter what yr Job title is….just be HAPPY u have one…think of those struggling to find Employment…..
okies enough with the Lectures……sowrie…
Same Q: school or work ???
Scar face:
NOOOOOOO!!!! Don't quit Scarry!! ooookkaaaay, not a chance I will now sweetz
– have said it sooo many times already, its getting stale nw…have tried but dis place is jus soooo addictive…u guyz hve changed my mind completely wrt the whole chatting/forums /sharing thing…mwah again….this is one promise I make to myself, that I keep on breaking… I will miss you so much around here!!…Shakz hon, STOP, u will bring me to tears [:'(]…but tnx – dis good to knw I will be missed especially by u my darlin
Never say that again missy, you've scared the hell outta me!! …aaaaargh u shud knw dat I am extreeeemly moody sooo sumtimes I say things accordingly …meee sooo sowrie to gve u dat scare, there
hope dis makes u feel better??
How will it be around here without the love and hugs you're sending me? hon, dis place is full of lurve….trust me if I do leave, u will get plenty of hugz & kisses….an more sooo from me, whever it is I may be….all of u are truly special in yr own way…an yeah have places in my heart…soooo more lurve to Bwlf family.. have met realllllllly fantastic people here, from my dear lil adopted sister, Mariner, to my Darling Didi Ness…To Kavi who is just soooo cute an lovable, to Missy boo who has emotional outbreaks from time to time, Unique, super kewl chicky who shares my birthday Sign an Month
, to Mukesh ( even though the guy is soooooo silent ), to the 2 rani chicks, dnt knw em well but they jus sooo sweet…Kushi.. adorably lovable…to Nitzkar, my pooch who has temper tantrums,… the bwlff himself ( no words can describe him ) to Ramz, who seems like a lekker fwend, to Loverof Music whom I miss the most…for sum reason, I totally luuurve Lover….an to u my Angel… the sweetest most hugabble person in this place, whose given me a nic that is soo cute..
[;)]…an off coz every one else here tooo just dnt knw u guyz well but me still sends out lurrve.. Bleh… I don't even want to think about it
So please don't go!!! my promise to u…I wont leave okies hon…however I will be away for a while ..tonz more packin to complete an the year end is fast approaching, think my procrastinating is about to end…..aaaargh…bother bother…..sooo much to do…sooo less time…but u will be in my thoughts always
and I will definitely sneak in from time to time and say my bit …..shakz, u really are a scheeethart hey….very special person indeed…my luv to ya angel
Wow, it looks like you've met the best people around here!! The ones you name are really special!! Too bad you didn't get to know Am Rani… She's also a really great girl!!
Thank you for your very very sweet words Scarry!! It almost made me cry, because it made me very happy!! You&#
To answer your question Scarry.. I'd definitely say work!! I have/had so much trouble with my school, that I really hate/hated going to school.. I'm so glad I have a great job now which I'm starting at very soon…
It's good to read you have/had a great time at both!! What kind of work are you doing (if I may ask of course)??
Next Q: BWL or MSN?
diamonds or Precious stones…eg..rubies..( 4 da confused )
please elaborate…too confusing !
please elaborate…too confusing –do i look like yr Grade R teacher ?? dnt think sooo.!
aww comon !! i thot u had a *ahem*…heart ?
U thot Wrong AGAIN…i said ” U have heart” ….lmao
you cold blooded cruel mammal…..
wow…..LMAO ,wat a compliment Nitzkar, u knw hw to chat up da ladies hey,
give ye dat much…just made my day…mwah
denial doesnt get you anywhere missy…..you have to face your fears !!
Wow, it looks like you've met the best people around here!! The ones you name are really special!! – they sure r Too bad you didn't get to know Am Rani… She's also a really great girl!! I can see that she is, in time am sure I will get to knw her too…no sweat
Thank you for your very very sweet words Scarry!! It almost made me cry, because it made me very happy!! You're such a cutie, really!! – trust me hon, am not a cutie…but tnx 😉 Luv ya!!….aaaaawwwwww Shakz, meeeeee luvya tooo
I'm glad you're staying around, eventhough you don't always have time… I will do the same when I'll start with my new job on the 1st of December…..Wow, firstly, congrats on the New Job, and aaaaalllllll the best in it sweetz, hope it is everything u want….an do keep us updated ..btw if u dnt mind my asking, wat will u be doing?? I don't want to miss you and all the other sweet people around here!! I'm really glad I had the time to come back here and meet you Scarry!! ….
I can't think of BWL without you around!! ..more
(And of course all the other sweeties I love to talk 2!!!) You're really special to me!!
….an u to me
Shakalaka Baby:
To answer your question Scarry.. I'd definitely say work!! I have/had so much trouble with my school, that I really hate/hated going to school..
…..oh hon, sowrie to hear that…am glad work is much better for ye
I'm so glad I have a great job now which I'm starting at very soon…
It's good to read you have/had a great time at both!!
What kind of work are you doing (if I may ask of course)?? – now since when do u need a permission to ask me anything??? @ the moment I am in Finance…..yeah an I still love coming in to work hehehehe……been here too long – therefore decided to change into a diff field..
Next Q: BWL or MSN?………..Bwl off coz
denial doesnt get you anywhere missy….wat exactly am I denying ??.you have to face your fears !! ……lmao, hehehehehe no comment
MUSIC or movies
music…NOT BAD“lol” or “” ??
Football or Cricket
sheessshhh….footie over anything else in this world!!
charm or wit?
Scar face:
It's good to read you have/had a great time at both!! What kind of work are you doing (if I may ask of course)?? – now since when do u need a permission to ask me anything??? @ the moment I am in Finance…..yeah an I still love coming in to work hehehehe……been here too long – therefore decided to change into a diff field..
Your job sounds great Scarry!! Good to read you're still loving your work!!
Of course you can ask me too what kind of job I will be doing… I'm going to be a management assistant… But it seems that the manager (who I was working for already the last few months, but not really working with) is really difficult to work with… So yeah, it's going to be a big challange haha
sheessshhh….footie over anything else in this world!!
charm or wit?
Boo… cant believe ur questioning friendship….
The smile that an e-mail can put on ur face, can never be compared to the warmth from a hug (and now for the important part)… and VICE VERSA!
Sorry cant choose, can anyone here?
nahin yaar… not at all… i was feeling a little messed up… as i said, it is a crazy question, and i was in a crazy mood… and so please forgive me…
WitTorrent or Limewire ?
A big house or a big car?
Big house… definitely. So the kids can play around… and big cars = too much petrol = less money to spend on other things
… with huuuge windows (we’re talking wall-length here), so I can see the sunrise and sunset every morning and evening, and curtains as well so I can dance naked if I want to (which I will lol)
and a comfortable ledge (lined with cushions) along the windowsill so I can sit and write my thoughts/post here on BWL/talk to a friend on the phone/listen to music staring out at a beautiful view out of my window… located at a height, so that there are stunning views out of the window… but not in an isolated place… somewhere where you can talk to the (friendly, of course) neighbors… with built-in speakers in every room… because music is my life. And I want to be able to walk around the house doing whatever, and be able to hear music wherever I go…
Sheesh. You caught me on a dreamy day ShakB… sigh…
Same q
um iono *-), iont wanna big house, jus a perfect sized house. And iont wanna big car either. If i had to pick one though, id go with Big House.
tap water or bottled water?
Tap water…
And Boo… Keep on dreaming on your dreamy day hunn
Shopping or sightseeing (when you're on holiday somewhere in the world)?
thunder or lightning?
i'd go with dragon ball
suave, cool, shaken but not stirred Bond or rough and tough, i'll kick u in the a.ss, i dont give a damn Bond?
latter… attitude.
eyes or smiles? (yo khushi lol)
A smile which reflect in the eyes…
Eyes or lips?
eyes…(then lips )
a touch or a word?
combination of both…
Shake hands or pushing your hands together in front of you (as in “Namaskar”)?
um depends who ur greeting =S
if it was like an interview or smthing, handhsake
but if i was saying hi to an uncle or smthing, prollee the namaskar thinger
rachel mcadms or keira knightly
heavy metal or classical music
r&b or alternative?
jay sean or raghav?
raghav is a cutie!!
ballet or tap?
chai or coffee?
Apple or Orange?
Orange, apples hurt my teeth…
doctor or dentist?
I'd rather don't go to both, but if it's for something really small (not something really bad), I'd rather go to the doctor.. The dentist gives me sleepless nights, pain, and the shivers..
Dancing or singing? (to change to a much happier subject )
Dancin… id crak da windows if i sing lool
to neither one
School or College?
Neither one…
Employee or employer?
mobiles or pagers
pagers?? who uses pagers anymore???
IE or Mozilla?
godzilla or mothra?
Wrestling or snooker
Darts or bowling?
ooooooh bowling!
baseball or softball?
Softball, eventhough I've got trauma's of it… We used to do this every Friday when I was in primary school
Friday or Saturday?
Fridays… especially Friday nights of insomnia… INTERNET HERE I COME!! lol
same q
Blueberries or Strawberries?
sneakers or sandals?
sandals…especially high heels
Brush or Comb?
towel dry or air dry? ( hair only hahaha)
both depends on a situation.
Video or computer games?
computer games
playstation 2 or 3?
I have PS 2 and I love it
Metro PCS or T-mobile?
dsl or dial up…am running out of things! ugh!
sheesshhh….u certainly are che g!
dsl of course
mac or windows?
cruiseship or planes !!
definitely planes!
thanks serilol, leave it to you to smack me back to reality! btw…to where has my king flown?
same q
Abercrombie or Hollister
have no clue wat ye talking about
stairs or elevators
sunrises or sunsets?
both, breath taking sunrises and sunsets here
bubble bath with candles and scented oils
a quick shower
bath? shower??? oh plsssss…i got better things to do with my time! and besides..save water not waste it
LMAO …Oh my, lukit watye made me do now….spilled water all over my desk
okies, didnt expect an answer from a Ghoul coz its expected, they dont BATH….
anyone else care to answer ?
Scar face:
both, breath taking sunrises and sunsets here
bubble bath with candles and scented oils
a quick shower
a quick shower
soap or shower gel?
Shower gel.
Facial mask or hair mask?
how to play dear
Nailpolish or lipstick? (to continue with the girly things.. )
nail polish… definitely… i HATE lipstick for some reason…
shoes or handbags…?
again, both
skirts or pants ( obviously directed at the women here – but guyz can choose which theyd prefer their gal in ??? )
suede or leather?
aw gawd …..none…an I am s'pose to be a fabric luver..hehehehe
chiffon or lace
both itchy.
stacked heels or wedge?
stacked heels?? errr am trying to pic wat this luks like, would choose it anyways coz its heels..no wedges for me….
slip on sandals or shoes
beach or mountains?
Beach, datz one of the top 10 things I will miss most when i leave Durbs !!!!
Snow or sunshine
Sunshine, because that makes me happy!
Sunlight or moonlight?
hearts or stars
Definitely stars! Stars can't be broken…
Stars or planets?
Stars, because you can wish on them *sings* I'm wishing on a staaaaaaaaarrrrr….
Dreams or plans?
both…dis all starts with a dream…
without dreaming how does one plan methodically, everything will
be a huuuge confusion….
can one plan their life without first dreaming of the way they would like it to be??
helicopters or Jets
Talking or writing?
Writing. I get shy sometimes while talking to people… Even when they are my colleagues…
letter or email?
Am Rani, you can't be shy!! You're one of the most non-shy people I know!!!!
I love both, but a letter these days is special because people don't often write letters anymore… I really loved them when I was in Croatia without a computer… especially yours Am Rani
Laptop or pc?
Romantic dinner at an expensive restaurant
spending time together at home, just chilling…
Spending time together at home, just chillin' =p
CANDYYYYYY or real food?? =p
candy??? ohh plssss!
yemeni is delicious or yemenivicous?
ceiling fans or aircons
Travelling by plane or train?
Seriocomic: candy??? ohh plssss! yemeni is delicious or yemenivicous?
ooooooooooooh I like the Yemenivicious one! loll
tv or reading
Walking or running?
sleepin in or waking up early?
Sleepin in, I like evenings better than mornings.
Easter or Christmas?
I was thinking exactly the same Am Rani ji… It's getting scary na?
Btw… I like Christmas much and much better
Spanish or Italian (as a language)?
Spanish, I only speak a few words Italian.
Languages or mathematics?
Languages, for sure
Drawing or writing?
Writing, I can't draw..
Drawing or painting?
Drawing… I'm not good at both, but I prefer drawing…
Which song: All I want for Christmas, or Last Christmas?
Aaarrrggghhhh… neither!! And both, hahaha
George Michael or George Clooney?
Definitely George Clooney!! He's looking much better and he's straight!! Not that I have something against homosexuals… I just prefer George Clooney…
Tom or Jerry?
Tom, *** or Harry?
Shakalaka Baby:
Drawing… I'm not good at both, but I prefer drawing…
Which song: All I want for Christmas, or Last Christmas?
tom *** or harry huh? wellll I am feeling soooo tempted to give a perverted answer (yeah I can see you all gasping ), but I'll refrain myself!…
Boogedy….u dont have to say it…we know already how perverted yr mind is!
Sonu nigam or Himesh Reshamiya
do pal or tere liye?
Shakalaka Baby:
Drawing… I'm not good at both, but I prefer drawing…
Which song: All I want for Christmas, or Last Christmas?
tom *** or harry huh? wellll I am feeling soooo tempted to give a perverted answer (yeah I can see you all gasping
), but I'll refrain myself!…
I was not even thinking of the possibility of perverted answers, untill I saw the ***'s in my post, hahahaha.
do pal or tere liye?
tere liye
spicy or sweet
summer or fall?
Icecream or hot chocolate?
hot chocolate… goodness me i don't like ice cream!
dancing or singing?
Boo! Ur crajee! How can u not like ice cream?!?!
Singing! I dunnoe how to dance, but at least I can do SOMETHING. I cannot do anything for my singing! lol
sleeping or shopping?
aah thats such a hard one… I cant pick… well I shopped today and it made me tired so now im preferring sleep.. actually I need to catch up with days of sleep.. so yeah sleep lol.
boo: wen u said u didnt like ice cream you reminded me of that episode of friends when Ross tells the rest he doesnt like ice cream and theyr like “U dont lke ice cream?!!?!” n he says “its too cold!…. hurts my teeth!” lol love it love ittt!
childhood or teenage years?
Boo u don't like ice cream loll
Childhood!! =[
Teenage yrs or adulthood?
oye! Am I considered as an adult? One more year and i'm officially “legal.”
Anywho, I think I would prefer adulthood. As a teenager, you have to worry too much about the future. What you will become when you “grow up,” how you are going to survive marriage, will ur kids be as horrible as u? lol. So many problems. But as an adult, you are already there, you just have to work towards making it better…i think. maybe i'm wrong…but I still prefer adulthood.
hmm iono, thas a hard q. I guess im an adult now, dun like it so far lol. I think id pick being a kid ober being a teen/adult.
slipperz or sox?
At the moment I just luuvvee my extra warm socks!! It's so cold here in Holland, brrrr!!
Swimming or cycling?
cycling-cling-cling-cling hehehe okay srry!
reading or writing?
watching tebee shows or watching movies
is that with u or watching it alone?
if its with u then i dont mind anything..alone, prob da tv
polar bear or grizzly bear?
polarr bearr 😀
t-rex or triceratopz
ooohhhh…this is a tough one. let me seeeee….
i wud prob go w t-rex. they mean bizness!!
tope or dope?
dope .
Romantic xmas dinner or partying with fwends at the hottest spots
neither. sleep would be a better option!
this or that?
Warning: This game requires that the players be specific..else ur disqualified.
disclaimer: under no circumstances that players are required to be specific cos its a subjective matter. so pls remain seated and continue on with the game or u may leave and let the rest answer in peace.
Let us ask the person who started this game…case shall be transferred to her. Now shereena, does this game require the players to be specific or no?
go ahead. i have full confidence with the lovely, sweet,.amazing shereena. she will tell u everything!
bahaha, sweet talk shereena now. yes let the lovely, sweet, amazing, and absolutely wonderful shereena tell me everything
me, sweet talk??? nooooooooooooooooooooo!! that was just being honest…nothing sweet abt it.
Alright… time for a new one this or that-y
How do you like Serio better: honest or dishonest?
dnt really care actually
penthouses or family homes
family homes.
coke or pepsi?
Yuk neither….
would prefer WATER thnkx
peach or plum
jetski or parasail?
parasail! I have always had a soft spot for flying.
cold or hottttt? (weather)
cold weather is better…for my reasons lmbo!
vanilla or chocolate?
errm….vanilla ice cream…but i love chocolate! YUM!
runny nose or stuffy nose? (lol!)
loll, neither..grrrr its sooo cold.
Ranii this is for u only u answer it: Doing ur history or getting jumped by Ninja
for the rest:
Melon or banana?
vanilla or peach? (yes I DO know vanilla is no fruit )
lol…ooooohhhh Amz!
peach or pear?
um pear i think.
peach or nectarine?
weird ? i thought you would have said bananas or coconuts instead !
cocomuts hehehehahahaha
grapes or kiwi
cherry or strawberry?
lemons or lime
caesar salad or garden salad
u bloody sharabi !!!!!!!!
Jack Daniels or Southern Comfort
hum pyakar he lmao
pagal bacha !!!!
fantasy or reality
making my fantasies a reality !!
Dying to Live…or Living to Die ??
guess both, depends
shopping at malls or online?
online..its cheaper
same q.
in stores
dasani or aquafina
day or night?
The night!! I just love sleeping… (no Am Rani, it's not meant THAT way )
Santa or Rudolph?
Shakalaka Baby:
The night!! I just love sleeping… (no Am Rani, it's not meant THAT way
Santa or Rudolph?
Main?? Kya??? What the heck are you talking about??? Sleeping is just sleeping to me, and if you say sleeping, you just mean sleeping. Don't need to wink at me when talking about sleeping, missy!!
Santa, don't like red noses…
Turkey or chicken?
MSN or PM(BWL's PM)?
hmm Msn
Msn or aim?
Christmas eve or “31 december eve” (I bet there is a proper english word for this evening, but I can't recall at the moment…)
lol. New Year's Eve?
I pick New Year's Eve. Eid might be on New Year's Eve this year! I'm so excited!
crazy or crajee? lol.
CraJeeee! =D
pancakes or waffles?
Waffles! YUM! I so want some now!
swimming or eating ice cream?
Am Rani:
1. Main?? Kya??? What the heck are you talking about??? Sleeping is just sleeping to me, and if you say sleeping, you just mean sleeping. Don't need to wink at me when talking about sleeping, missy!!
2. Santa, don't like red noses…
1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Crazy woman… Too much talk of sleeping you're making ME sleepy now!!
2. LOL – don't know why, that sounded SO cute and funny…
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
Waffles! YUM! I so want some now!
swimming or eating ice cream?
eating ice cream of course!
banana split or hot fudge sundae?
hot fudge sundae!
bath or shower?
i thought i've answered this before. the answer is neither! save water!!!!
to love or to be loved
llolll save water..iigh.
hmm very hard..be loved i guess.
same question.
hmmmmm to be loved and to love….so both
same q:
*pretends as if i didnt answer* love
yumini gal…lmao…
same q: to love or be loved!!!
yumini?? whaa whaa hehehe.
yumini?? whaa whaahehehe.
lmao…yeah yumini….think its cute 😉
missy yemen…..
uhh..ehh..ohhh y, ov course its cute!
Scar face:
yumini gal…lmao…
same q: to love or be loved!!!
To love… definitely.
Read my response to you in the other thread in the say something section Scar Face… am curious to know what you think…
same q
Both… can't choose!!
Same Q…
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
The night!! I just love sleeping… (no Am Rani, it's not meant THAT way
Main?? Kya??? What the heck are you talking about??? Sleeping is just sleeping to me, and if you say sleeping, you just mean sleeping. Don't need to wink at me when talking about sleeping, missy!!
Alrighty then… Just wanted to make sure I made myself clear this time
Ok, well, to be COMPLETELY sure;
You meant lying in bed, with your eyes closed, give some rest to your body and mind. While doing so, you might dream. And when you stop doing in, you are ready to face a new day, and you are all “fresh and fruity”. That's what you mean, right?? Or didn't you? That's what I thought you meant…
Am Rani:
1. Main?? Kya??? What the heck are you talking about??? Sleeping is just sleeping to me, and if you say sleeping, you just mean sleeping. Don't need to wink at me when talking about sleeping, missy!!
2. Santa, don't like red noses…
2. LOL – don't know why, that sounded SO cute and funny…
You know what?? I CAN be cute and funny sometimes…
Glad you liked it, I liked it myself as well
cute or funny?
You're totally right Am Rani ji!! How could I ever think you would misunderstood me?!
Btw… it's totally right what you wrote, except for the fresh and fruity haha .. lol
Am Rani:
cute or funny?
Next: sweet or gentle?
gotta go with both on ths one!
beautiful eyes or beautiful smile?
NOW you're making me choose… a beautiful smile. Because I know the smile will reflect in the eyes.
Same q
yes I also go with the smile boo
coffee or tea?
turkey or chicken?
chickennnn! I lowe coffee too NESS! wo0t!
orange or mango?
mangoes all day!!!!!!
picnic or bbq?
Talking to someone on the phone or in person?
in person cos if i dont like this person, i can immediately kick em!
In person. kick em? why the violence bro..
spanish or french?
Italy or Greece
Hindi or Punjabi?
punjabi becuz it sounds funny to the untrained ear!
hindi or urdu?
Hindi… cause it's the only language I know a bit about
u kidding me??? DDLJ! Its a classic!
old Don or new Don?
New Don! I loved it!
same q.
The new. I just had so much fun, hearing one of my friends sing: Main hoon kaun?? Main hoon kaun?? Main hoon Don!! It's sounded hilarious, hahaha. My Hindi is not good enough to understand all of the songs, but I got this part, hahahahaha.
Ok, that was random…
watching a movie in cinema, or watching it at home?
I'd prefer home with family
same q.
Some films are only great when seen on the big screen! 🙂
romance or comedy?
A romantic comedy!!! I just luvve both!!
Kal ho naa ho or Main hoon na?
reading newspaper or watching the news on tv?
reading the paper wit my cuppa coffee! Most excellent morning!
DVR or TiVo?
orange juice or Apple juice?
depends on my mood
talking over the phone or in person
in person,
same question..
u eediot…you cant have the “same question” in this thread ! you gotta say This Or That !!
oh sorry..
Math or English?
lol….that was easy !!
stick with the game…
Eeeeenglish 😉
Biology or History
Primary school or college?
I guess primary? dunnoe.
crying in private or with people there?
weird question, i know.
crying in private..=D
chocolate or or..fruit
both…u gotta have balance
as for crying
both for that as well
night or day
love to be loved or hate to be hated?
wow. that's a hard one…I think I would love to be loved because I don't care much for haters…
same! love to be loved or hate to be hated?
yes love to be loved and screw the haters =]
same q.
you know you mean that! 🙂
a view to a kill!!!
long distance crush or boy next door (or girl for the guys)?
Boy next door…
One relationship for life or many for short times?
pass.. next person answer
One relationship for life or many for short times?
Duh, One relationship for life.
Mustafa of course!
Haylie hows Salman jeee doing?
next: Physics or Chemistry =D
eh salman's DEAD I shot him in the chest then in the head.
fat pretty girls or skinny ugly girls?
lmbo, shot the poor guy?? after the dinner incident or before he ate..u couldn't have killed him and let him die hungry?
lmboo! what do i care???! lol
eh salman's DEAD I shot him in the chest then in the head.
fat pretty girls or skinny ugly girls?
Fat pretty girls (who's calling?? )
girls as friends or boys as friends?
always had guy friends. learning now how to be friends with girls!
birds or fish?
Cat or dogs
Am I going crazy?? Just before I went offline, I asked Nessa what happened in Greece (after asking turkey or greece). Shakz asked me something about money, I replied something about saving money for a car…. Now I try to find these posts, and they are gone!!!
I've been watching the other thread, but which one should it have been, if not this or that? Did someone removed it or something?? I'm confused…
hahaha….awww poor Amz!
Hey, it's in the yummy or yucky thread! lol
Am Rani:
Cat or dogs
cats, dogs are freaky.
turtles or crocodiles errr reminds me of the steve irwin the crocodile hunter. =[
Elefants or giraffes?
hahaha….awww poor Amz!
Hey, it's in the yummy or yucky thread! lol
Yes it is… I've repleyed already
Shakalaka Baby:
Elefants or giraffes?
birds or hamsters
Butterflies or birds?
vanilla or chocolate?
Definitely chocolate!! Although… I'm a great fan of vanilla too
Cinnemon or vanilla?
Vanilla or strawberry ice cream?
Strawberry Ice cream! lol wish I had some now.
chocolates with nuts, or chocolates without? (this is your fault shereeny, im sitting here eating cuz of u!!, lol if I get fat ju watch! no kidding lol I love them)
with nuts!! And than especcialy light chocolate with nuts, hmmm…. To bad I'm on a diet…
diamonds or pearls?
hahaha….awww poor Amz!
Hey, it's in the yummy or yucky thread! lol
Owwwww…… Thanks for telling me, Ness, I ready thought I was going crazy!! I found it in the yummy/yucky thread indeed… But… I''ve been mixing up that game, by asking Turkey or Greece…. OOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Well, glad you found it for me, hahahahahaha
Am Rani:
diamonds or pearls?
diamonds are a girl's best friend! lol. But my mom is completely in love with pearls! I like diamonds better.
u rather have ur head hurting or ur stomach hurting?
oh man Rani, my head, because im kinda used to headaches lol.
comedy or tragedy?
cricket or Rugby
bball or soccer?
am assuming bball is basket ball??
if it is then its bball 😉
tennis or golf
swimming in sea or in a swimmingpool?
Definately in a swimming pool (actually I just returned from a visit to the pool haha )
Jogging on the road or aqua jogging (jogging in a swimmingpool)?
jogging on the road. aqua jogging looks goofy(especially with the weights)! lol
treadmill or track?
track and field
Ferrari or Porsche?
kids or pets
both…my pet is my child!
the fast & the furious(original) or f&f: tokyo drift?
aqua jogging looks goofy(especially with the weights)! lol
It might look goofy, but it's actually great fun!!
both…my pet is my child!
the fast & the furious(original) or f&f: tokyo drift?
the fast and the furious original defo! vin diesel *drooooool*
ur mobile phone or ur computer?
Shakalaka Baby:
It might look goofy, but it's actually great fun!!
Ok Shakz, I'll take ur word for it! Oh and send a photo as well, please! lmbo
the fast and the furious original defo! vin diesel *drooooool*
ur mobile phone or ur computer?
my mob! 😀
laptop or palmtop?
blue or green?
Shakalaka Baby:
It might look goofy, but it's actually great fun!!
Ok Shakz, I'll take ur word for it! Oh and send a photo as well, please! lmbo
Hahaha, sorry Nessa… I don't have pictures of it But I'll bet if you search via Google, images, you might find other people doing aqua-jogging
blue or green?
Definitely blue!! Don't like green that much…
Denmark or Sweden?
Denmark, no special feelings about Sweden.
spending you holiday on the beach or spending you holiday visiting a city?
aargh depends on my mood
arranged marriages or love marriages
Love marriages, for sure…
Falling in love or being in love?
What? Don't you need to fall in love to be in love? I'm confuzzled!
err…I think I get it…do you mean that first feeling of falling in love or that feeling that you are in love alreayd? err. does that make sense? explain please! lol!
That made sense, and I think that's indeed what Shakz means. That first feeling, when you are falling in love, when everything is exiting and the whole world seems to be nice, and the feeling you have when you are in love for a while, when you know eachother better, and you have a steady situation gong on. When you are still on love, but already back on earth
I can't choose, there is something to say for both…
Same q
Yeah, you Rani's got the difference!! I'm soooo proud of you!!
I can't choose either… Falling in love is great because the world looks so good and you feel so happy and you're shining, but being in love is a wonderfull feeling too because you know you're really being loved in return… Can't choose… *sighs*
Same Q…
uhm, falling in love dnt go well for me…hehehehe
hate all the confuscious thoughts, errr does he feel the same??
should I ake a move an tell him how I feel and all of that …
wud therefore go with beign in love and being loved n return 😉
Next: iced lemon tea or coffee
regular milk or chocolate milk?
chocolate milk
red bull or china cabinets?
red bull fo shizzy! lol
china or morroco? =D
Morocco, for sure!! I'm not very fond of China lately…
Oh I forgot to mention the next one…
Holiday in the Netherlands or in Germany?
Never been to the Netherlands…but an adventure would be nice!
Shaks have you been there? How is it?
daytime tv or prime time tv?
Uhm,Nes?? Shakz actually LIVES in Holland…. And we are neighbours with Germany, so it's very easy for us to just “hop” past the border to visit the Deutsch..
day time tv
Europe or the USA?
Am Rani:
Uhm,Nes?? Shakz actually LIVES in Holland….
And we are neighbours with Germany, so it's very easy for us to just “hop” past the border to visit the Deutsch..
Duuuuhhhhhhhhh …shows how much attention I pay to the avis & such. I'm so into the conversations, that I barely look anywhere else! Guess I'm going to have to be 'more nosey'!
Thanks for shaking me awake Amz! haha
Am Rani:
Europe or the USA?
Europe…lots of old history!!!
walking tours or bus tours?
walking tours for sure…
on buses, u cant really take the kinda pics ur after 😉
since we r talking countries, tours, holidays
how about
Brazil or Nairobi
Nairobi!! I really want to go there some time!!
New Zealand or Australia?
Am Rani:
Uhm,Nes?? Shakz actually LIVES in Holland….
And we are neighbours with Germany, so it's very easy for us to just “hop” past the border to visit the Deutsch..
…shows how much attention I pay to the avis & such. I'm so into the conversations, that I barely look anywhere else! Guess I'm going to have to be 'more nosey'!
Thanks for shaking me awake Amz! haha
Hahaha, I was already wondering… Have I ever been in Holland? Uhm yes… for about the last 20 years
And Amz is right, it's really easy for us to visit Germany… But I do prefer our other neighbour, Belgium
Hahahaha, so do I, no language problems (Aaarrrrggghh, deutsch ist eine schreckliche sprache…) and the people are MUCH nicer. The one I met, at least, hahahahaha (I have to mention that, otherwise Rani will lecture me again Naaaa, kidding, sweety!)
Duuuuhhhhhhhhh…shows how much attention I pay to the avis & such. I'm so into the conversations, that I barely look anywhere else! Guess I'm going to have to be 'more nosey'!
Thanks for shaking me awake Amz! haha
Anytime I thought everybody knew by now that Shakz and me (and Heera, where ever she might be
) live in Holland… But never mind, I'm sure you will never forget again
Europe…lots of old history!!!
Yeejj, I just LOVE it here!! Indeed a lot of history, and you can reach almost every european country within 3, 4 hours flying… When you come from the USA, it takes you already 4 hours or more to get out of the country…. Here in Europe, we have so much more possibilities to visit other countries. Lovely Ness, you are not in Europa, are you?
Australia or New Zealand? Neither, don't really feel like going there…
culture or nature?
Shakalaka Baby:
Hahaha, I was already wondering…Have I ever been in Holland? Uhm yes… for about the last 20 years
And Amz is right, it's really easy for us to visit Germany… But I do prefer our other neighbour, Belgium
Am Rani:
Hahahaha, so do I, no language problems (Aaarrrrggghh, deutsch ist eine schreckliche sprache…) and the people are MUCH nicer. The one I met, at least, hahahahaha (I have to mention that, otherwise Rani will lecture me againNaaaa, kidding, sweety!)
OYE OYE OYE to you too missy (x 2)…………….. !!
Am Rani:
Hahahaha, so do I, no language problems (Aaarrrrggghh, deutsch ist eine schreckliche sprache…) and the people are MUCH nicer. The one I met, at least, hahahahaha (I have to mention that, otherwise Rani will lecture me againNaaaa, kidding, sweety!)
Hahaha I totally agree with you Am Rani!! I didn't want to write that because of Boo and her preference for Germans
, but I never met a really nice person from Germany and I met lots of really nice Belgiums!! And I just love the way Belgiums talk!! Aahhww… *sighs*
Btw… the language can still be a problem in Belgium when you go to the French parts
Shakalaka Baby:
Hahaha, I was already wondering…Have I ever been in Holland? Uhm yes… for about the last 20 years
And Amz is right, it's really easy for us to visit Germany… But I do prefer our other neighbour, Belgium
Hahahaha, I just knew you were going to say something about that Boo Now you really got me thinking you're from Germany…
Oh I want to add something!!! If Boo is really from Germany (like I think), I've met one really nice person from Germany
Shakalaka Baby:
Btw… the language can still be a problem in Belgium when you go to the French parts
Not for me, ma Francais c'est plus meilleure que mon Allemand (not sure if this is completely correct, but what the heck )
Am Rani:
Hahahaha, so do I, no language problems (Aaarrrrggghh, deutsch ist eine schreckliche sprache…) and the people are MUCH nicer. The one I met, at least, hahahahaha (I have to mention that, otherwise Rani will lecture me againNaaaa, kidding, sweety!)
OYE OYE OYE to you too missy (x 2)……………..
I was already wondering why only Shakz got the “oye oye oye”
To continue the game:
pencil or pen?
Tea with sugar or tea with milk?
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
Btw… the language can still be a problem in Belgium when you go to the French parts
Not for me, ma Francais c'est plus meilleure que mon Allemand (not sure if this is completely correct, but what the heck
Hahaha, I dunno too!! It sounds perfect to me Aber… ich spreche besser Deutsch wie Französich (dunno if I wrote that correct
None, prefer tea with honey.
vanilla or cinnamon?
both…not together off coz 😉
cremes or lotions
Lipgloss or lipstick?
psht lipgloss.
cookies or cake? =D yeah i want cakeee!!
pearls or gem stones
gem stones
white gold or yellow gold?
yellow gold
lipstick or lipgloss ?
Leeeeepglosss off coz 😉
stripes or floral ?? lol
staying at a hotel or with family?
faaaamily …
trophies or medals
huh? Medals, I guess..
flowers or a box of chocolates (as a present)?
neither! (think jewelry Amz!)
fashion or function?
generally speaking, function…
smae q
Function for me too…
Sneakers or boots?
both!! One can never have enough shoes..
Shoes or bags?
agree with ye Amz…
soo me say both shoes an bagz
caramel or vanilla
Vanilla for sure!!
Coconut oil or baby oil?
coconut oil?
pharmacist or homemade remedy (for something not so serious)
define *not so serious* ??
I prefer painkillers for every ailment …ok not every
I guess it depends on what the problem is nah??
pineapples or oranges
Lions or tigers? (still thinking of lion chops, and I watched Kaal last weekend
uhm lions…reminds me of that lion that was roaring the name of Allah. That was just amazing =p
lead pencils or regular ones?
uhm… don't mind..
A lion roaring the name of Allah??? I just can't imagine…
movies or soaps?
Definitely movies!! Don't like soaps
ATWT or the Bold and the Beautiful?
Bold and the beautiful
Next>>>Sprite or Mountain dew?
whats mountain dew? iont think we get that here unless its mineral water? if it is mineral water i'd probably prefer that, but if not, then, Sprite!
past or present?
Yesterday or tomorrow?
Uhm… tomorrow, because it's yet to come.. You never know, tomorrow might change my life…
Saturday or Sunday?
Am Rani:
A lion roaring the name of Allah???I just can't imagine…
It's amazing, watch it.
Saturday, cuz I can sleep in and I have no school the next day!
hollywood or Bollywood (yeah, in a BWL forum? haha. u never know)
Bollywood of course!!!!! How can you even ask Rani?
Summer holiday or Winter holiday?
Am Rani:
Uhm… tomorrow, because it's yet to come.. You never know, tomorrow might change my life…
The first thing I thought of when I read your post was: Kal ho naa ho… But I'll bet your post was meant in a much more positive way
It was indeed meanded in a positive way. I try to welcome every day, it might be the start of the rest of my life. And you can see that in a positive or negative way, but I prefer to see it positively.. I was not in the “Kal ho naa ho” mood when I wrote my previous post.
Summer holiday
gras.s or trees?
green or purple?
green or purple?
on what? car? shirt? face? please be more specific next time
dude just asked which color lol. okay on a car purple is ugly =p. face???!! LMBO okay i'll go with shirt?
Hahahaha, LMBO!!
To answer the question properly… I'd go for a green shirt
A red rose or a pink rose?
cd or mp3 player?
cold weather or hot weather?
(We've asked that one a million times, huh? )
Yes indeed we did Rani, but everytime in a different way
I'd still prefer hot weather (but not too hot to make things difficult )
On holiday to South Africa or on holiday to Australia?
South Africa
lions or sharks?
Am Rani:
South Africa
lions or sharks?
again i asked..pls be more specific. as a pet or as a wild animal or as an option u would like to have for dinner?
Isnt is obvious, as a choice for dinner silly….
dancing in the rain, or long walks at the beach
nope, its not obvious at all!!
dancing at the beach
scary face or hideous face?
Wow wat an image, Cosmic dancing at the beach lmao
Off coz its scarface all da way dude, wat wud anyone want to do wud yr hideous face????
Online diaries ( blogs ) or the regular cute diaries…( books )
Scar face:
Wow wat an image, Cosmic dancing at the beach lmao
Hahahaha, Scarry!! You're great!! I'm lmbo here!! lol
Scar face:
Online diaries ( blogs ) or the regular cute diaries…( books )
Regular cute diaries (eventhough mine are far behind )
Swimming in the sea or lying on the beach? (specific enough for ya Serio )
Lying on the beach, than swimming in the sea, and than lying on the beach again, to get dry
lipstick or lipgloss ( to put on your lips, Serio)
watching the movie or reading the book?
watching THE movie or reading THE book?? what movie and which book? please be specific…how many times must i tell you?? jeezzz!!!
Reading A book…
What would you prefer? Watching Kal Ho Naa Ho on television or watching Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna on television?
(specific enough for ya ji? )
Well… to be honest… not specific enough… 'cause why did you choose Kal ho naa ho and Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna?? Why not Main hoon na and Fanaa? Why not another random movie? And why did you choose television? Why not cinema? Of watching it with friends? I don't think Serio would agree with your post, Shakz
But since I don't mind be specific or not, I say Kal ho naa ho, but only when I'm “in the mood”. And I will only watch it when I'm alone, so now one will be bothered when I start crying again
Sad movies or comedy's (to watch, doesn't mind where and with who..)
I can't choose! I love sad movies, but I also love a good comedy!
same q.
same q
none…more horror, with em blood sucking vampires…
hitting someone ( even though i dnt believe in violence ) or talking//discussing about a problem??
Hitting of course Nooo I'm just joking… I prefer to discuss it
Next: Sleeping in a five star hotel or sleeping in a bed & breakfast?
lol. sleeping in a five star hotel! Yeah baby!
sleeping with the lights off or on?
off, can't sleep with them on.
Looks or personality?
(serio, i don't feel like being specific )
u dont feel like or u just plain lazy to write it down?
i need both! cant have one without the other.
u dont feel like or u just plain lazy to write it down?
i need both! cant have one without the other.
yeah I'm lazy!
Personality comes first of course.
Shakalaka Baby:
Hitting of course
Nooo I'm just joking… I prefer to discuss it
Next: Sleeping in a five star hotel or sleeping in a bed & breakfast?
Joking?? Shakzeee u were supposed to be my support …now com on yaar…
get yr gear ready lol….okies things are not that bad, just felt like really hitting someone realllly hard lol
wat if u knw talking will produce lies or maybe it wont be lies …. but hey how wud I knw…my trust evaporated with that
one big lie…or more like deceit ..
off coz personality comes first Yumini
but a gud hot luker for a partner wudnt hurt nah?? then theres chemistry
u shud knw more more about this…. lol
I want really really reallly cute babies with tonza great personality lol …aaand my set of genes just wont accomplish both hahahaha
soooo a luker it is…..thankfully I have a few choices these days…
Fizzy drinks or fizz free drinks
Scar face:
Joking?? Shakzeee u were supposed to be my support …now com on yaar…
get yr gear ready lol….okies things are not that bad, just felt like really hitting someone realllly hard lol
Just go ahead Scarry, you've got my permission (eventhough I prefer to discuss it first )… as long as it's not me you want to hit
Scar face:
Fizzy drinks or fizz free drinks
fizzy drinks, but alcohol free.
Having awfully terrible nightmares that make you wake up screaming every night for a week and a half or not being able to go to sleep even for 5 mins for two and a half weeks?
(lol. no, I sleep fine, and I don't have any nightmares.)
Shakzeee, my life is too short to be angry for long periods, soo am not goin to hit anyone
aaand Jeeez wat a thot, me hitting u lmao , Neva..
I do have a terrible temper, and it brings back a very recent memory : ** during last years annual fashion show, my niece came along with
nywyz, during the midst of everything I slapped her…long story…
Yup and then felt reaaaaaaaalllllllllllly awful coz I hate seeing any1 I knw or luv upset and my being the cause of this made me feel even worse…
but then for her it was a moment and she was back to her annoying chirpy ***full of questions*** self …KIDS
Nw I wont choose either ..wud rather have a good nights sleep hahahaha
how can anyone choose between nightmares or sleepless n8's ….
next: Breyani or curry and rice
vanillaor cinamon?
Scar face:
Shakzeee, my life is too short to be angry for long periods, soo am not goin to hit anyone
Haha, good to read
aaand Jeeez wat a thot, me hitting u lmao , Neva..
That's good to read either
Am Rani:
vanilla or cinamon?
Carrots or cucumber???
carrots.. but only raw, not cooked.
pears or apples?
for the ladies: hair type,
bouncing curls or sleek and straight
hair gel or mousse?
Hair gel…
Which way would you prefer to colour your hair: permanent or temporary (dunno how else to explain in English, sorry)?
you explained just fine Shaks!
love songs or head banging, feel good songs?
Both!! Depends on my mood…
Sunflowers or roses?
Oooooooooooooooohhhhhh best question so far!!!!
regular dasies or gerber dasies?
Oooooooooooooooohhhhhh best question so far!!!!
regular dasies or gerber dasies?
salty or sweet?
just desi's. the hot and cute ones 😉
skind head or crew cut?
u must butt in, dont cha yummenivicious?
u must butt in, dont cha yummenivicious?
for sure.
just desi's. the hot and cute ones 😉
skind head or crew cut?
Ew, neither. Why, are u baldie?!
salty or sweet?
popcorn or crisps?
just desi's. the hot and cute ones 😉
skind head or crew cut?
Ew, neither. Why, are u baldie?!
lmao Nope he aint a baldie
hes got realllllly looooooong greasy smelly hair hahahaha
popcorn or crisps?
snakes or mice …..as pets off coz 😉
mistress (*snort & chuckle*) of one!
the last word or the last laugh?
The last laugh…
Hip Hop or Rap (as music to listen too )??
i guess hip hop
peter rabbit or easter bunny?
Peter Rabbit
Winnie the Pooh or Eeyoore?
Piglet or tigger??
tigger for sure 😉
casper or barney
Movie or musical?
Movie… because you can watch it on the couch in front of the telly, and you can just cry if it's a sad movie and no one else will see
Break dancing or country line dancing (to do or watch)??
To watch…break dancing.
To do…neither!
Can you do either of these Shaks?
headache or toothache?
real life or virtual life ?
at times…virtual…at times…real…at times…both…at times…none…at this moment…virtual.
thinking up a story in your head, then sharing it with someone, or actually writing it out on paper and then sharing it with someone?
I express myself better on paper
same q.
Thinking up a story, and share it only with myself.. I just keep daydreaming all the time, make up stories all the time, but I never share them.
radio or television
vhy not amzee, share share share ….am sure it
prefer the radio
dancing or singing
Singing… can't dance lol *
* Did I just answer your question Nessa?
NEXT: Ice skating or dancing on ice? (to do.. )
ice skating…
pepsi or coke?
Pringles or Lays?? (to eat )
pencils or pens?
Shakalaka Baby:
Singing… can't dance lol
* Did I just answer your question Nessa?
Yes u did Spicy Shakalaka!! rotflmao!
pencils or pens?
blue ink or black ink?
black ink.
I'm sorry, but I just have to answer this:
Shakalaka Baby:
NEXT: Ice skating or dancing on ice? (to do..)
DANCING ON ICE! That would be so much fun! I can just imagine ittttt! With Hayati and Ninja and OhmyAllah with rufus! She is soooo hilarious! I can just see Hayati and Rufus dancing, Ninja and I watching, then Hayati pulls in Ninja and u guys try to get me to dance too, but since I can't dance, I say NO WAY! But then I see rufus taking my hijaab, putting it on her hips, belly dancing, and making sure I'm dancing with her!!!! haha! That would be sooo sooo sooo soooo much FUN!!!
Reminds me of that wedding shower thing with Rufus!
gum or no gum? when ur bored? lol
oh! And I forgot the best part!!!! All of us just sliding on the ice and not getting much dancing in with all the falling! haha!
OhmyAllah! *jumps up and down*
RaNi iS ThE BeS:
oh! And I forgot the best part!!!! All of us just sliding on the ice and not getting much dancing in with all the falling! haha!
OhmyAllah! *jumps up and down*
wat a sight ranz, or rather pic u have put in my head. in fact its a beautiful pic lol
but then am thinking f all that slipping and sliding and bruises …omw 😉
besides I cant even balance with my feet firmly on the ground, so can imagine myself trying to dance and ski a lil
that too ON ICE lmao
Hahahaha, I guess there's not much iceskating to do in South Africa??
I learned iceskating when I was young… Not the ice dancing, but I guess the skating will do Shakz, can you iceskate?? We used to do it with school, once a year…
Can you guys swimm??
swimming or iceskating??
Ice skating or Snow boarding?
Ice skating!!
Of course I can skate on ice Am Rani… what a question!!! *tries to look shocked* I used to do it all the time when I was younger (and when the temperature still got below zero longer than just one day…)
Next: Riding a horse or riding a bike?
riding a horse!!!
riding a bike or riding a scooter?
Hahahaha, I guess there's not much iceskating to do in South Africa??
lol there actually is Amzeee.
just Scarry cant ice skate or balance herself even if shes barefoot, seriously
am not sure what the problem is soooo yeah
as for riding …havent doen that as well….MY BALANCING PROBLEMS lol
but am going to learn and beat this ….errrrrr wat u may calll it???? not sure
dancing the salsa or fox trot??
hmmmm… both nice!!! It depend on who you are dancing with.. No, can't choose…
Dancing on your own, of dancing with others?
dancing with others (someone to hide behind!)
same q?
Dancing with others… I'm afraid to dance (because I can't dance) and I really wouldn't go dancing on my own!!! I like your comment too Nessa Very true!!!
Dancing with SRK or dancing with Saif???
OfCourse Dancing With SRK.. (Dats My 1st And Last Wish)
Maritious OR Spain
Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain off coz
kenya or morrocaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bali or Java?
Shakalaka Baby:
Dancing with SRK or dancing with Saif???
Hahahahahahahahahaha, what kind of question is that??
Shakalaka Baby:
Bali or Java?
Java. Don't want to bother those love birds (Shakz and hubby.. sitting in a tree ) on Bali…
Indonesia or Malaysia?
Shakalaka Baby:
Dancing with others… I'm afraid to dance (because I can't dance) and I really wouldn't go dancing on my own!!!
And what about the wedding, huh?? Everybody will be waiting for the bride and groom to performe the first dance… You better practise, missy!
Hmm, your hubby doesn't seem to be a “dancing type” either, when I think it over… So maybe you guys will keep us waiting 'till the end of time…
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
Dancing with SRK or dancing with Saif???
Hahahahahahahahahaha, what kind of question is that??
It just sprang into my mind… It's a Bollywood forum after all
Am Rani:
Java. Don't want to bother those love birds (Shakz and hubby.. sitting in a tree ) on Bali…
Good decision… Than we won't have to be afraid that someone we know (I'm saying no name) is spying on us over there
Am Rani:
And what about the wedding, huh?? Everybody will be waiting for the bride and groom to performe the first dance… You better practise, missy!
Hmm, your hubby doesn't seem to be a “dancing type” either, when I think it over… So maybe you guys will keep us waiting 'till the end of time…
There will be NO DANCING at our wedding!!!! But of course if you like to perform a snake dance for us, be my guest
Am Rani:
Indonesia or Malaysia?
Both… can't choose!!
Saudi Arabia or Dubai??
Spain or Egypt?
Shakalaka Baby:
Good decision… Than we won't have to be afraid that someone we know (I'm saying no name) is spying on us over there
Believe me Shakz, that's the LAST thing I want to do. Or see…. And I don't want to go to Bali anyway…
Spain or Egypt?
elephants or dolphins? (don't ask me what the link is..)
ElephantS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Roti or rice ?
Am Rani:
Shakalaka Baby:
Good decision… Than we won't have to be afraid that someone we know (I'm saying no name) is spying on us over there
Believe me Shakz, that's the LAST thing I want to do. Or see….
And I don't want to go to Bali anyway…
Whahaha, good to know!!
ElephantS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Roti or rice ?
Japan or China?
Hmmmm heard china is a lekker plek, soooo guess China…
South Africa or Madagascar??/
Lol ..
South Africa…
Chocolate Milkshake or Banana Milkshake????
excellent choice 🙂
choc milkshake with em choc sprinkles
milo chocolate or toffee chocolate
milo chocolate
Air journey / Sea journey ?
Definitely air journey!!! I'll get seasick otherwise..
Karaoke or playback?
Tea or Coffee
Tea…that to masala tea….
Winter or Summer
ofcourse Winter.
Sandy beach / Hilly forest ?
sandy beach
India or Abroad
India is abroad for me…
sooo wud say r8…anywhere but here….hahahaha
dogs or cats
Tota or Mynah
wats tota??
myna?? as in the myna bird r8??
would prefer birds..if dats watye mean
bears or wolves
Scar face:
wats tota??
myna?? as in the myna bird r8??
would prefer birds..if dats watye mean
bears or wolves
Tota means Parrot
Mynah singing Bird [both are birds]
[no reply, but only clarification]
carry on with game.
bears of wolves…
glasses or contact lenses?
erm glasses i suppose
srk kajol or srk rani
kajol off coz 🙂
water or juice
Water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more healthy foryour body & i hear its effective in weight control!!!!
& plus its good for your skin & like everything else hehe
sunshine or cloudy day
cloudy day with a nice breeze
yelloe or pink …as in colors
Laying on the beach or laying in the grass?? (both on a nice sunny day of course )
yuk, ooopz dis aint the yuk game
errr am allergic to the sun, am a closet vampire u see
hand cremes or lotions
Both!! Really can't choose…
Next: The chicken or the egg?
Btw: laying on the beach or on the grass in the shadow is also okay Scarry… you can still choose!!
lmao..hmmm okies then lying on the beach in the dead hour..hahahahaaaa
have u ever been to the beach at around midn8, freaky, errrr okies depends who u go with
but its also damn beautiful…
anywayz chicken I guess…
vampires or phantoms
vampires much better.
scary scar face or ghostly boogedy boo?
vampires much better.
scary scar face or ghostly boogedy boo?
I agree tooo….vampires ROCK…
now now …dnt involve Scarry in wateva shady biz u and Boo have going u hear me..dats DISGUSTING…
lemon or lime
Apple juice or orange juice??
Pfff, the forum is acting really strange… I get weird messages all the time
shakzee – what weird msgs do you get?
orange juice
black hair or brown hair
shakzee – what weird msgs do you get?
hmmm Yeah Shakzeeee, watye talking bout????????
how come no one messes with me.???…roflmao..
orange juice
black hair or brown hair
ON WAT EXACTLY kavs?? pls dnt tell me you are going to dye yr cats fur brown/black now…lol..kiddin
Red hair on Moi..Hahahahahaaaa….
fangs or claws
lol i dont have a cat anymore…it ran away
red hair on you must look hot
Hi Kavita! Hope you are fine..
Person bove you or person below you?
lol i dont have a cat anymore…it ran away
oye, u scaring em kitties, lol….okies me gonna sendye another…
red hair on you must look hot
wat the red on my hair or me with red colored hair??
uuurrhhhhhhhhmmm lmao..when i get it done, will sendye a pic, u TELL me okies hahaha
Am Rani:
Hi Kavita! Hope you are fine..
Person bove you or person below you?
derz no one below me so me chooses both of ye above me ….
salted popcorn or flavoured popcorn ( eg..chives or wateva)
Salted, hmmmmmm
Cinema or theatre?
arent they the same thing?
cinema is place where ppl go to watch a movie where as theatre where actors perform live in front of audience.
indian idol 1 or indian idol 2?
Indian Idol 1 (coz of Abhijeet Sawant, he is so cute)
Next>>>Saregamapa Challenge 2005 or Ek Main aur Ek Tu?
Ek Main aur Ek Tu … it was different having couple singers competing 🙂
Coffee with Karan or Rendezvous with Simi Garewal?
lavender or sandal wood
Sandal wood! … 🙂
Prem Chopra or Ranjit ?
prem chopz off coz
abishek or Hritikkkkkkkk
abhishk makes extra attempt to look cool…but he isn;t as Hrithik.
Rishi Kapoor/Neetu Singh or Shahruk Khan/Kajol?
srk & Kajol 🙂
fountains or rivers
Ocean or pool?
Ocean………oh me miss da ocean…blissssss….peace…beautiful…
oooppppz sorrie…
balloooonz or candy floss
sweet or salty? eh?
coffee or tea
coffee! …
flower or bouquet?
Blue or red?
FM or Worldspace?
tv or computer?
both… Computer to hook with frnds and surf and TV to watch some good informative programs or movies on DVD! 😀
Mobile or landline?
LOL why does that remind me of that commercial…where the guy is saying…
'She don't love me, but she loves my automobile'
I think that commercial is hilarious, I laugh so hard everyt time it comes on roflmbo!!
okayokay next:
pens or pencils?
Pencils! … That was part of our childhood and our growing up! 🙂
Jogging or evening walk?
basketball or tennis
Basketball!!! 😀 … this game has speed and fun!
chat or blog?
fur or wool
ummm… on 1st thot it comes for fur but then it is made of animal skin and is just bloody show-off. So i take it wool! 🙂
summers or winters?
Definitely Summers!!! Winters are just too cold…
Snow or ice?
Snow! 🙂
Goa or Gangotri? 😉
Tigers or lions?
rats or cockroaches?
I don't like both, haha!
Mice or rats?
yucky…neither one
Amrita Rao or Arora?
Amrita rao is better
home cooked food or five star food?